.gitignore 455 B

  1. # Common text-editor files
  2. *~
  3. \#*#
  4. # Files created by various libretools
  5. pkg/
  6. src/
  7. pkg-libre/
  8. src-libre/
  9. librefetch.*
  10. *.log
  11. # Common binary files. If you have downloaded sources=() that don't
  12. # match one of these, you should probably add those to a per-package
  13. # .gitignore file, rather than adding them here.
  14. *.7z
  15. *.asc
  16. !**/keys/pgp/*.asc
  17. *.bz2
  18. *.bdf*
  19. *.deb
  20. *.gz
  21. *.oxt
  22. *.pbm
  23. *.ppm
  24. *.sig
  25. *.sign
  26. *.tar
  27. *.tbz
  28. *.tgz
  29. *.txz
  30. *.xpi
  31. *.xz
  32. *.zip
  33. *.zst
  34. *.zstd