123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386 |
- # This project is not for simple users, but for
- # web-masters and a like, so we are counting on
- # your ability to set it up and running.
- import os
- import time
- from modules import search
- from modules import missing
- def html(page, json):
- # This function adds a rendering of the json into the page
- free = search.is_free(json)
- name = json.get("names",["Unknown"])[0]
- page = page + """
- <!-- For each software in the list we do mostly the same things.
- And here it is. First we show it's name as a link to be able
- to search Free Competitors to what is found. -->
- """
- page = page + "\n <a href=\"/"+name.replace(" ", "+").lower()+"\">"
- page = page + "\n <h1>"
- try:
- page = page + '\n <img src="'+ json["links"]["icon"] + '" alt="[LOGO]" style="height:50px;"> <!-- The logo of the software in question.-->\n'
- except:
- pass
- page = page + " "+ name +" <!-- The title of the program -->\n"
- page = page + " </h1>\n </a>\n\n"
- page = page + """
- <!-- Next there is a short paragraph about the program.
- ( Often Copypasted from some official page about it ).
- Which means, it may contain the terrible words "Open Source"
- that hide the fact that Free Software is about User Freedom
- first of all. So we are trying to link to a special page on
- GNU.ORG if such a thing is found -->
- """
- # Few words about it
- comment = json.get("comment","")
- not_foss = ['open source', 'open-source']
- if "open source" or "open-source" in comment.lower():
- # Well... Here is a thing. Free Software, not open source.
- where = comment.lower().find("open source")
- # In case it has a slash in it.
- if where == -1:
- where = comment.lower().find("open-source")
- ops = comment[where:where+11]
- if ops:
- comment = comment.replace(ops,
- "<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.en.html\">"+ops+"</a>")
- page = page + "\n <p>\n "+comment+"\n </p>\n\n"
- # I want to show nothing else from if it's proprietary
- issues_files = list(os.listdir("data/issues"))
- if "issues" in json and json["issues"]:
- l = json.get("issues", [])
- page = page +"<h2>Anti-Features / Problems:</h2>"
- for i in l:
- if i+".html" not in issues_files:
- page = page + " "+i+"<br>"
- else:
- page = page + '<details title="Read about '+i+'">'
- page = page + "<summary>  "+i+"</summary>"
- issuefile = open("data/issues/"+i+".html")
- page = page + "<span><p>"+issuefile.read()+"</p></span>"
- page = page + "</details>"
- if not free:
- return page
- # Links
- page = page + """
- <!-- And now the table itself. -->
- """
- linksfilter = {"git":"source code","fsd":"Free Software Directory"}
- links = json.get("links", {})
- for website in links:
- if website in ["icon"]:
- continue
- link = links[website]
- page = page + """
- <!-- Here's how to do a simple button -->
- <a class="button" href=\""""+link+"""\" title=\""""+link+"""\">"""+linksfilter.get(website,website).upper()+"""</a>
- """
- page = page + """
- <!-- Details are those little collapsable things that I like to
- use very much. It's very simple really. Just read the code
- carefully and you will get it -->
- """
- # Details
- categories = {"generic_name":"Features",
- "licenses":"License(s)",
- "platforms":"Platforms",
- "networks_read":"Accesses Data from",
- "networks_write":"Interacts / Publishes to",
- "formats_read":"Opens from File-Formats",
- "formats_write":"Saves to File-Formats",
- "interface":"Interface",
- "languages":"Programming Languages"}
- for c in categories:
- l = json.get(c, [])
- if not l:
- continue
- # I want to look whether this category has a list of files
- alldata = list(os.listdir("data"))
- allfiles = []
- for folder in alldata:
- if c.startswith(folder):
- try:
- allfiles = list(os.listdir("data/"+folder))
- break
- except:
- pass
- # Count matches
- matches = 0
- for i in l:
- if i.startswith("*"):
- matches += 1
- if matches:
- matchtext = "<i>( "+str(matches)+" )</i>"
- else:
- matchtext = ""
- page = page + "\n\n <details>"
- page = page +"\n <summary>"+categories[c]+": "+matchtext+"</summary>"
- for i in l:
- matchtext = ""
- if i.startswith("*"):
- i = i[1:]
- matchtext = " <i>( match )</i> "
- if i+".html" in allfiles:
- datapage = open("data/"+folder+"/"+i+".html")
- page = page + """
- <!-- Just so happened that about \""""+i+"""\" we had a file
- in data/"""+folder+""" folder. So why not make a detail inside a detail,
- a detail-sception, so to speak. And add the text of explanation into it. -->
- """
- page = page + "<details>\n"
- page = page + " <summary> "+matchtext+i+"</summary>\n"
- page = page + " <span>\n <p>\n"
- page = page + " " + datapage.read()+"\n"
- page = page + " </p>\n </span>\n </details>"
- else:
- page = page + "\n <span> "+matchtext+i+"</span>\n <br>\n"
- page = page + """
- <!-- Just a tiny space after all the spans. So no to feel
- too crowded, so to speak -->
- <span><br></span>
- </details>
- """
- return page
- def suggestions(page, json):
- # This function will render suggestions
- page = page + """
- <!-- ===========================================================
- This is where ther actual competitors are starting to show!!!
- ============================================================ -->
- <h1>Free Competitors:</h1>
- """
- found = search.suggest(json)
- biggest = 0
- for i in found:
- if i[0] > biggest:
- biggest = i[0]
- more = False
- for i in found:
- free = search.is_free(i[-1])
- if not i[0] or i[-1]["names"] == json["names"] or not free:
- continue
- try:
- frac = int(i[0]/biggest*100)
- except:
- frac = 0
- if frac < 10 and not more: # Below 10% features match
- page = page + """
- <!-- Sometimes the suggestion is not very good. Below 10%
- of suggestion score. But it still kind of valid. So we
- want to put it into the page. Only when the user clicks
- something. Why not using the same old details? -->
- <hr>
- <details>
- <summary><h1 title="Click to show more / less.">Problematic Competitors:</h1></summary>
- """
- more = True
- page = page +"""
- <br><br>
- <!-- ================================================================== -->
- """
- page = progress(page, frac/100, "Suggestion score: " + str(frac) + "%")
- page = html(page, i[-1])
- if more:
- page = page + "</details>"
- return page
- def search_widget(page, address):
- # Adds a search bar to the page
- page = page + """
- <!-- Search widget! This widget makes it possible to implement
- a search feature without using a single line of JavaScript code.
- In HTML, there is an input field that we can use. If we pare it
- with a button into a <form>, we can get a button that activates
- the search. -->
- <form action="""
- page = page + address
- page = page + """search method="GET">
- <input type="text" name="item" class="search" placeholder="Name of Software">
- <button type="submit">Search</button>
- </form>
- <!-- And that's it for the search widget -->
- """
- #page = page.format(ADDRESS)
- return page
- def source_code_link(page):
- # Adds a source code link
- page = page + """
- <!-- This the the footer of every page -->
- <hr>
- This website is under the GNU AGPL license.
- <!-- As always I want to add a bit of CSS to make tables
- invisible -->
- <br><br>
- <a class="button" href="/" title="Come back to the home page.">HOME</a>
- <a class="button" href="https://notabug.org/jyamihud/FreeCompetitors" title="See the full source code of the software that powers this website.">SOURCE CODE</a>
- <a class="button" href="/faq" title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</a>
- <a class="button" href="https://notabug.org/jyamihud/FreeCompetitors/issues" title="Report a Bug.">BUG?</a>
- <a class="button" href="https://notabug.org/jyamihud/FreeCompetitors/issues/25" title="Report a piece of software that's missing from the catalogue.">MISSING?</a>
- <a class="button" href="https://notabug.org/jyamihud/FreeCompetitors/issues/24" title="Report a mistake in data about software.">MISTAKE?</a>
- <a class="button" href="/stats" title="See stats of this server.">STATS</a>
- <!-- And this was the page of Free Competitors. No Javascript.
- No crap. No trackers. No nothing. And still works. Take that
- Google!!! -->
- """
- return page
- def progress(page, frac, text=""):
- # This will output a progress bar
- page = page + """
- <!-- ============ PROGRESS BARS =============
- Note that the progress bars will be visible only
- if the CSS file is configured for the divs of
- the progress bars. Otherwise it will just show
- the text. -->
- <div class="back_progress">
- <div class="front_progress" style="width:"""+str(frac*100)+"""%">
- </div>
- </div>
- """+str(text)+"""
- """
- return page
- def stats(page, mis=False, data=[]):
- # Graph will require some math to work.
- # We are going to use CSS and HTML5 to
- # draw it / interact with it.
- spd = 60*60*24 # Seconds in each day
- span = max(data) - min(data) # Time of seconds between first and last entry
- days = span / spd # Time in days between first and last entry
- # making sure there is at least something to show
- if days < 20:
- data.append(min(data)-(spd*20))
- spd = 60*60*24
- span = max(data) - min(data)
- days = span / spd
- widthfrac = 100 / days # the % to use for the width of each div
- # Count how much hits happen per each day
- biggest = 0
- day_counts = []
- for d in range(int(round(days))):
- count = 0
- for i in data:
- day = min(data) + (d*spd)
- if int(i) in range(int(day), int(day+spd)):
- count += 1
- if count > biggest:
- biggest = count
- day_counts.append(count)
- # Render them
- page = page +"<center>"
- for n, d in enumerate(day_counts):
- if n == 0:
- d -= 1
- dayis = min(data)+(n*spd)
- dayis = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d", time.gmtime( dayis) )
- page = page + '<div class="front_progress" title="'+str(dayis)+' : '+str(d)+' visitors" style="height:400; position:absolute; top:5%; left:calc(99vw/'+str(days)+'*'+str(n)+') ;width:'+str(widthfrac)+'%">\n'
- frac = 100-(d/biggest*99)
- page = page + '<div class="back_progress" style="height:'+str(frac)+'%; bottom:'+str(frac)+'%"></div></div>\n\n'
- page = page + '\n</center>\n\n<div style="position:absolute; top:500">'
- # If to render missing software
- if mis:
- page = page + missing.List_html()
- page = source_code_link(page)
- return page