playerdata_template.bin 2.0 KB

  1. [playerdata]
  2. #########################################
  4. #########################################
  5. # playerdata.ini
  6. # defines constant values to be loaded into the PlayerData struct
  7. # this file has to be encoded using utf-8
  8. player_name =NO-NAME
  9. level_name =忘れないでね私の声を
  10. level =1
  11. vocaloid_point=0
  12. # IDs defined in rom/gm_plate_tbl.farc/gm_plate_id.bin
  13. level_plate_id =0
  14. level_plate_effect=1
  15. # IDs same as gam_skin%3d
  16. skin_equip =0
  17. # Allows for song specific skin settings which can be set in the file skins.ini
  18. use_pv_skin_equip =true
  19. # IDs defined in rom/gm_btn_se_tbl.farc/gm_btn_se_id.bin
  20. btn_se_equip =-1
  21. # Allows for song specific sound effect settings which can be set in the file sfx.ini
  22. use_pv_sfx_equip =true
  23. # IDs defined in rom/gm_slide_se_tbl.farc/gm_slide_se_id.bin
  24. slide_se_equip =-1
  25. # IDs defined in rom/gm_chainslide_se_tbl.farc/gm_chainslide_se_id.bin
  26. chainslide_se_equip =-1
  27. slidertouch_se_equip=-1
  28. # "Shared Set" or "Original" setting, works similarly to PSP series module selection (Updates when changed in-game)
  29. module_equip_cmn0=0
  30. module_equip_cmn1=0
  31. module_equip_cmn2=0
  32. module_equip_cmn3=0
  33. module_equip_cmn4=0
  34. module_equip_cmn5=0
  35. # Allows Song Specific module selections (values update when changed in-game in the file modules.ini) (May lag on song select and menu)
  36. use_pv_module_equip=true
  37. # Enable button/slider sounds & volume settings
  38. act_toggle =true
  39. act_vol =100
  40. act_slide_vol=100
  41. # Show clear borders on Progress Bar for:
  42. # Great
  43. border_great =true
  44. # Excellent
  45. border_excellent =true
  46. # Rival
  47. border_rival=true
  48. # Allows module selection (WARNING: It may cause lag in the main menu and other places) (May be necessary for use_pv_equip settings!)
  49. use_card =true
  50. # Allows module selection without card and attempts to disable module refresh when sliding in PV select to reduce CPU and IO load.
  51. module_card_workaround =false
  52. # Allows use of game mode modifiers (hi-speed, hidden, and sudden)
  53. gamemode_options =true
  54. mylist_A=
  55. mylist_B=
  56. mylist_C=