#77 so, Does Epic Server need Epic music?

4 роки тому відкрито MisterE123 · 4 коментарів
MisterE123 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Check out this CC0 library:


I think that this music should play when a battle begins (put it in an on-hit reference on boss mobs), when a player enters a deep cave, when pvp starts, when new map is discovered, etc. Of course, individual music should only play occasionally.

just go to the website and listen to some of them, and you'll b want it in your game.

Check out this CC0 library: https://opengameart.org/content/cc0-cinematic-music I think that this music should play when a battle begins (put it in an on-hit reference on boss mobs), when a player enters a deep cave, when pvp starts, when new map is discovered, etc. Of course, individual music should only play occasionally. just go to the website and listen to some of them, and you'll b want it in your game.
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Something to think about. I've been adding some biome sounds, this may be fitting. I do want to watch the amount of media I'm adding though, as every byte added means longer initial downloads in multiplayer, and loading times in singleplayer.

Something to think about. I've been adding some biome sounds, this may be fitting. I do want to watch the amount of media I'm adding though, as every byte added means longer initial downloads in multiplayer, and loading times in singleplayer.
daniel1 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

Sara's has quite a bit of music... the media download portion during login can take up to 30 seconds depending on load... any music I would suggest be simple to reduce size

Sara's has quite a bit of music... the media download portion during login can take up to 30 seconds depending on load... any music I would suggest be simple to reduce size
daniel1 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

or for fun you could play around with this...


or for fun you could play around with this... https://github.com/minetest-tools/mtmediasrv
NathanS21 відкоментовано 4 роки тому

I don't think that running a media server would provide any benefit, as I'd have to have that running off a machine on my local network anyway, so any bandwith limits would still exist. I'd need a VPS for this to actually provide any benefit, and I'm not going to rent one of those, when running the server from home is working alright.

I don't think that running a media server would provide any benefit, as I'd have to have that running off a machine on my local network anyway, so any bandwith limits would still exist. I'd need a VPS for this to actually provide any benefit, and I'm not going to rent one of those, when running the server from home is working alright.
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