config_builder.go 48 KB

  1. package lnd
  2. import (
  3. "bytes"
  4. "context"
  5. "database/sql"
  6. "errors"
  7. "fmt"
  8. "net"
  9. "os"
  10. "path/filepath"
  11. "sort"
  12. "strconv"
  13. "strings"
  14. "sync/atomic"
  15. "time"
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. ""
  19. ""
  20. ""
  21. ""
  22. ""
  23. ""
  24. proxy ""
  25. ""
  26. ""
  27. ""
  28. ""
  29. ""
  30. ""
  31. ""
  32. ""
  33. ""
  34. ""
  35. ""
  36. ""
  37. ""
  38. ""
  39. ""
  40. ""
  41. ""
  42. ""
  43. ""
  44. ""
  45. ""
  46. ""
  47. ""
  48. ""
  49. ""
  50. ""
  51. ""
  52. )
  53. // GrpcRegistrar is an interface that must be satisfied by an external subserver
  54. // that wants to be able to register its own gRPC server onto lnd's main
  55. // grpc.Server instance.
  56. type GrpcRegistrar interface {
  57. // RegisterGrpcSubserver is called for each net.Listener on which lnd
  58. // creates a grpc.Server instance. External subservers implementing this
  59. // method can then register their own gRPC server structs to the main
  60. // server instance.
  61. RegisterGrpcSubserver(*grpc.Server) error
  62. }
  63. // RestRegistrar is an interface that must be satisfied by an external subserver
  64. // that wants to be able to register its own REST mux onto lnd's main
  65. // proxy.ServeMux instance.
  66. type RestRegistrar interface {
  67. // RegisterRestSubserver is called after lnd creates the main
  68. // proxy.ServeMux instance. External subservers implementing this method
  69. // can then register their own REST proxy stubs to the main server
  70. // instance.
  71. RegisterRestSubserver(context.Context, *proxy.ServeMux, string,
  72. []grpc.DialOption) error
  73. }
  74. // ExternalValidator is an interface that must be satisfied by an external
  75. // macaroon validator.
  76. type ExternalValidator interface {
  77. macaroons.MacaroonValidator
  78. // Permissions returns the permissions that the external validator is
  79. // validating. It is a map between the full HTTP URI of each RPC and its
  80. // required macaroon permissions. If multiple action/entity tuples are
  81. // specified per URI, they are all required. See rpcserver.go for a list
  82. // of valid action and entity values.
  83. Permissions() map[string][]bakery.Op
  84. }
  85. // DatabaseBuilder is an interface that must be satisfied by the implementation
  86. // that provides lnd's main database backend instances.
  87. type DatabaseBuilder interface {
  88. // BuildDatabase extracts the current databases that we'll use for
  89. // normal operation in the daemon. A function closure that closes all
  90. // opened databases is also returned.
  91. BuildDatabase(ctx context.Context) (*DatabaseInstances, func(), error)
  92. }
  93. // WalletConfigBuilder is an interface that must be satisfied by a custom wallet
  94. // implementation.
  95. type WalletConfigBuilder interface {
  96. // BuildWalletConfig is responsible for creating or unlocking and then
  97. // fully initializing a wallet.
  98. BuildWalletConfig(context.Context, *DatabaseInstances,
  99. *rpcperms.InterceptorChain,
  100. []*ListenerWithSignal) (*chainreg.PartialChainControl,
  101. *btcwallet.Config, func(), error)
  102. }
  103. // ChainControlBuilder is an interface that must be satisfied by a custom wallet
  104. // implementation.
  105. type ChainControlBuilder interface {
  106. // BuildChainControl is responsible for creating a fully populated chain
  107. // control instance from a wallet.
  108. BuildChainControl(*chainreg.PartialChainControl,
  109. *btcwallet.Config) (*chainreg.ChainControl, func(), error)
  110. }
  111. // ImplementationCfg is a struct that holds all configuration items for
  112. // components that can be implemented outside lnd itself.
  113. type ImplementationCfg struct {
  114. // GrpcRegistrar is a type that can register additional gRPC subservers
  115. // before the main gRPC server is started.
  116. GrpcRegistrar
  117. // RestRegistrar is a type that can register additional REST subservers
  118. // before the main REST proxy is started.
  119. RestRegistrar
  120. // ExternalValidator is a type that can provide external macaroon
  121. // validation.
  122. ExternalValidator
  123. // DatabaseBuilder is a type that can provide lnd's main database
  124. // backend instances.
  125. DatabaseBuilder
  126. // WalletConfigBuilder is a type that can provide a wallet configuration
  127. // with a fully loaded and unlocked wallet.
  128. WalletConfigBuilder
  129. // ChainControlBuilder is a type that can provide a custom wallet
  130. // implementation.
  131. ChainControlBuilder
  132. }
  133. // DefaultWalletImpl is the default implementation of our normal, btcwallet
  134. // backed configuration.
  135. type DefaultWalletImpl struct {
  136. cfg *Config
  137. logger btclog.Logger
  138. interceptor signal.Interceptor
  139. watchOnly bool
  140. migrateWatchOnly bool
  141. pwService *walletunlocker.UnlockerService
  142. }
  143. // NewDefaultWalletImpl creates a new default wallet implementation.
  144. func NewDefaultWalletImpl(cfg *Config, logger btclog.Logger,
  145. interceptor signal.Interceptor, watchOnly bool) *DefaultWalletImpl {
  146. return &DefaultWalletImpl{
  147. cfg: cfg,
  148. logger: logger,
  149. interceptor: interceptor,
  150. watchOnly: watchOnly,
  151. pwService: createWalletUnlockerService(cfg),
  152. }
  153. }
  154. // RegisterRestSubserver is called after lnd creates the main proxy.ServeMux
  155. // instance. External subservers implementing this method can then register
  156. // their own REST proxy stubs to the main server instance.
  157. //
  158. // NOTE: This is part of the GrpcRegistrar interface.
  159. func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) RegisterRestSubserver(ctx context.Context,
  160. mux *proxy.ServeMux, restProxyDest string,
  161. restDialOpts []grpc.DialOption) error {
  162. return lnrpc.RegisterWalletUnlockerHandlerFromEndpoint(
  163. ctx, mux, restProxyDest, restDialOpts,
  164. )
  165. }
  166. // RegisterGrpcSubserver is called for each net.Listener on which lnd creates a
  167. // grpc.Server instance. External subservers implementing this method can then
  168. // register their own gRPC server structs to the main server instance.
  169. //
  170. // NOTE: This is part of the GrpcRegistrar interface.
  171. func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) RegisterGrpcSubserver(s *grpc.Server) error {
  172. lnrpc.RegisterWalletUnlockerServer(s, d.pwService)
  173. return nil
  174. }
  175. // ValidateMacaroon extracts the macaroon from the context's gRPC metadata,
  176. // checks its signature, makes sure all specified permissions for the called
  177. // method are contained within and finally ensures all caveat conditions are
  178. // met. A non-nil error is returned if any of the checks fail.
  179. //
  180. // NOTE: This is part of the ExternalValidator interface.
  181. func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) ValidateMacaroon(ctx context.Context,
  182. requiredPermissions []bakery.Op, fullMethod string) error {
  183. // Because the default implementation does not return any permissions,
  184. // we shouldn't be registered as an external validator at all and this
  185. // should never be invoked.
  186. return fmt.Errorf("default implementation does not support external " +
  187. "macaroon validation")
  188. }
  189. // Permissions returns the permissions that the external validator is
  190. // validating. It is a map between the full HTTP URI of each RPC and its
  191. // required macaroon permissions. If multiple action/entity tuples are specified
  192. // per URI, they are all required. See rpcserver.go for a list of valid action
  193. // and entity values.
  194. //
  195. // NOTE: This is part of the ExternalValidator interface.
  196. func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) Permissions() map[string][]bakery.Op {
  197. return nil
  198. }
  199. // BuildWalletConfig is responsible for creating or unlocking and then
  200. // fully initializing a wallet.
  201. //
  202. // NOTE: This is part of the WalletConfigBuilder interface.
  203. func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) BuildWalletConfig(ctx context.Context,
  204. dbs *DatabaseInstances, interceptorChain *rpcperms.InterceptorChain,
  205. grpcListeners []*ListenerWithSignal) (*chainreg.PartialChainControl,
  206. *btcwallet.Config, func(), error) {
  207. // Keep track of our various cleanup functions. We use a defer function
  208. // as well to not repeat ourselves with every return statement.
  209. var (
  210. cleanUpTasks []func()
  211. earlyExit = true
  212. cleanUp = func() {
  213. for _, fn := range cleanUpTasks {
  214. if fn == nil {
  215. continue
  216. }
  217. fn()
  218. }
  219. }
  220. )
  221. defer func() {
  222. if earlyExit {
  223. cleanUp()
  224. }
  225. }()
  226. // Initialize a new block cache.
  227. blockCache := blockcache.NewBlockCache(d.cfg.BlockCacheSize)
  228. // Before starting the wallet, we'll create and start our Neutrino
  229. // light client instance, if enabled, in order to allow it to sync
  230. // while the rest of the daemon continues startup.
  231. mainChain := d.cfg.Bitcoin
  232. var neutrinoCS *neutrino.ChainService
  233. if mainChain.Node == "neutrino" {
  234. neutrinoBackend, neutrinoCleanUp, err := initNeutrinoBackend(
  235. ctx, d.cfg, mainChain.ChainDir, blockCache,
  236. )
  237. if err != nil {
  238. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize neutrino "+
  239. "backend: %v", err)
  240. d.logger.Error(err)
  241. return nil, nil, nil, err
  242. }
  243. cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, neutrinoCleanUp)
  244. neutrinoCS = neutrinoBackend
  245. }
  246. var (
  247. walletInitParams = walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams{
  248. // In case we do auto-unlock, we need to be able to send
  249. // into the channel without blocking so we buffer it.
  250. MacResponseChan: make(chan []byte, 1),
  251. }
  252. privateWalletPw = lnwallet.DefaultPrivatePassphrase
  253. publicWalletPw = lnwallet.DefaultPublicPassphrase
  254. )
  255. // If the user didn't request a seed, then we'll manually assume a
  256. // wallet birthday of now, as otherwise the seed would've specified
  257. // this information.
  258. walletInitParams.Birthday = time.Now()
  259. d.pwService.SetLoaderOpts([]btcwallet.LoaderOption{dbs.WalletDB})
  260. d.pwService.SetMacaroonDB(dbs.MacaroonDB)
  261. walletExists, err := d.pwService.WalletExists()
  262. if err != nil {
  263. return nil, nil, nil, err
  264. }
  265. if !walletExists {
  266. interceptorChain.SetWalletNotCreated()
  267. } else {
  268. interceptorChain.SetWalletLocked()
  269. }
  270. // If we've started in auto unlock mode, then a wallet should already
  271. // exist because we don't want to enable the RPC unlocker in that case
  272. // for security reasons (an attacker could inject their seed since the
  273. // RPC is unauthenticated). Only if the user explicitly wants to allow
  274. // wallet creation we don't error out here.
  275. if d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile != "" && !walletExists &&
  276. !d.cfg.WalletUnlockAllowCreate {
  277. return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("wallet unlock password file " +
  278. "was specified but wallet does not exist; initialize " +
  279. "the wallet before using auto unlocking")
  280. }
  281. // What wallet mode are we running in? We've already made sure the no
  282. // seed backup and auto unlock aren't both set during config parsing.
  283. switch {
  284. // No seed backup means we're also using the default password.
  285. case d.cfg.NoSeedBackup:
  286. // We continue normally, the default password has already been
  287. // set above.
  288. // A password for unlocking is provided in a file.
  289. case d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile != "" && walletExists:
  290. d.logger.Infof("Attempting automatic wallet unlock with " +
  291. "password provided in file")
  292. pwBytes, err := os.ReadFile(d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile)
  293. if err != nil {
  294. return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading "+
  295. "password from file %s: %v",
  296. d.cfg.WalletUnlockPasswordFile, err)
  297. }
  298. // Remove any newlines at the end of the file. The lndinit tool
  299. // won't ever write a newline but maybe the file was provisioned
  300. // by another process or user.
  301. pwBytes = bytes.TrimRight(pwBytes, "\r\n")
  302. // We have the password now, we can ask the unlocker service to
  303. // do the unlock for us.
  304. unlockedWallet, unloadWalletFn, err := d.pwService.LoadAndUnlock(
  305. pwBytes, 0,
  306. )
  307. if err != nil {
  308. return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error unlocking "+
  309. "wallet with password from file: %v", err)
  310. }
  311. cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, func() {
  312. if err := unloadWalletFn(); err != nil {
  313. d.logger.Errorf("Could not unload wallet: %v",
  314. err)
  315. }
  316. })
  317. privateWalletPw = pwBytes
  318. publicWalletPw = pwBytes
  319. walletInitParams.Wallet = unlockedWallet
  320. walletInitParams.UnloadWallet = unloadWalletFn
  321. // If none of the automatic startup options are selected, we fall back
  322. // to the default behavior of waiting for the wallet creation/unlocking
  323. // over RPC.
  324. default:
  325. if err := d.interceptor.Notifier.NotifyReady(false); err != nil {
  326. return nil, nil, nil, err
  327. }
  328. params, err := waitForWalletPassword(
  329. d.cfg, d.pwService, []btcwallet.LoaderOption{dbs.WalletDB},
  330. d.interceptor.ShutdownChannel(),
  331. )
  332. if err != nil {
  333. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to set up wallet password "+
  334. "listeners: %v", err)
  335. d.logger.Error(err)
  336. return nil, nil, nil, err
  337. }
  338. walletInitParams = *params
  339. privateWalletPw = walletInitParams.Password
  340. publicWalletPw = walletInitParams.Password
  341. cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, func() {
  342. if err := walletInitParams.UnloadWallet(); err != nil {
  343. d.logger.Errorf("Could not unload wallet: %v",
  344. err)
  345. }
  346. })
  347. if walletInitParams.RecoveryWindow > 0 {
  348. d.logger.Infof("Wallet recovery mode enabled with "+
  349. "address lookahead of %d addresses",
  350. walletInitParams.RecoveryWindow)
  351. }
  352. }
  353. var macaroonService *macaroons.Service
  354. if !d.cfg.NoMacaroons {
  355. // Create the macaroon authentication/authorization service.
  356. rootKeyStore, err := macaroons.NewRootKeyStorage(dbs.MacaroonDB)
  357. if err != nil {
  358. return nil, nil, nil, err
  359. }
  360. macaroonService, err = macaroons.NewService(
  361. rootKeyStore, "lnd", walletInitParams.StatelessInit,
  362. macaroons.IPLockChecker,
  363. macaroons.CustomChecker(interceptorChain),
  364. )
  365. if err != nil {
  366. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to set up macaroon "+
  367. "authentication: %v", err)
  368. d.logger.Error(err)
  369. return nil, nil, nil, err
  370. }
  371. cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, func() {
  372. if err := macaroonService.Close(); err != nil {
  373. d.logger.Errorf("Could not close macaroon "+
  374. "service: %v", err)
  375. }
  376. })
  377. // Try to unlock the macaroon store with the private password.
  378. // Ignore ErrAlreadyUnlocked since it could be unlocked by the
  379. // wallet unlocker.
  380. err = macaroonService.CreateUnlock(&privateWalletPw)
  381. if err != nil && err != macaroons.ErrAlreadyUnlocked {
  382. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to unlock macaroons: %w", err)
  383. d.logger.Error(err)
  384. return nil, nil, nil, err
  385. }
  386. // If we have a macaroon root key from the init wallet params,
  387. // set the root key before baking any macaroons.
  388. if len(walletInitParams.MacRootKey) > 0 {
  389. err := macaroonService.SetRootKey(
  390. walletInitParams.MacRootKey,
  391. )
  392. if err != nil {
  393. return nil, nil, nil, err
  394. }
  395. }
  396. // Send an admin macaroon to all our listeners that requested
  397. // one by setting a non-nil macaroon channel.
  398. adminMacBytes, err := bakeMacaroon(
  399. ctx, macaroonService, adminPermissions(),
  400. )
  401. if err != nil {
  402. return nil, nil, nil, err
  403. }
  404. for _, lis := range grpcListeners {
  405. if lis.MacChan != nil {
  406. lis.MacChan <- adminMacBytes
  407. }
  408. }
  409. // In case we actually needed to unlock the wallet, we now need
  410. // to create an instance of the admin macaroon and send it to
  411. // the unlocker so it can forward it to the user. In no seed
  412. // backup mode, there's nobody listening on the channel and we'd
  413. // block here forever.
  414. if !d.cfg.NoSeedBackup {
  415. // The channel is buffered by one element so writing
  416. // should not block here.
  417. walletInitParams.MacResponseChan <- adminMacBytes
  418. }
  419. // If the user requested a stateless initialization, no macaroon
  420. // files should be created.
  421. if !walletInitParams.StatelessInit {
  422. // Create default macaroon files for lncli to use if
  423. // they don't exist.
  424. err = genDefaultMacaroons(
  425. ctx, macaroonService, d.cfg.AdminMacPath,
  426. d.cfg.ReadMacPath, d.cfg.InvoiceMacPath,
  427. )
  428. if err != nil {
  429. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create macaroons "+
  430. "%v", err)
  431. d.logger.Error(err)
  432. return nil, nil, nil, err
  433. }
  434. }
  435. // As a security service to the user, if they requested
  436. // stateless initialization and there are macaroon files on disk
  437. // we log a warning.
  438. if walletInitParams.StatelessInit {
  439. msg := "Found %s macaroon on disk (%s) even though " +
  440. "--stateless_init was requested. Unencrypted " +
  441. "state is accessible by the host system. You " +
  442. "should change the password and use " +
  443. "--new_mac_root_key with --stateless_init to " +
  444. "clean up and invalidate old macaroons."
  445. if lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.AdminMacPath) {
  446. d.logger.Warnf(msg, "admin", d.cfg.AdminMacPath)
  447. }
  448. if lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.ReadMacPath) {
  449. d.logger.Warnf(msg, "readonly", d.cfg.ReadMacPath)
  450. }
  451. if lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.InvoiceMacPath) {
  452. d.logger.Warnf(msg, "invoice", d.cfg.InvoiceMacPath)
  453. }
  454. }
  455. // We add the macaroon service to our RPC interceptor. This
  456. // will start checking macaroons against permissions on every
  457. // RPC invocation.
  458. interceptorChain.AddMacaroonService(macaroonService)
  459. }
  460. // Now that the wallet password has been provided, transition the RPC
  461. // state into Unlocked.
  462. interceptorChain.SetWalletUnlocked()
  463. // Since calls to the WalletUnlocker service wait for a response on the
  464. // macaroon channel, we close it here to make sure they return in case
  465. // we did not return the admin macaroon above. This will be the case if
  466. // --no-macaroons is used.
  467. close(walletInitParams.MacResponseChan)
  468. // We'll also close all the macaroon channels since lnd is done sending
  469. // macaroon data over it.
  470. for _, lis := range grpcListeners {
  471. if lis.MacChan != nil {
  472. close(lis.MacChan)
  473. }
  474. }
  475. // With the information parsed from the configuration, create valid
  476. // instances of the pertinent interfaces required to operate the
  477. // Lightning Network Daemon.
  478. //
  479. // When we create the chain control, we need storage for the height
  480. // hints and also the wallet itself, for these two we want them to be
  481. // replicated, so we'll pass in the remote channel DB instance.
  482. chainControlCfg := &chainreg.Config{
  483. Bitcoin: d.cfg.Bitcoin,
  484. HeightHintCacheQueryDisable: d.cfg.HeightHintCacheQueryDisable,
  485. NeutrinoMode: d.cfg.NeutrinoMode,
  486. BitcoindMode: d.cfg.BitcoindMode,
  487. BtcdMode: d.cfg.BtcdMode,
  488. HeightHintDB: dbs.HeightHintDB,
  489. ChanStateDB: dbs.ChanStateDB.ChannelStateDB(),
  490. NeutrinoCS: neutrinoCS,
  491. ActiveNetParams: d.cfg.ActiveNetParams,
  492. FeeURL: d.cfg.FeeURL,
  493. Fee: &lncfg.Fee{
  494. URL: d.cfg.Fee.URL,
  495. MinUpdateTimeout: d.cfg.Fee.MinUpdateTimeout,
  496. MaxUpdateTimeout: d.cfg.Fee.MaxUpdateTimeout,
  497. },
  498. Dialer: func(addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
  499. return
  500. "tcp", addr, d.cfg.ConnectionTimeout,
  501. )
  502. },
  503. BlockCache: blockCache,
  504. WalletUnlockParams: &walletInitParams,
  505. }
  506. // Let's go ahead and create the partial chain control now that is only
  507. // dependent on our configuration and doesn't require any wallet
  508. // specific information.
  509. partialChainControl, pccCleanup, err := chainreg.NewPartialChainControl(
  510. chainControlCfg,
  511. )
  512. cleanUpTasks = append(cleanUpTasks, pccCleanup)
  513. if err != nil {
  514. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create partial chain control: %w",
  515. err)
  516. d.logger.Error(err)
  517. return nil, nil, nil, err
  518. }
  519. walletConfig := &btcwallet.Config{
  520. PrivatePass: privateWalletPw,
  521. PublicPass: publicWalletPw,
  522. Birthday: walletInitParams.Birthday,
  523. RecoveryWindow: walletInitParams.RecoveryWindow,
  524. NetParams: d.cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params,
  525. CoinType: d.cfg.ActiveNetParams.CoinType,
  526. Wallet: walletInitParams.Wallet,
  527. LoaderOptions: []btcwallet.LoaderOption{dbs.WalletDB},
  528. ChainSource: partialChainControl.ChainSource,
  529. WatchOnly: d.watchOnly,
  530. MigrateWatchOnly: d.migrateWatchOnly,
  531. }
  532. // Parse coin selection strategy.
  533. switch d.cfg.CoinSelectionStrategy {
  534. case "largest":
  535. walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy = wallet.CoinSelectionLargest
  536. case "random":
  537. walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy = wallet.CoinSelectionRandom
  538. default:
  539. return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown coin selection "+
  540. "strategy %v", d.cfg.CoinSelectionStrategy)
  541. }
  542. earlyExit = false
  543. return partialChainControl, walletConfig, cleanUp, nil
  544. }
  545. // proxyBlockEpoch proxies a block epoch subsections to the underlying neutrino
  546. // rebroadcaster client.
  547. func proxyBlockEpoch(notifier chainntnfs.ChainNotifier,
  548. ) func() (*blockntfns.Subscription, error) {
  549. return func() (*blockntfns.Subscription, error) {
  550. blockEpoch, err := notifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(
  551. nil,
  552. )
  553. if err != nil {
  554. return nil, err
  555. }
  556. sub := blockntfns.Subscription{
  557. Notifications: make(chan blockntfns.BlockNtfn, 6),
  558. Cancel: blockEpoch.Cancel,
  559. }
  560. go func() {
  561. for blk := range blockEpoch.Epochs {
  562. ntfn := blockntfns.NewBlockConnected(
  563. *blk.BlockHeader,
  564. uint32(blk.Height),
  565. )
  566. sub.Notifications <- ntfn
  567. }
  568. }()
  569. return &sub, nil
  570. }
  571. }
  572. // walletReBroadcaster is a simple wrapper around the pushtx.Broadcaster
  573. // interface to adhere to the expanded lnwallet.Rebroadcaster interface.
  574. type walletReBroadcaster struct {
  575. started atomic.Bool
  576. *pushtx.Broadcaster
  577. }
  578. // newWalletReBroadcaster creates a new instance of the walletReBroadcaster.
  579. func newWalletReBroadcaster(
  580. broadcaster *pushtx.Broadcaster) *walletReBroadcaster {
  581. return &walletReBroadcaster{
  582. Broadcaster: broadcaster,
  583. }
  584. }
  585. // Start launches all goroutines the rebroadcaster needs to operate.
  586. func (w *walletReBroadcaster) Start() error {
  587. defer w.started.Store(true)
  588. return w.Broadcaster.Start()
  589. }
  590. // Started returns true if the broadcaster is already active.
  591. func (w *walletReBroadcaster) Started() bool {
  592. return w.started.Load()
  593. }
  594. // BuildChainControl is responsible for creating a fully populated chain
  595. // control instance from a wallet.
  596. //
  597. // NOTE: This is part of the ChainControlBuilder interface.
  598. func (d *DefaultWalletImpl) BuildChainControl(
  599. partialChainControl *chainreg.PartialChainControl,
  600. walletConfig *btcwallet.Config) (*chainreg.ChainControl, func(), error) {
  601. walletController, err := btcwallet.New(
  602. *walletConfig, partialChainControl.Cfg.BlockCache,
  603. )
  604. if err != nil {
  605. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create wallet controller: %w", err)
  606. d.logger.Error(err)
  607. return nil, nil, err
  608. }
  609. keyRing := keychain.NewBtcWalletKeyRing(
  610. walletController.InternalWallet(), walletConfig.CoinType,
  611. )
  612. // Create, and start the lnwallet, which handles the core payment
  613. // channel logic, and exposes control via proxy state machines.
  614. lnWalletConfig := lnwallet.Config{
  615. Database: partialChainControl.Cfg.ChanStateDB,
  616. Notifier: partialChainControl.ChainNotifier,
  617. WalletController: walletController,
  618. Signer: walletController,
  619. FeeEstimator: partialChainControl.FeeEstimator,
  620. SecretKeyRing: keyRing,
  621. ChainIO: walletController,
  622. NetParams: *walletConfig.NetParams,
  623. CoinSelectionStrategy: walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy,
  624. }
  625. // The broadcast is already always active for neutrino nodes, so we
  626. // don't want to create a rebroadcast loop.
  627. if partialChainControl.Cfg.NeutrinoCS == nil {
  628. broadcastCfg := pushtx.Config{
  629. Broadcast: func(tx *wire.MsgTx) error {
  630. cs := partialChainControl.ChainSource
  631. _, err := cs.SendRawTransaction(
  632. tx, true,
  633. )
  634. return err
  635. },
  636. SubscribeBlocks: proxyBlockEpoch(
  637. partialChainControl.ChainNotifier,
  638. ),
  639. RebroadcastInterval: pushtx.DefaultRebroadcastInterval,
  640. // In case the backend is different from neutrino we
  641. // make sure that broadcast backend errors are mapped
  642. // to the neutrino broadcastErr.
  643. MapCustomBroadcastError: broadcastErrorMapper,
  644. }
  645. lnWalletConfig.Rebroadcaster = newWalletReBroadcaster(
  646. pushtx.NewBroadcaster(&broadcastCfg),
  647. )
  648. }
  649. // We've created the wallet configuration now, so we can finish
  650. // initializing the main chain control.
  651. activeChainControl, cleanUp, err := chainreg.NewChainControl(
  652. lnWalletConfig, walletController, partialChainControl,
  653. )
  654. if err != nil {
  655. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create chain control: %w", err)
  656. d.logger.Error(err)
  657. return nil, nil, err
  658. }
  659. return activeChainControl, cleanUp, nil
  660. }
  661. // RPCSignerWalletImpl is a wallet implementation that uses a remote signer over
  662. // an RPC interface.
  663. type RPCSignerWalletImpl struct {
  664. // DefaultWalletImpl is the embedded instance of the default
  665. // implementation that the remote signer uses as its watch-only wallet
  666. // for keeping track of addresses and UTXOs.
  667. *DefaultWalletImpl
  668. }
  669. // NewRPCSignerWalletImpl creates a new instance of the remote signing wallet
  670. // implementation.
  671. func NewRPCSignerWalletImpl(cfg *Config, logger btclog.Logger,
  672. interceptor signal.Interceptor,
  673. migrateWatchOnly bool) *RPCSignerWalletImpl {
  674. return &RPCSignerWalletImpl{
  675. DefaultWalletImpl: &DefaultWalletImpl{
  676. cfg: cfg,
  677. logger: logger,
  678. interceptor: interceptor,
  679. watchOnly: true,
  680. migrateWatchOnly: migrateWatchOnly,
  681. pwService: createWalletUnlockerService(cfg),
  682. },
  683. }
  684. }
  685. // BuildChainControl is responsible for creating or unlocking and then fully
  686. // initializing a wallet and returning it as part of a fully populated chain
  687. // control instance.
  688. //
  689. // NOTE: This is part of the ChainControlBuilder interface.
  690. func (d *RPCSignerWalletImpl) BuildChainControl(
  691. partialChainControl *chainreg.PartialChainControl,
  692. walletConfig *btcwallet.Config) (*chainreg.ChainControl, func(), error) {
  693. walletController, err := btcwallet.New(
  694. *walletConfig, partialChainControl.Cfg.BlockCache,
  695. )
  696. if err != nil {
  697. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create wallet controller: %w", err)
  698. d.logger.Error(err)
  699. return nil, nil, err
  700. }
  701. baseKeyRing := keychain.NewBtcWalletKeyRing(
  702. walletController.InternalWallet(), walletConfig.CoinType,
  703. )
  704. rpcKeyRing, err := rpcwallet.NewRPCKeyRing(
  705. baseKeyRing, walletController,
  706. d.DefaultWalletImpl.cfg.RemoteSigner, walletConfig.NetParams,
  707. )
  708. if err != nil {
  709. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create RPC remote signing wallet "+
  710. "%v", err)
  711. d.logger.Error(err)
  712. return nil, nil, err
  713. }
  714. // Create, and start the lnwallet, which handles the core payment
  715. // channel logic, and exposes control via proxy state machines.
  716. lnWalletConfig := lnwallet.Config{
  717. Database: partialChainControl.Cfg.ChanStateDB,
  718. Notifier: partialChainControl.ChainNotifier,
  719. WalletController: rpcKeyRing,
  720. Signer: rpcKeyRing,
  721. FeeEstimator: partialChainControl.FeeEstimator,
  722. SecretKeyRing: rpcKeyRing,
  723. ChainIO: walletController,
  724. NetParams: *walletConfig.NetParams,
  725. CoinSelectionStrategy: walletConfig.CoinSelectionStrategy,
  726. }
  727. // We've created the wallet configuration now, so we can finish
  728. // initializing the main chain control.
  729. activeChainControl, cleanUp, err := chainreg.NewChainControl(
  730. lnWalletConfig, rpcKeyRing, partialChainControl,
  731. )
  732. if err != nil {
  733. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to create chain control: %w", err)
  734. d.logger.Error(err)
  735. return nil, nil, err
  736. }
  737. return activeChainControl, cleanUp, nil
  738. }
  739. // DatabaseInstances is a struct that holds all instances to the actual
  740. // databases that are used in lnd.
  741. type DatabaseInstances struct {
  742. // GraphDB is the database that stores the channel graph used for path
  743. // finding.
  744. //
  745. // NOTE/TODO: This currently _needs_ to be the same instance as the
  746. // ChanStateDB below until the separation of the two databases is fully
  747. // complete!
  748. GraphDB *channeldb.DB
  749. // ChanStateDB is the database that stores all of our node's channel
  750. // state.
  751. //
  752. // NOTE/TODO: This currently _needs_ to be the same instance as the
  753. // GraphDB above until the separation of the two databases is fully
  754. // complete!
  755. ChanStateDB *channeldb.DB
  756. // HeightHintDB is the database that stores height hints for spends.
  757. HeightHintDB kvdb.Backend
  758. // InvoiceDB is the database that stores information about invoices.
  759. InvoiceDB invoices.InvoiceDB
  760. // MacaroonDB is the database that stores macaroon root keys.
  761. MacaroonDB kvdb.Backend
  762. // DecayedLogDB is the database that stores p2p related encryption
  763. // information.
  764. DecayedLogDB kvdb.Backend
  765. // TowerClientDB is the database that stores the watchtower client's
  766. // configuration.
  767. TowerClientDB wtclient.DB
  768. // TowerServerDB is the database that stores the watchtower server's
  769. // configuration.
  770. TowerServerDB watchtower.DB
  771. // WalletDB is the configuration for loading the wallet database using
  772. // the btcwallet's loader.
  773. WalletDB btcwallet.LoaderOption
  774. // NativeSQLStore is a pointer to a native SQL store that can be used
  775. // for native SQL queries for tables that already support it. This may
  776. // be nil if the use-native-sql flag was not set.
  777. NativeSQLStore *sqldb.BaseDB
  778. }
  779. // DefaultDatabaseBuilder is a type that builds the default database backends
  780. // for lnd, using the given configuration to decide what actual implementation
  781. // to use.
  782. type DefaultDatabaseBuilder struct {
  783. cfg *Config
  784. logger btclog.Logger
  785. }
  786. // NewDefaultDatabaseBuilder returns a new instance of the default database
  787. // builder.
  788. func NewDefaultDatabaseBuilder(cfg *Config,
  789. logger btclog.Logger) *DefaultDatabaseBuilder {
  790. return &DefaultDatabaseBuilder{
  791. cfg: cfg,
  792. logger: logger,
  793. }
  794. }
  795. // BuildDatabase extracts the current databases that we'll use for normal
  796. // operation in the daemon. A function closure that closes all opened databases
  797. // is also returned.
  798. func (d *DefaultDatabaseBuilder) BuildDatabase(
  799. ctx context.Context) (*DatabaseInstances, func(), error) {
  800. d.logger.Infof("Opening the main database, this might take a few " +
  801. "minutes...")
  802. cfg := d.cfg
  803. if cfg.DB.Backend == lncfg.BoltBackend {
  804. d.logger.Infof("Opening bbolt database, sync_freelist=%v, "+
  805. "auto_compact=%v", !cfg.DB.Bolt.NoFreelistSync,
  806. cfg.DB.Bolt.AutoCompact)
  807. }
  808. startOpenTime := time.Now()
  809. databaseBackends, err := cfg.DB.GetBackends(
  810. ctx, cfg.graphDatabaseDir(), cfg.networkDir, filepath.Join(
  811. cfg.Watchtower.TowerDir, BitcoinChainName,
  812. lncfg.NormalizeNetwork(cfg.ActiveNetParams.Name),
  813. ), cfg.WtClient.Active, cfg.Watchtower.Active, d.logger,
  814. )
  815. if err != nil {
  816. return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to obtain database "+
  817. "backends: %v", err)
  818. }
  819. // With the full remote mode we made sure both the graph and channel
  820. // state DB point to the same local or remote DB and the same namespace
  821. // within that DB.
  822. dbs := &DatabaseInstances{
  823. HeightHintDB: databaseBackends.HeightHintDB,
  824. MacaroonDB: databaseBackends.MacaroonDB,
  825. DecayedLogDB: databaseBackends.DecayedLogDB,
  826. WalletDB: databaseBackends.WalletDB,
  827. NativeSQLStore: databaseBackends.NativeSQLStore,
  828. }
  829. cleanUp := func() {
  830. // We can just close the returned close functions directly. Even
  831. // if we decorate the channel DB with an additional struct, its
  832. // close function still just points to the kvdb backend.
  833. for name, closeFunc := range databaseBackends.CloseFuncs {
  834. if err := closeFunc(); err != nil {
  835. d.logger.Errorf("Error closing %s "+
  836. "database: %v", name, err)
  837. }
  838. }
  839. }
  840. if databaseBackends.Remote {
  841. d.logger.Infof("Using remote %v database! Creating "+
  842. "graph and channel state DB instances", cfg.DB.Backend)
  843. } else {
  844. d.logger.Infof("Creating local graph and channel state DB " +
  845. "instances")
  846. }
  847. dbOptions := []channeldb.OptionModifier{
  848. channeldb.OptionSetRejectCacheSize(cfg.Caches.RejectCacheSize),
  849. channeldb.OptionSetChannelCacheSize(
  850. cfg.Caches.ChannelCacheSize,
  851. ),
  852. channeldb.OptionSetBatchCommitInterval(
  853. cfg.DB.BatchCommitInterval,
  854. ),
  855. channeldb.OptionDryRunMigration(cfg.DryRunMigration),
  856. channeldb.OptionSetUseGraphCache(!cfg.DB.NoGraphCache),
  857. channeldb.OptionKeepFailedPaymentAttempts(
  858. cfg.KeepFailedPaymentAttempts,
  859. ),
  860. channeldb.OptionStoreFinalHtlcResolutions(
  861. cfg.StoreFinalHtlcResolutions,
  862. ),
  863. channeldb.OptionPruneRevocationLog(cfg.DB.PruneRevocation),
  864. channeldb.OptionNoRevLogAmtData(cfg.DB.NoRevLogAmtData),
  865. }
  866. // We want to pre-allocate the channel graph cache according to what we
  867. // expect for mainnet to speed up memory allocation.
  868. if cfg.ActiveNetParams.Name == chaincfg.MainNetParams.Name {
  869. dbOptions = append(
  870. dbOptions, channeldb.OptionSetPreAllocCacheNumNodes(
  871. channeldb.DefaultPreAllocCacheNumNodes,
  872. ),
  873. )
  874. }
  875. // Otherwise, we'll open two instances, one for the state we only need
  876. // locally, and the other for things we want to ensure are replicated.
  877. dbs.GraphDB, err = channeldb.CreateWithBackend(
  878. databaseBackends.GraphDB, dbOptions...,
  879. )
  880. switch {
  881. // Give the DB a chance to dry run the migration. Since we know that
  882. // both the channel state and graph DBs are still always behind the same
  883. // backend, we know this would be applied to both of those DBs.
  884. case err == channeldb.ErrDryRunMigrationOK:
  885. d.logger.Infof("Graph DB dry run migration successful")
  886. return nil, nil, err
  887. case err != nil:
  888. cleanUp()
  889. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to open graph DB: %w", err)
  890. d.logger.Error(err)
  891. return nil, nil, err
  892. }
  893. // For now, we don't _actually_ split the graph and channel state DBs on
  894. // the code level. Since they both are based upon the *channeldb.DB
  895. // struct it will require more refactoring to fully separate them. With
  896. // the full remote mode we at least know for now that they both point to
  897. // the same DB backend (and also namespace within that) so we only need
  898. // to apply any migration once.
  899. //
  900. // TODO(guggero): Once the full separation of anything graph related
  901. // from the channeldb.DB is complete, the decorated instance of the
  902. // channel state DB should be created here individually instead of just
  903. // using the same struct (and DB backend) instance.
  904. dbs.ChanStateDB = dbs.GraphDB
  905. // Instantiate a native SQL invoice store if the flag is set.
  906. if d.cfg.DB.UseNativeSQL {
  907. // KV invoice db resides in the same database as the graph and
  908. // channel state DB. Let's query the database to see if we have
  909. // any invoices there. If we do, we won't allow the user to
  910. // start lnd with native SQL enabled, as we don't currently
  911. // migrate the invoices to the new database schema.
  912. invoiceSlice, err := dbs.GraphDB.QueryInvoices(
  913. ctx, invoices.InvoiceQuery{
  914. NumMaxInvoices: 1,
  915. },
  916. )
  917. if err != nil {
  918. cleanUp()
  919. d.logger.Errorf("Unable to query KV invoice DB: %v",
  920. err)
  921. return nil, nil, err
  922. }
  923. if len(invoiceSlice.Invoices) > 0 {
  924. cleanUp()
  925. err := fmt.Errorf("found invoices in the KV invoice " +
  926. "DB, migration to native SQL is not yet " +
  927. "supported")
  928. d.logger.Error(err)
  929. return nil, nil, err
  930. }
  931. executor := sqldb.NewTransactionExecutor(
  932. dbs.NativeSQLStore,
  933. func(tx *sql.Tx) invoices.SQLInvoiceQueries {
  934. return dbs.NativeSQLStore.WithTx(tx)
  935. },
  936. )
  937. dbs.InvoiceDB = invoices.NewSQLStore(
  938. executor, clock.NewDefaultClock(),
  939. )
  940. } else {
  941. dbs.InvoiceDB = dbs.GraphDB
  942. }
  943. // Wrap the watchtower client DB and make sure we clean up.
  944. if cfg.WtClient.Active {
  945. dbs.TowerClientDB, err = wtdb.OpenClientDB(
  946. databaseBackends.TowerClientDB,
  947. )
  948. if err != nil {
  949. cleanUp()
  950. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to open %s database: %w",
  951. lncfg.NSTowerClientDB, err)
  952. d.logger.Error(err)
  953. return nil, nil, err
  954. }
  955. }
  956. // Wrap the watchtower server DB and make sure we clean up.
  957. if cfg.Watchtower.Active {
  958. dbs.TowerServerDB, err = wtdb.OpenTowerDB(
  959. databaseBackends.TowerServerDB,
  960. )
  961. if err != nil {
  962. cleanUp()
  963. err := fmt.Errorf("unable to open %s database: %w",
  964. lncfg.NSTowerServerDB, err)
  965. d.logger.Error(err)
  966. return nil, nil, err
  967. }
  968. }
  969. openTime := time.Since(startOpenTime)
  970. d.logger.Infof("Database(s) now open (time_to_open=%v)!", openTime)
  971. return dbs, cleanUp, nil
  972. }
  973. // waitForWalletPassword blocks until a password is provided by the user to
  974. // this RPC server.
  975. func waitForWalletPassword(cfg *Config,
  976. pwService *walletunlocker.UnlockerService,
  977. loaderOpts []btcwallet.LoaderOption, shutdownChan <-chan struct{}) (
  978. *walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams, error) {
  979. // Wait for user to provide the password.
  980. ltndLog.Infof("Waiting for wallet encryption password. Use `lncli " +
  981. "create` to create a wallet, `lncli unlock` to unlock an " +
  982. "existing wallet, or `lncli changepassword` to change the " +
  983. "password of an existing wallet and unlock it.")
  984. // We currently don't distinguish between getting a password to be used
  985. // for creation or unlocking, as a new wallet db will be created if
  986. // none exists when creating the chain control.
  987. select {
  988. // The wallet is being created for the first time, we'll check to see
  989. // if the user provided any entropy for seed creation. If so, then
  990. // we'll create the wallet early to load the seed.
  991. case initMsg := <-pwService.InitMsgs:
  992. password := initMsg.Passphrase
  993. cipherSeed := initMsg.WalletSeed
  994. extendedKey := initMsg.WalletExtendedKey
  995. watchOnlyAccounts := initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts
  996. recoveryWindow := initMsg.RecoveryWindow
  997. // Before we proceed, we'll check the internal version of the
  998. // seed. If it's greater than the current key derivation
  999. // version, then we'll return an error as we don't understand
  1000. // this.
  1001. if cipherSeed != nil &&
  1002. !keychain.IsKnownVersion(cipherSeed.InternalVersion) {
  1003. return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid internal "+
  1004. "seed version %v, current max version is %v",
  1005. cipherSeed.InternalVersion,
  1006. keychain.CurrentKeyDerivationVersion)
  1007. }
  1008. loader, err := btcwallet.NewWalletLoader(
  1009. cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params, recoveryWindow,
  1010. loaderOpts...,
  1011. )
  1012. if err != nil {
  1013. return nil, err
  1014. }
  1015. // With the seed, we can now use the wallet loader to create
  1016. // the wallet, then pass it back to avoid unlocking it again.
  1017. var (
  1018. birthday time.Time
  1019. newWallet *wallet.Wallet
  1020. )
  1021. switch {
  1022. // A normal cipher seed was given, use the birthday encoded in
  1023. // it and create the wallet from that.
  1024. case cipherSeed != nil:
  1025. birthday = cipherSeed.BirthdayTime()
  1026. newWallet, err = loader.CreateNewWallet(
  1027. password, password, cipherSeed.Entropy[:],
  1028. birthday,
  1029. )
  1030. // No seed was given, we're importing a wallet from its extended
  1031. // private key.
  1032. case extendedKey != nil:
  1033. birthday = initMsg.ExtendedKeyBirthday
  1034. newWallet, err = loader.CreateNewWalletExtendedKey(
  1035. password, password, extendedKey, birthday,
  1036. )
  1037. // Neither seed nor extended private key was given, so maybe the
  1038. // third option was chosen, the watch-only initialization. In
  1039. // this case we need to import each of the xpubs individually.
  1040. case watchOnlyAccounts != nil:
  1041. if !cfg.RemoteSigner.Enable {
  1042. return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize " +
  1043. "watch only wallet with remote " +
  1044. "signer config disabled")
  1045. }
  1046. birthday = initMsg.WatchOnlyBirthday
  1047. newWallet, err = loader.CreateNewWatchingOnlyWallet(
  1048. password, birthday,
  1049. )
  1050. if err != nil {
  1051. break
  1052. }
  1053. err = importWatchOnlyAccounts(newWallet, initMsg)
  1054. default:
  1055. // The unlocker service made sure either the cipher seed
  1056. // or the extended key is set so, we shouldn't get here.
  1057. // The default case is just here for readability and
  1058. // completeness.
  1059. err = fmt.Errorf("cannot create wallet, neither seed " +
  1060. "nor extended key was given")
  1061. }
  1062. if err != nil {
  1063. // Don't leave the file open in case the new wallet
  1064. // could not be created for whatever reason.
  1065. if err := loader.UnloadWallet(); err != nil {
  1066. ltndLog.Errorf("Could not unload new "+
  1067. "wallet: %v", err)
  1068. }
  1069. return nil, err
  1070. }
  1071. // For new wallets, the ResetWalletTransactions flag is a no-op.
  1072. if cfg.ResetWalletTransactions {
  1073. ltndLog.Warnf("Ignoring reset-wallet-transactions " +
  1074. "flag for new wallet as it has no effect")
  1075. }
  1076. return &walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams{
  1077. Password: password,
  1078. Birthday: birthday,
  1079. RecoveryWindow: recoveryWindow,
  1080. Wallet: newWallet,
  1081. ChansToRestore: initMsg.ChanBackups,
  1082. UnloadWallet: loader.UnloadWallet,
  1083. StatelessInit: initMsg.StatelessInit,
  1084. MacResponseChan: pwService.MacResponseChan,
  1085. MacRootKey: initMsg.MacRootKey,
  1086. }, nil
  1087. // The wallet has already been created in the past, and is simply being
  1088. // unlocked. So we'll just return these passphrases.
  1089. case unlockMsg := <-pwService.UnlockMsgs:
  1090. // Resetting the transactions is something the user likely only
  1091. // wants to do once so we add a prominent warning to the log to
  1092. // remind the user to turn off the setting again after
  1093. // successful completion.
  1094. if cfg.ResetWalletTransactions {
  1095. ltndLog.Warnf("Dropped all transaction history from " +
  1096. "on-chain wallet. Remember to disable " +
  1097. "reset-wallet-transactions flag for next " +
  1098. "start of lnd")
  1099. }
  1100. return &walletunlocker.WalletUnlockParams{
  1101. Password: unlockMsg.Passphrase,
  1102. RecoveryWindow: unlockMsg.RecoveryWindow,
  1103. Wallet: unlockMsg.Wallet,
  1104. ChansToRestore: unlockMsg.ChanBackups,
  1105. UnloadWallet: unlockMsg.UnloadWallet,
  1106. StatelessInit: unlockMsg.StatelessInit,
  1107. MacResponseChan: pwService.MacResponseChan,
  1108. }, nil
  1109. // If we got a shutdown signal we just return with an error immediately
  1110. case <-shutdownChan:
  1111. return nil, fmt.Errorf("shutting down")
  1112. }
  1113. }
  1114. // importWatchOnlyAccounts imports all individual account xpubs into our wallet
  1115. // which we created as watch-only.
  1116. func importWatchOnlyAccounts(wallet *wallet.Wallet,
  1117. initMsg *walletunlocker.WalletInitMsg) error {
  1118. scopes := make([]waddrmgr.ScopedIndex, 0, len(initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts))
  1119. for scope := range initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts {
  1120. scopes = append(scopes, scope)
  1121. }
  1122. // We need to import the accounts in the correct order, otherwise the
  1123. // indices will be incorrect.
  1124. sort.Slice(scopes, func(i, j int) bool {
  1125. return scopes[i].Scope.Purpose < scopes[j].Scope.Purpose ||
  1126. scopes[i].Index < scopes[j].Index
  1127. })
  1128. for _, scope := range scopes {
  1129. addrSchema := waddrmgr.ScopeAddrMap[waddrmgr.KeyScopeBIP0084]
  1130. // We want witness pubkey hash by default, except for BIP49
  1131. // where we want mixed and BIP86 where we want taproot address
  1132. // formats.
  1133. switch scope.Scope.Purpose {
  1134. case waddrmgr.KeyScopeBIP0049Plus.Purpose,
  1135. waddrmgr.KeyScopeBIP0086.Purpose:
  1136. addrSchema = waddrmgr.ScopeAddrMap[scope.Scope]
  1137. }
  1138. // We want a human-readable account name. But for the default
  1139. // on-chain wallet we actually need to call it "default" to make
  1140. // sure everything works correctly.
  1141. name := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d'", scope.Scope.String(), scope.Index)
  1142. if scope.Index == 0 {
  1143. name = "default"
  1144. }
  1145. _, err := wallet.ImportAccountWithScope(
  1146. name, initMsg.WatchOnlyAccounts[scope],
  1147. initMsg.WatchOnlyMasterFingerprint, scope.Scope,
  1148. addrSchema,
  1149. )
  1150. if err != nil {
  1151. return fmt.Errorf("could not import account %v: %w",
  1152. name, err)
  1153. }
  1154. }
  1155. return nil
  1156. }
  1157. // initNeutrinoBackend inits a new instance of the neutrino light client
  1158. // backend given a target chain directory to store the chain state.
  1159. func initNeutrinoBackend(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config, chainDir string,
  1160. blockCache *blockcache.BlockCache) (*neutrino.ChainService,
  1161. func(), error) {
  1162. // Both channel validation flags are false by default but their meaning
  1163. // is the inverse of each other. Therefore both cannot be true. For
  1164. // every other case, the neutrino.validatechannels overwrites the
  1165. // routing.assumechanvalid value.
  1166. if cfg.NeutrinoMode.ValidateChannels && cfg.Routing.AssumeChannelValid {
  1167. return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set both " +
  1168. "neutrino.validatechannels and routing." +
  1169. "assumechanvalid to true at the same time")
  1170. }
  1171. cfg.Routing.AssumeChannelValid = !cfg.NeutrinoMode.ValidateChannels
  1172. // First we'll open the database file for neutrino, creating the
  1173. // database if needed. We append the normalized network name here to
  1174. // match the behavior of btcwallet.
  1175. dbPath := filepath.Join(
  1176. chainDir, lncfg.NormalizeNetwork(cfg.ActiveNetParams.Name),
  1177. )
  1178. // Ensure that the neutrino db path exists.
  1179. if err := os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0700); err != nil {
  1180. return nil, nil, err
  1181. }
  1182. var (
  1183. db walletdb.DB
  1184. err error
  1185. )
  1186. switch {
  1187. case cfg.DB.Backend == kvdb.SqliteBackendName:
  1188. sqliteConfig := lncfg.GetSqliteConfigKVDB(cfg.DB.Sqlite)
  1189. db, err = kvdb.Open(
  1190. kvdb.SqliteBackendName, ctx, sqliteConfig, dbPath,
  1191. lncfg.SqliteNeutrinoDBName, lncfg.NSNeutrinoDB,
  1192. )
  1193. default:
  1194. dbName := filepath.Join(dbPath, "neutrino.db")
  1195. db, err = walletdb.Create(
  1196. "bdb", dbName, !cfg.SyncFreelist, cfg.DB.Bolt.DBTimeout,
  1197. )
  1198. }
  1199. if err != nil {
  1200. return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create "+
  1201. "neutrino database: %v", err)
  1202. }
  1203. headerStateAssertion, err := parseHeaderStateAssertion(
  1204. cfg.NeutrinoMode.AssertFilterHeader,
  1205. )
  1206. if err != nil {
  1207. db.Close()
  1208. return nil, nil, err
  1209. }
  1210. // With the database open, we can now create an instance of the
  1211. // neutrino light client. We pass in relevant configuration parameters
  1212. // required.
  1213. config := neutrino.Config{
  1214. DataDir: dbPath,
  1215. Database: db,
  1216. ChainParams: *cfg.ActiveNetParams.Params,
  1217. AddPeers: cfg.NeutrinoMode.AddPeers,
  1218. ConnectPeers: cfg.NeutrinoMode.ConnectPeers,
  1219. Dialer: func(addr net.Addr) (net.Conn, error) {
  1220. return
  1221. addr.Network(), addr.String(),
  1222. cfg.ConnectionTimeout,
  1223. )
  1224. },
  1225. NameResolver: func(host string) ([]net.IP, error) {
  1226. addrs, err :=
  1227. if err != nil {
  1228. return nil, err
  1229. }
  1230. ips := make([]net.IP, 0, len(addrs))
  1231. for _, strIP := range addrs {
  1232. ip := net.ParseIP(strIP)
  1233. if ip == nil {
  1234. continue
  1235. }
  1236. ips = append(ips, ip)
  1237. }
  1238. return ips, nil
  1239. },
  1240. AssertFilterHeader: headerStateAssertion,
  1241. BlockCache: blockCache.Cache,
  1242. BroadcastTimeout: cfg.NeutrinoMode.BroadcastTimeout,
  1243. PersistToDisk: cfg.NeutrinoMode.PersistFilters,
  1244. }
  1245. neutrino.MaxPeers = 8
  1246. neutrino.BanDuration = time.Hour * 48
  1247. neutrino.UserAgentName = cfg.NeutrinoMode.UserAgentName
  1248. neutrino.UserAgentVersion = cfg.NeutrinoMode.UserAgentVersion
  1249. neutrinoCS, err := neutrino.NewChainService(config)
  1250. if err != nil {
  1251. db.Close()
  1252. return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create neutrino light "+
  1253. "client: %v", err)
  1254. }
  1255. if err := neutrinoCS.Start(); err != nil {
  1256. db.Close()
  1257. return nil, nil, err
  1258. }
  1259. cleanUp := func() {
  1260. if err := neutrinoCS.Stop(); err != nil {
  1261. ltndLog.Infof("Unable to stop neutrino light client: "+
  1262. "%v", err)
  1263. }
  1264. db.Close()
  1265. }
  1266. return neutrinoCS, cleanUp, nil
  1267. }
  1268. // parseHeaderStateAssertion parses the user-specified neutrino header state
  1269. // into a headerfs.FilterHeader.
  1270. func parseHeaderStateAssertion(state string) (*headerfs.FilterHeader, error) {
  1271. if len(state) == 0 {
  1272. return nil, nil
  1273. }
  1274. split := strings.Split(state, ":")
  1275. if len(split) != 2 {
  1276. return nil, fmt.Errorf("header state assertion %v in "+
  1277. "unexpected format, expected format height:hash", state)
  1278. }
  1279. height, err := strconv.ParseUint(split[0], 10, 32)
  1280. if err != nil {
  1281. return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid filter header height: %w", err)
  1282. }
  1283. hash, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(split[1])
  1284. if err != nil {
  1285. return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid filter header hash: %w", err)
  1286. }
  1287. return &headerfs.FilterHeader{
  1288. Height: uint32(height),
  1289. FilterHash: *hash,
  1290. }, nil
  1291. }
  1292. // broadcastErrorMapper maps errors from bitcoin backends other than neutrino to
  1293. // the neutrino BroadcastError which allows the Rebroadcaster which currently
  1294. // resides in the neutrino package to use all of its functionalities.
  1295. func broadcastErrorMapper(err error) error {
  1296. returnErr := rpcclient.MapRPCErr(err)
  1297. // We only filter for specific backend errors which are relevant for the
  1298. // Rebroadcaster.
  1299. switch {
  1300. // This makes sure the tx is removed from the rebroadcaster once it is
  1301. // confirmed.
  1302. case errors.Is(returnErr, rpcclient.ErrTxAlreadyKnown),
  1303. errors.Is(err, rpcclient.ErrTxAlreadyConfirmed):
  1304. returnErr = &pushtx.BroadcastError{
  1305. Code: pushtx.Confirmed,
  1306. Reason: returnErr.Error(),
  1307. }
  1308. // Transactions which are still in mempool but might fall out because
  1309. // of low fees are rebroadcasted despite of their backend error.
  1310. case errors.Is(returnErr, rpcclient.ErrTxAlreadyInMempool):
  1311. returnErr = &pushtx.BroadcastError{
  1312. Code: pushtx.Mempool,
  1313. Reason: returnErr.Error(),
  1314. }
  1315. // Transactions which are not accepted into mempool because of low fees
  1316. // in the first place are rebroadcasted despite of their backend error.
  1317. // Mempool conditions change over time so it makes sense to retry
  1318. // publishing the transaction. Moreover we log the detailed error so the
  1319. // user can intervene and increase the size of his mempool.
  1320. case errors.Is(err, rpcclient.ErrMempoolMinFeeNotMet):
  1321. ltndLog.Warnf("Error while broadcasting transaction: %v",
  1322. returnErr)
  1323. returnErr = &pushtx.BroadcastError{
  1324. Code: pushtx.Mempool,
  1325. Reason: returnErr.Error(),
  1326. }
  1327. }
  1328. return returnErr
  1329. }