default.abuserc 480 B

  1. ; Abuse-SDL Configuration file
  2. ; Startup fullscreen
  3. fullscreen=0
  4. ; Use DoubleBuffering
  5. doublebuf=1
  6. ; Use OpenGL
  7. gl=1
  8. ; Location of the datafiles
  9. datadir=/usr/share/abuse/orig
  10. ; Use mono audio only
  11. mono=0
  12. ; Grab the mouse to the window
  13. grabmouse=0
  14. ; Set the scale factor
  15. scale=2
  16. ; Use anti-aliasing (with gl=1 only)
  17. antialias=0
  18. ; Disable the SDL parachute in the case of a crash
  19. nosdlparachute=0
  20. ; Key mappings
  21. left=a
  22. right=d
  23. up=w
  24. down=s
  25. fire=Space
  26. weapprev=q
  27. weapnext=e