123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181 |
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ifeq ($(strip $(DEVKITARM)),)
- $(error "Please set DEVKITARM in your environment. export DEVKITARM=<path to>devkitARM")
- endif
- include $(DEVKITARM)/3ds_rules
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # TARGET is the name of the output
- # BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
- # SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
- # DATA is a list of directories containing data files
- # INCLUDES is a list of directories containing header files
- #
- # NO_SMDH: if set to anything, no SMDH file is generated.
- # APP_TITLE is the name of the app stored in the SMDH file (Optional)
- # APP_DESCRIPTION is the description of the app stored in the SMDH file (Optional)
- # APP_AUTHOR is the author of the app stored in the SMDH file (Optional)
- # ICON is the filename of the icon (.png), relative to the project folder.
- # If not set, it attempts to use one of the following (in this order):
- # - <Project name>.png
- # - icon.png
- # - <libctru folder>/default_icon.png
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TARGET := $(notdir $(CURDIR))
- BUILD := build
- SOURCES := src
- DATA := data
- INCLUDES := inc
- APP_TITLE := Sapphire
- APP_DESCRIPTION := The freeShop sysmodule
- APP_AUTHOR := arc13
- APP_TITLE := $(shell echo "$(APP_TITLE)" | cut -c1-128)
- APP_DESCRIPTION := $(shell echo "$(APP_DESCRIPTION)" | cut -c1-256)
- APP_AUTHOR := $(shell echo "$(APP_AUTHOR)" | cut -c1-128)
- APP_PRODUCT_CODE:= $(shell echo $(APP_PRODUCT_CODE) | cut -c1-16)
- APP_UNIQUE_ID := $(shell echo $(APP_UNIQUE_ID) | cut -c1-8)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # options for code generation
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ARCH := -march=armv6k -mtune=mpcore -mfloat-abi=hard
- CFLAGS := -g -Wall -Wno-format -O0 -mword-relocations \
- -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math \
- $(ARCH)
- CXXFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -fno-rtti -std=gnu++11
- ASFLAGS := -g $(ARCH)
- LDFLAGS = -specs=3dsx.specs -g $(ARCH) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $*.map)
- LIBS := -lturbojpeg -lz -lctru -lm
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
- # include and lib
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LIBDIRS := $(CTRULIB) $(DEVKITPRO)/portlibs/armv6k
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
- # rules for different file extensions
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
- export TOPDIR := $(CURDIR)
- export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
- $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
- export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)
- CFILES := $(shell find $(SOURCES) -name '*.c' -printf "%P\n") #$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
- CPPFILES := $(shell find $(SOURCES) -name '*.cpp' -printf "%P\n") #$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
- SFILES := $(shell find $(SOURCES) -name '*.s' -printf "%P\n") #$(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
- BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*)))
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- export LD := $(CC)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- export LD := $(CXX)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- endif
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- export OFILES := $(addsuffix .o,$(BINFILES)) \
- $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(SFILES:.s=.o)
- export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)/include) \
- $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
- -I$(CURDIR)/$(BUILD) \
- export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) \
- $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-L$(CURDIR)/$(dir)/lib)
- ifeq ($(strip $(ICON)),)
- icons := $(wildcard *.png)
- ifneq (,$(findstring $(TARGET).png,$(icons)))
- export APP_ICON := $(TOPDIR)/$(TARGET).png
- else
- ifneq (,$(findstring icon.png,$(icons)))
- export APP_ICON := $(TOPDIR)/icon.png
- endif
- endif
- else
- export APP_ICON := $(TOPDIR)/$(ICON)
- endif
- .PHONY: $(BUILD) clean all
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- all: $(BUILD)
- $(BUILD):
- @[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
- @find $(SOURCES) -type d -printf "%P\0" | xargs -0 -I {} mkdir -p $(BUILD)/{}
- @make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- clean:
- @echo clean ...
- @rm -rf $(BUILD) $(TARGET).3dsx $(OUTPUT).smdh $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).3ds $(TARGET).cia
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- else
- DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # main targets
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ifeq ($(strip $(NO_SMDH)),)
- .PHONY: all
- all : $(OUTPUT).cia
- endif
- $(OUTPUT).elf : $(OFILES)
- $(OUTPUT)-stripped.elf: $(OUTPUT).elf
- @cp $(OUTPUT).elf $(OUTPUT)-stripped.elf
- @$(PREFIX)strip $(OUTPUT)-stripped.elf
- $(OUTPUT).cia: $(OUTPUT)-stripped.elf
- @makerom -f cia -o $(OUTPUT).cia -rsf $(TOPDIR)/res/cia.rsf -target t -exefslogo -elf $(OUTPUT)-stripped.elf -DAPP_TITLE="$(APP_TITLE)" -DAPP_PRODUCT_CODE="$(APP_PRODUCT_CODE)" -DAPP_UNIQUE_ID="$(APP_UNIQUE_ID)"
- @echo "built ... $(notdir $@)"
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # you need a rule like this for each extension you use as binary data
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %.bin.o : %.bin
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @echo $(notdir $<)
- @$(bin2o)
- -include $(DEPENDS)
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- endif
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------