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- <title>Website Profile</title>
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- <h1>Website Profile</h1>
- <img align=right hspace=15 src="300px-Thewikion_userpage.png" vspace=5 alt="The userpage for the old wiki." title="The userpage for the old wiki.">
- <p>
- By default every website on Neocities should have a website profile page. You can access a profile URL by going to <a href="https://neocities.org/site/(your-url)"><tt>https://neocities.org/site/(your-url)</tt></a>, all website profile pages are in lower-case.
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- A user has the option to opt-out of having a website profile page/being able to have other user's post on their profile page, by going to <a href="https://neocities.org/settings/(your-url)"><tt>https://neocities.org/settings/(your-url)</tt></a> and selecting the opt-out option. If a user ops-out of having a profile page, then rather than seeing their userpage, a person will instead automatically be redirected to the person's website.
- <p>
- A website profile page should show a number of things, such as a screencap of the latest update, people who follow you, and comments the owner has posted and received. A website profile will also show how many views, followers, updates, and tips a site has, along with what tags the site uses.
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- <h2>A User's Feed</h2>
- A user's feed is updated whenever they make a change to their Neocities' website, this is seen most often with HTML files, but can been seen with other files types, such as with JPG, and GIF files (<a href="https://neocities.org/site/owlman?event_id=110557">...can been seen with other files types, such as with JPG, and GIF files...</a>). If a user has already updated their site in a 24-hour time span, the change they have made will be part of that last update.
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- Along with updates by the user, other members of Neocities can leave messages on update logs, along with just making a new post on a user's profile wall.
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- After a new member of Neocities joins, they will be unable to make any posts, and will not be able to reply to a post made by any other user. This was made to help fight spam on Neocities. Once a user is one week old and has made at least two updates (on two separate days) then they may interact with other users.
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- <img align=right hspace=15 src="2_times.png" vspace=5 alt="A message preventing a new user from posting." title="A message preventing a new user from posting.">
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- <h2>References</h2>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="https://thewikion.neocities.org/wiki/website_profile.html">Original wiki article about this subject</a></li>
- <li><a href="https://github.com/MineRobber9000/neowiki/blob/master/articles/site_profile.md">site_profile.md</a></li>
- </ol>
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