123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- local S = minetest.get_translator("defense_healing")
- local function heal(obj, amount)
- obj:set_hp(obj:get_hp() + amount)
- minetest.sound_play("defense_healing_drink",
- {
- object = obj,
- max_hear_distance = 4,
- })
- end
- local juice_helpstr = minetest.colorize(
- "#90FFFF",
- S("Tastes revolting. Best used to heal others"))
- minetest.register_craftitem("defense_healing:juice",
- {
- description = S("Chugging Juice Jug\n@1", juice_helpstr),
- inventory_image = "defense_healing_juice.png",
- stack_max = 1,
- on_use = function(itemstack, user)
- if user
- then
- heal(user, 1)
- end
- end,
- on_drop = function(itemstack)
- return itemstack --undroppable to prevent nasty accidents
- end,
- on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
- --heal other players
- --ensure that pointed_thing is a player
- if pointed_thing.type ~= "object" or
- not pointed_thing.ref:is_player()
- then
- return
- end
- heal(user, 4)
- end,
- })
- minetest.register_alias("healing_juice", "defense_healing:juice")
- minetest.register_craftitem("defense_healing:stonecake",
- {
- description = S("Stone Cake"),
- inventory_image = "defense_healing_cake.png",
- stack_max = 64,
- on_use = minetest.item_eat(5)
- })
- minetest.register_alias("healing_cake", "defense_healing:stonecake")
- minetest.register_craft(
- {
- type = "cooking",
- output = minetest.registered_aliases["healing_cake"],
- recipe = minetest.registered_aliases["cobble"],
- cooktime = 2,
- })
- give_initial_stuff.add("healing_juice", 3)
- give_initial_stuff.add("healing_cake 8", 1)