123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234 |
- # Maintainer: David P. <megver83@parabola.nu>
- # Maintainer (arch): David Runge <dvzrv@archlinux.org>
- # Contributor: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
- # Contributor: Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org>
- # Contributor: bill-auger <bill-auger@programmer.net>
- # Parabola changes and rationale:
- # libre:
- # - Patch the licenses list to mark more licenses as FSDG-compliant
- # - Do not install (potentially) non-free licenses
- # - Comment doubtful but possibly free licenses from standard_licenses
- # technical:
- # - retain the legacy license file locations as symlinks
- # this is most important currently for libretools <=20240707
- _upstream_name=license-list-data
- _upstream_version=3.24.0
- pkgname=licenses
- pkgver=20240728
- pkgrel=1
- pkgrel+=.parabola1
- pkgdesc="A set of common license files"
- arch=(any)
- license=(LicenseRef-None)
- url=https://www.parabola.nu/
- makedepends=(
- jq
- )
- source=(
- $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version.tar.gz::https://github.com/spdx/$_upstream_name/archive/refs/tags/v$_upstream_version.tar.gz
- )
- sha512sums=('6eb81424e1b3173dbd8e17859b2e15dfe1c2af8f4da59b7dad0729c038a4cbdba95c34c2c546285fcdbbd41562e39575e6a6ebb9463b70121e0a12b99d1307e7')
- b2sums=('b3b7e1d1b3610b079b133bd2d2682b9c8042a164a9cad8e43ee4f6fc3e6abe313285ea8b7ddce08789a574588691f6b1b67c3440a0d8526f5168d7ec8ca8cf41')
- # parabola
- source+=(known_libre_license_exceptions
- mark-unspecified-isFsfLibre-licenses.patch)
- sha512sums+=('c92e9d038633d6f90a43b3be6f1adfd98e899ebea0237cd579822e9e0a032c02956fdf12361da5baac039c50159664f987a84799e3aa4d28b74a531d8036018d'
- '3745d20df91d1c2b1e2a161f594da4c7d62598cb5faa4518c9626221955f90cb3f62ca40f59d22dc3a9f5c2f64b296cb1bca63d2a2dbe16be748c8ee3e0131b3')
- b2sums+=('8ef3ce46e490a0d45f55dab84252c7dc0bee43cbb16685ff5b063dfd700a9413387929ced195a99798c78b70a2db385cdbe0635bc84ffa261f3861fc7ba17674'
- 'b124b04eb881b73afcb721465d1844e1e5ef6bfd24da7371b5b767284582872e2ec9efe782e374b3e1b0318ef74124150434478932fd26467ccae4d6e60b6802')
- prepare() {
- local license
- touch known_spdx_license_exceptions.txt known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt
- # create list of known, non-deprecated SPDX license identifiers
- for license in $(jq -r '.licenses[] | select(.isDeprecatedLicenseId == false) | .licenseId' $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/json/licenses.json); do
- printf "%s\n" "$license" >> known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt
- done
- # create list of known SPDX exception identifiers
- for license in $(jq -r '.exceptions[] | .licenseExceptionId' $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/json/exceptions.json); do
- printf "%s\n" "$license" >> known_spdx_license_exceptions.txt
- done
- ## parabola patching ##
- # Set 'isFsfLibre' for some more known FSDG-compatible licenses in json/licenses.json.
- # The 'scrape-GNU-licenses.py' script can be used as a guide for maintaining this patch.
- # NOTE: SPDX 'FSFAP' is the 'GNU All-Permissive License (GNUAllPermissive)'
- # The following licenses were removed from the initial patch
- # because they are not present on the GNU License List.
- # We should find a reference for these.
- # * LGPLLR
- # * libpng-2.0
- # * libselinux-1.0
- # * libtiff
- # * libutil-David-Nugent
- echo "applying mark-unspecified-isFsfLibre-licenses.patch"
- patch -Np1 -i $srcdir/mark-unspecified-isFsfLibre-licenses.patch -d $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version
- # remove from the identifiers list, SPDX license identifiers of non-FSDG-fit licenses
- for license in $(jq -r '.licenses[] | select(.isDeprecatedLicenseId == false) | select(.isFsfLibre != true) | .licenseId' $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/json/licenses.json); do
- sed -i "/^${license}$/d" ./known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt
- done
- # append to the identifiers list, SPDX license identifiers of other known FSDG-fit licenses
- for license in $(jq -r '.licenses[] | select(.isDeprecatedLicenseId == false) | select(.isFsfLibre == true) | .licenseId' $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/json/licenses.json); do
- grep -Eq ^${license}$ ./known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt ||
- printf "%s\n" "$license" >> known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt
- done
- # remove from the exceptions list, SPDX license identifiers of non-FSDG-fit licenses
- for license in $(jq -r '.exceptions[] | .licenseExceptionId' $_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/json/exceptions.json); do
- grep -Eq ^${license}$ ./known_libre_license_exceptions ||
- sed -i "/^${license}$/d" ./known_spdx_license_exceptions.txt
- done
- }
- package() {
- local license
- local standard_licenses=(
- AGPL-3.0-only
- AGPL-3.0-or-later
- Apache-2.0
- Artistic-1.0-Perl
- Artistic-2.0
- BSL-1.0
- CC0-1.0
- CC-BY-1.0
- CC-BY-2.0
- CC-BY-2.5
- CC-BY-3.0-AT
- CC-BY-3.0
- CC-BY-3.0-US
- CC-BY-4.0
- CC-BY-NC-1.0
- CC-BY-NC-2.0
- CC-BY-NC-2.5
- CC-BY-NC-3.0
- CC-BY-NC-4.0
- CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0
- CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0
- CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5
- CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0
- CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
- CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0
- CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0
- CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5
- CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0
- CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
- CC-BY-ND-1.0
- CC-BY-ND-2.0
- CC-BY-ND-2.5
- CC-BY-ND-3.0
- CC-BY-ND-4.0
- CC-BY-SA-1.0
- CC-BY-SA-2.0
- CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
- CC-BY-SA-2.1-JP
- CC-BY-SA-2.5
- CC-BY-SA-3.0-AT
- CC-BY-SA-3.0
- CC-BY-SA-4.0
- CDDL-1.0
- CDDL-1.1
- CPL-1.0
- EPL-1.0
- EPL-2.0
- GFDL-1.1-invariants-only
- GFDL-1.1-invariants-or-later
- GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-only
- GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-or-later
- GFDL-1.1-only
- GFDL-1.1-or-later
- GFDL-1.2-invariants-only
- GFDL-1.2-invariants-or-later
- GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-only
- GFDL-1.2-no-invariants-or-later
- GFDL-1.2-only
- GFDL-1.2-or-later
- GFDL-1.3-invariants-only
- GFDL-1.3-invariants-or-later
- GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
- GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later
- GFDL-1.3-only
- GFDL-1.3-or-later
- GPL-1.0-only
- GPL-1.0-or-later
- GPL-2.0-only
- GPL-2.0-or-later
- GPL-3.0-only
- GPL-3.0-or-later
- GPL-CC-1.0
- LGPL-2.0-only
- LGPL-2.0-or-later
- LGPL-2.1-only
- LGPL-2.1-or-later
- LGPL-3.0-only
- LGPL-3.0-or-later
- LPPL-1.0
- LPPL-1.1
- LPPL-1.2
- LPPL-1.3a
- LPPL-1.3c
- MPL-1.0
- MPL-1.1
- MPL-2.0
- PHP-3.01
- PHP-3.0
- PSF-2.0
- Ruby
- Unlicense
- W3C
- ZPL-1.1
- ZPL-2.0
- ZPL-2.1
- )
- standard_licenses=( ${standard_licenses[*]/CC-BY-NC-*/} ) # non-free
- standard_licenses=( ${standard_licenses[*]/CC-BY-ND-*/} ) # non-free
- standard_licenses=( ${standard_licenses[*]/LPPL-1.0/} ) # non-free
- standard_licenses=( ${standard_licenses[*]/LPPL-1.1/} ) # non-free
- for i in "${!standard_licenses[@]}"; do
- [[ -n "${standard_licenses[$i]}" ]] || unset "standard_licenses[$i]"
- done
- local standard_exceptions=(
- GPL-3.0-linking-exception
- GPL-3.0-linking-source-exception
- LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
- Linux-syscall-note
- MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception
- )
- for license in "${standard_licenses[@]}"; do
- install -vDm 644 "$_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/text/$license.txt" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/spdx/"
- done
- for license in "${standard_exceptions[@]}"; do
- install -vDm 644 "$_upstream_name-$_upstream_version/text/$license.txt" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/spdx/exceptions/"
- done
- install -vDm 644 known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/"
- install -vDm 644 known_spdx_license_exceptions.txt -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/"
- # legacy support
- local known_licenses
- local legacy_dir="${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/common
- mapfile -t known_licenses < known_spdx_license_identifiers.txt
- for license in "${known_licenses[@]}"; do
- install -dm755 "${legacy_dir}"/${license}
- ln -s ../../spdx/${license}.txt "${legacy_dir}"/${license}/${license}.txt
- done
- }