debug1.asm 774 B

  1. ; This function appears to never be used.
  2. ; It is likely a debugging feature to give the player Tsunekazu Ishihara's
  3. ; favorite Pokemon. This is indicated by the overpowered Exeggutor, which
  4. ; Ishihara (president of Creatures Inc.) said was his favorite Pokemon in an ABC
  5. ; interview on February 8, 2000.
  6. ; "Exeggutor is my favorite. That's because I was always using this character
  7. ; while I was debugging the program."
  8. ;
  9. SetIshiharaTeam:
  10. ld de, IshiharaTeam
  11. .loop
  12. ld a, [de]
  13. cp $ff
  14. ret z
  15. ld [wcf91], a
  16. inc de
  17. ld a, [de]
  18. ld [wCurEnemyLVL], a
  19. inc de
  20. call AddPartyMon
  21. jr .loop
  22. IshiharaTeam:
  23. db EXEGGUTOR,90
  24. db MEW,20
  25. db JOLTEON,56
  26. db DUGTRIO,56
  27. db ARTICUNO,57
  28. db $FF
  29. EmptyFunc:
  30. ret