ConsoleKit2 replace Elogind
Marcoapc bu sayfayı düzenledi 9 ay önce

You need to add 2 rows at the end of the shlibs file, located in the common folder, which is the Void repository folder, which are used to compile Consoleki2 and cgmanager, which after compiled, the 2 rows should be removed. libcgmanager-0.42_2 ConsoleKit2-devel-1.2.6_1

If you want ConsoleKit2 without cgmanager, edit ConsoleKit2 template and remove cgmanager

Compiling the templates

Sequential order to compile the packages:

  1. cgmanager
  2. ConsoleKit2

Consolekit2 dependent packages are: lxqt; lxdm; slim; polkit and udisks2 packages are independent, can be compiled normally.

If you want support, there are other DE's and logins managers, see the closed Tickets of the Void Repository: 13474, 3528 and 23658.

Some RPM and Deb packages converted into Void's repository, are dependent on the elogind

Add extra functions

For extra implementation use the template in the nologind, which is in this repository.

Links with useful information