.gitignore 408 B

  1. # precompiled python
  2. *.pyc
  3. # compiled object file
  4. *.o
  5. # no binaries
  6. *.exe
  7. # roms
  8. *.gbc
  9. *.gb
  10. # rgbds extras
  11. *.sym
  12. # converted image data
  13. *.2bpp
  14. *.1bpp
  15. *.pic
  16. # swap files for vim
  17. .*.swp
  18. # no data from extras/
  19. *.json
  20. # for any of the poor souls with save game files in their working directory
  21. *.sgm
  22. *.sav
  23. *.sys
  24. # for vim configuration
  25. # url: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=441
  26. .lvimrc