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- % options:
- % thesis=B bachelor's thesis
- % thesis=M master's thesis
- % czech thesis in Czech language
- % english thesis in English language
- % hidelinks remove colour boxes around hyperlinks
- \documentclass[thesis=M,english]{FITthesis}[2019/12/23]
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- \newtheorem{thm}[subsection]{Theorem}
- \newtheorem{pr}[subsection]{Proposition}
- \newtheorem{lm}[subsection]{Lemma}
- \newtheoremstyle{dfstyle}% % Name
- {}% % Space above
- {}% % Space below
- {}% % Body font
- {}% % Indent amount
- {\bfseries}% % Theorem head font
- {.}% % Punctuation after theorem head
- { }% % Space after theorem head, ' ', or \newline
- {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{ (#3)}}
- \theoremstyle{dfstyle}
- \newtheorem{df}[subsection]{Definition}
- \theoremstyle{definition}
- \newtheorem{e}[subsection]{Example}
- \newtheorem{re}[subsection]{Remark}
- \newtheoremstyle{break}% name
- {}% Space above, empty = `usual value'
- {}% Space below
- {}% Body font
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- {.}% Punctuation after thm head
- {\newline}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
- {}% Thm head spec
- \theoremstyle{break}
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- \newenvironment{es}[1][]{%
- \begin{examples}[#1]\leavevmode\vspace{-\baselineskip}%
- }{\end{examples}}
- \newenvironment{p}[1][\proofname]{%
- \proof[\normalfont{\bfseries #1}]%
- }{\endproof}
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- % % list of acronyms
- \usepackage[acronym,nonumberlist,toc,numberedsection=autolabel]{glossaries}
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- \department{Department of Theoretical Computer Science}
- \title{Gröbner Bases and their Applications to Cryptanalysis}
- \authorGN{Marek} %author's given name/names
- \authorFN{Bielik} %author's surname
- \author{Marek Bielik} %author's name without academic degrees
- \authorWithDegrees{Marek Bielik} %author's name with academic degrees
- \supervisor{Mgr. Martin Jureček}
- \acknowledgements{THANKS (remove entirely in case you do not with to thank
- anyone)}
- \abstractEN{Summarize the contents and contribution of your work in a few
- sentences in English language.}
- \abstractCS{V n{\v e}kolika v{\v e}t{\' a}ch shr{\v n}te obsah a p{\v r}{\'
- i}nos t{\' e}to pr{\' a}ce v {\v c}esk{\' e}m jazyce.}
- \placeForDeclarationOfAuthenticity{Prague}
- \keywordsCS{Replace with comma-separated list of keywords in Czech.}
- \keywordsEN{Replace with comma-separated list of keywords in English.}
- \declarationOfAuthenticityOption{1} %select as appropriate, according to the desired license (integer 1-6)
- % \website{http://site.example/thesis} %optional thesis URL
- \begin{document}
- \setsecnumdepth{part}
- \include{chapters/introduction}
- \setsecnumdepth{all}
- \include{chapters/gb/gb}
- \setsecnumdepth{part}
- \include{chapters/conclusion}
- \bibliographystyle{iso690}
- \bibliography{ref}
- \setsecnumdepth{all}
- \appendix
- \chapter{Abbreviations and Symbols}
- \printglossaries
- \begin{description}
- \item[$\mathbb{N}_0 = $] the set of natural numbers including zero
- \item[$\mathbb{N}_{>0} = $] the set of natural numbers excluding zero
- \item[$\mathbb{Z} = $] the set of integers
- \item[$\mathbb{Q} = $] the set of rational numbers (fractions)
- \item[$\mathbb{R} = $] the set of real numbers
- \item[$\mathbb{C} = $] the set of complex numbers
- \item[$\square$] indicates the end of a proof
- \item[e.g.] (Latin \textit{exempli gratia}) for example
- \item[i.e.] (Latin \textit{id est}) that is
- \end{description}
- \chapter{Contents of enclosed CD}
- \begin{figure}
- \dirtree{%
- .1 readme.txt\DTcomment{the file with CD contents description}.
- .1 exe\DTcomment{the directory with executables}.
- .1 src\DTcomment{the directory of source codes}.
- .2 wbdcm\DTcomment{implementation sources}.
- .2 thesis\DTcomment{the directory of \LaTeX{} source codes of the thesis}.
- .1 text\DTcomment{the thesis text directory}.
- .2 thesis.pdf\DTcomment{the thesis text in PDF format}.
- .2 thesis.ps\DTcomment{the thesis text in PS format}.
- }
- \end{figure}
- \end{document}