123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212 |
- #!/bin/bash
- ## configuration ##
- # NOTE: test data versions are extremely brittle - these will need adjustments routinely.
- # usually, these values will be the reported failed 'actual'. - `pacman -Syu` first!
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_1=3
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_2=3.2
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_3=3.2.4
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MIN_FULL=3.2.4-1
- readonly WEBKIT2GTK_VER_MIN_FULL=2.44.2-1
- readonly QT5BASE_VER_MIN_PR_3=5.15.14
- readonly QT5BASE_VER_MIN_FULL=5.15.14+kde+r141-1
- readonly OPENCASCADE_VER_MIN_FULL=1:7.7.2-6
- readonly RED='\033[01;31m'
- readonly GREEN='\033[00;32m'
- readonly AQUA='\033[00;36m'
- readonly CEND='\033[00m'
- ## main function for PKGBUILDs ##
- # NOTE: A single `pacman` command for $full_version would fail, either for
- # $dep_pkgname with slash (-Ss) or for a circular dependency (-S --print).
- # PkgVersion() accommodates each, but still will fail for circular dependencies
- # with slash in $dep_pkgname. Those must be avoided.
- # FWIW, there is no package which pins to a dep package in an explicit repo.
- # Some (eg: libxfce4ui) do have the circular dependency use-case though.
- # TODO: There is no normal way to test for the circular dependency condition with pacman,
- # which would be distinguishable from the 'non-existent dep package' test.
- # Namely, that test should fail (empty result) for the right reason, where testing
- # for an actual example of the circular dependency (eg: libxfce4ui) would either
- # pass for the wrong reason most of the time (ie: it is satisfiable), or would fail
- # for the wrong reason if specifying a dep with a non-existent second-order dep.
- # This would need a different tool such as expac, or a prepared/contrived package DB.
- # The latter especially is a decent idea; because it would eliminate the maintenance
- # of the versioned test data constants.
- _version_constraint() # (dep_pkgname [precision])
- {
- Log() { [[ "${FUNCNAME[2]}" == package ]] && echo "$@" >&2 || : ; }
- PkgVersion()
- {
- if [[ "${dep_pkgname}" =~ / ]]
- then pacman -S --print-format='%v' ${dep_pkgname} 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1
- else pacman -Ss ^${dep_pkgname}$ | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
- fi
- }
- local dep_pkgname=$1
- declare -i req_precision=$2
- local full_version=$(PkgVersion)
- local n_dots=$(tmp=${full_version%-*} ; tmp=${tmp//[^\.]} ; echo "${#tmp}" ;)
- local def_precision=$(( n_dots + 1 ))
- local is_prec_valid=$(( req_precision > 0 && req_precision <= def_precision ))
- local precision=$((( is_prec_valid )) && echo ${req_precision} || echo ${def_precision})
- local epoch_rx='[0-9]+:'
- local pkgver_rx='[0-9A-Za-z_]+'
- pkgver_rx=$(sed 's|\]|\+]|' <<<${pkgver_rx}) # according to the wiki, '+' is not allowed,
- # but some pkgver have it (eg: 5.15.10+kde+r130)
- local subver_rx='\.'${pkgver_rx}
- local pkgrel_rx='[0-9]+'
- local garbage_rx='[^0-9].*'
- local capture_rx=${pkgver_rx}
- for (( n_dots=1 ; n_dots < precision ; ++n_dots )) ; do capture_rx+=${subver_rx} ; done ;
- local epoch version pkgrel has_dot_char version_min version_max constraint_string
- declare -i subver subver_inc pkgrel_inc
- if [[ "${full_version}" =~ ^(${epoch_rx})*(${capture_rx})(${subver_rx})*-(${pkgrel_rx}).*$ ]]
- then epoch=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # optional epoch
- version=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # pkgver cut to the requested precision
- #unused=${BASH_REMATCH[3]} # discarded pkgver segments
- pkgrel=${BASH_REMATCH[4]} # pkgrel with non-numerics right-trimmed
- has_dot_char=$([[ "${version}" =~ \. ]] ; echo $(( ! $? )) ; )
- subver=$(sed "s|${garbage_rx}||" <<<${version##*.}) # right-trim from any non-numeric
- version=$( (( has_dot_char )) && echo ${version%.*}.${subver} || echo ${subver} )
- version=${epoch}${version}
- subver_inc=$(( subver + 1 ))
- pkgrel_inc=$(( pkgrel + 1 ))
- version_min=$( (( ! is_prec_valid )) && echo ${full_version%-*}-${pkgrel} || \
- echo ${version} )
- version_max=$( ( (( ! is_prec_valid )) && echo ${full_version%-*}-${pkgrel_inc} ) || \
- ( [[ "${version}" =~ \. ]] && echo ${version%.*}.${subver_inc} ) || \
- echo ${subver_inc} )
- constraint_string="${dep_pkgname}>=${version_min} ${dep_pkgname}<${version_max}"
- Log "Applied version constraint: '${constraint_string}'"
- else Log "ERROR: in _version_constraint() parsing: dep_pkgname='${dep_pkgname}' full_version='${full_version}'"
- exit 1
- fi
- unset -f Log PkgVersion
- echo -n "${constraint_string}"
- }
- ## tests ##
- VerIncrement() # (version_string)
- {
- # NOTE This is not the same parsing logic as _version_constraint().
- # It is intended to be as simple as possible, only for the mock data.
- # Write a new test to verify anything novel or peculiar.
- local version_string=$1
- local has_pkgrel=$([[ "$1" =~ \- ]] ; echo $((! $?)) ;)
- local split_char=$((( has_pkgrel )) && echo '-' || echo '.')
- local has_split_char=$([[ "$1" =~ "${split_char}" ]] ; echo $(( ! $? )) ; )
- local unchanged_segment=${version_string%${split_char}*}
- declare -i incremented_segment=$(( ${version_string##*${split_char}} + 1 ))
- (( ! has_split_char )) || echo -n ${unchanged_segment}${split_char}
- echo ${incremented_segment}
- }
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MAX_PR_1=$( VerIncrement ${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_1} )
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MAX_PR_2=$( VerIncrement ${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_2} )
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MAX_PR_3=$( VerIncrement ${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_3} )
- readonly OPENEXR_VER_MAX_FULL=$( VerIncrement ${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_FULL} )
- readonly QT5BASE_VER_MAX_PR_3=$( VerIncrement ${QT5BASE_VER_MIN_PR_3} )
- readonly QT5BASE_VER_MAX_FULL=$( VerIncrement ${QT5BASE_VER_MIN_FULL} )
- TestVersionConstraint() # ("pkgname" "precision" "expected_res")
- {
- PkgVersion()
- {
- if [[ "${dep_pkgname}" =~ / ]]
- then pacman -S --print-format='%v' ${dep_pkgname} 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1
- else pacman -Ss ^${dep_pkgname}$ | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
- fi
- }
- local dep_pkgname="$1"
- local precision="$2"
- local expected_res="$3"
- local actual_res="$(_version_constraint "${dep_pkgname}" "${precision}")"
- local full_version=$(PkgVersion)
- if [[ "${actual_res}" == "${expected_res}" ]]
- then echo -e "${GREEN}PASS <- ${dep_pkgname}${CEND}"
- else echo -e "${RED}FAIL <- ${dep_pkgname}${CEND}"
- echo -e "${AQUA} expected='${expected_res}'\n actual ='${actual_res}'${CEND}"
- echo "the current version of ${dep_pkgname} is ${full_version}"
- echo "note that the test data constants need routine tweaking"
- return 1
- fi
- }
- RunTests()
- {
- set -e
- precision=1 ; echo -e "\n=== precision='${precision}' ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'openexr' "${precision}" "openexr>=${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_1} openexr<${OPENEXR_VER_MAX_PR_1}"
- TestVersionConstraint 'openshadinglanguage' "${precision}" "openshadinglanguage>=${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MIN_PR_1} openshadinglanguage<${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MAX_PR_1}"
- precision=2 ; echo -e "\n=== precision='${precision}' ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'openexr' "${precision}" "openexr>=${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_2} openexr<${OPENEXR_VER_MAX_PR_2}"
- TestVersionConstraint 'openshadinglanguage' "${precision}" "openshadinglanguage>=${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MIN_PR_2} openshadinglanguage<${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MAX_PR_2}"
- precision=3 ; echo -e "\n=== precision='${precision}' ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'openexr' "${precision}" "openexr>=${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_PR_3} openexr<${OPENEXR_VER_MAX_PR_3}"
- TestVersionConstraint 'openshadinglanguage' "${precision}" "openshadinglanguage>=${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MIN_PR_3} openshadinglanguage<${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MAX_PR_3}"
- precision=4 ; echo -e "\n=== precision='${precision}' ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'openexr' "${precision}" "openexr>=${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_FULL} openexr<${OPENEXR_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- TestVersionConstraint 'openshadinglanguage' "${precision}" "openshadinglanguage>=${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MIN_PR_4} openshadinglanguage<${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MAX_PR_4}"
- precision= ; echo -e "\n=== full precision (default) ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'openexr' "${precision}" "openexr>=${OPENEXR_VER_MIN_FULL} openexr<${OPENEXR_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- TestVersionConstraint 'openshadinglanguage' "${precision}" "openshadinglanguage>=${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MIN_FULL} openshadinglanguage<${OPENSHADINGLANGUAGE_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- precision= ; echo -e "\n=== non-existent dep package ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'non-existent-package' "${precision}" ''
- precision= ; echo -e "\n=== specific repo ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'extra/webkit2gtk' "${precision}" "extra/webkit2gtk>=${WEBKIT2GTK_VER_MIN_FULL} extra/webkit2gtk<${WEBKIT2GTK_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- precision=3 ; echo -e "\n=== non-numeric version ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'qt5-base' "${precision}" "qt5-base>=${QT5BASE_VER_MIN_PR_3} qt5-base<${QT5BASE_VER_MAX_PR_3}"
- precision= ; echo -e "\n=== non-numeric version - full precision (default) ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'qt5-base' "${precision}" "qt5-base>=${QT5BASE_VER_MIN_FULL} qt5-base<${QT5BASE_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- precision= ; echo -e "\n=== version with epoch ===" ;
- TestVersionConstraint 'opencascade' "${precision}" "opencascade>=${OPENCASCADE_VER_MIN_FULL} opencascade<${OPENCASCADE_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- # TODO:
- # precision= ; echo -e "\n=== pinned circular dependency ===" ;
- # TestVersionConstraint 'unsatisfiable-dep' "${precision}" "circular-dep>=${CIRCULARDEP_VER_MIN_FULL} circular-dep>=${CIRCULARDEP_VER_MAX_FULL}"
- }
- RunTests