123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- # Maintainer (Arch): Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>
- # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe>
- pkgname=sensors-applet
- pkgver=3.0.0+13+g0728426
- pkgrel=2
- pkgrel+=.parabola1
- pkgdesc="Applet for GNOME Panel to display readings from hardware sensors, including CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltage readings"
- pkgdesc+=", without nonfree libxnvctrl support"
- arch=('x86_64')
- arch+=('i686' 'armv7h')
- url="http://sensors-applet.sourceforge.net/"
- license=('GPL')
- depends=('gnome-panel' 'libatasmart' 'lm_sensors')
- makedepends=('git' 'gnome-common' 'intltool' 'yelp-tools')
- optdepends=('hddtemp: get HDD temperatures')
- _commit=07284262768e3a7066da09845370d78526be6bc1 # master
- source=("$pkgname::git+https://git.code.sf.net/p/sensors-applet/code#commit=$_commit")
- sha256sums=('SKIP')
- pkgver() {
- cd $pkgname
- git describe --tags | sed 's/-/+/g'
- }
- prepare() {
- cd $pkgname
- NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
- }
- build() {
- cd $pkgname
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=/usr/lib/$pkgname
- #https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=656231
- sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
- make
- }
- package() {
- cd $pkgname
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- }