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- /*So for the people who do not know what the following JavaScript does, here
- is a breakdown; In older browsers such as Netscape and even in SeaMonkey,
- there is a status bar at the bottom of the page, the function of this bar
- differs from browser to browser, but what most of them have in common is that,
- if the option is put in place, then they will show a custom message that will
- scroll from right to left, in this case, the message will read "NeoZones:
- Because Why Not?"
- Here is a screenshot of the scrollbar in action:
- https://neozones.neocities.org/common/why_not.png
- */var MessageText="NeoZones: Because Why Not?";
- var DisplayLength=130;var pos=1-DisplayLength;function ScrollInStatusBar(){
- var scroll="";pos++;if(pos==MessageText.length)pos=1-DisplayLength;if(pos<0){
- for(var i=1;i<=Math.abs(pos);i++)scroll=scroll+" ";
- scroll=scroll+MessageText.substring(0,DisplayLength-i+1);}else
- scroll=scroll+MessageText.substring(pos,pos+DisplayLength);window.status=scroll;
- setTimeout("ScrollInStatusBar()",50);}ScrollInStatusBar();