123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127 |
- # Maintainer: Luke Shumaker <lukeshu@parabola.nu>
- # Maintainer: David P. <megver83@parabola.nu>
- # Contributor: Joshua Ismael Haase Hernández (xihh) <hahj87@gmail.com>
- # Contributor: fauno <fauno@kiwwwi.com.ar>
- # Contributor: Márcio Silva <coadde@hyperbola.info>
- # Contributor: bill-auger <bill-auger@programmer.net>
- pkgbase=libretools
- pkgname=(libretools librelib gitget)
- pkgver=20190907
- _pacman_constraints=( 'pacman<6.2' )
- pkgrel=1
- pkgrel+=.nonsystemd3
- pkgdesc="Programs for Parabola development"
- arch=('any')
- url="https://git.parabola.nu/packages/libretools.git/"
- # license=(GPL-2.0-only GPL-3.0-or-later) # TODO:
- license=('GPL2' 'GPL3')
- makedepends=(ruby-ronn-ng)
- checkdepends=(
- bats
- git
- "${_pacman_constraints[@]}"
- expac
- openssh
- rsync
- tokyocabinet
- )
- source=(https://repo.parabola.nu/other/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver-nonsystemd.tar.gz{,.sig})
- source+=(0001-revert.patch
- 0002-libremakepkg-pacman_5_2.patch)
- sha256sums=('c9bdc6f422234b6b260349e488266500756857bbb65079783aa5e997b6a2d410'
- 'SKIP')
- sha256sums+=('108aa8bbfb1ffe96427540cd8f7788338883b08ad038b2ed426e93ac6c57e91b'
- '8986adf14a81b979b2ff4c4e3e76483115c146782e4ba30640649299f98355df')
- validpgpkeys=('99195DD3BB6FE10A2F36ED8445698744D4FFBFC9' # Luke Shumaker
- '6DB9C4B4F0D8C0DC432CF6E4227CA7C556B2BA78' # David P.
- 'BFA8008A8265677063B11BF47171986E4B745536' # Andreas Grapentin
- '3954A7AB837D0EA9CFA9798925DB7D9B5A8D4B40') # bill-auger
- prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver-nonsystemd
- patch -N -p1 -i $srcdir/revert.patch
- patch -N -p1 -i $srcdir/0002-libremakepkg-pacman_5_2.patch
- }
- build() {
- cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver-nonsystemd
- make
- }
- check() {
- cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver-nonsystemd
- # <= 20240327
- # SUDO_USER= make check TESTENVFLAGS='--no-network --no-sudo'
- # >= 20240403
- # SUDO_USER= make check BATS_FLAGS='--filter-tags !network,!sudo'
- }
- package_librelib() {
- pkgdesc="The shell library portion of libretools"
- license=(GPL2)
- conflicts=('xbs')
- optdepends=(
- 'libretools: for libreblacklist/blacklist.sh'
- 'wget: for libreblacklist/blacklist.sh'
- )
- cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver-nonsystemd
- make install-librelib DESTDIR="$pkgdir"
- }
- package_gitget() {
- pkgdesc="A simple to use downloader for git URLs"
- license=(GPL2)
- depends=("librelib=$pkgver" git)
- cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver-nonsystemd
- make install-gitget DESTDIR="$pkgdir"
- }
- package_libretools() {
- backup=(etc/libretools.conf
- etc/libretools.d/chroot.conf
- etc/libretools.d/libredbdiff.conf
- etc/libretools.d/librefetch.conf)
- install=libretools.install
- conflicts=(devtools)
- depends=(
- arch-install-scripts # `mkarchroot` uses `pacstrap`
- binutils # `libremakepkg`->`makepkg` uses `strip`
- expac # `libredbdiff`
- fakeroot # `libremakepkg`->`makepkg` uses `fakeroot`
- make # `librefetch`
- openssh # `librerelease`
- pacutils # `librechroot` uses `pacsift`
- rsync # `librerelease` and `makechrootpkg.sh`
- tokyocabinet # `toru`
- namcap # `libremakepkg`
- subversion # `diff-unfree`
- wget # `aur`, optdepend for librelib:`blacklist`
- )
- depends+=( # pinned dependencies
- "librelib=$pkgver"
- "gitget=$pkgver" # `createworkdir`
- "${_pacman_constraints[@]}"
- )
- depends=( ${depends[*]/pacutils/} ) # WIP
- depends=( ${depends[*]/namcap/} ) # FIXME: Namcap is currently disabled in libremakepkg :-(
- optdepends=(
- 'qemu-user-static-binfmt: To build ARM packages from x86'
- )
- cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver-nonsystemd
- make install-libretools DESTDIR="$pkgdir"
- }