Porject: RandomCryptDNS
*Description: Simple Bash script for randomly selecting DNSCrypt
and DoH server from your personal list.
= GPLv3.
How does it work?
- Install or build dnscrypt-proxy.
- Configure dnscrypt-proxy.
- Download this repository.
- Give chmod 777 access rights. ;)
- ListDNS.db sheet, specify actual proxy server
(name can be viewed in configuration file:
/etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml) and
change symbol * to > (change not actual in
reverse order).
- After these actions you can run this script.
IMPORTANT:The list path must not contain spaces.
Example list of servers, file "ListDNS.db".
Information about available public servers is
taken from: https://dnscrypt.info/public-servers