1. Many packages (PKGBUILDs and associated files) comes from one of these
  2. projects:
  3. - Arch Linux
  4. - Arch Linux ARM
  5. - Arch Linux 32
  6. - Aur (Arch User repository)
  7. They typically come without a license, so while most of them seem to
  8. be uncopyrightable due to their extreme simplicity and standardness,
  9. this still creates some legal uncertaincy about their licensing.
  10. Some packages also come from Hyperbola, and here there is also some
  11. uncertaincy as the project added a CC0 license in its git repository
  12. without adding any clear statement associated with it. We still need
  13. to contact them to get more clarification on their packages licenses
  14. for new contributions.
  15. Several packages (and associated files) in this repository were
  16. created from scratch, so they don't depend on other projects licensing
  17. decisions.
  18. And several contributors agreed to license their past contributions to
  19. packages in this repository under the CC0 license:
  20. - Andreas Grapentin
  21. - bill-auger
  22. - Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
  23. - Freemor
  24. As for patches, as they are combined with original project source code
  25. they are under the same license than the original project.
  26. All contributions to packages in this repository must be offered under
  27. the CC0 license.