style.css 7.5 KB

  1. @import 'normalize.css';
  2. /* s. .s5SSSSs.
  3. SS. .s5SSSs. .s5SSSs. SSS .s5SSSs. .s s. .s5SSSs. .s5SSSs.
  4. sSs. S%S SS. SS. sSS SS. SS. SS. SS.
  5. SS`S. S%S sS `:; sS S%S sSS sS S%S sSs. S%S sS `:; sS `:;
  6. SS `S.S%S SSSs. SS S%S sSS SS S%S SS `S.S%S SSSs. `:;;;;.
  7. SS `sS%S SS SS S%S sSS SS S%S SS `sS%S SS ;;.
  8. SS `:; SS SS `:; sSS SS `:; SS `:; SS `:;
  9. SS ;,. SS ;,. SS ;,. sSS SS ;,. SS ;,. SS ;,. .,; ;,.
  10. :; ;:' `:;;;;;:' `:;;;;;:' `:;;;;;:' `:;;;;;:' :; ;:' `:;;;;;:' `:;;;;;:'
  11. Owly * Nekojiru * Evan * Bytemoth * Pizza Squeeze * Hexo * Spoopz
  12. Master CSS File of Maximum Friendship 2020.05.24
  14. */
  15. address,blockquote,body,caption,div,fieldset,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,html,
  16. img,li,p,ol,table,td,th,tr,ul{margin:0;padding:0}fieldset,img{border:none}
  17. img{max-width:100%}nav,aside,header,footer,figure,figcaption,main{display:block}
  19. The font used on NeoZones is called "Drogowskaz" (meaning "Roadsign" in
  20. Polish), the font was made by the Polish Ministry of Transportation. The
  21. version of the font used on this site was made by Emil Wojtacki.
  22. If you have any issues in viewing the font (for example: some letters may
  23. not appear like in this screenshot
  24., then re-download the
  25. font onto your computer, installing it, hopefully then there should be no
  26. issues - if there are, please tell us!
  27. More information about fonts used on NeoZones can be fount at this URL
  29. This part of the code also has the part that controls the background image.
  30. Sometimes for special events (Christmas, Halloween), we may change the
  31. image, in cases like that, mess around with the line that looks like
  32. this; body{background:#10071E url(/common/bricks.png);color:#9242ff;
  33. Semi-related, but if you want to change the header banner on the site (the
  34. one that says "NeoZones" on with Ricky), then you will need to go to
  35. /common/ and upload the new banner to
  36. the file called "header.png". Do not edit header_normal.png, also make sure
  37. that the new banner that up upload is 800 x 150! */
  38. @font-face{font-display:swap;font-family:'Drogowskaz';src:local('Drogowskaz'),
  39. url(common/fonts/drogowskaz.woff2)format('woff2'),
  40. url(common/fonts/drogowskaz.woff)format('woff'),
  41. url(common/fonts/Drogowskaz.ttf)format('truetype')}
  42. body{background:#10071E url(/common/bricks.png);color:#9242ff;
  43. font-family:'Drogowskaz',sans-serif;-webkit-font-smoothing:none}
  44. a:link{color:#A17FFF}a:visited{color:#d200ff}a:hover,a:focus{color:#ff006d}
  45. a:active{color:#ff00c0}
  46. #full{width:100%;height:100%}
  47. h1,header,footer,nav,.ac,#nm,#footer{text-align:center}
  48. header,footer,main,marquee,.left{background:#000}
  49. footer img{width:88px;height:31px}
  50. marquee,footer p,h1,.nm,#nm{margin:0}
  52. This scrollbar will only work on Google Chrome and Apple's Safari.
  53. Simply put, what it will do is change the normal scrollbar (the one on your
  54. right) from the default to purple. Here is what it looks like on Chrome:
  56. If you like, feel free to add a purple sidebar than will be able to work on
  57. other browsers. */
  58. ::-webkit-scrollbar{width:16px}
  59. ::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background:#2D1C3C;border-radius:0}
  60. ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background:#5B378B;border-radius:0}
  61. /* /misc/attic/ */
  62. #nm{font-size:1.5em}
  63. dt{margin:1em 0 0 0}
  64. /* /comic/ */
  65. blockquote{margin:16px 48px}
  66. /* /discord/ */
  67. ol li{margin:0 2em}
  68. ul li{margin:0 0 1em 1em}
  69. /* /cult/
  70. #cult table{border-collapse:collapse}
  71. #cult tr:nth-child(odd){background:#d0b7df}
  72. #cult td,th{text-align:left;padding:8px;vertical-align:top}
  73. #cult ul li{margin:0 0 0 1em}
  74. <table> replaced with <dl> */
  75. #cult h1 img{filter:drop-shadow(5px 5px 2px #231537)}
  76. #cult dd:before{content:"\2022\a0"}
  77. #cult dt,#pressf dt{font-size:1.5em}
  78. /* /people/ */
  79. article,p{margin:1em 0}
  80. article,article+br,.fc{clear:both}
  81. h2{margin:2em 0 0 0}
  82. marquee,nav,#pressf dt{font-weight:bold}
  83. .fl{float:left}.fr{float:right}.fl,.fr{margin:5px 15px}
  84. #bytemoth{text-align:justify}
  85. #tehleroy img,.pixels{image-rendering:pixelated;image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges}
  86. #tau{text-align:right;color:#000}
  87. #tau a:link{text-decoration:none;cursor:help;color:#215}
  89. header,footer,main,#tau{width:800px;margin:0 auto}
  90. .js main{display:table}.js .left,.js .right{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}
  91. .js .right{width:615px}
  92. .js .left{width:145px;color:#5B378B}.left a{display:block}.left img{width:140px}
  93. .left hr{margin:5px;height:3px;border:1px solid #5B378B;border-width:1px 0}
  94. .left p{text-align:left;margin:0 0 0 2px}
  95. .left,footer p{padding:5px;font-size:13px}
  96. .right,noscript p{padding:15px;background:#5B378B;color:#fff}
  97. #left,#left iframe,#footer iframe{width:800px;border:0;height:300px}
  98. .js #left{width:155px}
  99. #footer{width:100%}
  100. #wwp{width:91px;height:100px;margin:1em auto}
  102. This is for "THE VICTIMS" sidebar, as seen on the left. The
  103. "(0 0 5px #XXXXXX)" part of the code determines the colour that will appear
  104. once you hover your mouse over it. If your name is not listed, simply
  105. follow this base;
  106. .left a[href="/example/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #XXXXXX)saturate(2)}
  107. With the "example" being your folder name and the "#XXXXXX" being what
  108. colour you want it to be. */
  109. .left a{margin:2px;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out}
  110. .left a:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #9242FF)}
  111. .left a[href="/ricky/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #B400FF)hue-rotate(360deg)brightness(1.5)}
  112. .left a[href="/emily/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #FFCF4E)saturate(3)brightness(1.5)}
  113. .left a[href="/nekojiru/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #FF00FF)brightness(1.2)}
  114. .left a[href="/owlman/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #69FF69)brightness(1.2)}
  115. .left a[href="/tehleroy/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #66CCCC)saturate(3)}
  116. .left a[href="/bytemoth/"]:hover{filter:drop-shadow(0 0 5px #FFFFFF)saturate(2)}
  117. /*need more effects for the new members*/
  119. If you (someone who is developing NeoZones) do not have a mobile on hand to
  120. test this out, you can recreate the mobile look by making your web browser
  121. half the size than what it should be, like in this screenshot:
  122. */
  123. @media(max-width:816px){.fl,.fr{display:block;float:none;margin:0 auto}
  124. header,footer,main,.js main,.right,.js .right
  125. ,.left,#left,.js .left,.js #left,#left iframe
  126. ,#footer iframe,#tau,blockquote{display:block;width:100%;margin:0;padding:0}
  127. .right,.js .right{width:96%;padding:2%}
  128. .left a{display:inline-block;width:30%;margin:0}
  129. .left,.left p,.left a,h2{text-align:center}
  130. .js #left{height:auto}
  131. }
  132. /* PLEASE ADD NEW SHIT BELOW THIS LINE so i can fix it up if needed ~bytemoth
  133. Why won't my code work?!?!
  134. o
  135. o
  136. //@@ o
  137. @@ \/
  138. @@@ ^ @ _____
  139. / \ / \ |\____\
  140. / ( X ) | | | |
  141. <___=\ | | |
  142. \======\ \|_"_|
  143. (____
  144. ASCII by Mariza Cabral
  145. */