text.asm 51 KB

  1. INCLUDE "charmap.asm"
  2. INCLUDE "constants/text_constants.asm"
  3. TEXT_1 EQU $20
  4. TEXT_2 EQU TEXT_1 + 1
  5. TEXT_3 EQU TEXT_2 + 1
  6. TEXT_4 EQU TEXT_3 + 1
  7. TEXT_5 EQU TEXT_4 + 1
  8. TEXT_6 EQU TEXT_5 + 1
  9. TEXT_7 EQU TEXT_6 + 1
  10. TEXT_8 EQU TEXT_7 + 1
  11. TEXT_9 EQU TEXT_8 + 1
  12. TEXT_10 EQU TEXT_9 + 1
  13. TEXT_11 EQU TEXT_10 + 1
  17. INCLUDE "macros.asm"
  18. INCLUDE "hram.asm"
  19. SECTION "Text 1", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_1]
  20. _CardKeySuccessText1::
  21. text "Bingo!@@"
  22. _CardKeySuccessText2::
  23. text ""
  24. line "The CARD KEY"
  25. cont "opened the door!"
  26. done
  27. _CardKeyFailText::
  28. text "Darn! It needs a"
  29. line "CARD KEY!"
  30. done
  31. _TrainerNameText::
  32. TX_RAM wcd6d
  33. text ": @@"
  34. _NoNibbleText::
  35. text "Not even a nibble!"
  36. prompt
  37. _NothingHereText::
  38. text "Looks like there's"
  39. line "nothing here."
  40. prompt
  41. _ItsABiteText::
  42. text "Oh!"
  43. line "It's a bite!"
  44. prompt
  45. _ExclamationText::
  46. text "!"
  47. done
  48. _GroundRoseText::
  49. text "Ground rose up"
  50. line "somewhere!"
  51. done
  52. _BoulderText::
  53. text "This requires"
  54. line "STRENGTH to move!"
  55. done
  56. _MartSignText::
  57. text "All your item"
  58. line "needs fulfilled!"
  59. cont "#MON MART"
  60. done
  61. _PokeCenterSignText::
  62. text "Heal Your #MON!"
  63. line "#MON CENTER"
  64. done
  65. _FoundItemText::
  66. text "<PLAYER> found"
  67. line "@"
  68. TX_RAM wcf4b
  69. text "!@@"
  70. _NoMoreRoomForItemText::
  71. text "No more room for"
  72. line "items!"
  73. done
  74. _OaksAideHiText::
  75. text "Hi! Remember me?"
  76. line "I'm PROF.OAK's"
  77. cont "AIDE!"
  78. para "If you caught @"
  79. TX_NUM hOaksAideRequirement, 1, 3
  80. text ""
  81. line "kinds of #MON,"
  82. cont "I'm supposed to"
  83. cont "give you an"
  84. cont "@"
  85. TX_RAM wOaksAideRewardItemName
  86. text "!"
  87. para "So, <PLAYER>! Have"
  88. line "you caught at"
  89. cont "least @"
  90. TX_NUM hOaksAideRequirement, 1, 3
  91. text " kinds of"
  92. cont "#MON?"
  93. done
  94. _OaksAideUhOhText::
  95. text "Let's see..."
  96. line "Uh-oh! You have"
  97. cont "caught only @"
  98. TX_NUM hOaksAideNumMonsOwned, 1, 3
  99. text ""
  100. cont "kinds of #MON!"
  101. para "You need @"
  102. TX_NUM hOaksAideRequirement, 1, 3
  103. text " kinds"
  104. line "if you want the"
  105. cont "@"
  106. TX_RAM wOaksAideRewardItemName
  107. text "."
  108. done
  109. _OaksAideComeBackText::
  110. text "Oh. I see."
  111. para "When you get @"
  112. TX_NUM hOaksAideRequirement, 1, 3
  113. text ""
  114. line "kinds, come back"
  115. cont "for @"
  116. TX_RAM wOaksAideRewardItemName
  117. text "."
  118. done
  119. _OaksAideHereYouGoText::
  120. text "Great! You have"
  121. line "caught @"
  122. TX_NUM hOaksAideNumMonsOwned, 1, 3
  123. text " kinds "
  124. cont "of #MON!"
  125. cont "Congratulations!"
  126. para "Here you go!"
  127. prompt
  128. _OaksAideGotItemText::
  129. text "<PLAYER> got the"
  130. line "@"
  131. TX_RAM wOaksAideRewardItemName
  132. text "!@@"
  133. _OaksAideNoRoomText::
  134. text "Oh! I see you"
  135. line "don't have any"
  136. cont "room for the"
  137. cont "@"
  138. TX_RAM wOaksAideRewardItemName
  139. text "."
  140. done
  141. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest.asm"
  142. INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_1f.asm"
  143. INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b1f.asm"
  144. INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b2f.asm"
  145. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_1.asm"
  146. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_2.asm"
  147. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_3.asm"
  148. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_5.asm"
  149. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_6.asm"
  150. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_7.asm"
  151. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_8.asm"
  152. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_9.asm"
  153. INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_10.asm"
  154. INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_3f.asm"
  155. INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b1f.asm"
  156. INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b2f.asm"
  157. INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b3f.asm"
  158. INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b4f.asm"
  159. INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_elevator.asm"
  160. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_2f.asm"
  161. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_3f.asm"
  162. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_4f.asm"
  163. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_1.asm"
  164. SECTION "Text 2", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_2]
  165. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_2.asm"
  166. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_6f.asm"
  167. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_7f.asm"
  168. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_8f.asm"
  169. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_9f.asm"
  170. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_10f.asm"
  171. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_11f.asm"
  172. INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_2f.asm"
  173. INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_3f.asm"
  174. INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_b1f.asm"
  175. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_east.asm"
  176. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_north.asm"
  177. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_west.asm"
  178. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_center.asm"
  179. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_1.asm"
  180. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_secret_house.asm"
  181. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_2.asm"
  182. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_3.asm"
  183. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_4.asm"
  184. INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_b1f.asm"
  185. INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_1f.asm"
  186. INCLUDE "text/maps/lance.asm"
  187. INCLUDE "text/maps/hall_of_fame.asm"
  188. INCLUDE "text/maps/champion.asm"
  189. INCLUDE "text/maps/lorelei.asm"
  190. INCLUDE "text/maps/bruno.asm"
  191. INCLUDE "text/maps/agatha.asm"
  192. INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_1.asm"
  193. SECTION "Text 3", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_3]
  194. INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_2.asm"
  195. INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b4f.asm"
  196. _AIBattleWithdrawText::
  197. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  198. text " with-"
  199. line "drew @"
  200. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  201. text "!"
  202. prompt
  203. _AIBattleUseItemText::
  204. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  205. text ""
  206. line "used @"
  207. TX_RAM wcd6d
  208. text ""
  209. cont "on @"
  210. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  211. text "!"
  212. prompt
  213. _TradeWentToText::
  214. TX_RAM wcf4b
  215. text " went"
  216. line "to @"
  217. TX_RAM wGrassRate
  218. text "."
  219. done
  220. _TradeForText::
  221. text "For <PLAYER>'s"
  222. line "@"
  223. TX_RAM wcf4b
  224. text ","
  225. done
  226. _TradeSendsText::
  227. TX_RAM wGrassRate
  228. text " sends"
  229. line "@"
  230. TX_RAM wcd6d
  231. text "."
  232. done
  233. _TradeWavesFarewellText::
  234. TX_RAM wGrassRate
  235. text " waves"
  236. line "farewell as"
  237. done
  238. _TradeTransferredText::
  239. TX_RAM wcd6d
  240. text " is"
  241. line "transferred."
  242. done
  243. _TradeTakeCareText::
  244. text "Take good care of"
  245. line "@"
  246. TX_RAM wcd6d
  247. text "."
  248. done
  249. _TradeWillTradeText::
  250. TX_RAM wGrassRate
  251. text " will"
  252. line "trade @"
  253. TX_RAM wcd6d
  254. text ""
  255. done
  256. _TradeforText::
  257. text "for <PLAYER>'s"
  258. line "@"
  259. TX_RAM wcf4b
  260. text "."
  261. done
  262. _PlaySlotMachineText::
  263. text "A slot machine!"
  264. line "Want to play?"
  265. done
  266. _OutOfCoinsSlotMachineText::
  267. text "Darn!"
  268. line "Ran out of coins!"
  269. done
  270. _BetHowManySlotMachineText::
  271. text "Bet how many"
  272. line "coins?"
  273. done
  274. _StartSlotMachineText::
  275. text "Start!"
  276. done
  277. _NotEnoughCoinsSlotMachineText::
  278. text "Not enough"
  279. line "coins!"
  280. prompt
  281. _OneMoreGoSlotMachineText::
  282. text "One more "
  283. line "go?"
  284. done
  285. _LinedUpText::
  286. text " lined up!"
  287. line "Scored @"
  288. TX_RAM wcf4b
  289. text " coins!"
  290. done
  291. _NotThisTimeText::
  292. text "Not this time!"
  293. prompt
  294. _YeahText::
  295. text "Yeah!@@"
  296. _DexSeenOwnedText::
  297. text "#DEX Seen:@"
  298. TX_NUM wDexRatingNumMonsSeen, 1, 3
  299. text ""
  300. line " Owned:@"
  301. TX_NUM wDexRatingNumMonsOwned, 1, 3
  302. db "@"
  303. _DexRatingText::
  304. text "#DEX Rating", $6d
  305. done
  306. _GymStatueText1::
  307. TX_RAM wGymCityName
  308. text ""
  309. line "#MON GYM"
  310. cont "LEADER: @"
  311. TX_RAM wGymLeaderName
  312. text ""
  313. para "WINNING TRAINERS:"
  314. line "<RIVAL>"
  315. done
  316. _GymStatueText2::
  317. TX_RAM wGymCityName
  318. text ""
  319. line "#MON GYM"
  320. cont "LEADER: @"
  321. TX_RAM wGymLeaderName
  322. text ""
  323. para "WINNING TRAINERS:"
  324. line "<RIVAL>"
  325. cont "<PLAYER>"
  326. done
  327. _ViridianCityPokecenterGuyText::
  328. text "#MON CENTERs"
  329. line "heal your tired,"
  330. cont "hurt or fainted"
  331. cont "#MON!"
  332. done
  333. _PewterCityPokecenterGuyText::
  334. text "Yawn!"
  335. para "When JIGGLYPUFF"
  336. line "sings, #MON"
  337. cont "get drowsy..."
  338. para "...Me too..."
  339. line "Snore..."
  340. done
  341. _CeruleanPokecenterGuyText::
  342. text "BILL has lots of"
  343. line "#MON!"
  344. para "He collects rare"
  345. line "ones too!"
  346. done
  347. _LavenderPokecenterGuyText::
  348. text "CUBONEs wear"
  349. line "skulls, right?"
  350. para "People will pay a"
  351. line "lot for one!"
  352. done
  353. _MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText::
  354. text "If you have too"
  355. line "many #MON, you"
  356. cont "should store them"
  357. cont "via PC!"
  358. done
  359. _RockTunnelPokecenterGuyText::
  360. text "I heard that"
  361. line "GHOSTs haunt"
  362. cont "LAVENDER TOWN!"
  363. done
  364. _UnusedBenchGuyText1::
  365. text "I wish I could"
  366. line "catch #MON."
  367. done
  368. _UnusedBenchGuyText2::
  369. text "I'm tired from"
  370. line "all the fun..."
  371. done
  372. _UnusedBenchGuyText3::
  373. text "SILPH's manager"
  374. line "is hiding in the"
  375. cont "SAFARI ZONE."
  376. done
  377. _VermilionPokecenterGuyText::
  378. text "It is true that a"
  379. line "higher level"
  380. cont "#MON will be"
  381. cont "more powerful..."
  382. para "But, all #MON"
  383. line "will have weak"
  384. cont "points against"
  385. cont "specific types."
  386. para "So, there is no"
  387. line "universally"
  388. cont "strong #MON."
  389. done
  390. _CeladonCityPokecenterGuyText::
  391. text "If I had a BIKE,"
  392. line "I would go to"
  393. cont "CYCLING ROAD!"
  394. done
  395. _FuchsiaCityPokecenterGuyText::
  396. text "If you're studying "
  397. line "#MON, visit"
  398. cont "the SAFARI ZONE."
  399. para "It has all sorts"
  400. line "of rare #MON."
  401. done
  402. _CinnabarPokecenterGuyText::
  403. text "#MON can still"
  404. line "learn techniques"
  405. cont "after canceling"
  406. cont "evolution."
  407. para "Evolution can wait"
  408. line "until new moves"
  409. cont "have been learned."
  410. done
  411. _SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText1::
  412. text "It would be great"
  413. line "if the ELITE FOUR"
  414. cont "came and stomped"
  415. cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
  416. done
  417. _SaffronCityPokecenterGuyText2::
  418. text "TEAM ROCKET took"
  419. line "off! We can go"
  420. cont "out safely again!"
  421. cont "That's great!"
  422. done
  423. _CeladonCityHotelText::
  424. text "My sis brought me"
  425. line "on this vacation!"
  426. done
  427. _BookcaseText::
  428. text "Crammed full of"
  429. line "#MON books!"
  430. done
  431. _NewBicycleText::
  432. text "A shiny new"
  433. line "BICYCLE!"
  434. done
  435. _PushStartText::
  436. text "Push START to"
  437. line "open the MENU!"
  438. done
  439. _SaveOptionText::
  440. text "The SAVE option is"
  441. line "on the MENU"
  442. cont "screen."
  443. done
  444. _StrengthsAndWeaknessesText::
  445. text "All #MON types"
  446. line "have strong and"
  447. cont "weak points"
  448. cont "against others."
  449. done
  450. _TimesUpText::
  451. text "PA: Ding-dong!"
  452. para "Time's up!"
  453. prompt
  454. _GameOverText::
  455. text "PA: Your SAFARI"
  456. line "GAME is over!"
  457. done
  458. _CinnabarGymQuizIntroText::
  459. text "#MON Quiz!"
  460. para "Get it right and"
  461. line "the door opens to"
  462. cont "the next room!"
  463. para "Get it wrong and"
  464. line "face a trainer!"
  465. para "If you want to"
  466. line "conserve your"
  467. cont "#MON for the"
  468. cont "GYM LEADER..."
  469. para "Then get it right!"
  470. line "Here we go!"
  471. prompt
  472. _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText1::
  473. text "CATERPIE evolves"
  474. line "into BUTTERFREE?"
  475. done
  476. _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText2::
  477. text "There are 9"
  478. line "certified #MON"
  479. cont "LEAGUE BADGEs?"
  480. done
  481. _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText3::
  482. text "POLIWAG evolves 3"
  483. line "times?"
  484. done
  485. _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText4::
  486. text "Are thunder moves"
  487. line "effective against"
  488. cont "ground element-"
  489. cont "type #MON?"
  490. done
  491. _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText5::
  492. text "#MON of the"
  493. line "same kind and"
  494. cont "level are not"
  495. cont "identical?"
  496. done
  497. _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText6::
  498. text "TM28 contains"
  499. line "TOMBSTONER?"
  500. done
  501. _CinnabarGymQuizCorrectText::
  502. text "You're absolutely"
  503. line "correct!"
  504. para "Go on through!@@"
  505. _CinnabarGymQuizIncorrectText::
  506. text "Sorry! Bad call!"
  507. prompt
  508. _MagazinesText::
  509. text "#MON magazines!"
  510. para "#MON notebooks!"
  511. para "#MON graphs!"
  512. done
  513. _BillsHouseMonitorText::
  514. text "TELEPORTER is"
  515. line "displayed on the"
  516. cont "PC monitor."
  517. done
  518. _BillsHouseInitiatedText::
  519. text "<PLAYER> initiated"
  520. line "TELEPORTER's Cell"
  521. cont "Separator!@@"
  522. _BillsHousePokemonListText1::
  523. text "BILL's favorite"
  524. line "#MON list!"
  525. prompt
  526. _BillsHousePokemonListText2::
  527. text "Which #MON do"
  528. line "you want to see?"
  529. done
  530. _OakLabEmailText::
  531. text "There's an e-mail"
  532. line "message here!"
  533. para "..."
  534. para "Calling all"
  535. line "#MON trainers!"
  536. para "The elite trainers"
  537. line "of #MON LEAGUE"
  538. cont "are ready to take"
  539. cont "on all comers!"
  540. para "Bring your best"
  541. line "#MON and see"
  542. cont "how you rate as a"
  543. cont "trainer!"
  544. para "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
  545. line "INDIGO PLATEAU"
  546. para "PS: PROF.OAK,"
  547. line "please visit us!"
  548. cont "..."
  549. done
  550. _GameCornerCoinCaseText::
  551. text "A COIN CASE is"
  552. line "required!"
  553. done
  554. _GameCornerNoCoinsText::
  555. text "You don't have"
  556. line "any coins!"
  557. done
  558. _GameCornerOutOfOrderText::
  559. text "OUT OF ORDER"
  560. line "This is broken."
  561. done
  562. _GameCornerOutToLunchText::
  563. text "OUT TO LUNCH"
  564. line "This is reserved."
  565. done
  566. _GameCornerSomeonesKeysText::
  567. text "Someone's keys!"
  568. line "They'll be back."
  569. done
  570. _JustAMomentText::
  571. text "Just a moment."
  572. done
  573. TMNotebookText::
  574. text "It's a pamphlet"
  575. line "on TMs."
  576. para "..."
  577. para "There are 50 TMs"
  578. line "in all."
  579. para "There are also 5"
  580. line "HMs that can be"
  581. cont "used repeatedly."
  582. para "SILPH CO.@@"
  583. _TurnPageText::
  584. text "Turn the page?"
  585. done
  586. _ViridianSchoolNotebookText5::
  587. text "GIRL: Hey! Don't"
  588. line "look at my notes!@@"
  589. _ViridianSchoolNotebookText1::
  590. text "Looked at the"
  591. line "notebook!"
  592. para "First page..."
  593. para "# BALLs are"
  594. line "used to catch"
  595. cont "#MON."
  596. para "Up to 6 #MON"
  597. line "can be carried."
  598. para "People who raise"
  599. line "and make #MON"
  600. cont "fight are called"
  601. cont "#MON trainers."
  602. prompt
  603. _ViridianSchoolNotebookText2::
  604. text "Second page..."
  605. para "A healthy #MON"
  606. line "may be hard to"
  607. cont "catch, so weaken"
  608. cont "it first!"
  609. para "Poison, burns and"
  610. line "other damage are"
  611. cont "effective!"
  612. prompt
  613. _ViridianSchoolNotebookText3::
  614. text "Third page..."
  615. para "#MON trainers"
  616. line "seek others to"
  617. cont "engage in #MON"
  618. cont "fights."
  619. para "Battles are"
  620. line "constantly fought"
  621. cont "at #MON GYMs."
  622. prompt
  623. _ViridianSchoolNotebookText4::
  624. text "Fourth page..."
  625. para "The goal for"
  626. line "#MON trainers"
  627. cont "is to beat the "
  628. cont "top 8 #MON"
  629. cont "GYM LEADERs."
  630. para "Do so to earn the"
  631. line "right to face..."
  632. para "The ELITE FOUR of"
  633. line "#MON LEAGUE!"
  634. prompt
  635. _EnemiesOnEverySideText::
  636. text "Enemies on every"
  637. line "side!"
  638. done
  639. _WhatGoesAroundComesAroundText::
  640. text "What goes around"
  641. line "comes around!"
  642. done
  643. _FightingDojoText::
  644. text "FIGHTING DOJO"
  645. done
  646. _IndigoPlateauHQText::
  647. text "INDIGO PLATEAU"
  648. line "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
  649. done
  650. _RedBedroomSNESText::
  651. text "<PLAYER> is"
  652. line "playing the SNES!"
  653. cont "...Okay!"
  654. cont "It's time to go!"
  655. done
  656. _Route15UpstairsBinocularsText::
  657. text "Looked into the"
  658. line "binoculars..."
  659. para "A large, shining"
  660. line "bird is flying"
  661. cont "toward the sea."
  662. done
  663. _AerodactylFossilText::
  664. text "AERODACTYL Fossil"
  665. line "A primitive and"
  666. cont "rare #MON."
  667. done
  668. _KabutopsFossilText::
  669. text "KABUTOPS Fossil"
  670. line "A primitive and"
  671. cont "rare #MON."
  672. done
  673. _LinkCableHelpText1::
  674. text "TRAINER TIPS"
  675. para "Using a Game Link"
  676. line "Cable"
  677. prompt
  678. _LinkCableHelpText2::
  679. text "Which heading do"
  680. line "you want to read?"
  681. done
  682. _LinkCableInfoText1::
  683. text "When you have"
  684. line "linked your GAME"
  685. cont "BOY with another"
  686. cont "GAME BOY, talk to"
  687. cont "the attendant on"
  688. cont "the right in any"
  689. cont "#MON CENTER."
  690. prompt
  691. _LinkCableInfoText2::
  692. text "COLOSSEUM lets"
  693. line "you play against"
  694. cont "a friend."
  695. prompt
  696. _LinkCableInfoText3::
  697. text "TRADE CENTER is"
  698. line "used for trading"
  699. cont "#MON."
  700. prompt
  701. _ViridianSchoolBlackboardText1::
  702. text "The blackboard"
  703. line "describes #MON"
  704. cont "STATUS changes"
  705. cont "during battles."
  706. prompt
  707. _ViridianSchoolBlackboardText2::
  708. text "Which heading do"
  709. line "you want to read?"
  710. done
  711. _ViridianBlackboardSleepText::
  712. text "A #MON can't"
  713. line "attack if it's"
  714. cont "asleep!"
  715. para "#MON will stay"
  716. line "asleep even after"
  717. cont "battles."
  718. para "Use AWAKENING to"
  719. line "wake them up!"
  720. prompt
  721. _ViridianBlackboardPoisonText::
  722. text "When poisoned, a"
  723. line "#MON's health"
  724. cont "steadily drops."
  725. para "Poison lingers"
  726. line "after battles."
  727. para "Use an ANTIDOTE"
  728. line "to cure poison!"
  729. prompt
  730. _ViridianBlackboardPrlzText::
  731. text "Paralysis could"
  732. line "make #MON"
  733. cont "moves misfire!"
  734. para "Paralysis remains"
  735. line "after battles."
  736. para "Use PARLYZ HEAL"
  737. line "for treatment!"
  738. prompt
  739. _ViridianBlackboardBurnText::
  740. text "A burn reduces"
  741. line "power and speed."
  742. cont "It also causes"
  743. cont "ongoing damage."
  744. para "Burns remain"
  745. line "after battles."
  746. para "Use BURN HEAL to"
  747. line "cure a burn!"
  748. prompt
  749. _ViridianBlackboardFrozenText::
  750. text "If frozen, a"
  751. line "#MON becomes"
  752. cont "totally immobile!"
  753. para "It stays frozen"
  754. line "even after the"
  755. cont "battle ends."
  756. para "Use ICE HEAL to"
  757. line "thaw out #MON!"
  758. prompt
  759. _VermilionGymTrashText::
  760. text "Nope, there's"
  761. line "only trash here."
  762. done
  763. _VermilionGymTrashSuccessText1::
  764. text "Hey! There's a"
  765. line "switch under the"
  766. cont "trash!"
  767. cont "Turn it on!"
  768. para "The 1st electric"
  769. line "lock opened!@@"
  770. _VermilionGymTrashSuccessText2::
  771. text "Hey! There's"
  772. line "another switch"
  773. cont "under the trash!"
  774. cont "Turn it on!"
  775. prompt
  776. _VermilionGymTrashSuccessText3::
  777. text "The 2nd electric"
  778. line "lock opened!"
  779. para "The motorized door"
  780. line "opened!@@"
  781. _VermilionGymTrashFailText::
  782. text "Nope! There's"
  783. line "only trash here."
  784. cont "Hey! The electric"
  785. cont "locks were reset!@@"
  786. _FoundHiddenItemText::
  787. text "<PLAYER> found"
  788. line "@"
  789. TX_RAM wcd6d
  790. text "!@@"
  791. _HiddenItemBagFullText::
  792. text "But, <PLAYER> has"
  793. line "no more room for"
  794. cont "other items!"
  795. done
  796. _FoundHiddenCoinsText::
  797. text "<PLAYER> found"
  798. line "@"
  800. text " coins!@@"
  801. _FoundHiddenCoins2Text::
  802. text "<PLAYER> found"
  803. line "@"
  805. text " coins!@@"
  806. _DroppedHiddenCoinsText::
  807. text ""
  808. para "Oops! Dropped"
  809. line "some coins!"
  810. done
  811. _IndigoPlateauStatuesText1::
  812. text "INDIGO PLATEAU"
  813. prompt
  814. _IndigoPlateauStatuesText2::
  815. text "The ultimate goal"
  816. line "of trainers!"
  817. cont "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
  818. done
  819. _IndigoPlateauStatuesText3::
  820. text "The highest"
  821. line "#MON authority"
  822. cont "#MON LEAGUE HQ"
  823. done
  824. _PokemonBooksText::
  825. text "Crammed full of"
  826. line "#MON books!"
  827. done
  828. _DiglettSculptureText::
  829. text "It's a sculpture"
  830. line "of DIGLETT."
  831. done
  832. _ElevatorText::
  833. text "This is an"
  834. line "elevator."
  835. done
  836. _TownMapText::
  837. text "A TOWN MAP.@@"
  838. _PokemonStuffText::
  839. text "Wow! Tons of"
  840. line "#MON stuff!"
  841. done
  842. _OutOfSafariBallsText::
  843. text "PA: Ding-dong!"
  844. para "You are out of"
  845. line "SAFARI BALLs!"
  846. prompt
  847. _WildRanText::
  848. text "Wild @"
  849. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  850. text ""
  851. line "ran!"
  852. prompt
  853. _EnemyRanText::
  854. text "Enemy @"
  855. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  856. text ""
  857. line "ran!"
  858. prompt
  859. _HurtByPoisonText::
  860. text "<USER>'s"
  861. line "hurt by poison!"
  862. prompt
  863. _HurtByBurnText::
  864. text "<USER>'s"
  865. line "hurt by the burn!"
  866. prompt
  867. _HurtByLeechSeedText::
  868. text "LEECH SEED saps"
  869. line "<USER>!"
  870. prompt
  871. _EnemyMonFaintedText::
  872. text "Enemy @"
  873. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  874. text ""
  875. line "fainted!"
  876. prompt
  877. _MoneyForWinningText::
  878. text "<PLAYER> got ¥@"
  879. TX_BCD wAmountMoneyWon, 3 | LEADING_ZEROES | LEFT_ALIGN
  880. text ""
  881. line "for winning!"
  882. prompt
  883. _TrainerDefeatedText::
  884. text "<PLAYER> defeated"
  885. line "@"
  886. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  887. text "!"
  888. prompt
  889. _PlayerMonFaintedText::
  890. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  891. text ""
  892. line "fainted!"
  893. prompt
  894. _UseNextMonText::
  895. text "Use next #MON?"
  896. done
  897. _Sony1WinText::
  898. text "<RIVAL>: Yeah! Am"
  899. line "I great or what?"
  900. prompt
  901. _PlayerBlackedOutText2::
  902. text "<PLAYER> is out of"
  903. line "useable #MON!"
  904. para "<PLAYER> blacked"
  905. line "out!"
  906. prompt
  907. _LinkBattleLostText::
  908. text "<PLAYER> lost to"
  909. line "@"
  910. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  911. text "!"
  912. prompt
  913. _TrainerAboutToUseText::
  914. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  915. text " is"
  916. line "about to use"
  917. cont"@"
  918. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  919. text "!"
  920. para "Will <PLAYER>"
  921. line "change #MON?"
  922. done
  923. _TrainerSentOutText::
  924. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  925. text " sent"
  926. line "out @"
  927. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  928. text "!"
  929. done
  930. _NoWillText::
  931. text "There's no will"
  932. line "to fight!"
  933. prompt
  934. _CantEscapeText::
  935. text "Can't escape!"
  936. prompt
  937. _NoRunningText::
  938. text "No! There's no"
  939. line "running from a"
  940. cont "trainer battle!"
  941. prompt
  942. _GotAwayText::
  943. text "Got away safely!"
  944. prompt
  945. _ItemsCantBeUsedHereText::
  946. text "Items can't be"
  947. line "used here."
  948. prompt
  949. _AlreadyOutText::
  950. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  951. text " is"
  952. line "already out!"
  953. prompt
  954. _MoveNoPPText::
  955. text "No PP left for"
  956. line "this move!"
  957. prompt
  958. _MoveDisabledText::
  959. text "The move is"
  960. line "disabled!"
  961. prompt
  962. _NoMovesLeftText::
  963. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  964. text " has no"
  965. line "moves left!"
  966. done
  967. _MultiHitText::
  968. text "Hit the enemy"
  969. line "@"
  970. TX_NUM wPlayerNumHits,1,1
  971. text " times!"
  972. prompt
  973. _ScaredText::
  974. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  975. text " is too"
  976. line "scared to move!"
  977. prompt
  978. _GetOutText::
  979. text "GHOST: Get out..."
  980. line "Get out..."
  981. prompt
  982. _FastAsleepText::
  983. text "<USER>"
  984. line "is fast asleep!"
  985. prompt
  986. _WokeUpText::
  987. text "<USER>"
  988. line "woke up!"
  989. prompt
  990. _IsFrozenText::
  991. text "<USER>"
  992. line "is frozen solid!"
  993. prompt
  994. _FullyParalyzedText::
  995. text "<USER>'s"
  996. line "fully paralyzed!"
  997. prompt
  998. _FlinchedText::
  999. text "<USER>"
  1000. line "flinched!"
  1001. prompt
  1002. _MustRechargeText::
  1003. text "<USER>"
  1004. line "must recharge!"
  1005. prompt
  1006. _DisabledNoMoreText::
  1007. text "<USER>'s"
  1008. line "disabled no more!"
  1009. prompt
  1010. _IsConfusedText::
  1011. text "<USER>"
  1012. line "is confused!"
  1013. prompt
  1014. _HurtItselfText::
  1015. text "It hurt itself in"
  1016. line "its confusion!"
  1017. prompt
  1018. _ConfusedNoMoreText::
  1019. text "<USER>'s"
  1020. line "confused no more!"
  1021. prompt
  1022. _SavingEnergyText::
  1023. text "<USER>"
  1024. line "is saving energy!"
  1025. prompt
  1026. _UnleashedEnergyText::
  1027. text "<USER>"
  1028. line "unleashed energy!"
  1029. prompt
  1030. _ThrashingAboutText::
  1031. text "<USER>'s"
  1032. line "thrashing about!"
  1033. done
  1034. _AttackContinuesText::
  1035. text "<USER>'s"
  1036. line "attack continues!"
  1037. done
  1038. _CantMoveText::
  1039. text "<USER>"
  1040. line "can't move!"
  1041. prompt
  1042. _MoveIsDisabledText::
  1043. text "<USER>'s"
  1044. line "@"
  1045. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1046. text " is"
  1047. cont "disabled!"
  1048. prompt
  1049. _MonName1Text::
  1050. text "<USER>@@"
  1051. _Used1Text::
  1052. text ""
  1053. line "used @@"
  1054. _Used2Text::
  1055. text ""
  1056. line "used @@"
  1057. _InsteadText::
  1058. text "instead,"
  1059. cont "@@"
  1060. _CF4BText::
  1061. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1062. text "@"
  1063. _ExclamationPoint1Text::
  1064. text "!"
  1065. done
  1066. _ExclamationPoint2Text::
  1067. text "!"
  1068. done
  1069. _ExclamationPoint3Text::
  1070. text "!"
  1071. done
  1072. _ExclamationPoint4Text::
  1073. text "!"
  1074. done
  1075. _ExclamationPoint5Text::
  1076. text "!"
  1077. done
  1078. _AttackMissedText::
  1079. text "<USER>'s"
  1080. line "attack missed!"
  1081. prompt
  1082. _KeptGoingAndCrashedText::
  1083. text "<USER>"
  1084. line "kept going and"
  1085. cont "crashed!"
  1086. prompt
  1087. _UnaffectedText::
  1088. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1089. line "unaffected!"
  1090. prompt
  1091. _DoesntAffectMonText::
  1092. text "It doesn't affect"
  1093. line "<TARGET>!"
  1094. prompt
  1095. _CriticalHitText::
  1096. text "Critical hit!"
  1097. prompt
  1098. _OHKOText::
  1099. text "One-hit KO!"
  1100. prompt
  1101. _LoafingAroundText::
  1102. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1103. text " is"
  1104. line "loafing around."
  1105. prompt
  1106. _BeganToNapText::
  1107. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1108. text " began"
  1109. line "to nap!"
  1110. prompt
  1111. _WontObeyText::
  1112. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1113. text " won't"
  1114. line "obey!"
  1115. prompt
  1116. _TurnedAwayText::
  1117. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1118. text " turned"
  1119. line "away!"
  1120. prompt
  1121. _IgnoredOrdersText::
  1122. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1123. text ""
  1124. line "ignored orders!"
  1125. prompt
  1126. _SubstituteTookDamageText::
  1127. text "The SUBSTITUTE"
  1128. line "took damage for"
  1129. cont "<TARGET>!"
  1130. prompt
  1131. _SubstituteBrokeText::
  1132. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1133. line "SUBSTITUTE broke!"
  1134. prompt
  1135. _BuildingRageText::
  1136. text "<USER>'s"
  1137. line "RAGE is building!"
  1138. prompt
  1139. _MirrorMoveFailedText::
  1140. text "The MIRROR MOVE"
  1141. next "failed!"
  1142. prompt
  1143. _HitXTimesText::
  1144. text "Hit @"
  1145. TX_NUM wEnemyNumHits, 1, 1
  1146. text " times!"
  1147. prompt
  1148. _GainedText::
  1149. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1150. text " gained"
  1151. line "@@"
  1152. _WithExpAllText::
  1153. text "with EXP.ALL,"
  1154. cont "@@"
  1155. _BoostedText::
  1156. text "a boosted"
  1157. cont "@@"
  1158. _ExpPointsText::
  1159. TX_NUM wExpAmountGained, 2, 4
  1160. text " EXP. Points!"
  1161. prompt
  1162. _GrewLevelText::
  1163. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1164. text " grew"
  1165. line "to level @"
  1166. TX_NUM wCurEnemyLVL, 1, 3
  1167. text "!@@"
  1168. _WildMonAppearedText::
  1169. text "Wild @"
  1170. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  1171. text ""
  1172. line "appeared!"
  1173. prompt
  1174. _HookedMonAttackedText::
  1175. text "The hooked"
  1176. line "@"
  1177. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  1178. text ""
  1179. cont "attacked!"
  1180. prompt
  1181. _EnemyAppearedText::
  1182. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  1183. text ""
  1184. line "appeared!"
  1185. prompt
  1186. _TrainerWantsToFightText::
  1187. TX_RAM wTrainerName
  1188. text " wants"
  1189. line "to fight!"
  1190. prompt
  1191. _UnveiledGhostText::
  1192. text "SILPH SCOPE"
  1193. line "unveiled the"
  1194. cont "GHOST's identity!"
  1195. prompt
  1196. _GhostCantBeIDdText::
  1197. text "Darn! The GHOST"
  1198. line "can't be ID'd!"
  1199. prompt
  1200. _GoText::
  1201. text "Go! @@"
  1202. _DoItText::
  1203. text "Do it! @@"
  1204. _GetmText::
  1205. text "Get'm! @@"
  1206. _EnemysWeakText::
  1207. text "The enemy's weak!"
  1208. line "Get'm! @@"
  1209. _PlayerMon1Text::
  1210. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1211. text "!"
  1212. done
  1213. _PlayerMon2Text::
  1214. TX_RAM wBattleMonNick
  1215. text " @@"
  1216. _EnoughText::
  1217. text "enough!@@"
  1218. _OKExclamationText::
  1219. text "OK!@@"
  1220. _GoodText::
  1221. text "good!@@"
  1222. _ComeBackText::
  1223. text ""
  1224. line "Come back!"
  1225. done
  1226. _SuperEffectiveText::
  1227. text "It's super"
  1228. line "effective!"
  1229. prompt
  1230. _NotVeryEffectiveText::
  1231. text "It's not very"
  1232. line "effective..."
  1233. prompt
  1234. _SafariZoneEatingText::
  1235. text "Wild @"
  1236. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  1237. db $0
  1238. line "is eating!"
  1239. prompt
  1240. _SafariZoneAngryText::
  1241. text "Wild @"
  1242. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  1243. db $0
  1244. line "is angry!"
  1245. prompt
  1246. ; money related
  1247. _PickUpPayDayMoneyText::
  1248. text "<PLAYER> picked up"
  1249. line "¥@"
  1250. TX_BCD wTotalPayDayMoney, 3 | LEADING_ZEROES | LEFT_ALIGN
  1251. text "!"
  1252. prompt
  1253. _ClearSaveDataText::
  1254. text "Clear all saved"
  1255. line "data?"
  1256. done
  1257. _WhichFloorText::
  1258. text "Which floor do"
  1259. line "you want? "
  1260. done
  1261. _PartyMenuNormalText::
  1262. text "Choose a #MON."
  1263. done
  1264. _PartyMenuItemUseText::
  1265. text "Use item on which"
  1266. line "#MON?"
  1267. done
  1268. _PartyMenuBattleText::
  1269. text "Bring out which"
  1270. line "#MON?"
  1271. done
  1272. _PartyMenuUseTMText::
  1273. text "Use TM on which"
  1274. line "#MON?"
  1275. done
  1276. _PartyMenuSwapMonText::
  1277. text "Move #MON"
  1278. line "where?"
  1279. done
  1280. _PotionText::
  1281. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1282. text ""
  1283. line "recovered by @"
  1284. TX_NUM wHPBarHPDifference, 2, 3
  1285. text "!"
  1286. done
  1287. _AntidoteText::
  1288. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1289. text " was"
  1290. line "cured of poison!"
  1291. done
  1292. _ParlyzHealText::
  1293. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1294. text "'s"
  1295. line "rid of paralysis!"
  1296. done
  1297. _BurnHealText::
  1298. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1299. text "'s"
  1300. line "burn was healed!"
  1301. done
  1302. _IceHealText::
  1303. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1304. text " was"
  1305. line "defrosted!"
  1306. done
  1307. _AwakeningText::
  1308. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1309. text ""
  1310. line "woke up!"
  1311. done
  1312. _FullHealText::
  1313. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1314. text "'s"
  1315. line "health returned!"
  1316. done
  1317. _ReviveText::
  1318. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1319. text ""
  1320. line "is revitalized!"
  1321. done
  1322. _RareCandyText::
  1323. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1324. text " grew"
  1325. line "to level @"
  1326. TX_NUM wCurEnemyLVL, 1, 3
  1327. text "!@@"
  1328. _TurnedOnPC1Text::
  1329. text "<PLAYER> turned on"
  1330. line "the PC."
  1331. prompt
  1332. _AccessedBillsPCText::
  1333. text "Accessed BILL's"
  1334. line "PC."
  1335. para "Accessed #MON"
  1336. line "Storage System."
  1337. prompt
  1338. _AccessedSomeonesPCText::
  1339. text "Accessed someone's"
  1340. line "PC."
  1341. para "Accessed #MON"
  1342. line "Storage System."
  1343. prompt
  1344. _AccessedMyPCText::
  1345. text "Accessed my PC."
  1346. para "Accessed Item"
  1347. line "Storage System."
  1348. prompt
  1349. _TurnedOnPC2Text::
  1350. text "<PLAYER> turned on"
  1351. line "the PC."
  1352. prompt
  1353. _WhatDoYouWantText::
  1354. text "What do you want"
  1355. line "to do?"
  1356. done
  1357. _WhatToDepositText::
  1358. text "What do you want"
  1359. line "to deposit?"
  1360. done
  1361. _DepositHowManyText::
  1362. text "How many?"
  1363. done
  1364. _ItemWasStoredText::
  1365. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1366. text " was"
  1367. line "stored via PC."
  1368. prompt
  1369. _NothingToDepositText::
  1370. text "You have nothing"
  1371. line "to deposit."
  1372. prompt
  1373. _NoRoomToStoreText::
  1374. text "No room left to"
  1375. line "store items."
  1376. prompt
  1377. _WhatToWithdrawText::
  1378. text "What do you want"
  1379. line "to withdraw?"
  1380. done
  1381. _WithdrawHowManyText::
  1382. text "How many?"
  1383. done
  1384. _WithdrewItemText::
  1385. text "Withdrew"
  1386. line "@"
  1387. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1388. text "."
  1389. prompt
  1390. _NothingStoredText::
  1391. text "There is nothing"
  1392. line "stored."
  1393. prompt
  1394. _CantCarryMoreText::
  1395. text "You can't carry"
  1396. line "any more items."
  1397. prompt
  1398. _WhatToTossText::
  1399. text "What do you want"
  1400. line "to toss away?"
  1401. done
  1402. _TossHowManyText::
  1403. text "How many?"
  1404. done
  1405. _AccessedHoFPCText::
  1406. text "Accessed #MON"
  1407. line "LEAGUE's site."
  1408. para "Accessed the HALL"
  1409. line "OF FAME List."
  1410. prompt
  1411. _SwitchOnText::
  1412. text "Switch on!"
  1413. prompt
  1414. _WhatText::
  1415. text "What?"
  1416. done
  1417. _DepositWhichMonText::
  1418. text "Deposit which"
  1419. line "#MON?"
  1420. done
  1421. _MonWasStoredText::
  1422. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1423. text " was"
  1424. line "stored in Box @"
  1425. TX_RAM wBoxNumString
  1426. text "."
  1427. prompt
  1428. _CantDepositLastMonText::
  1429. text "You can't deposit"
  1430. line "the last #MON!"
  1431. prompt
  1432. _BoxFullText::
  1433. text "Oops! This Box is"
  1434. line "full of #MON."
  1435. prompt
  1436. _MonIsTakenOutText::
  1437. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1438. text " is"
  1439. line "taken out."
  1440. cont "Got @"
  1441. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1442. text "."
  1443. prompt
  1444. _NoMonText::
  1445. text "What? There are"
  1446. line "no #MON here!"
  1447. prompt
  1448. _CantTakeMonText::
  1449. text "You can't take"
  1450. line "any more #MON."
  1451. para "Deposit #MON"
  1452. line "first."
  1453. prompt
  1454. _ReleaseWhichMonText::
  1455. text "Release which"
  1456. line "#MON?"
  1457. done
  1458. _OnceReleasedText::
  1459. text "Once released,"
  1460. line "@"
  1461. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1462. text " is"
  1463. cont "gone forever. OK?"
  1464. done
  1465. _MonWasReleasedText::
  1466. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1467. text " was"
  1468. line "released outside."
  1469. cont "Bye @"
  1470. _CF4BExclamationText::
  1471. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1472. text "!"
  1473. prompt
  1474. _RequireCoinCaseText::
  1475. text "A COIN CASE is"
  1476. line "required!@@"
  1477. _ExchangeCoinsForPrizesText::
  1478. text "We exchange your"
  1479. line "coins for prizes."
  1480. prompt
  1481. _WhichPrizeText::
  1482. text "Which prize do"
  1483. line "you want?"
  1484. done
  1485. _HereYouGoText::
  1486. text "Here you go!@@"
  1487. _SoYouWantPrizeText::
  1488. text "So, you want"
  1489. line "@"
  1490. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1491. text "?"
  1492. done
  1493. _SorryNeedMoreCoinsText::
  1494. text "Sorry, you need"
  1495. line "more coins.@@"
  1496. _OopsYouDontHaveEnoughRoomText::
  1497. text "Oops! You don't"
  1498. line "have enough room.@@"
  1499. _OhFineThenText::
  1500. text "Oh, fine then.@@"
  1501. _GetDexRatedText::
  1502. text "Want to get your"
  1503. line "#DEX rated?"
  1504. done
  1505. _ClosedOaksPCText::
  1506. text "Closed link to"
  1507. line "PROF.OAK's PC.@@"
  1508. _AccessedOaksPCText::
  1509. text "Accessed PROF."
  1510. line "OAK's PC."
  1511. para "Accessed #DEX"
  1512. line "Rating System."
  1513. prompt
  1514. _WhereWouldYouLikeText::
  1515. text "Where would you"
  1516. line "like to go?"
  1517. done
  1518. _PleaseWaitText::
  1519. text "OK, please wait"
  1520. line "just a moment."
  1521. done
  1522. _LinkCanceledText::
  1523. text "The link was"
  1524. line "canceled."
  1525. done
  1526. INCLUDE "text/oakspeech.asm"
  1527. _DoYouWantToNicknameText::
  1528. text "Do you want to"
  1529. line "give a nickname"
  1530. cont "to @"
  1531. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1532. text "?"
  1533. done
  1534. _YourNameIsText::
  1535. text "Right! So your"
  1536. line "name is <PLAYER>!"
  1537. prompt
  1538. _HisNameIsText::
  1539. text "That's right! I"
  1540. line "remember now! His"
  1541. cont "name is <RIVAL>!"
  1542. prompt
  1543. _WillBeTradedText::
  1544. TX_RAM wNameOfPlayerMonToBeTraded
  1545. text " and"
  1546. line "@"
  1547. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1548. text " will"
  1549. cont "be traded."
  1550. done
  1551. _Char00Text::
  1552. TX_NUM hSpriteIndexOrTextID,1,2
  1553. text " ERROR."
  1554. done
  1555. _Char55Text::
  1556. text $4B,"@@"
  1557. INCLUDE "text/maps/digletts_cave_route_2_entrance.asm"
  1558. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest_exit.asm"
  1559. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2_house.asm"
  1560. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2_gate.asm"
  1561. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest_entrance.asm"
  1562. INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_pokecenter.asm"
  1563. INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_gates.asm"
  1564. INCLUDE "text/maps/daycare_1.asm"
  1565. SECTION "Text 4", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_4]
  1566. INCLUDE "text/maps/daycare_2.asm"
  1567. INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_6_entrance.asm"
  1568. INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_7_entrance.asm"
  1569. INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_7_entrance_unused.asm"
  1570. INCLUDE "text/maps/underground_path_route_8_entrance.asm"
  1571. INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_pokecenter.asm"
  1572. INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b1f.asm"
  1573. INCLUDE "text/maps/power_plant.asm"
  1574. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_gate.asm"
  1575. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_gate_upstairs.asm"
  1576. INCLUDE "text/maps/digletts_cave_route_11_entrance.asm"
  1577. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_gate.asm"
  1578. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_gate_upstairs.asm"
  1579. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12_house.asm"
  1580. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15_gate.asm"
  1581. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15_gate_upstairs.asm"
  1582. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_gate.asm"
  1583. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_gate_upstairs.asm"
  1584. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16_house.asm"
  1585. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18_gate.asm"
  1586. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18_gate_upstairs.asm"
  1587. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_league_gate.asm"
  1588. INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_2f.asm"
  1589. INCLUDE "text/maps/bills_house.asm"
  1590. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_1.asm"
  1591. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2.asm"
  1592. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_3.asm"
  1593. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_4.asm"
  1594. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_5.asm"
  1595. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_6.asm"
  1596. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_7.asm"
  1597. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_8.asm"
  1598. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_9.asm"
  1599. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_10.asm"
  1600. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_1.asm"
  1601. SECTION "Text 5", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_5]
  1602. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_2.asm"
  1603. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12.asm"
  1604. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_13.asm"
  1605. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_14.asm"
  1606. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15.asm"
  1607. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16.asm"
  1608. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_17.asm"
  1609. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18.asm"
  1610. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_19.asm"
  1611. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_20.asm"
  1612. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_21.asm"
  1613. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_22.asm"
  1614. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_23.asm"
  1615. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_1.asm"
  1616. SECTION "Text 6", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_6]
  1617. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_2.asm"
  1618. INCLUDE "text/maps/route_25.asm"
  1619. _FileDataDestroyedText::
  1620. text "The file data is"
  1621. line "destroyed!"
  1622. prompt
  1623. _WouldYouLikeToSaveText::
  1624. text "Would you like to"
  1625. line "SAVE the game?"
  1626. done
  1627. _GameSavedText::
  1628. text "<PLAYER> saved"
  1629. line "the game!"
  1630. done
  1631. _OlderFileWillBeErasedText::
  1632. text "The older file"
  1633. line "will be erased to"
  1634. cont "save. Okay?"
  1635. done
  1636. _WhenYouChangeBoxText::
  1637. text "When you change a"
  1638. line "#MON BOX, data"
  1639. cont "will be saved."
  1640. para "Is that okay?"
  1641. done
  1642. _ChooseABoxText::
  1643. text "Choose a"
  1644. line "<pkmn> BOX.@@"
  1645. _EvolvedText::
  1646. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1647. text " evolved"
  1648. done
  1649. _IntoText::
  1650. text ""
  1651. line "into @"
  1652. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1653. text "!"
  1654. done
  1655. _StoppedEvolvingText::
  1656. text "Huh? @"
  1657. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1658. text ""
  1659. line "stopped evolving!"
  1660. prompt
  1661. _IsEvolvingText::
  1662. text "What? @"
  1663. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1664. text ""
  1665. line "is evolving!"
  1666. done
  1667. _FellAsleepText::
  1668. text "<TARGET>"
  1669. line "fell asleep!"
  1670. prompt
  1671. _AlreadyAsleepText::
  1672. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1673. line "already asleep!"
  1674. prompt
  1675. _PoisonedText::
  1676. text "<TARGET>"
  1677. line "was poisoned!"
  1678. prompt
  1679. _BadlyPoisonedText::
  1680. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1681. line "badly poisoned!"
  1682. prompt
  1683. _BurnedText::
  1684. text "<TARGET>"
  1685. line "was burned!"
  1686. prompt
  1687. _FrozenText::
  1688. text "<TARGET>"
  1689. line "was frozen solid!"
  1690. prompt
  1691. _FireDefrostedText::
  1692. text "Fire defrosted"
  1693. line "<TARGET>!"
  1694. prompt
  1695. _MonsStatsRoseText::
  1696. text "<USER>'s"
  1697. line "@"
  1698. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1699. text "@@"
  1700. _GreatlyRoseText::
  1701. text $4c, "greatly@@"
  1702. _RoseText::
  1703. text " rose!"
  1704. prompt
  1705. _MonsStatsFellText::
  1706. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1707. line "@"
  1708. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1709. text "@@"
  1710. _GreatlyFellText::
  1711. text $4c, "greatly@@"
  1712. _FellText::
  1713. text " fell!"
  1714. prompt
  1715. _RanFromBattleText::
  1716. text "<USER>"
  1717. line "ran from battle!"
  1718. prompt
  1719. _RanAwayScaredText::
  1720. text "<TARGET>"
  1721. line "ran away scared!"
  1722. prompt
  1723. _WasBlownAwayText::
  1724. text "<TARGET>"
  1725. line "was blown away!"
  1726. prompt
  1727. _ChargeMoveEffectText::
  1728. text "<USER>@@"
  1729. _MadeWhirlwindText::
  1730. text ""
  1731. line "made a whirlwind!"
  1732. prompt
  1733. _TookInSunlightText::
  1734. text ""
  1735. line "took in sunlight!"
  1736. prompt
  1737. _LoweredItsHeadText::
  1738. text ""
  1739. line "lowered its head!"
  1740. prompt
  1741. _SkyAttackGlowingText::
  1742. text ""
  1743. line "is glowing!"
  1744. prompt
  1745. _FlewUpHighText::
  1746. text ""
  1747. line "flew up high!"
  1748. prompt
  1749. _DugAHoleText::
  1750. text ""
  1751. line "dug a hole!"
  1752. prompt
  1753. _BecameConfusedText::
  1754. text "<TARGET>"
  1755. line "became confused!"
  1756. prompt
  1757. _MimicLearnedMoveText::
  1758. text "<USER>"
  1759. line "learned"
  1760. cont "@"
  1761. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1762. text "!"
  1763. prompt
  1764. _MoveWasDisabledText::
  1765. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1766. line "@"
  1767. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1768. text " was"
  1769. cont "disabled!"
  1770. prompt
  1771. _NothingHappenedText::
  1772. text "Nothing happened!"
  1773. prompt
  1774. _NoEffectText::
  1775. text "No effect!"
  1776. prompt
  1777. _ButItFailedText::
  1778. text "But, it failed! "
  1779. prompt
  1780. _DidntAffectText::
  1781. text "It didn't affect"
  1782. line "<TARGET>!"
  1783. prompt
  1784. _IsUnaffectedText::
  1785. text "<TARGET>"
  1786. line "is unaffected!"
  1787. prompt
  1788. _ParalyzedMayNotAttackText::
  1789. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1790. line "paralyzed! It may"
  1791. cont "not attack!"
  1792. prompt
  1793. _SubstituteText::
  1794. text "It created a"
  1795. line "SUBSTITUTE!"
  1796. prompt
  1797. _HasSubstituteText::
  1798. text "<USER>"
  1799. line "has a SUBSTITUTE!"
  1800. prompt
  1801. _TooWeakSubstituteText::
  1802. text "Too weak to make"
  1803. line "a SUBSTITUTE!"
  1804. prompt
  1805. _CoinsScatteredText::
  1806. text "Coins scattered"
  1807. line "everywhere!"
  1808. prompt
  1809. _GettingPumpedText::
  1810. text "<USER>'s"
  1811. line "getting pumped!"
  1812. prompt
  1813. _WasSeededText::
  1814. text "<TARGET>"
  1815. line "was seeded!"
  1816. prompt
  1817. _EvadedAttackText::
  1818. text "<TARGET>"
  1819. line "evaded attack!"
  1820. prompt
  1821. _HitWithRecoilText::
  1822. text "<USER>'s"
  1823. line "hit with recoil!"
  1824. prompt
  1825. _ConvertedTypeText::
  1826. text "Converted type to"
  1827. line "<TARGET>'s!"
  1828. prompt
  1829. _StatusChangesEliminatedText::
  1830. text "All STATUS changes"
  1831. line "are eliminated!"
  1832. prompt
  1833. _StartedSleepingEffect::
  1834. text "<USER>"
  1835. line "started sleeping!"
  1836. done
  1837. _FellAsleepBecameHealthyText::
  1838. text "<USER>"
  1839. line "fell asleep and"
  1840. cont "became healthy!"
  1841. done
  1842. _RegainedHealthText::
  1843. text "<USER>"
  1844. line "regained health!"
  1845. prompt
  1846. _TransformedText::
  1847. text "<USER>"
  1848. line "transformed into"
  1849. cont "@"
  1850. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1851. text "!"
  1852. prompt
  1853. _LightScreenProtectedText::
  1854. text "<USER>'s"
  1855. line "protected against"
  1856. cont "special attacks!"
  1857. prompt
  1858. _ReflectGainedArmorText::
  1859. text "<USER>"
  1860. line "gained armor!"
  1861. prompt
  1862. _ShroudedInMistText::
  1863. text "<USER>'s"
  1864. line "shrouded in mist!"
  1865. prompt
  1866. _SuckedHealthText::
  1867. text "Sucked health from"
  1868. line "<TARGET>!"
  1869. prompt
  1870. _DreamWasEatenText::
  1871. text "<TARGET>'s"
  1872. line "dream was eaten!"
  1873. prompt
  1874. _TradeCenterText1::
  1875. text "!"
  1876. done
  1877. _ColosseumText1::
  1878. text "!"
  1879. done
  1880. INCLUDE "text/maps/reds_house_1f.asm"
  1881. INCLUDE "text/maps/blues_house.asm"
  1882. INCLUDE "text/maps/oaks_lab.asm"
  1883. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_pokecenter.asm"
  1884. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_mart.asm"
  1885. INCLUDE "text/maps/school.asm"
  1886. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_house.asm"
  1887. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_gym.asm"
  1888. INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_1f.asm"
  1889. INCLUDE "text/maps/museum_2f.asm"
  1890. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_gym_1.asm"
  1891. SECTION "Text 7", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_7]
  1892. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_gym_2.asm"
  1893. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_house_1.asm"
  1894. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_mart.asm"
  1895. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_house_2.asm"
  1896. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_pokecenter.asm"
  1897. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_trashed_house.asm"
  1898. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_trade_house.asm"
  1899. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_pokecenter.asm"
  1900. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_gym.asm"
  1901. INCLUDE "text/maps/bike_shop.asm"
  1902. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_mart.asm"
  1903. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_badge_house.asm"
  1904. INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_pokecenter.asm"
  1905. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_1f.asm"
  1906. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_2f.asm"
  1907. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_3f.asm"
  1908. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_4f.asm"
  1909. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_5f.asm"
  1910. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_6f.asm"
  1911. INCLUDE "text/maps/pokemon_tower_7f.asm"
  1912. INCLUDE "text/maps/fujis_house.asm"
  1913. INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_mart.asm"
  1914. INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_house.asm"
  1915. INCLUDE "text/maps/name_rater.asm"
  1916. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_pokecenter.asm"
  1917. INCLUDE "text/maps/fan_club.asm"
  1918. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_mart.asm"
  1919. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_gym_1.asm"
  1920. SECTION "Text 8", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_8]
  1921. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_gym_2.asm"
  1922. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_house.asm"
  1923. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_dock.asm"
  1924. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_fishing_house.asm"
  1925. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_1f.asm"
  1926. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_2f.asm"
  1927. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_3f.asm"
  1928. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_4f.asm"
  1929. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_roof.asm"
  1930. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_1f.asm"
  1931. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_2f.asm"
  1932. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_3f.asm"
  1933. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_4f_outside.asm"
  1934. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_mansion_4f_inside.asm"
  1935. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_pokecenter.asm"
  1936. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_gym.asm"
  1937. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_game_corner.asm"
  1938. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_dept_store_5f.asm"
  1939. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_prize_room.asm"
  1940. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_diner.asm"
  1941. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_house.asm"
  1942. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_hotel.asm"
  1943. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_mart.asm"
  1944. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_house.asm"
  1945. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_pokecenter.asm"
  1946. INCLUDE "text/maps/wardens_house.asm"
  1947. INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_entrance.asm"
  1948. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_gym_1.asm"
  1949. SECTION "Text 9", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_9]
  1950. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_gym_2.asm"
  1951. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_meeting_room.asm"
  1952. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_fishing_house.asm"
  1953. INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_1f.asm"
  1954. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_gym.asm"
  1955. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab.asm"
  1956. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_trade_room.asm"
  1957. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_metronome_room.asm"
  1958. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_lab_fossil_room.asm"
  1959. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_pokecenter.asm"
  1960. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_mart.asm"
  1961. INCLUDE "text/maps/indigo_plateau_lobby.asm"
  1962. INCLUDE "text/maps/copycats_house_1f.asm"
  1963. INCLUDE "text/maps/copycats_house_2f.asm"
  1964. INCLUDE "text/maps/fighting_dojo.asm"
  1965. INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_gym.asm"
  1966. INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_house.asm"
  1967. INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_mart.asm"
  1968. INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_1f.asm"
  1969. INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_pokecenter.asm"
  1970. INCLUDE "text/maps/mr_psychics_house.asm"
  1971. _PokemartGreetingText::
  1972. text "Hi there!"
  1973. next "May I help you?"
  1974. done
  1975. _PokemonFaintedText::
  1976. TX_RAM wcd6d
  1977. text ""
  1978. line "fainted!"
  1979. done
  1980. _PlayerBlackedOutText::
  1981. text "<PLAYER> is out of"
  1982. line "useable #MON!"
  1983. para "<PLAYER> blacked"
  1984. line "out!"
  1985. prompt
  1986. _RepelWoreOffText::
  1987. text "REPEL's effect"
  1988. line "wore off."
  1989. done
  1990. _PokemartBuyingGreetingText::
  1991. text "Take your time."
  1992. done
  1993. _PokemartTellBuyPriceText::
  1994. TX_RAM wcf4b
  1995. text "?"
  1996. line "That will be"
  1997. cont "¥@"
  1999. text ". OK?"
  2000. done
  2001. _PokemartBoughtItemText::
  2002. text "Here you are!"
  2003. line "Thank you!"
  2004. prompt
  2005. _PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText::
  2006. text "You don't have"
  2007. line "enough money."
  2008. prompt
  2009. _PokemartItemBagFullText::
  2010. text "You can't carry"
  2011. line "any more items."
  2012. prompt
  2013. _PokemonSellingGreetingText::
  2014. text "What would you"
  2015. line "like to sell?"
  2016. done
  2017. _PokemartTellSellPriceText::
  2018. text "I can pay you"
  2019. line "¥@"
  2021. text " for that."
  2022. done
  2023. _PokemartItemBagEmptyText::
  2024. text "You don't have"
  2025. line "anything to sell."
  2026. prompt
  2027. _PokemartUnsellableItemText::
  2028. text "I can't put a"
  2029. line "price on that."
  2030. prompt
  2031. _PokemartThankYouText::
  2032. text "Thank you!"
  2033. done
  2034. _PokemartAnythingElseText::
  2035. text "Is there anything"
  2036. line "else I can do?"
  2037. done
  2038. _LearnedMove1Text::
  2039. TX_RAM wLearnMoveMonName
  2040. text " learned"
  2041. line "@"
  2042. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2043. text "!@@"
  2044. _WhichMoveToForgetText::
  2045. text "Which move should"
  2046. next "be forgotten?"
  2047. done
  2048. _AbandonLearningText::
  2049. text "Abandon learning"
  2050. line "@"
  2051. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2052. text "?"
  2053. done
  2054. _DidNotLearnText::
  2055. TX_RAM wLearnMoveMonName
  2056. text ""
  2057. line "did not learn"
  2058. cont "@"
  2059. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2060. text "!"
  2061. prompt
  2062. _TryingToLearnText::
  2063. TX_RAM wLearnMoveMonName
  2064. text " is"
  2065. line "trying to learn"
  2066. cont "@"
  2067. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2068. text "!"
  2069. para "But, @"
  2070. TX_RAM wLearnMoveMonName
  2071. text ""
  2072. line "can't learn more"
  2073. cont "than 4 moves!"
  2074. para "Delete an older"
  2075. line "move to make room"
  2076. cont "for @"
  2077. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2078. text "?"
  2079. done
  2080. _OneTwoAndText::
  2081. text "1, 2 and...@@"
  2082. _PoofText::
  2083. text " Poof!@@"
  2084. _ForgotAndText::
  2085. text ""
  2086. para "@"
  2087. TX_RAM wLearnMoveMonName
  2088. text " forgot"
  2089. line "@"
  2090. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2091. text "!"
  2092. para "And..."
  2093. prompt
  2094. _HMCantDeleteText::
  2095. text "HM techniques"
  2096. line "can't be deleted!"
  2097. prompt
  2098. _PokemonCenterWelcomeText::
  2099. text "Welcome to our"
  2100. line "#MON CENTER!"
  2101. para "We heal your"
  2102. line "#MON back to"
  2103. cont "perfect health!"
  2104. prompt
  2105. _ShallWeHealYourPokemonText::
  2106. text "Shall we heal your"
  2107. line "#MON?"
  2108. done
  2109. _NeedYourPokemonText::
  2110. text "OK. We'll need"
  2111. line "your #MON."
  2112. done
  2113. _PokemonFightingFitText::
  2114. text "Thank you!"
  2115. line "Your #MON are"
  2116. cont "fighting fit!"
  2117. prompt
  2118. _PokemonCenterFarewellText::
  2119. text "We hope to see"
  2120. line "you again!"
  2121. done
  2122. _CableClubNPCAreaReservedFor2FriendsLinkedByCableText::
  2123. text "This area is"
  2124. line "reserved for 2"
  2125. cont "friends who are"
  2126. cont "linked by cable."
  2127. done
  2128. _CableClubNPCWelcomeText::
  2129. text "Welcome to the"
  2130. line "Cable Club!"
  2131. done
  2132. _CableClubNPCPleaseApplyHereHaveToSaveText::
  2133. text "Please apply here."
  2134. para "Before opening"
  2135. line "the link, we have"
  2136. cont "to save the game."
  2137. done
  2138. _CableClubNPCPleaseWaitText::
  2139. text "Please wait.@@"
  2140. _CableClubNPCLinkClosedBecauseOfInactivityText::
  2141. text "The link has been"
  2142. line "closed because of"
  2143. cont "inactivity."
  2144. para "Please contact"
  2145. line "your friend and"
  2146. cont "come again!"
  2147. done
  2148. SECTION "Text 10", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_10]
  2149. _CableClubNPCPleaseComeAgainText::
  2150. text "Please come again!"
  2151. done
  2152. _CableClubNPCMakingPreparationsText::
  2153. text "We're making"
  2154. line "preparations."
  2155. cont "Please wait."
  2156. done
  2157. _UsedStrengthText::
  2158. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2159. text " used"
  2160. line "STRENGTH.@@"
  2161. _CanMoveBouldersText::
  2162. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2163. text " can"
  2164. line "move boulders."
  2165. prompt
  2166. _CurrentTooFastText::
  2167. text "The current is"
  2168. line "much too fast!"
  2169. prompt
  2170. _CyclingIsFunText::
  2171. text "Cycling is fun!"
  2172. line "Forget SURFing!"
  2173. prompt
  2174. _FlashLightsAreaText::
  2175. text "A blinding FLASH"
  2176. line "lights the area!"
  2177. prompt
  2178. _WarpToLastPokemonCenterText::
  2179. text "Warp to the last"
  2180. line "#MON CENTER."
  2181. done
  2182. _CannotUseTeleportNowText::
  2183. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2184. text " can't"
  2185. line "use TELEPORT now."
  2186. prompt
  2187. _CannotFlyHereText::
  2188. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2189. text " can't"
  2190. line "FLY here."
  2191. prompt
  2192. _NotHealthyEnoughText::
  2193. text "Not healthy"
  2194. line "enough."
  2195. prompt
  2196. _NewBadgeRequiredText::
  2197. text "No! A new BADGE"
  2198. line "is required."
  2199. prompt
  2200. _CannotUseItemsHereText::
  2201. text "You can't use items"
  2202. line "here."
  2203. prompt
  2204. _CannotGetOffHereText::
  2205. text "You can't get off"
  2206. line "here."
  2207. prompt
  2208. _GotMonText::
  2209. text "<PLAYER> got"
  2210. line "@"
  2211. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2212. text "!@@"
  2213. _SetToBoxText::
  2214. text "There's no more"
  2215. line "room for #MON!"
  2216. cont "@"
  2217. TX_RAM wBoxMonNicks
  2218. text " was"
  2219. cont "sent to #MON"
  2220. cont "BOX @"
  2221. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2222. text " on PC!"
  2223. done
  2224. _BoxIsFullText::
  2225. text "There's no more"
  2226. line "room for #MON!"
  2227. para "The #MON BOX"
  2228. line "is full and can't"
  2229. cont "accept any more!"
  2230. para "Change the BOX at"
  2231. line "a #MON CENTER!"
  2232. done
  2233. INCLUDE "text/maps/pallet_town.asm"
  2234. INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_city.asm"
  2235. INCLUDE "text/maps/pewter_city.asm"
  2236. INCLUDE "text/maps/cerulean_city.asm"
  2237. INCLUDE "text/maps/lavender_town.asm"
  2238. INCLUDE "text/maps/vermilion_city.asm"
  2239. INCLUDE "text/maps/celadon_city.asm"
  2240. INCLUDE "text/maps/fuchsia_city.asm"
  2241. INCLUDE "text/maps/cinnabar_island.asm"
  2242. INCLUDE "text/maps/saffron_city.asm"
  2243. _ItemUseBallText00::
  2244. text "It dodged the"
  2245. line "thrown BALL!"
  2246. para "This #MON"
  2247. line "can't be caught!"
  2248. prompt
  2249. _ItemUseBallText01::
  2250. text "You missed the"
  2251. line "#MON!"
  2252. prompt
  2253. _ItemUseBallText02::
  2254. text "Darn! The #MON"
  2255. line "broke free!"
  2256. prompt
  2257. _ItemUseBallText03::
  2258. text "Aww! It appeared"
  2259. line "to be caught! "
  2260. prompt
  2261. _ItemUseBallText04::
  2262. text "Shoot! It was so"
  2263. line "close too!"
  2264. prompt
  2265. _ItemUseBallText05::
  2266. text "All right!"
  2267. line "@"
  2268. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  2269. text " was"
  2270. cont "caught!@@"
  2271. _ItemUseBallText07::
  2272. TX_RAM wBoxMonNicks
  2273. text " was"
  2274. line "transferred to"
  2275. cont "BILL's PC!"
  2276. prompt
  2277. _ItemUseBallText08::
  2278. TX_RAM wBoxMonNicks
  2279. text " was"
  2280. line "transferred to"
  2281. cont "someone's PC!"
  2282. prompt
  2283. _ItemUseBallText06::
  2284. text "New #DEX data"
  2285. line "will be added for"
  2286. cont "@"
  2287. TX_RAM wEnemyMonNick
  2288. text "!@@"
  2289. _SurfingGotOnText::
  2290. text "<PLAYER> got on"
  2291. line "@"
  2292. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2293. text "!"
  2294. prompt
  2295. _SurfingNoPlaceToGetOffText::
  2296. text "There's no place"
  2297. line "to get off!"
  2298. prompt
  2299. _VitaminStatRoseText::
  2300. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2301. text "'s"
  2302. line "@"
  2303. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2304. text " rose."
  2305. prompt
  2306. _VitaminNoEffectText::
  2307. text "It won't have any"
  2308. line "effect."
  2309. prompt
  2310. _ThrewBaitText::
  2311. text "<PLAYER> threw"
  2312. line "some BAIT."
  2313. done
  2314. _ThrewRockText::
  2315. text "<PLAYER> threw a"
  2316. line "ROCK."
  2317. done
  2318. _PlayedFluteNoEffectText::
  2319. text "Played the #"
  2320. line "FLUTE."
  2321. para "Now, that's a"
  2322. line "catchy tune!"
  2323. prompt
  2324. _FluteWokeUpText::
  2325. text "All sleeping"
  2326. line "#MON woke up."
  2327. prompt
  2328. _PlayedFluteHadEffectText::
  2329. text "<PLAYER> played the"
  2330. line "# FLUTE.@@"
  2331. _CoinCaseNumCoinsText::
  2332. text "Coins"
  2333. line "@"
  2334. TX_BCD wPlayerCoins, 2 | LEADING_ZEROES | LEFT_ALIGN
  2335. text " "
  2336. prompt
  2337. _ItemfinderFoundItemText::
  2338. text "Yes! ITEMFINDER"
  2339. line "indicates there's"
  2340. cont "an item nearby."
  2341. prompt
  2342. _ItemfinderFoundNothingText::
  2343. text "Nope! ITEMFINDER"
  2344. line "isn't responding."
  2345. prompt
  2346. _RaisePPWhichTechniqueText::
  2347. text "Raise PP of which"
  2348. line "technique?"
  2349. done
  2350. _RestorePPWhichTechniqueText::
  2351. text "Restore PP of"
  2352. line "which technique?"
  2353. done
  2354. _PPMaxedOutText::
  2355. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2356. text "'s PP"
  2357. line "is maxed out."
  2358. prompt
  2359. _PPIncreasedText::
  2360. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2361. text "'s PP"
  2362. line "increased."
  2363. prompt
  2364. _PPRestoredText::
  2365. text "PP was restored."
  2366. prompt
  2367. _BootedUpTMText::
  2368. text "Booted up a TM!"
  2369. prompt
  2370. _BootedUpHMText::
  2371. text "Booted up an HM!"
  2372. prompt
  2373. _TeachMachineMoveText::
  2374. text "It contained"
  2375. line "@"
  2376. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2377. text "!"
  2378. para "Teach @"
  2379. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2380. text ""
  2381. line "to a #MON?"
  2382. done
  2383. _MonCannotLearnMachineMoveText::
  2384. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2385. text " is not"
  2386. line "compatible with"
  2387. cont "@"
  2388. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2389. text "."
  2390. para "It can't learn"
  2391. line "@"
  2392. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2393. text "."
  2394. prompt
  2395. _ItemUseNotTimeText::
  2396. text "OAK: <PLAYER>!"
  2397. line "This isn't the"
  2398. cont "time to use that! "
  2399. prompt
  2400. _ItemUseNotYoursToUseText::
  2401. text "This isn't yours"
  2402. line "to use!"
  2403. prompt
  2404. _ItemUseNoEffectText::
  2405. text "It won't have any"
  2406. line "effect."
  2407. prompt
  2408. _ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText1::
  2409. text "The trainer"
  2410. line "blocked the BALL!"
  2411. prompt
  2412. _ThrowBallAtTrainerMonText2::
  2413. text "Don't be a thief!"
  2414. prompt
  2415. _NoCyclingAllowedHereText::
  2416. text "No cycling"
  2417. next "allowed here."
  2418. prompt
  2419. _NoSurfingHereText::
  2420. text "No SURFing on"
  2421. line "@"
  2422. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2423. text " here!"
  2424. prompt
  2425. _BoxFullCannotThrowBallText::
  2426. text "The #MON BOX"
  2427. line "is full! Can't"
  2428. cont "use that item!"
  2429. prompt
  2430. SECTION "Text 11", ROMX, BANK[TEXT_11]
  2431. _ItemUseText001::
  2432. text "<PLAYER> used@@"
  2433. _ItemUseText002::
  2434. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2435. text "!"
  2436. done
  2437. _GotOnBicycleText1::
  2438. text "<PLAYER> got on the@@"
  2439. _GotOnBicycleText2::
  2440. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2441. text "!"
  2442. prompt
  2443. _GotOffBicycleText1::
  2444. text "<PLAYER> got off@@"
  2445. _GotOffBicycleText2::
  2446. text "the @"
  2447. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2448. text "."
  2449. prompt
  2450. _ThrewAwayItemText::
  2451. text "Threw away"
  2452. line "@"
  2453. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2454. text "."
  2455. prompt
  2456. _IsItOKToTossItemText::
  2457. text "Is it OK to toss"
  2458. line "@"
  2459. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2460. text "?"
  2461. prompt
  2462. _TooImportantToTossText::
  2463. text "That's too impor-"
  2464. line "tant to toss!"
  2465. prompt
  2466. _AlreadyKnowsText::
  2467. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2468. text " knows"
  2469. line "@"
  2470. TX_RAM wcf4b
  2471. text "!"
  2472. prompt
  2473. _ConnectCableText::
  2474. text "Okay, connect the"
  2475. line "cable like so!"
  2476. prompt
  2477. _TradedForText::
  2478. text "<PLAYER> traded"
  2479. line "@"
  2480. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2481. text " for"
  2482. cont "@"
  2483. TX_RAM wInGameTradeReceiveMonName
  2484. text "!@@"
  2485. _WannaTrade1Text::
  2486. text "I'm looking for"
  2487. line "@"
  2488. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2489. text "! Wanna"
  2490. para "trade one for"
  2491. line "@"
  2492. TX_RAM wInGameTradeReceiveMonName
  2493. text "? "
  2494. done
  2495. _NoTrade1Text::
  2496. text "Awww!"
  2497. line "Oh well..."
  2498. done
  2499. _WrongMon1Text::
  2500. text "What? That's not"
  2501. line "@"
  2502. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2503. text "!"
  2504. para "If you get one,"
  2505. line "come back here!"
  2506. done
  2507. _Thanks1Text::
  2508. text "Hey thanks!"
  2509. done
  2510. _AfterTrade1Text::
  2511. text "Isn't my old"
  2512. line "@"
  2513. TX_RAM wInGameTradeReceiveMonName
  2514. text " great?"
  2515. done
  2516. _WannaTrade2Text::
  2517. text "Hello there! Do"
  2518. line "you want to trade"
  2519. para "your @"
  2520. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2521. text ""
  2522. line "for @"
  2523. TX_RAM wInGameTradeReceiveMonName
  2524. text "?"
  2525. done
  2526. _NoTrade2Text::
  2527. text "Well, if you"
  2528. line "don't want to..."
  2529. done
  2530. _WrongMon2Text::
  2531. text "Hmmm? This isn't"
  2532. line "@"
  2533. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2534. text "."
  2535. para "Think of me when"
  2536. line "you get one."
  2537. done
  2538. _Thanks2Text::
  2539. text "Thanks!"
  2540. done
  2541. _AfterTrade2Text::
  2542. text "The @"
  2543. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2544. text " you"
  2545. line "traded to me"
  2546. para "went and evolved!"
  2547. done
  2548. _WannaTrade3Text::
  2549. text "Hi! Do you have"
  2550. line "@"
  2551. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2552. text "?"
  2553. para "Want to trade it"
  2554. line "for @"
  2555. TX_RAM wInGameTradeReceiveMonName
  2556. text "?"
  2557. done
  2558. _NoTrade3Text::
  2559. text "That's too bad."
  2560. done
  2561. _WrongMon3Text::
  2562. text "...This is no"
  2563. line "@"
  2564. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2565. text "."
  2566. para "If you get one,"
  2567. line "trade it with me!"
  2568. done
  2569. _Thanks3Text::
  2570. text "Thanks pal!"
  2571. done
  2572. _AfterTrade3Text::
  2573. text "How is my old"
  2574. line "@"
  2575. TX_RAM wInGameTradeReceiveMonName
  2576. text "?"
  2577. para "My @"
  2578. TX_RAM wInGameTradeGiveMonName
  2579. text " is"
  2580. line "doing great!"
  2581. done
  2582. _NothingToCutText::
  2583. text "There isn't"
  2584. line "anything to CUT!"
  2585. prompt
  2586. _UsedCutText::
  2587. TX_RAM wcd6d
  2588. text " hacked"
  2589. line "away with CUT!"
  2590. prompt
  2591. SECTION "Pokedex Text", ROMX, BANK[POKEDEX_TEXT]
  2592. INCLUDE "text/pokedex.asm"
  2593. SECTION "Move Names", ROMX, BANK[MOVE_NAMES]
  2594. INCLUDE "text/move_names.asm"
  2595. SECTION "Rematch Text", ROMX, BANK[REMATCH_TEXT]
  2596. INCLUDE "text/rematch/brock.asm"