123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438 |
- # Maintainer (arch): Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens@gmail.com>
- # Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru@archlinux.org>
- # Contributor: Jakub Schmidtke <sjakub@gmail.com>
- # Contributor: Figue <ffigue at gmail>
- # Contributor: fauno <fauno@kiwwwi.com.ar>
- # Contributor: evr <evanroman at gmail>
- # Contributor: Muhammad 'MJ' Jassim <UnbreakableMJ@gmail.com>
- # Contributor: vando <facundo@esdebian.org>
- # Contributor: André Silva <emulatorman@hyperbola.info>
- # Contributor: Henry Jensen <hjensen@connochaetos.org>
- # Contributor: Luke Shumaker <lukeshu@parabola.nu>
- # Contributor: Márcio Silva <coadde@hyperbola.info>
- # Maintainer: Andreas Grapentin <andreas@grapentin.org>
- # Contributor: bill-auger <bill-auger@programmer.net>
- # Contributor: grizzlyuser <grizzlyuser@protonmail.com>
- # NOTE: icecat (60.7 < V <= 78.10) are not upstream releases
- # upstream releases would normally have '-gnu' appended to $_upstream_ver
- # this build is based on gnuzilla VCS developement sources
- # rev: b72c22186cf381d7b1f93be550c9da30865d03b4
- pkgname=icecat
- _upstream_ver=78.10.0-pre2 # -gnu1
- pkgver=${_upstream_ver//-/_}
- pkgrel=1
- pkgdesc="the GNU web browser, based on Mozilla Firefox ESR"
- arch=(x86_64 i686 armv7h)
- license=(MPL GPL LGPL)
- url=http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/
- depends=(gtk3 libxt mime-types dbus-glib ffmpeg nss ttf-font libpulse)
- makedepends=(m4 unzip zip diffutils python2-setuptools yasm mesa imake inetutils
- xorg-server-xvfb autoconf2.13 rust clang llvm jack gtk2
- python nodejs python2-psutil cbindgen nasm)
- makedepends+=(mozilla-searchplugins jq)
- if [[ "${CARCH}" == 'i686' ]]
- then makedepends=(${makedepends[*]/llvm/llvm10}) # FIXME: i686 configure fails with LLVM11
- # rustup: error while loading shared libraries: libLLVM-10.so
- makedepends=(${makedepends[*]/rust/rust=1:1.47.0}) # FIXME: Sandbox: seccomp sandbox violation
- else makedepends=(${makedepends[*]/rust/rust=1:1.49.0}) # https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnuzilla-dev/2021-04/msg00000.html
- fi
- optdepends=('networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks'
- 'libnotify: Notification integration'
- 'pulseaudio: Audio support'
- 'speech-dispatcher: Text-to-Speech'
- 'hunspell-en_US: Spell checking, American English')
- options=(!emptydirs !makeflags !strip)
- source=(https://repo.parabola.nu/other/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${_upstream_ver}.tar.bz2{,.sig}
- icecat.desktop icecat-safe.desktop
- 0001-Use-remoting-name-for-GDK-application-names.patch
- rust_1.48.patch.gz)
- source+=(searchplugins_list.json
- 9003-misc-libre.patch)
- source_i686=('rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch')
- sha256sums=('f4334ab97a30bf8e8fe400c55ed00fcea1d44536dc6df1c7f65fec8eae1664a3'
- 'SKIP'
- 'e00dbf01803cdd36fd9e1c0c018c19bb6f97e43016ea87062e6134bdc172bc7d'
- '33dd309eeb99ec730c97ba844bf6ce6c7840f7d27da19c82389cdefee8c20208'
- 'e0eaec8ddd24bbebf4956563ebc6d7a56f8dada5835975ee4d320dd3d0c9c442'
- 'c7f867ccee684939c9f0a9c30ea69127077bbe43af545a03f09dfbbdc02545a9')
- sha256sums+=('3edb4add450f94c579f2df7c16ac4d9bd9f5c6acf3fbd8a05ce24c21c317257d'
- '28029afa3201e1be8138be06f741c59d64869edf0c9e90dbb05cfa6b5fff4ecd')
- sha256sums_i686=('068efe37a99561490e6ec7b70a3cd4dd84e89e6bdf19f04a475d06c78fd28920')
- validpgpkeys=('318C679D94F17700CC847DE646A70073E4E50D4E') # Ruben Rodriguez
- validpgpkeys+=('3954A7AB837D0EA9CFA9798925DB7D9B5A8D4B40') # bill-auger (VCS builds)
- # PGO requires networking
- _should_skip_pgo_armv7h=1 # disable for armv7h - always
- _should_skip_pgo_i686=1 # disable for i686 - always
- _should_skip_pgo_x86_64=0 # disable for x86_64 - libremakepkg
- eval "_should_skip_pgo=\$_should_skip_pgo_${CARCH}"
- _check_build_config() {
- pushd "${srcdir}"/${pkgname}-${pkgver%_*} > /dev/null
- echo "Checking build configuration..."
- # Configure produces mozinfo.json that reflects current configuration.
- # See build/docs/mozinfo.rst
- ./mach configure
- # In this test, jq collects values of the following keys of mozinfo.json into array,
- # and checks if any of them are not equal to false, in which case it returns "true".
- # E.g. if the value of any key is true or null (in case the key is missing from mozinfo.json),
- # that means the build configuration has to be reworked.
- local obj_directory=$(./mach environment | sed -En '/object directory:/{n;s/^\s+//;p;}')
- local mozinfo_json="${obj_directory}"/mozinfo.json
- local antifeature_keys=('.crashreporter' '.datareporting' '.healthreport' '.normandy' '.telemetry' '.updater')
- local antifeatures=()
- local jq_cmd=( jq -e "${key} != false" "${mozinfo_json}" )
- printf "\$mozinfo_json %s - obj_directory is: %s\n" \
- "$( [[ -f "${mozinfo_json}" ]] || printf "not " )found" \
- "${obj_directory}"
- for key in ${antifeature_keys[@]} ; do ${jq_cmd[@]} && antifeatures+=(${key}); done ;
- if (( ${#antifeatures[@]} ))
- then echo "Some anti-features are not disabled in build configuration files, aborting:"
- for key in ${antifeature_keys[@]}
- do echo "${key} - $( ${jq_cmd[@]} || echo "not " )detected\n"
- done
- # return 1 # FIXME: .datareporting is detected
- fi
- popd > /dev/null
- }
- prepare() {
- mkdir -p mozbuild
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%_*}"
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1530052
- patch -Np1 -i ../0001-Use-remoting-name-for-GDK-application-names.patch
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1667736
- patch -Np1 -i ../rust_1.48.patch
- cat >../mozconfig <<END
- ac_add_options --enable-application=browser
- ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
- ac_add_options --enable-release
- ac_add_options --enable-hardening
- ac_add_options --enable-optimize
- ac_add_options --enable-rust-simd
- export CC='clang --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'
- export CXX='clang++ --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'
- export AR=llvm-ar
- export NM=llvm-nm
- export RANLIB=llvm-ranlib
- # Branding
- ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
- ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release
- ac_add_options --with-distribution-id=nu.parabola
- ac_add_options --with-unsigned-addon-scopes=app,system
- ac_add_options --allow-addon-sideload
- export MOZ_APP_NAME=${pkgname}
- export MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME=${pkgname}
- ac_add_options --with-app-basename=${pkgname}
- ac_add_options --with-app-name=${pkgname}
- # System libraries
- ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
- ac_add_options --with-system-nss
- # Features
- ac_add_options --enable-alsa
- ac_add_options --enable-jack
- ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
- ac_add_options --disable-updater
- ac_add_options --disable-tests
- ac_add_options --disable-eme
- case "${CARCH}" in
- armv7h)
- # TODO: re-work for armv7h
- # sed -i '/--enable-linker=gold/d' ../mozconfig
- # sed -i '/--enable-rust-simd/d' ../mozconfig
- #
- # # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1463035
- # patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/mozilla-1463035.patch
- #
- # cat >> ../mozconfig <<END
- #ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-g -O2 -fno-schedule-insns"
- #ac_add_options --disable-elf-hack
- #ac_add_options --disable-webrtc
- #ac_add_options --disable-av1
- #END
- ;;
- i686)
- # sed -i '/--enable-linker=gold/d' ../mozconfig
- sed -i '/--enable-rust-simd/d' ../mozconfig
- # test failure in rust code (complaining about network functions) when PGO is used,
- # TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | check_networking | libgkrust.a | Identified 7 networking function(s) being imported in the rust static library (accept,connect,getsockname,getsockopt,listen,recv,send)
- # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1565757
- echo "applying rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch"
- patch -Np0 -i ../rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch
- ;;
- x86_64)
- ;;
- *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC CONFIG] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;
- ;;
- esac
- ## searchengines ##
- pushd browser/components/search/extensions > /dev/null
- # Patch search-engines configs
- cp "${srcdir}"/searchplugins_list.json list.json
- sed -i 's|https://duckduckgo.com/|https://html.duckduckgo.com/html/|' ddg/manifest.json
- # Removing URL parameters that let DuckDuckGo know the place in UI
- # the search was ran from (like address bar, context menu, etc.)
- local jq_cmd='del(.chrome_settings_overrides.search_provider.params)'
- jq "${jq_cmd}" ddg/manifest.json > manifest.json.tmp
- ! diff manifest.json.tmp ddg/manifest.json > /dev/null
- mv manifest.json.tmp ddg/manifest.json
- # Delete unused search engine configs
- cp -rv /usr/share/mozilla/searchplugins/* .
- find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
- -not -name ddg \
- -not -name duckduckgo-html \
- -not -name duckduckgo-lite \
- -not -name internet-archive \
- -not -name parabola-labs \
- -not -name parabola-packages \
- -not -name parabola-wiki \
- -not -name searx \
- -not -name wikipedia \
- -not -name yacy \
- -not -name list.json \
- -exec rm -rf {} \;
- # Sanity-check search-engines patching
- local engines_err_msg="search-engines patching needs re-working"
- jq < list.json || ! echo "${engines_err_msg}"
- popd > /dev/null
- ## libre patching ##
- # Remove remaining non-free bits
- echo "applying 9003-misc-libre.patch"
- patch -Np1 --no-backup-if-mismatch -i "${srcdir}"/9003-misc-libre.patch
- }
- build() {
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%_*}"
- ## build env ##
- export MOZ_NOSPAM=1
- export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH="$srcdir/mozbuild"
- # LTO needs more open files
- ulimit -n 4096
- # clang-{9,10,11} -> error: unknown argument: '-fvar-tracking-assignments'
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-fvar-tracking-assignments/}"
- CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/-fvar-tracking-assignments/}"
- case "${CARCH}" in
- armv7h)
- # TODO: re-work for armv7h
- # export RUSTFLAGS+=" -Cdebuginfo=0 -Clto=off"
- # export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"
- ;;
- i686)
- # -fno-plt with cross-LTO -> LLVM ERROR: Function Import: link error
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-fno-plt/}"
- CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/-fno-plt/}"
- # disable LTO (clang has issues on IA32)
- export RUSTFLAGS+=" -Cdebuginfo=0 -Clto=off"
- export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads"
- ;;
- x86_64)
- ;;
- *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD ENV] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;
- ;;
- esac
- export CFLAGS
- export CXXFLAGS
- case ${CARCH} in
- armv7h)
- # TODO: re-work for armv7h
- ;;
- i686)
- # avoid excessive debug symbols in rust leading to out-of-memory situations
- sed -i "s/debug_info = '\''2'\''/debug_info = '\''0'\''/" build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure
- ;;
- x86_64)
- ;;
- *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD CONFIG] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;
- ;;
- esac
- ## PGO build ##
- if (( $_should_skip_pgo ))
- then
- # skipping "3-tier PGO" "instrumented browser", to avoid OOM problems;
- # so we have the final .mozconfig now
- cp ../mozconfig .mozconfig
- else
- # Do 3-tier PGO
- echo "Building instrumented browser..."
- cat >.mozconfig ../mozconfig - <<END
- ac_add_options --enable-profile-generate=cross
- _check_build_config
- ./mach build
- echo "Profiling instrumented browser..."
- ./mach package
- LLVM_PROFDATA=llvm-profdata \
- JARLOG_FILE="$PWD/jarlog" \
- xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1920x1080x24 -nolisten local" \
- ./mach python build/pgo/profileserver.py
- if [[ ! -s merged.profdata ]]; then
- echo "No profile data produced."
- return 1
- fi
- if [[ ! -s jarlog ]]; then
- echo "No jar log produced."
- return 1
- fi
- echo "Removing instrumented browser..."
- ./mach clobber
- cat >.mozconfig ../mozconfig - <<END
- ac_add_options --enable-lto=cross
- ac_add_options --enable-profile-use=cross
- ac_add_options --with-pgo-profile-path=${PWD@Q}/merged.profdata
- ac_add_options --with-pgo-jarlog=${PWD@Q}/jarlog
- fi # $_should_skip_pgo
- ## sanity checks ##
- # each of the [ARCH-SPECIFIC BUILD CONFIG] branches above should have created .mozconfig
- [[ ! -f .mozconfig ]] && echo ".mozconfig file not found in source root" && return 1
- _check_build_config
- ## main build ##
- echo "Building optimized browser..."
- ./mach build
- }
- package() {
- cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-${pkgver%_*}"
- DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ./mach install
- local vendorjs="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/browser/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
- install -Dvm644 /dev/stdin "$vendorjs" <<END
- // Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
- pref("intl.locale.requested", "");
- // Use system-provided dictionaries
- pref("spellchecker.dictionary_path", "/usr/share/hunspell");
- // Disable default browser checking.
- pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false);
- // Don't disable extensions in the application directory
- pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 11);
- local distini="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/distribution/distribution.ini"
- install -Dvm644 /dev/stdin "$distini" <<END
- [Global]
- id=parabola
- version=1.0
- about=Icecat for Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
- [Preferences]
- app.distributor=parabola
- app.distributor.channel=$pkgname
- app.partner.parabola=parabola
- install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications
- install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps
- local i
- for i in 16 32 48; do
- install -Dm644 browser/branding/official/default${i}.png \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/${pkgname}.png"
- done
- install -Dm644 browser/branding/official/default48.png "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pixmaps/icecat.png
- install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/icecat.desktop "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/applications/
- install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/icecat-safe.desktop "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/applications/
- # Install a wrapper to avoid confusion about binary path
- install -Dvm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" <<END
- #!/bin/sh
- exec /usr/lib/$pkgname/$pkgname "\$@"
- case ${CARCH} in
- armv7h)
- # TODO: re-work for armv7h
- ;;
- i686)
- ;;
- x86_64)
- ;;
- *) echo "no [ARCH-SPECIFIC INSTALL] for arch: ${CARCH}" ; return 1 ;
- ;;
- esac
- # Replace duplicate binary with wrapper
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658850
- ln -srfv "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/$pkgname-bin"
- # Use system certificates
- local nssckbi="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/libnssckbi.so"
- if [[ -e $nssckbi ]]; then
- ln -srfv "$pkgdir/usr/lib/libnssckbi.so" "$nssckbi"
- fi
- }