1. # Note: This PKGBUILD is automatically generated by the scripts at
  2. # Don't manually edit the PKGBUILD, edit the upstream template instead
  3. # See README file for instructions
  4. # parabola changes and rationale:
  5. # - removed nonfree qt5-webengine from depends()
  6. pkgname=kde-development-environment-meta
  7. pkgver=20180909
  8. pkgrel=1
  9. pkgrel+=.parabola1
  10. pkgdesc='Metapackage to install a full KDE development environment'
  11. pkgdesc+=', without nonfree qt5-webengine support'
  12. arch=(any)
  13. url=''
  14. license=(LGPL)
  15. depends=(akonadi
  16. akonadi-calendar
  17. akonadi-contacts
  18. akonadi-mime
  19. akonadi-notes
  20. akonadi-search
  21. attica
  22. baloo
  23. baloo-widgets
  24. bluez-qt
  25. calendarsupport
  26. clang
  27. cmake
  28. eventviews
  29. extra-cmake-modules
  30. frameworkintegration
  31. gcc
  32. gdb
  33. gettext
  34. git
  35. grantleetheme
  36. incidenceeditor
  37. kactivities
  38. kactivities-stats
  39. kalarmcal
  40. karchive
  41. kauth
  42. kblog
  43. kbookmarks
  44. kcalcore
  45. kcalutils
  46. kcmutils
  47. kcodecs
  48. kcompletion
  49. kconfig
  50. kconfigwidgets
  51. kcontacts
  52. kcoreaddons
  53. kcrash
  54. kdbusaddons
  55. kdeclarative
  56. kdelibs4support
  57. kdepim-apps-libs
  58. kdesignerplugin
  59. kdesu
  60. kdewebkit
  61. kdnssd
  62. kdoctools
  63. kemoticons
  64. kfilemetadata
  65. kglobalaccel
  66. kguiaddons
  67. kholidays
  68. khtml
  69. ki18n
  70. kiconthemes
  71. kidentitymanagement
  72. kidletime
  73. kimap
  74. kinit
  75. kio
  76. kirigami2
  77. kitemmodels
  78. kitemviews
  79. kjobwidgets
  80. kjs
  81. kjsembed
  82. kldap
  83. kmailtransport
  84. kmbox
  85. kmediaplayer
  86. kmime
  87. knewstuff
  88. knotifications
  89. knotifyconfig
  90. konqueror
  91. kontactinterface
  92. kpackage
  93. kparts
  94. kpeople
  95. kpimtextedit
  96. kplotting
  97. kpty
  98. kross
  99. krunner
  100. kservice
  101. ktexteditor
  102. ktextwidgets
  103. ktnef
  104. kunitconversion
  105. kwallet
  106. kwayland
  107. kwidgetsaddons
  108. kwindowsystem
  109. kxmlgui
  110. kxmlrpcclient
  111. libgravatar
  112. libkcddb
  113. libkcompactdisc
  114. libkdcraw
  115. libkdegames
  116. libkdepim
  117. libkexiv2
  118. libkgeomap
  119. libkipi
  120. libkleo
  121. libkmahjongg
  122. libksane
  123. libkscreen
  124. libksieve
  125. libksysguard
  126. libktorrent
  127. libkvkontakte
  128. libmediawiki
  129. mailcommon
  130. mailimporter
  131. make
  132. messagelib
  133. modemmanager-qt
  134. networkmanager-qt
  135. ninja
  136. pimcommon
  137. plasma-framework
  138. prison
  139. purpose
  140. qqc2-desktop-style
  141. qt5-base
  142. qt5-declarative
  143. solid
  144. sonnet
  145. syndication
  146. syntax-highlighting
  147. threadweaver)
  148. optdepends=(kate
  149. kdevelop
  150. plasma-sdk
  151. plasma-workspace)
  152. makedepends=()
  153. source=(org.kde.development.appdata.xml kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg)
  154. sha256sums=(67b3db866d04b2c900045dbd51490e097b20906d432297fd641b9c649bce8564
  155. 92af2376f53429735903ff6706344566c7f0f1aa6cfd5d2cf7aaad7097c71238)
  156. noextract=()
  157. package() {
  158. install -Dm644 org.kde.development.appdata.xml "$pkgdir"/usr/share/metainfo/org.kde.development.appdata.xml
  159. install -Dm644 kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg "$pkgdir"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg
  160. }