bill-auger edited this page 7 years ago


all example workflows above are entirely atomic - e.g.

  • 1A:
    the obvious issue arises along with pre-emptable operations such as what if two merge requests exists with the same tartget branch and they are both accepted simulteneously from two different clients with write access to that repo (or otherwise two machines are pushing to the same branch simulteneously) - whatever the answer it must be sane - one of the clients push/merge must be rejected or a new branch created for one of them

  • 1B:
    the system can never be put into a insane state such as if fred posts an edit to a comment while barney (or fred) is deleting that same comment (or the entire repo) simulteneously on another machine - either the new edit is posted and then deleted - or the original comment is deleted first then the new edit is posted as a new comment - or the comment (or repo) is deleted first then fred gets an informative error

  • 1C:
    although not strictly an issue of atomicity - there is a somewhat related issue - if fred posts a merge request to barney's repo on a foreign server and barney deletes or rebases that branch either before the merge request arrives or after it is posted then the simplest thing to do would be to delete the merge request and it's issue also - or else if barney accepts the merge then the deleted branch (or some new one) would need to be recreated based on the closest common commit - also if the target branch is deleted or rebased after the merge is completed then the PR issue perhaps could also be deleted then because it is not clear whether the deleted commits should be kept in the db (never to be reaped as long as the orphaned PR issue is still accessible on the website) - to be clear, git would reap them after 30? days but i think sites such as gogs and github keep these orphaned commits for as long as some issue references them so that they can be viewed although the UI would never allow them to be merged - however, if the orphaned PR issue was not yet closed or if it is possible to re-opened it then it could remain viable to be merged a second time - this is something to think about because presumably the PR issue would live on the destination server which presumably would not have any reliable knowlege of any other forks (even the PR source itself may not exist at merge time) - so clearly the destination repo would need to actually perform the merge in advance at the moment the PR is sent and store it (conflicts and all) in a temporary branch (or however the backend handles it) until the actual merge is accepted or rejected or else there would be no way to present the diff without redirecting to the source server (indeed - it may not be possible to present the diff at all if the source repo is offline) - in all cases the system should be sane at all times - worst case: dummy users, commits, comments, etc and empty pages or JSON responses; but no segfaults or 404s, and no merge buttons that can not complete

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