#8 Ride-able ostriches

4 роки тому відкрито NathanS21 · 11 коментарів
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому
Тут ще немає жодного вмісту.
Xachman відкоментовано 4 роки тому

@NathanS21 This isn't a thing that's currently in the game right? It will need models and all?

@NathanS21 This isn't a thing that's currently in the game right? It will need models and all?
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Ostriches are part of the desert_life mod. All that needs adding is the code for taming and riding. Most of which can be copied/pasted from the mob_horse code.

Ostriches are part of the desert_life mod. All that needs adding is the code for taming and riding. Most of which can be copied/pasted from the mob_horse code.
Xachman відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Oh man I can totally copy and paste code. Ill check it out.

Oh man I can totally copy and paste code. Ill check it out.
Xachman відкоментовано 4 роки тому

So close yet so far away. Not sure whats making this guy so large ill have to try on the horse now too.

So close yet so far away. Not sure whats making this guy so large ill have to try on the horse now too.
Xachman відкоментовано 4 роки тому

On the horse the character is normal size.

On the horse the character is normal size.
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

You probably need to set self.driver_scale to something small. You might also need to set the attach and eye_offset so the player lines up in the right spot. I use this for the pet scorpion. self.driver_scale = {x = .125, y = .125} You can check out all the code in scorpion/pet.lua around line 130.

You probably need to set self.driver_scale to something small. You might also need to set the attach and eye_offset so the player lines up in the right spot. I use this for the pet scorpion. ```self.driver_scale = {x = .125, y = .125}``` You can check out all the code in scorpion/pet.lua around line 130.
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Hows progress going on this? I can do the code myself fairly easily, now that I've finished up the armor/combat overhaul.

Hows progress going on this? I can do the code myself fairly easily, now that I've finished up the armor/combat overhaul.
Xachman відкоментовано 4 роки тому

its working just my guy isnt centered I can pull request it if you want to work on the code I started or just do it yourself. I can see if I can get him centered on the ostrich today.

its working just my guy isnt centered I can pull request it if you want to work on the code I started or just do it yourself. I can see if I can get him centered on the ostrich today.
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

If you want to create a pull request I can tweak the things that need changing to make the player sit in the right location.

If you want to create a pull request I can tweak the things that need changing to make the player sit in the right location.
Xachman відкоментовано 4 роки тому
Pull request created https://notabug.org/NathanS21/Epic/pulls/65
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

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