123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778 |
- local import_mod = ...
- local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
- local MP = minetest.get_modpath(modname)
- local function get_chunk_name(chunk_pos)
- return MP .. "/map/chunk_" .. chunk_pos.x .. "_" .. chunk_pos.y .. "_" .. chunk_pos.z .. ".bin"
- end
- function import_mod.read_chunk_header(chunk_pos)
- local filename = get_chunk_name(chunk_pos)
- local file = io.open(filename, "rb")
- if file then
- local version = string.byte(file:read(1))
- local mapblock_count = string.byte(file:read(1))
- local mtime = import_mod.decode_uint32(file:read(4), 0)
- return version, mapblock_count, mtime
- end
- end
- local function read_chunkdata(chunk_pos)
- local filename = get_chunk_name(chunk_pos)
- local file = io.open(filename, "rb")
- if file then
- local version = string.byte(file:read(1))
- local mapblock_count = string.byte(file:read(1))
- local mtime = import_mod.decode_uint32(file:read(4), 0)
- local data = file:read("*all")
- return version, mapblock_count, mtime, minetest.decompress(data, "deflate"), #data
- end
- end
- -- local vars for faster access
- local insert, byte, decode_uint16 = table.insert, string.byte, import_mod.decode_uint16
- function import_mod.load_chunk(chunk_pos, manifest)
- local version, mapblock_count, _, chunk_data = read_chunkdata(chunk_pos)
- if not chunk_data then
- -- write current os.time to modstorage
- import_mod.storage:set_int(minetest.pos_to_string(chunk_pos), os.time())
- return
- end
- if version ~= manifest.version then
- error("couldn't load chunk " .. minetest.pos_to_string(chunk_pos) ..
- " serialization-version: " .. version)
- end
- local manifest_offset = 1 + (4096 * 4 * mapblock_count)
- local chunk_manifest = minetest.parse_json(string.sub(chunk_data, manifest_offset))
- for mbi=1, mapblock_count do
- local mapblock_manifest = chunk_manifest.mapblocks[mbi]
- local mapblock = {
- node_ids = {},
- param1 = {},
- param2 = {},
- metadata = mapblock_manifest.metadata
- }
- for i=1,4096 do
- local node_id = decode_uint16(chunk_data, ((mbi-1) * 4096 * 2) + (i * 2) - 2)
- local param1 = byte(chunk_data, (4096 * 2 * mapblock_count) + ((mbi-1) * 4096) + i)
- local param2 = byte(chunk_data, (4096 * 3 * mapblock_count) + ((mbi-1) * 4096) + i)
- insert(mapblock.node_ids, node_id)
- insert(mapblock.param1, param1)
- insert(mapblock.param2, param2)
- end
- import_mod.localize_nodeids(manifest.node_mapping, mapblock.node_ids)
- import_mod.deserialize(mapblock, mapblock_manifest.pos)
- end
- if chunk_manifest.mtime then
- -- write emerge chunk mtime to modstorage
- import_mod.storage:set_int(minetest.pos_to_string(chunk_pos), chunk_manifest.mtime)
- end
- end