123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284 |
- COMMENT(-- $Id: rxvtRef-menubar.yo,v 1.4 2000/07/05 08:17:48 gcw Exp $ --)
- label(menuBar)
- nsect(menuBar)
- bf(The exact syntax used is em(almost) solidified.) nl()\
- In the menus, bf(DON'T) try to use menuBar commands that add or remove a
- menuBar.
- Note that in all of the commands, the bf(em(/path/)) em(cannot) be omitted:
- use bf(./) to specify a menu relative to the current menu.
- nsubsect(Overview of menuBar operation)
- For the menuBar XTerm escape sequence tt(ESC ] 10 ; Pt ST), the
- syntax of tt(Pt) can be used for a variety of tasks:
- startit()
- it()link(Commands)(menuBarCommands)
- it()link(Adding and accessing menus)(menuBarAdd)
- it()link(Removing menus)(menuBarRemove)
- it()link(Quick Arrows)(menuBarArrows)
- it()link(Command Summary)(menuBarSummary)
- endit()
- At the top level is the current menuBar which is a member of a circular
- linked-list of other such menuBars.
- The menuBar acts as a parent for the various drop-down menus, which in turn,
- may have labels, separator lines, menuItems and subMenus.
- The menuItems are the useful bits: you can use them to mimic keyboard input
- or even to send text or escape sequences back to rxvt.
- The menuBar syntax is intended to provide a simple yet robust method of
- constructing and manipulating menus and navigating through the menuBars.
- The first step is to use the tag bf([menu:em(name)]) which creates the
- menuBar called em(name) and allows access.
- You may now link(add)(menuBarAdd) or link(remove)(menuBarRemove) menus,
- subMenus, and menuItems. Finally, use the tag bf([done]) to set the menuBar
- access as bf(readonly) to prevent accidental corruption of the menus.
- To re-access the current menuBar for alterations, use the tag bf([menu]),
- make the alterations and then use bf([done])
- label(menuBarCommands)
- nsubsect(Commands)
- startdl()
- dl(bf([menu:+em(name)]))
- (access the named menuBar for creation or alteration. If a new menuBar
- is created, it is called em(name) (max of 15 chars) and the current
- menuBar is pushed onto the stack)
- P()\
- dl(bf([menu]))
- (access the current menuBar for alteration)
- P()\
- dl(bf([title:+em(string)]))
- (set the current menuBar's title to em(string), which may contain the
- following format specifiers: nl()\
- bf(%%) : literal bf(%) character nl()\
- bf(%n) : rxvt name (as per the bf(-name) command-line option) nl()\
- bf(%v) : rxvt version)
- P()\
- dl(bf([done]))
- (set menuBar access as bf(readonly). nl()\
- End-of-file tag for bf([read:+em(file)]) operations.)
- P()\
- dl(bf([read:+em(file)]))
- (read menu commands directly from em(file) (extension ".menu" will be
- appended if required.) Start reading at a line with bf([menu]) or
- bf([menu:+em(name)) and continuing until bf([done]) is encountered.
- Blank and comment lines (starting with bf(#)) are ignored.
- Actually, since any invalid menu commands are also ignored, almost
- anything could be construed as a comment line, but this may be
- tightened up in the future ... so don't count on it!.)
- P()\
- dl(bf([read:+em(file);+em(name)]))
- (The same as bf([read:+em(file)]), but start reading at a line with
- bf([menu:+em(name)]) and continuing until bf([done:+em(name)]) or
- bf([done]) is encountered.)
- P()\
- dl(bf([dump]))
- (dump all menuBars to the file bf(/tmp/rxvt-PID) in a format suitable
- for later rereading.)
- P()\
- dl(bf([rm:name]nl()[rm] [rm:]nl()[rm*] [rm:*]))
- (remove the named menuBar nl()\
- remove the current menuBar nl()\
- remove all menuBars)
- P()\
- dl(bf([swap]))
- (swap the top two menuBars)
- P()\
- dl(bf([prev]nl()[next]))
- (access the previous or next menuBar)
- P()\
- dl(bf([show]nl()[hide]))
- (control display of the menuBar ... just like
- link(ESC[?10 h/l)(Priv10))
- P()\
- dl(bf([pixmap:+em(name)]nl()[pixmap:+em(name);em(scaling)]))
- (set the background pixmap globally ... just like
- link(ESC ] 20 ; Pt ST)(XPM)
- bf(A Future implementation em(may) make this local to the menubar))
- P()\
- dl(bf([:+em(command):]))
- (ignore the menu readonly status and issue a em(command) to
- link(Add/Modify)(menuBarAdd) or link(Remove)(menuBarRemove) a menu or
- menuitem or change the link(Quick Arrows)(menuBarArrows); a useful
- shortcut for setting the quick arrows from a menuBar.)
- enddl()
- label(menuBarAdd)
- nsubsect(Adding and accessing menus)
- The following commands may also be bf(+) prefixed.
- startdl()
- dl(bf(/+nl()./+nl()../+nl()../../))
- (access menuBar top level nl()\
- access current menu level nl()\
- access parent menu (1 level up) nl()\
- access parent menu (multiple levels up))
- dl(bf(em(/path/)menu))
- (add/access menu)
- dl(bf(em(/path/)menu/*))
- (add/access menu and clear it if it exists)
- dl(bf(em(/path/){-}))
- (add separator)
- dl(bf(em(/path/){item}))
- (add bf(item) as a label)
- dl(bf(em(/path/){item} action))
- (add/alter em(menuitem) with an associated em(action))
- dl(bf(em(/path/){item}{right-text}))
- (add/alter em(menuitem) with bf(right-text) as the right-justified
- text and as the associated em(action))
- dl(bf(em(/path/){item}{rtext} action))
- (add/alter em(menuitem) with an associated em(action) and with
- bf(rtext) as the right-justified text.)
- enddl()
- startdl()
- dl(Special characters in em(action) must be backslash-escaped:)
- (bf(\a \b \E \e \n \r \t \octal))
- dl(or in control-character notation:)
- (bf(^@, ^A .. ^Z .. ^_, ^?))
- enddl()
- To send a string starting with a bf(NUL) (bf(^@)) character to the program,
- start em(action) with a pair of bf(NUL) characters (bf(^@^@)), the first of
- which will be stripped off and the balance directed to the program.
- Otherwise if em(action) begins with bf(NUL) followed by non-+bf(NUL)
- characters, the leading bf(NUL) is stripped off and the balance is sent back
- to rxvt.
- As a convenience for the many Emacs-type editors, em(action) may start
- with bf(M-) (eg, bf(M-$) is equivalent to bf(\E$)) and a bf(CR) will be
- appended if missed from bf(M-x) commands.
- As a convenience for issuing XTerm bf(ESC]) sequences from a menubar
- (or quick arrow), a bf(BEL) (bf(^G)) will be appended if needed.
- startdl()
- dl(For example,)
- (bf(M-xapropos) is equivalent to bf(\Exapropos\r))
- dl(and)
- (bf(\E]10;mona;100) is equivalent to bf(\E]10;mona;100\a))
- enddl()
- The option bf({em(right-rtext)}) will be right-justified. In the absence of
- a specified action, this text will be used as the em(action) as well.
- startdl()
- dl(For example,)
- (bf(/File/{Open}{^X^F}) is equivalent to bf(/File/{Open}{^X^F} ^X^F))
- enddl()
- The left label em(is) necessary, since it's used for matching,
- but implicitly hiding the left label (by using same name for both left
- and right labels), or explicitly hiding the left label (by preceeding
- it with a dot), makes it possible to have right-justified text only.
- startdl()
- dl(For example,)
- (bf(/File/{Open}{Open} Open-File-Action))
- dl(or hiding it)
- (bf(/File/{.anylabel}{Open} Open-File-Action))
- enddl()
- label(menuBarRemove)
- nsubsect(Removing menus)
- startdl()
- dl(bf(-/*+nl()-+em(/path)menu+nl()-+em(/path){item}+nl()-+em(/path){-}))
- (remove all menus from the menuBar, the same as bf([clear])nl()\
- remove menu nl()\
- remove item nl()\
- remove separator)
- dl(bf(-/path/menu/*))
- (remove all items, separators and submenus from menu)
- enddl()
- label(menuBarArrows)
- nsubsect(Quick Arrows)
- The menus also provide a hook for em(quick arrows) to provide easier user
- access. If nothing has been explicitly set, the default is to emulate the
- curror keys. The syntax permits each arrow to be altered individually or
- all four at once without re-entering their common beginning/end text. For
- example, to explicitly associate cursor actions with the arrows, any of
- the following forms could be used:
- startdl()
- dl(bf(<r>+em(Right)nl()<l>+em(Left)nl()<u>+em(Up)nl()<d>+em(Down)))
- (Define actions for the respective arrow buttons)
- dl(bf(<b>+em(Begin)nl()<e>+em(End)))
- (Define common beginning/end parts for em(quick arrows) which used
- in conjunction with the above <r> <l> <u> <d> constructs)
- enddl()
- startdl()
- dl(For example, define arrows individually,)
- (bf(<u>\E[A nl()\
- <d>\E[B nl()\
- <r>\E[C nl()\
- <l>\E[D))
- dl(or all at once)
- (bf(<u>\E[A<d>\E[B<r>\E[C<l>\E[D))
- dl(or more compactly (factoring out common parts))
- (bf(<b>\E[<u>A<d>B<r>C<l>D))
- enddl()
- label(menuBarSummary)
- nsubsect(Command Summary)
- A short summary of the most em(common) commands:
- startdl()
- dl([menu:name])
- (use an existing named menuBar or start a new one)
- dl([menu])
- (use the current menuBar)
- dl([title:string])
- (set menuBar title)
- dl([done])
- (set menu access to readonly and, if reading from a file, signal EOF)
- dl([done:name])
- (if reading from a file using [read:file;name] signal EOF)
- dl([rm:name]+nl()[rm] [rm:]+nl()[rm*] [rm:*])
- (remove named, current, or all menuBar(s))
- dl([swap])
- (swap top two menuBars)
- dl([prev]+nl()[next])
- (access the previous/next menuBar)
- dl([show]+nl()[hide])
- (map/unmap menuBar)
- dl([pixmap;file]+nl()[pixmap;file;scaling])
- (set a background pixmap)
- dl([read:file]+nl()[read:file;name])
- (read in a menu from a file)
- dl([dump])
- (dump out all menuBars to /tmp/rxvt-PID)
- dl(/)
- (access menuBar top level)
- dl(./+nl()../+nl()../../)
- (access current or parent menu level)
- dl(/path/menu)
- (add/access menu)
- dl(/path/{-})
- (add separator)
- dl(/path/{item}{rtext} action)
- (add/alter menu item+nl()({rtext} and/or action, may be omitted))
- dl(-/*)
- (remove all menus from the menuBar)
- dl(-/path/menu)
- (remove menu items, separators and submenus from menu)
- dl(-/path/menu)
- (remove menu)
- dl(-/path/{item})
- (remove item)
- dl(-/path/{-})
- (remove separator)
- dl(<b>Begin<r>Right<l>Left<u>Up<d>Down<e>End)
- (menu quick arrows)
- enddl()