background.js 15 KB

  1. // Default max-age 6 months in seconds
  2. var max_age = "15570000";
  3. //TODO: change log types to can do OR and show types of logs eg. show HSTS forced enabled, or forced disabled, or redirs ignored, redirs filtered, and/or. rather than info, debug, verbose, etc.; actually make the flagvar be what NOT to log, so a value of 0 would mean log everything, and any set bits mean don't log that type of logs.
  4. //nope: get rid of the 'new' - nevermind:
  5. var logflags={};
  6. var blockhttp=true;//true if to block HTTP request for ignored hosts, false allow; otherwise, if host is not in ignore list it will be forced HTTPS! or it will fail to load(ie. if site is http only). Or in case of redirect loops(http->https->http) then the last http is allowed or not based on this value.(and that host is virtually ignored for the duration of the request and thus allowed to http complete) - TODO: also, if this is false, always log those allowed requests to Console!
  7. //Note: access the following console.log() messages by going chrome://extensions/ then clicking the 'background page' seen as 'Inspect views: background page' under this extension (HSTS Everywhere) then chosing the 'Console' tab.
  8. //src:
  9. function setConstant(obj, key, value) {//eg. setConstant(logflags, "NONE", 0);
  10. Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
  11. enumerable: true,
  12. configurable: false,
  13. writable: false,
  14. value: value,
  15. });
  16. }
  17. //order doesn't matter, these are bit flips! when set, it will NOT show(on Console) that type of logs! (set them in 'nologbits')
  18. //XXX: to toggle INFO flag, type in Console: nologbits ^= logflags.INFO (this will enable/disable showing of INFO logs)
  19. setConstant(logflags, "NONE", 0xFFFFFFFF);
  20. setConstant(logflags, "ALL", 0x0);
  21. setConstant(logflags, "ERR", 0x1);
  22. setConstant(logflags, "ERROR", 0x1);
  23. setConstant(logflags, "WARN", 0x2);
  24. setConstant(logflags, "INFO", 0x4);
  25. setConstant(logflags, "VERB", 0x8);
  26. setConstant(logflags, "VERBOSE", 0x8);
  27. setConstant(logflags, "DEBUG", 0x10);
  28. setConstant(logflags, "HTTPALLOWED", 0x20);//XXX: this one's kinda redundant since blockhttp==false causes it to be forcefully enabled(without actually being set)
  29. setConstant(logflags, "HTTPBLOCKED", 0x40);
  30. //set this in Console! eg. nologbits = logelevels.DEBUG
  31. var nologbits = logflags.NONE;//don't log anything by default, I read somewhere in passing that it's slow and saved to disk by chromium...
  32. nologbits ^= logflags.HTTPBLOCKED;//actually do log when http gets blocked! (auto logged when http is allowed already!)
  33. function log(logtype, msg, forceshow=false) {//should never pass NONE level when calling!
  34. lognone=nologbits & logtype;
  35. //console.log(lognone+" "+logtype+" "+nologbits);
  36. if ( (lognone == 0) || (lognone != logtype) || (forceshow) ) {
  37. if (logtype & logflags.WARN != 0) {
  38. console.warn(msg);
  39. //TODO: add console.err or is it .error ? check and see!
  40. }else{
  41. console.log(msg);
  42. }
  43. }
  44. }
  45. function loghttpallowed(msg) {
  46. loghttp( logflags.HTTPALLOWED, msg );
  47. }
  48. function loghttpblocked(msg) {
  49. loghttp( logflags.HTTPBLOCKED, msg );
  50. }
  51. function loghttp(logtype,msg) {
  52. log(logtype | logflags.INFO, msg, false==blockhttp);
  53. }
  54. function logverb(msg) {
  55. log(logflags.VERBOSE, msg);
  56. }
  57. function logwarn(msg) {
  58. log(logflags.WARN, msg);
  59. }
  60. function loginfo(msg) {
  61. log(logflags.INFO, msg);
  62. }
  63. function logdebug(msg) {
  64. log(logflags.DEBUG, msg);
  65. }
  66. //NB: I left these two in 'ignore' as samples, but since I'm planning on permanently using HTTPS-Everywhere with 'Block HTTP requests', I won't be doing any HTTP requests ever, and thus I can afford to also set 'includeSubDomains' below.
  67. //This is a list of hosts for which to ignore HSTS (but if they specify HSTS in headers it will pass through to the browser! TODO: check if this is so!):
  68. var ignore = [//TODO: ignore in http->https redir too!
  69. "",
  70. "",
  71. "",
  72. "",
  73. "",
  74. "",
  75. "",
  76. "",
  77. "",
  78. "",
  79. "",
  80. "",
  81. "",
  82. "",
  83. "",
  84. "",
  85. "",
  86. "",
  87. "",
  88. //TODO: allow http to ignored hosts! even when blockhttp is on! perhaps add another var, blockhttptoignored=false by default!
  89. ];
  90. Array.prototype.clone = function() {
  91. return this.slice(0);
  92. }; //src:
  93. //The following is list of hosts for which to force disable HSTS(incl. subdomains), this takes precedence over the ignore list above; just beware that if you're visiting a subdomain of a host listed here, it will enable HSTS for it and its subdomains; ie. '' will be force-disabled, but since it redirs to this one will be force-enabled(and any subdomains like *, if any, due to 'includeSubDomains' below)
  94. var forceDisable = ignore.clone();
  95. forceDisable = forceDisable.concat([ //src:
  96. '',
  97. '',
  98. ]);
  99. //TODO: should force http those that are in forceDisable and ignore lists AND if blockhttp == false! eg. going to should force http by redirecting to
  100. //hashmap? src:
  101. var redirloopdetect={}; //"hashmap"!
  102. var cwr = chrome.webRequest;
  103. //so, this part will force all http attempts to go through https ! and if they can't because no https server is listening well, too bad... you'll get a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED as usual.
  104. //why did I need this? well, the links from Variable bindings from here, for example: were all http and https-everywhere wasn't doing anything about them (whilst 'Block All HTPP requests' being set was stropping anything from loading - so, don't need https-everywhere anymore now, i suppose)
  105. cwr.onBeforeRequest.addListener(
  106. function(details) {
  107. // console.log(details);
  108. ishttp=false;
  109. redirecturl = details.url;
  110. if (redirecturl.substring(0,5) === "http:") {
  111. ishttp=true;
  112. hostn = new URL(redirecturl).hostname;
  113. fullh = hostn+" (full: "+details.url+" )";
  114. if ( ignore.indexOf(hostn) > -1 ) {
  115. loghttp( (blockhttp?logflags.HTTPBLOCKED:logflags.HTTPALLOWED),
  116. "Host in ignore list: '"+fullh+"' therefore redir to https not forced! And this request is "+(blockhttp?"NOT ":"")+"allowed! Type 'blockhttp=true/false' in Console to change!");
  117. return { cancel: blockhttp };
  118. }
  119. if (details.requestId in redirloopdetect) {
  120. if (redirecturl.substring(0,5) !== "http:") {
  121. logwarn("Developer fail! this should always be 'http', it's: "+redirecturl);
  122. alert("Developer fail! this should always be 'http', it's: "+redirecturl);
  123. }
  124. //done: maybe just redir back to http instead? and based on blockhttp allow or not
  125. /*if (!blockhttp) {
  126. //manually add to ignore list or else it will redirect indefinitely, since we'll try to https it again!
  127. }*/
  128. if (blockhttp) {
  129. loghttpblocked("Cancelled http (id="+details.requestId+") redir-loop to '"+ redirecturl+"' (you might want to allow http or else this will never succeed!)");
  130. // logdebug("Blocked http to '"+ redirecturl);
  131. delete redirloopdetect[details.requestId];
  132. }else{
  133. loghttpallowed("Allowed http (id="+details.requestId+") to '"+ redirecturl);
  134. }
  135. return { cancel: blockhttp };//, redirectUrl: redirecturl };//HSTS being enabled and us not canceling this even tho it's a http request, will cause a https request to happen next!
  136. }
  137. details.url = redirecturl = redirecturl.slice(0,4) + "s" + redirecturl.slice(4);
  138. logverb("ForcedHTTPS as: '"+redirecturl+"'");
  139. } else {
  140. logwarn("!!!Sneaked url: "+redirecturl);//XXX: if this happens, it's some serious issue afoot!
  141. alert("!!! IMPOSSIBIRU! Congratulations, you've just discovered the impossible! This url '"+redirecturl+"' was not a http url but was caught by the http filter. The request is about to be stopped after you exit this, but make a screenshot first and show it around, since this probably means there's a bug in chromium!");
  142. return { cancel: true }
  143. }
  144. return { redirectUrl: redirecturl } //XXX: but HTTPS-Everywhere with 'Block HTTP request' will still cancel it! because details.url it receives is the same http one!
  145. }, {
  146. urls: ["http://*/*"],
  147. }, ["blocking"]);
  148. cwr.onBeforeRedirect.addListener(
  149. function(details) {
  150. //we're here because https tried to redirect to http! but we don't know if we forcefully set https and then got redirected back to http! yet.
  151. if (details.redirectUrl.substring(0,5) !== "http:") {
  152. loginfo("Detected ignored redirect to '"+details.redirectUrl+"' from '"+details.url+"'");
  153. return;
  154. }
  155. //ok, here, only redirects to http!
  156. loginfo("Detected https->http Redirect to '"+details.redirectUrl+"' from '"+details.url+"'");
  157. //eg. "Detected https->http Redirect to '' from ''"
  158. //Sample url which tries to redirect indefinitely(but chromium ofc. stops it after like 11 redirs):
  159. // console.log(details);
  160. //XXX: but details.requestId is the same on each redirect!
  161. //so maybe allow the redirect to happen one more time and then we know if it's in a loop!
  162. if (!(details.requestId in redirloopdetect)) {
  163. //flag only when the same url (except the protocol being different!)
  164. //since we're this far in, we know that details.url is https and redirectUrl is http !
  165. //XXX: to test this, go here: then click the link with the text 'Shubham's answer'
  166. if (details.url.substring(5) === details.redirectUrl.substring(4)) {
  167. logdebug("Flagging "+details.requestId+" redirect to: '"+details.redirectUrl+"' from '"+details.url+"'");
  168. // return { cancel: true }//hopefully? just guessing! 'It does not allow you to modify or cancel the request.' src:
  169. // }else{
  170. redirloopdetect[details.requestId] = true;//any value i guess
  171. //and can't cancel it here! 'It does not allow you to modify or cancel the request.' src:
  172. } else {
  173. logdebug("Not flagging "+details.requestId+" redirect to: '"+details.redirectUrl+"' from '"+details.url+"'");
  174. }
  175. }
  176. }, {
  177. urls: ["https://*/*"],//ok, this means the redir FROM this type of url, to any other type, is detected! eg. redir dest url can be http or https or anything else even!
  178. });
  179. cwr.onHeadersReceived.addListener(
  180. function(details) {
  181. thisage=max_age;
  182. hostn = new URL(details.url).hostname;
  183. fullh = hostn+" (full: "+details.url+" )";
  184. force_disable=false
  185. if (details.requestId in redirloopdetect) {
  186. delete redirloopdetect[details.requestId];
  187. //this means we need to force-disable the HSTS which we already set! or else it will redir loop! but we're here because we're allowing http request after a fail of such redir to https(because that site, eg. imdb, redir-ed us to http on its own!)
  188. loginfo("BOO! "+details.requestId+" "+details.url);
  189. //return { cancel: true };
  190. force_disable=true
  191. }
  192. if ( forceDisable.indexOf(hostn) > -1 ) {
  193. force_disable=true
  194. logverb("Host in forceDisable list: "+fullh); //eg.
  195. }
  196. // ignored=false;
  197. if ( ignore.indexOf(hostn) > -1 ) {
  198. logverb("Host in ignore list: '"+fullh+"' therefore HSTS not forced!"); //eg.
  199. // ignored=true;
  200. if (! force_disable) {//forceDisable list takes precedence over ignore list!
  201. return { }; //TODO: Does {} mean that no changes were perfomed to headers? so original headers are preserved? check online docs to see if this is so!
  202. }
  203. }
  204. for (var i = 0; i < details.responseHeaders.length; i++) {
  205. // console.log(details.responseHeaders[i].name);
  206. if (details.responseHeaders[i].name.toLowerCase() === "strict-transport-security") {
  207. /* if (ignored) {
  208. //remove HSTS header if host is in ignored list; OR we can leave it and set max-age to 0 to disable HSTS...
  209. details.responseHeaders.splice(i,1); //remove 1 item from index i; src:
  210. } else {*/
  211. logverb("HSTS already set in host's response headers: "+fullh+" "+details.responseHeaders[i].value); //eg. max-age=31536000; preload
  212. if ( ! force_disable ) {
  213. return { };
  214. }
  215. // }
  216. }
  217. }
  218. if ( force_disable ) {
  219. //How to turn off an already set(aka browser rememberes) HSTS setting? src:
  220. thisage=0; //confirmed to work on chromium 49.0.2623.87 (Developer Build) (64-bit) via Query Domain (after manually having added it with the above 'Add domain', see chrome://net-internals/#hsts )
  221. }
  222. details.responseHeaders.push({
  223. "name": "Strict-Transport-Security",
  224. "value": "max-age=" + thisage + "; includeSubDomains" //src:
  225. //check HSTS status: under HSTS(while Capture is enabled!) then 'Query domain' from here chrome://net-internals/#hsts If "*_upgrade_mode: STRICT" then HSTS is on! How to interpret:
  226. //also note, if 'broken HTTPS' (eg. since it's hosted by github) then the above query will yield 'Not found'
  227. });
  228. logverb("Force-"+(force_disable?"disabling":"enabling")+" HSTS for: "+fullh+" "+details.responseHeaders[details.responseHeaders.length-1].value);
  229. return {responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders};
  230. },
  231. {
  232. urls: ["https://*/*"],//http-only will never send HSTS headers - so is the spec.!
  233. types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "stylesheet", "script", "image", "object", "xmlhttprequest", "other",
  234. "font", "ping",
  235. //rest are not accepted: "xbl", "xslt", "ping", "beacon", "xml_dtd", "font", "media", "websocket", "csp_report", "imageset", "web_manifest" src:
  236. //FIXME: catch behind-the-scenes too! eg. uBlock/uMatrix can, also they can fetch resources over http!
  237. ]
  238. },
  239. ["blocking", "responseHeaders" ]
  240. );