sample-lnd.conf 63 KB

  1. ; Example configuration for lnd.
  2. ;
  3. ; The default location for this file is in ~/.lnd/lnd.conf on POSIX OSes,
  4. ; $LOCALAPPDATA/Lnd/lnd.conf on Windows,
  5. ; ~/Library/Application Support/Lnd/lnd.conf on Mac OS and $home/lnd/lnd.conf on
  6. ; Plan9.
  7. ; The default location of this file can be overwritten by specifying the
  8. ; --configfile= flag when starting lnd.
  9. ;
  10. ; boolean values can be specified as true/false or 1/0. Per default
  11. ; booleans are always set to false.
  12. ; If only one value is specified for an option, then this is also the
  13. ; default value used by lnd. In case of multiple (example) values, the default
  14. ; is explicitly mentioned.
  15. ; If the part after the equal sign is empty then lnd has no default
  16. ; for this option.
  17. [Application Options]
  18. ; The directory that lnd stores all wallet, chain, and channel related data
  19. ; within The default is ~/.lnd/data on POSIX OSes, $LOCALAPPDATA/Lnd/data on
  20. ; Windows, ~/Library/Application Support/Lnd/data on Mac OS, and $home/lnd/data
  21. ; on Plan9. Environment variables are expanded so they may be used. NOTE:
  22. ; Windows environment variables are typically %VARIABLE%, but they must be
  23. ; accessed with $VARIABLE here. Also, ~ is expanded to $LOCALAPPDATA on Windows.
  24. ; datadir=~/.lnd/data
  25. ; The directory that logs are stored in. The logs are auto-rotated by default.
  26. ; Rotated logs are compressed in place.
  27. ; logdir=~/.lnd/logs
  28. ; Number of logfiles that the log rotation should keep. Setting it to 0 disables deletion of old log files.
  29. ; maxlogfiles=3
  30. ;
  31. ; Max log file size in MB before it is rotated.
  32. ; maxlogfilesize=10
  33. ; Time after which an RPCAcceptor will time out and return false if
  34. ; it hasn't yet received a response.
  35. ; acceptortimeout=15s
  36. ; Path to TLS certificate for lnd's RPC and REST services.
  37. ; tlscertpath=~/.lnd/tls.cert
  38. ; Path to TLS private key for lnd's RPC and REST services.
  39. ; tlskeypath=~/.lnd/tls.key
  40. ; Adds an extra ip to the generated certificate. Setting multiple tlsextraip= entries is allowed.
  41. ; (old tls files must be deleted if changed)
  42. ; tlsextraip=
  43. ; Adds an extra domain to the generate certificate. Setting multiple tlsextradomain= entries is allowed.
  44. ; (old tls files must be deleted if changed)
  45. ; Default:
  46. ; tlsextradomain=
  47. ; Example: (option can be specified multiple times):
  48. ;
  49. ; If set, then all certs will automatically be refreshed if they're close to
  50. ; expiring, or if any parameters related to extra IPs or domains in the cert
  51. ; change.
  52. ; tlsautorefresh=false
  53. ; The duration from generating the self signed certificate to the certificate
  54. ; expiry date. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  55. ; The below value is about 14 months (14 * 30 * 24 = 10080)
  56. ; tlscertduration=10080h
  57. ; Do not include the interface IPs or the system hostname in TLS certificate,
  58. ; use first --tlsextradomain as Common Name instead, if set.
  59. ; tlsdisableautofill=false
  60. ; If set, the TLS private key will be encrypted to the node's seed.
  61. ; tlsencryptkey=false
  62. ; A list of domains for lnd to periodically resolve, and advertise the resolved
  63. ; IPs for the backing node. This is useful for users that only have a dynamic IP,
  64. ; or want to expose the node at a domain.
  65. ; Default:
  66. ; externalhosts=
  67. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  68. ;
  69. ;
  70. ; Sets the directory to store Let's Encrypt certificates within
  71. ; letsencryptdir=~/.lnd/letsencrypt
  72. ; The IP:port on which lnd will listen for Let's Encrypt challenges. Let's
  73. ; Encrypt will always try to contact on port 80. Often non-root processes are
  74. ; not allowed to bind to ports lower than 1024. This configuration option allows
  75. ; a different port to be used, but must be used in combination with port
  76. ; forwarding from port 80. This configuration can also be used to specify
  77. ; another IP address to listen on, for example an IPv6 address.
  78. ; Default:
  79. ; letsencryptlisten=:80
  80. ; Example:
  81. ; letsencryptlisten=localhost:8080
  82. ; Request a Let's Encrypt certificate for this domain. Note that the certificate
  83. ; is only requested and stored when the first rpc connection comes in.
  84. ; Default:
  85. ; letsencryptdomain=
  86. ; Example:
  87. ;
  88. ; Disable macaroon authentication. Macaroons are used as bearer credentials to
  89. ; authenticate all RPC access. If one wishes to opt out of macaroons, uncomment
  90. ; and set to true the line below.
  91. ; no-macaroons=false
  92. ; Enable free list syncing for the default bbolt database. This will decrease
  93. ; start up time, but can result in performance degradation for very large
  94. ; databases, and also result in higher memory usage. If "free list corruption"
  95. ; is detected, then this flag may resolve things.
  96. ; sync-freelist=false
  97. ; Path to write the admin macaroon for lnd's RPC and REST services if it
  98. ; doesn't exist. This can be set if one wishes to store the admin macaroon in a
  99. ; distinct location. By default, it is stored within lnd's network directory.
  100. ; Applications that are able to read this file, gain admin macaroon access.
  101. ; Default:
  102. ; adminmacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/admin.macaroon
  103. ; Example:
  104. ; adminmacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon
  105. ; Path to write the read-only macaroon for lnd's RPC and REST services if it
  106. ; doesn't exist. This can be set if one wishes to store the read-only macaroon
  107. ; in a distinct location. The read only macaroon allows users which can read
  108. ; the file to access RPCs which don't modify the state of the daemon. By
  109. ; default, it is stored within lnd's network directory.
  110. ; Default:
  111. ; readonlymacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/readonly.macaroon
  112. ; Example:
  113. ; readonlymacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon
  114. ; Path to write the invoice macaroon for lnd's RPC and REST services if it
  115. ; doesn't exist. This can be set if one wishes to store the invoice macaroon in
  116. ; a distinct location. By default, it is stored within lnd's network directory.
  117. ; The invoice macaroon allows users which can read the file to gain read and
  118. ; write access to all invoice related RPCs.
  119. ; Default:
  120. ; invoicemacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/invoice.macaroon
  121. ; Example:
  122. ; invoicemacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/invoice.macaroon
  123. ; The strategy to use for selecting coins for wallet transactions. Options are
  124. ; 'largest' and 'random'.
  125. ; coin-selection-strategy=largest
  126. ; A period to wait before for closing channels with outgoing htlcs that have
  127. ; timed out and are a result of this nodes initiated payments. In addition to
  128. ; our current block based deadline, if specified this grace period will also be
  129. ; taken into account. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  130. ; Default:
  131. ; payments-expiration-grace-period=0s
  132. ; Example:
  133. ; payments-expiration-grace-period=30s
  134. ; Specify the interfaces to listen on for p2p connections. One listen
  135. ; address per line.
  136. ; Default:
  137. ; listen=:9735
  138. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  139. ; All ipv4 on port 9735:
  140. ; listen=
  141. ; On all ipv4 interfaces on port 9735 and ipv6 localhost port 9736:
  142. ; listen=
  143. ; listen=[::1]:9736
  144. ; Disable listening for incoming p2p connections. This will override all
  145. ; listeners.
  146. ; nolisten=false
  147. ; Specify the interfaces to listen on for gRPC connections. One listen
  148. ; address per line.
  149. ; Default:
  150. ; rpclisten=localhost:10009
  151. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  152. ; On ipv4 localhost port 10009 and ipv6 port 10010:
  153. ; rpclisten=localhost:10009
  154. ; rpclisten=[::1]:10010
  155. ; On an Unix socket:
  156. ; rpclisten=unix:///var/run/lnd/lnd-rpclistener.sock
  157. ; Specify the interfaces to listen on for REST connections. One listen
  158. ; address per line.
  159. ; Default:
  160. ; restlisten=localhost:8080
  161. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  162. ; All ipv4 interfaces on port 8080:
  163. ; restlisten=
  164. ; On ipv4 localhost port 80 and 443:
  165. ; restlisten=localhost:80
  166. ; restlisten=localhost:443
  167. ; On an Unix socket:
  168. ; restlisten=unix:///var/run/lnd-restlistener.sock
  169. ; A series of domains to allow cross origin access from. This controls the CORs
  170. ; policy of the REST RPC proxy.
  171. ; Default:
  172. ; restcors=
  173. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  174. ; restcors=
  175. ; Adding an external IP will advertise your node to the network. This signals
  176. ; that your node is available to accept incoming channels. If you don't wish to
  177. ; advertise your node, this value doesn't need to be set. Unless specified
  178. ; (with host:port notation), the default port (9735) will be added to the
  179. ; address.
  180. ; externalip=
  181. ;
  182. ; Instead of explicitly stating your external IP address, you can also enable
  183. ; UPnP or NAT-PMP support on the daemon. Both techniques will be tried and
  184. ; require proper hardware support. In order to detect this hardware support,
  185. ; `lnd` uses a dependency that retrieves the router's gateway address by using
  186. ; different built-in binaries in each platform. Therefore, it is possible that
  187. ; we are unable to detect the hardware and `lnd` will exit with an error
  188. ; indicating this. This option will automatically retrieve your external IP
  189. ; address, even after it has changed in the case of dynamic IPs, and advertise
  190. ; it to the network using the ports the daemon is listening on. This does not
  191. ; support devices behind multiple NATs.
  192. ; nat=false
  193. ; Disable REST API.
  194. ; norest=false
  195. ; Disable TLS for the REST API.
  196. ; no-rest-tls=false
  197. ; Specify peer(s) to connect to first.
  198. ; addpeer=
  199. ; The ping interval for REST based WebSocket connections, set to 0 to disable
  200. ; sending ping messages from the server side. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  201. ; ws-ping-interval=30s
  202. ; The time we wait for a pong response message on REST based WebSocket
  203. ; connections before the connection is closed as inactive. Valid time units are
  204. ; {s, m, h}.
  205. ; ws-pong-wait=5s
  206. ; Shortest backoff when reconnecting to persistent peers. Valid time units are
  207. ; {s, m, h}.
  208. ; minbackoff=1s
  209. ; Longest backoff when reconnecting to persistent peers. Valid time units are
  210. ; {s, m, h}.
  211. ; maxbackoff=1h
  212. ; The timeout value for network connections.
  213. ; Valid units are {ms, s, m, h}.
  214. ; connectiontimeout=2m
  215. ; Debug logging level.
  216. ; Valid levels are {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical}
  217. ; You may also specify <global-level>,<subsystem>=<level>,<subsystem2>=<level>,...
  218. ; to set log level for individual subsystems. Use lncli debuglevel --show to
  219. ; list available subsystems.
  220. ; Default:
  221. ; debuglevel=info
  222. ; Example:
  223. ; debuglevel=debug,PEER=info
  224. ; Write CPU profile to the specified file.
  225. ; cpuprofile=
  226. ; Enable HTTP profiling on given port -- NOTE port must be between 1024 and
  227. ; 65536. The profile can be access at: http://localhost:<PORT>/debug/pprof/.
  228. ; profile=
  229. ; Enable a blocking profile to be obtained from the profiling port. A blocking
  230. ; profile can show where goroutines are blocking (stuck on mutexes, I/O, etc).
  231. ; This takes a value from 0 to 1, with 0 turning off the setting, and 1 sampling
  232. ; every blocking event (it's a rate value).
  233. ; blockingprofile=0
  234. ; Enable a mutex profile to be obtained from the profiling port. A mutex
  235. ; profile can show where goroutines are blocked on mutexes, and which mutexes
  236. ; have high contention. This takes a value from 0 to 1, with 0 turning off the
  237. ; setting, and 1 sampling every mutex event (it's a rate value).
  238. ; mutexprofile=0
  239. ; DEPRECATED: Allows the rpcserver to intentionally disconnect from peers with
  240. ; open channels. THIS FLAG WILL BE REMOVED IN 0.10.0.
  241. ; unsafe-disconnect=false
  242. ; Causes a link to replay the adds on its commitment txn after starting up, this
  243. ; enables testing of the sphinx replay logic.
  244. ; unsafe-replay=false
  245. ; The maximum number of incoming pending channels permitted per peer.
  246. ; maxpendingchannels=1
  247. ; The target location of the channel backup file.
  248. ; Default:
  249. ; backupfilepath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/channel.backup
  250. ; Example:
  251. ; backupfilepath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/channel.backup
  252. ; The maximum capacity of the block cache in bytes. Increasing this will result
  253. ; in more blocks being kept in memory but will increase performance when the
  254. ; same block is required multiple times.
  255. ; The default value below is 20 MB (1024 * 1024 * 20)
  256. ; blockcachesize=20971520
  257. ; DEPRECATED: Use 'fee.url' option. Optional URL for external fee estimation.
  258. ; If no URL is specified, the method for fee estimation will depend on the
  259. ; chosen backend and network. Must be set for neutrino on mainnet.
  260. ; Default:
  261. ; feeurl=
  262. ; Example:
  263. ; feeurl=
  264. ; If true, then automatic network bootstrapping will not be attempted. This
  265. ; means that your node won't attempt to automatically seek out peers on the
  266. ; network.
  267. ; nobootstrap=false
  271. ; noseedbackup=false
  272. ; The full path to a file (or pipe/device) that contains the password for
  273. ; unlocking the wallet; if set, no unlocking through RPC is possible and lnd
  274. ; will exit if no wallet exists or the password is incorrect; if
  275. ; wallet-unlock-allow-create is also set then lnd will ignore this flag if no
  276. ; wallet exists and allow a wallet to be created through RPC.
  277. ; Default:
  278. ; wallet-unlock-password-file=
  279. ; Example:
  280. ; wallet-unlock-password-file=/tmp/example.password
  281. ; Don't fail with an error if wallet-unlock-password-file is set but no wallet
  282. ; exists yet. Not recommended for auto-provisioned or high-security systems
  283. ; because the wallet creation RPC is unauthenticated and an attacker could
  284. ; inject a seed while lnd is in that state.
  285. ; wallet-unlock-allow-create=false
  286. ; Removes all transaction history from the on-chain wallet on startup, forcing a
  287. ; full chain rescan starting at the wallet's birthday. Implements the same
  288. ; functionality as btcwallet's dropwtxmgr command. Should be set to false after
  289. ; successful execution to avoid rescanning on every restart of lnd.
  290. ; reset-wallet-transactions=false
  291. ; The smallest channel size (in satoshis) that we should accept. Incoming
  292. ; channels smaller than this will be rejected.
  293. ; minchansize=20000
  294. ; The largest channel size (in satoshis) that we should accept. Incoming
  295. ; channels larger than this will be rejected. For non-Wumbo channels this
  296. ; limit remains 16777215 satoshis by default as specified in BOLT-0002.
  297. ; For wumbo channels this limit is 1,000,000,000 satoshis (10 BTC).
  298. ; Set this config option explicitly to restrict your maximum channel size
  299. ; to better align with your risk tolerance
  300. ; Default:
  301. ; maxchansize=<see explanations above>
  302. ; Example:
  303. ; maxchansize=10000000
  304. ; The target number of blocks in which a cooperative close initiated by a remote
  305. ; peer should be confirmed. This target is used to estimate the starting fee
  306. ; rate that will be used during fee negotiation with the peer. This target is
  307. ; also used for cooperative closes initiated locally if the --conf_target for
  308. ; the channel closure is not set.
  309. ; coop-close-target-confs=6
  310. ; The maximum time that is allowed to pass between receiving a channel state
  311. ; update and signing the next commitment. Setting this to a longer duration
  312. ; allows for more efficient channel operations at the cost of latency. This is
  313. ; capped at 1 hour.
  314. ; channel-commit-interval=50ms
  315. ; The maximum time that is allowed to pass while waiting for the remote party
  316. ; to revoke a locally initiated commitment state. Setting this to a longer
  317. ; duration if a slow response is expected from the remote party or large
  318. ; number of payments are attempted at the same time.
  319. ; pending-commit-interval=1m
  320. ; The maximum number of channel state updates that is accumulated before signing
  321. ; a new commitment.
  322. ; channel-commit-batch-size=10
  323. ; Keeps persistent record of all failed payment attempts for successfully
  324. ; settled payments.
  325. ; keep-failed-payment-attempts=false
  326. ; Persistently store the final resolution of incoming htlcs.
  327. ; store-final-htlc-resolutions=false
  328. ; The default max_htlc applied when opening or accepting channels. This value
  329. ; limits the number of concurrent HTLCs that the remote party can add to the
  330. ; commitment. The maximum possible value is 483.
  331. ; default-remote-max-htlcs=483
  332. ; The duration that a peer connection must be stable before attempting to send a
  333. ; channel update to re-enable or cancel a pending disables of the peer's channels
  334. ; on the network.
  335. ; chan-enable-timeout=19m
  336. ; The duration that must elapse after first detecting that an already active
  337. ; channel is actually inactive and sending channel update disabling it to the
  338. ; network. The pending disable can be canceled if the peer reconnects and becomes
  339. ; stable for chan-enable-timeout before the disable update is sent.
  340. ; chan-disable-timeout=20m
  341. ; The polling interval between attempts to detect if an active channel has become
  342. ; inactive due to its peer going offline.
  343. ; chan-status-sample-interval=1m
  344. ; Disable queries from the height-hint cache to try to recover channels stuck in
  345. ; the pending close state. Disabling height hint queries may cause longer chain
  346. ; rescans, resulting in a performance hit. Unset this after channels are unstuck
  347. ; so you can get better performance again.
  348. ; height-hint-cache-query-disable=false
  349. ; The polling interval between historical graph sync attempts. Each historical
  350. ; graph sync attempt ensures we reconcile with the remote peer's graph from the
  351. ; genesis block.
  352. ; historicalsyncinterval=1h
  353. ; If true, will not reply with historical data that matches the range specified
  354. ; by a remote peer's gossip_timestamp_filter. Doing so will result in lower
  355. ; memory and bandwidth requirements.
  356. ; ignore-historical-gossip-filters=false
  357. ; If true, lnd will not accept channel opening requests with non-zero push
  358. ; amounts. This should prevent accidental pushes to merchant nodes.
  359. ; rejectpush=false
  360. ; If true, lnd will not forward any HTLCs that are meant as onward payments. This
  361. ; option will still allow lnd to send HTLCs and receive HTLCs but lnd won't be
  362. ; used as a hop.
  363. ; rejecthtlc=false
  364. ; If true, all HTLCs will be held until they are handled by an interceptor
  365. ; requireinterceptor=false
  366. ; If true, lnd will also allow setting positive inbound fees. By default, lnd
  367. ; only allows to set negative inbound fees (an inbound "discount") to remain
  368. ; backwards compatible with senders whose implementations do not yet support
  369. ; inbound fees. Therefore, you should ONLY set this setting if you know what you
  370. ; are doing. [experimental]
  371. ; accept-positive-inbound-fees=false
  372. ; If true, will apply a randomized staggering between 0s and 30s when
  373. ; reconnecting to persistent peers on startup. The first 10 reconnections will be
  374. ; attempted instantly, regardless of the flag's value
  375. ; stagger-initial-reconnect=false
  376. ; The maximum number of blocks funds could be locked up for when forwarding
  377. ; payments.
  378. ; max-cltv-expiry=2016
  379. ; The maximum percentage of total funds that can be allocated to a channel's
  380. ; commitment fee. This only applies for the initiator of the channel. Valid
  381. ; values are within [0.1, 1].
  382. ; max-channel-fee-allocation=0.5
  383. ; The maximum fee rate in sat/vbyte that will be used for commitments of
  384. ; channels of the anchors type. Must be large enough to ensure transaction
  385. ; propagation
  386. ; max-commit-fee-rate-anchors=10
  387. ; A threshold defining the maximum amount of dust a given channel can have
  388. ; after which forwarding and sending dust HTLC's to and from the channel will
  389. ; fail. This amount is expressed in satoshis.
  390. ; dust-threshold=500000
  391. ; If true, lnd will abort committing a migration if it would otherwise have been
  392. ; successful. This leaves the database unmodified, and still compatible with the
  393. ; previously active version of lnd.
  394. ; dry-run-migration=false
  395. ; If true, option upfront shutdown script will be enabled. If peers that we open
  396. ; channels with support this feature, we will automatically set the script to
  397. ; which cooperative closes should be paid out to on channel open. This offers the
  398. ; partial protection of a channel peer disconnecting from us if cooperative
  399. ; close is attempted with a different script.
  400. ; enable-upfront-shutdown=false
  401. ; If true, spontaneous payments through keysend will be accepted.
  402. ; This is a temporary solution until AMP is implemented which is expected to be soon.
  403. ; This option will then become deprecated in favor of AMP.
  404. ; accept-keysend=false
  405. ; If non-zero, keysend payments are accepted but not immediately settled. If the
  406. ; payment isn't settled manually after the specified time, it is canceled
  407. ; automatically. [experimental]
  408. ; Default:
  409. ; keysend-hold-time=0s
  410. ; Example:
  411. ; keysend-hold-time=2s
  412. ; If true, spontaneous payments through AMP will be accepted. Payments to AMP
  413. ; invoices will be accepted regardless of this setting.
  414. ; accept-amp=false
  415. ; If true, we'll attempt to garbage collect canceled invoices upon start.
  416. ; gc-canceled-invoices-on-startup=false
  417. ; If true, we'll delete newly canceled invoices on the fly.
  418. ; gc-canceled-invoices-on-the-fly=false
  419. ; If true, our node will allow htlc forwards that arrive and depart on the same
  420. ; channel.
  421. ; allow-circular-route=false
  422. ; Time in milliseconds between each release of announcements to the network
  423. ; trickledelay=90000
  424. ; The number of peers that we should receive new graph updates from. This option
  425. ; can be tuned to save bandwidth for light clients or routing nodes.
  426. ; numgraphsyncpeers=3
  427. ; The alias your node will use, which can be up to 32 UTF-8 characters in
  428. ; length.
  429. ; Default:
  430. ; alias=
  431. ; Example:
  432. ; alias=My Lightning ☇
  433. ; The color of the node in hex format, used to customize node appearance in
  434. ; intelligence services.
  435. ; color=#3399FF
  436. ; The maximum duration that the server will wait before timing out reading
  437. ; the headers of an HTTP request.
  438. ; http-header-timeout=5s
  439. [fee]
  440. ; Optional URL for external fee estimation. If no URL is specified, the method
  441. ; for fee estimation will depend on the chosen backend and network. Must be set
  442. ; for neutrino on mainnet.
  443. ; Default:
  444. ; fee.url=
  445. ; Example:
  446. ; fee.url=
  447. ; The minimum interval in which fees will be updated from the specified fee URL.
  448. ; fee.min-update-timeout=5m
  449. ; The maximum interval in which fees will be updated from the specified fee URL.
  450. ; fee.max-update-timeout=20m
  451. [prometheus]
  452. ; If true, lnd will start the Prometheus exporter. Prometheus flags are
  453. ; behind a build/compile flag and are not available by default. lnd must be built
  454. ; with the monitoring tag; `make && make install tags=monitoring` to activate them.
  455. ; prometheus.enable=false
  456. ; Specify the interface to listen on for Prometheus connections.
  457. ; Default:
  458. ; prometheus.listen=
  459. ; Example:
  460. ; prometheus.listen=
  461. ; If true, then we'll export additional information that allows users to plot
  462. ; the processing latency, and total time spent across each RPC calls+service.
  463. ; This generates additional memory load for the Prometheus server, and will end
  464. ; up using more disk space over time.
  465. ; prometheus.perfhistograms=false
  466. [Bitcoin]
  467. ; DEPRECATED: If the Bitcoin chain should be active. This field is now ignored
  468. ; since only the Bitcoin chain is supported.
  469. ;
  470. ; The directory to store the chain's data within.
  471. ; bitcoin.chaindir=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin
  472. ; Use Bitcoin's main network.
  473. ; bitcoin.mainnet=false
  474. ; Use Bitcoin's test network.
  475. ; bitcoin.testnet=false
  476. ;
  477. ; Use Bitcoin's simulation test network
  478. ; bitcoin.simnet=false
  479. ; Use Bitcoin's regression test network
  480. ; bitcoin.regtest=false
  481. ; Use Bitcoin's signet test network
  482. ; bitcoin.signet=false
  483. ; Connect to a custom signet network defined by this challenge instead of using
  484. ; the global default signet test network -- Can be specified multiple times
  485. ; bitcoin.signetchallenge=
  486. ; Specify a seed node for the signet network instead of using the global default
  487. ; signet network seed nodes
  488. ; Default:
  489. ; bitcoin.signetseednode=
  490. ; Example:
  491. ; bitcoin.signetseednode=
  492. ; Specify the chain back-end. Options are btcd, bitcoind and neutrino.
  493. ;
  494. ; NOTE: Please note that switching between a full back-end (btcd/bitcoind) and
  495. ; a light back-end (neutrino) is not supported.
  496. ; Default:
  497. ; bitcoin.node=btcd
  498. ; Example:
  499. ; bitcoin.node=bitcoind
  500. ; bitcoin.node=neutrino
  501. ; The default number of confirmations a channel must have before it's considered
  502. ; open. We'll require any incoming channel requests to wait this many
  503. ; confirmations before we consider the channel active. If this is not set, we
  504. ; will scale the value linear to the channel size between 3 and 6.
  505. ; The maximmum value of 6 confs is applied to all channels larger than
  506. ; wumbo size (16777215 sats). The minimum value of 3 is applied to all channels
  507. ; smaller than 8388607 sats (16777215 * 3 / 6).
  508. ; Default:
  509. ; bitcoin.defaultchanconfs=[3; 6]
  510. ; Example:
  511. ; bitcoin.defaultchanconfs=3
  512. ; The default number of blocks we will require our channel counterparty to wait
  513. ; before accessing its funds in case of unilateral close. If this is not set, we
  514. ; will scale the value linear to the channel size between 144 and 2016.
  515. ; The maximum value of 2016 blocks is applied to all channels larger than
  516. ; wumbo size (16777215). The minimum value of 144 is applied to all channels
  517. ; smaller than 1198372 sats (16777215 * 144 / 2016).
  518. ; Default:
  519. ; bitcoin.defaultremotedelay=[144; 2016]
  520. ; Example:
  521. ; bitcoin.defaultremotedelay=144
  522. ; The maximum number of blocks we will limit the wait that our own funds are
  523. ; encumbered by in the case when our node unilaterally closes. If a remote peer
  524. ; proposes a channel with a delay above this amount, lnd will reject the
  525. ; channel.
  526. ; bitcoin.maxlocaldelay=2016
  527. ; The smallest HTLC we are willing to accept on our channels, in millisatoshi.
  528. ; bitcoin.minhtlc=1
  529. ; The smallest HTLC we are willing to send out on our channels, in millisatoshi.
  530. ; bitcoin.minhtlcout=1000
  531. ; The base fee in millisatoshi we will charge for forwarding payments on our
  532. ; channels.
  533. ; bitcoin.basefee=1000
  534. ; The fee rate used when forwarding payments on our channels. The total fee
  535. ; charged is basefee + (amount * feerate / 1000000), where amount is the
  536. ; forwarded amount.
  537. ; bitcoin.feerate=1
  538. ; The CLTV delta we will subtract from a forwarded HTLC's timelock value.
  539. ; bitcoin.timelockdelta=80
  540. ; The seed DNS server(s) to use for initial peer discovery. Must be specified as
  541. ; a '<primary_dns>[,<soa_primary_dns>]' tuple where the SOA address is needed
  542. ; for DNS resolution through Tor but is optional for clearnet users. Multiple
  543. ; tuples can be specified, will overwrite the default seed servers.
  544. ; The default seed servers are:
  545. ; Default:
  546. ; mainnet:
  547. ;,
  548. ;
  549. ; testnet:
  550. ;,
  551. ;
  552. ; Example for custom DNS servers:
  553. ; bitcoin.dnsseed=seed1.test.lightning
  554. ; bitcoin.dnsseed=seed2.test.lightning,soa.seed2.test.lightning
  555. [Btcd]
  556. ; The base directory that contains the node's data, logs, configuration file,
  557. ; etc.
  558. ; btcd.dir=~/.btcd
  559. ; The host that your local btcd daemon is listening on. By default, this
  560. ; setting is assumed to be localhost with the default port for the current
  561. ; network.
  562. ; btcd.rpchost=localhost
  563. ; Username for RPC connections to btcd. By default, lnd will attempt to
  564. ; automatically obtain the credentials, so this likely won't need to be set
  565. ; (other than for simnet mode).
  566. ; Default:
  567. ; btcd.rpcuser=
  568. ; Example:
  569. ; btcd.rpcuser=kek
  570. ; Password for RPC connections to btcd. By default, lnd will attempt to
  571. ; automatically obtain the credentials, so this likely won't need to be set
  572. ; (other than for simnet mode).
  573. ; Default:
  574. ; btcd.rpcpass=
  575. ; Example:
  576. ; btcd.rpcpass=kek
  577. ; File containing the daemon's certificate file. This only needs to be set if
  578. ; the node isn't on the same host as lnd.
  579. ; btcd.rpccert=~/.btcd/rpc.cert
  580. ; The raw bytes of the daemon's PEM-encoded certificate chain which will be used
  581. ; to authenticate the RPC connection. This only needs to be set if the btcd
  582. ; node is on a remote host.
  583. ; btcd.rawrpccert=
  584. [Bitcoind]
  585. ; The base directory that contains the node's data, logs, configuration file,
  586. ; etc.
  587. ; bitcoind.dir=~/.bitcoin
  588. ; Configuration filepath.
  589. ; Default:
  590. ; bitcoind.config=
  591. ; Example:
  592. ; bitcoind.config=~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
  593. ; Authentication cookie file for RPC connections.
  594. ; Default:
  595. ; bitcoind.rpccookie=
  596. ; Example:
  597. ; bitcoind.rpccookie=~/.bitcoin/.cookie
  598. ; The host that your local bitcoind daemon is listening on. By default, this
  599. ; setting is assumed to be localhost with the default port for the current
  600. ; network.
  601. ; bitcoind.rpchost=localhost
  602. ; Username for RPC connections to bitcoind. By default, lnd will attempt to
  603. ; automatically obtain the credentials, so this likely won't need to be set
  604. ; (other than for a remote bitcoind instance).
  605. ; Default:
  606. ; bitcoind.rpcuser=
  607. ; Example:
  608. ; bitcoind.rpcuser=kek
  609. ; Password for RPC connections to bitcoind. By default, lnd will attempt to
  610. ; automatically obtain the credentials, so this likely won't need to be set
  611. ; (other than for a remote bitcoind instance).
  612. ; Default:
  613. ; bitcoind.rpcpass=
  614. ; Example:
  615. ; bitcoind.rpcpass=kek
  616. ; ZMQ socket which sends rawblock and rawtx notifications from bitcoind. By
  617. ; default, lnd will attempt to automatically obtain this information, so this
  618. ; likely won't need to be set (other than for a remote bitcoind instance).
  619. ; Default:
  620. ; bitcoind.zmqpubrawblock=
  621. ; Example:
  622. ; bitcoind.zmqpubrawblock=tcp://
  623. ; Default:
  624. ; bitcoind.zmqpubrawtx=
  625. ; Example:
  626. ; bitcoind.zmqpubrawtx=tcp://
  627. ; Default:
  628. ; bitcoind.zmqreaddeadline=5s
  629. ; Use bitcoind's rpc interface to get block and transaction notifications
  630. ; instead of using the zmq interface. Only the rpcpolling option needs to
  631. ; be set in order to enable this, the rest of the options can be used to
  632. ; change the default values used for this configuration.
  633. ; bitcoind.rpcpolling=false
  634. ; Default:
  635. ; bitcoind.blockpollinginterval=0s
  636. ; Example:
  637. ; bitcoind.blockpollinginterval=1m
  638. ; Default:
  639. ; bitcoind.txpollinginterval=0s
  640. ; Example:
  641. ; bitcoind.txpollinginterval=30s
  642. ; Fee estimate mode for bitcoind. It must be either "ECONOMICAL" or "CONSERVATIVE".
  643. ; If unset, the default value is "CONSERVATIVE".
  644. ; bitcoind.estimatemode=CONSERVATIVE
  645. ; The maximum number of peers lnd will choose from the backend node to retrieve
  646. ; pruned blocks from. This only applies to pruned nodes.
  647. ; bitcoind.pruned-node-max-peers=4
  648. [neutrino]
  649. ; Connect only to the specified peers at startup. This creates a persistent
  650. ; connection to a target peer. This is recommended as there aren't many
  651. ; neutrino compliant full nodes on the test network yet.
  652. ; neutrino.connect=
  653. ; Max number of inbound and outbound peers.
  654. ;
  655. ; NOTE: This value is currently unused.
  656. ; neutrino.maxpeers=
  657. ; Add a peer to connect with at startup.
  658. ; neutrino.addpeer=
  659. ; How long to ban misbehaving peers. Valid time units are {s, m, h}. Minimum 1
  660. ; second.
  661. ;
  662. ; NOTE: This value is currently unused.
  663. ; neutrino.banduration=
  664. ; Maximum allowed ban score before disconnecting and banning misbehaving peers.
  665. ;
  666. ; NOTE: This value is currently unused.
  667. ; neutrino.banthreshold=
  668. ; Optional filter header in height:hash format to assert the state of neutrino's
  669. ; filter header chain on startup. If the assertion does not hold, then the
  670. ; filter header chain will be re-synced from the genesis block.
  671. ; neutrino.assertfilterheader=
  672. ; Used to help identify ourselves to other bitcoin peers.
  673. ; neutrino.useragentname=neutrino
  674. ; Used to help identify ourselves to other bitcoin peers.
  675. ; neutrino.useragentversion=0.12.0-beta
  676. ; The amount of time to wait before giving up on a transaction broadcast attempt.
  677. ; Default:
  678. ; neutrino.broadcasttimeout=0s
  679. ; Example:
  680. ; neutrino.broadcasttimeout=5s
  681. ; Whether compact filters fetched from the P2P network should be persisted to disk.
  682. ; neutrino.persistfilters=false
  683. ; Validate every channel in the graph during sync by downloading the containing
  684. ; block. This is the inverse of routing.assumechanvalid, meaning that for
  685. ; Neutrino the validation is turned off by default for massively increased graph
  686. ; sync performance. This speedup comes at the risk of using an unvalidated view
  687. ; of the network for routing. Overwrites the value of routing.assumechanvalid if
  688. ; Neutrino is used.
  689. ; neutrino.validatechannels=false
  690. [autopilot]
  691. ; If the autopilot agent should be active or not. The autopilot agent will
  692. ; attempt to automatically open up channels to put your node in an advantageous
  693. ; position within the network graph.
  694. ;
  695. ; The maximum number of channels that should be created.
  696. ; autopilot.maxchannels=5
  697. ; The fraction of total funds that should be committed to automatic channel
  698. ; establishment. For example 0.6 means that 60% of the total funds available
  699. ; within the wallet should be used to automatically establish channels. The total
  700. ; amount of attempted channels will still respect the maxchannels param.
  701. ; autopilot.allocation=0.6
  702. ; Heuristic to activate, and the weight to give it during scoring.
  703. ; Default:
  704. ; autopilot.heuristic={top_centrality:1}
  705. ; Example:
  706. ; autopilot.heuristic={preferential:1}
  707. ; The smallest channel that the autopilot agent should create
  708. ; autopilot.minchansize=20000
  709. ; The largest channel that the autopilot agent should create
  710. ; autopilot.maxchansize=16777215
  711. ; Whether the channels created by the autopilot agent should be private or not.
  712. ; Private channels won't be announced to the network.
  713. ; autopilot.private=false
  714. ; The minimum number of confirmations each of your inputs in funding transactions
  715. ; created by the autopilot agent must have.
  716. ; autopilot.minconfs=1
  717. ; The confirmation target (in blocks) for channels opened by autopilot.
  718. ; autopilot.conftarget=3
  719. [tor]
  720. ; Allow outbound and inbound connections to be routed through Tor.
  721. ;
  722. ; Allow the node to connect to non-onion services directly via clearnet. This
  723. ; allows the node operator to use direct connections to peers not running behind
  724. ; Tor, thus allowing lower latency and better connection stability.
  725. ; WARNING: This option will reveal the source IP address of the node, and should
  726. ; be used only if privacy is not a concern.
  727. ; tor.skip-proxy-for-clearnet-targets=false
  728. ; The port that Tor's exposed SOCKS5 proxy is listening on. Using Tor allows
  729. ; outbound-only connections (listening will be disabled) -- NOTE port must be
  730. ; between 1024 and 65535.
  731. ; Default:
  732. ; tor.socks=localhost:9050
  733. ; Example:
  734. ; tor.socks=9050
  735. ; The DNS server as IP:PORT that Tor will use for SRV queries - NOTE must have
  736. ; TCP resolution enabled. The current active DNS server for Testnet listening is
  737. ;
  738. ; Default:
  739. ;
  740. ; Example:
  741. ;
  742. ; Enable Tor stream isolation by randomizing user credentials for each
  743. ; connection. With this mode active, each connection will use a new circuit.
  744. ; This means that multiple applications (other than lnd) using Tor won't be mixed
  745. ; in with lnd's traffic.
  746. ;
  747. ; This option may not be used while direct connections are enabled, since direct
  748. ; connections compromise source IP privacy by default.
  749. ; tor.streamisolation=false
  750. ; The host:port that Tor is listening on for Tor control connections.
  751. ; tor.control=localhost:9051
  752. ; IP address that Tor should use as the target of the hidden service.
  753. ; tor.targetipaddress=
  754. ; The password used to arrive at the HashedControlPassword for the control port.
  755. ; If provided, the HASHEDPASSWORD authentication method will be used instead of
  756. ; the SAFECOOKIE one.
  757. ; Default:
  758. ; tor.password=
  759. ; Example:
  760. ; tor.password=plsdonthackme
  761. ; Automatically set up a v2 onion service to listen for inbound connections.
  762. ; tor.v2=false
  763. ; Automatically set up a v3 onion service to listen for inbound connections.
  764. ; tor.v3=false
  765. ; The path to the private key of the onion service being created.
  766. ; Default:
  767. ; tor.privatekeypath=
  768. ; Example:
  769. ; tor.privatekeypath=/path/to/torkey
  770. ; The path to the private key of the watchtower onion service being created.
  771. ; Default:
  772. ; tor.watchtowerkeypath=
  773. ; Example:
  774. ; tor.watchtowerkeypath=/other/path/
  775. ; Instructs lnd to encrypt the private key using the wallet's seed.
  776. ; tor.encryptkey=false
  777. [watchtower]
  778. ; Enable integrated watchtower listening on :9911 by default.
  779. ;
  780. ; Specify the interfaces to listen on for watchtower client connections. One
  781. ; listen address per line. If no port is specified the default port of 9911 will
  782. ; be added implicitly.
  783. ; Default:
  784. ; watchtower.listen=
  785. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  786. ; All ipv4 on port 9911:
  787. ; watchtower.listen=
  788. ; On all ipv4 interfaces on port 9911 and ipv6 localhost port 9912:
  789. ; watchtower.listen=
  790. ; watchtower.listen=[::1]:9912
  791. ; Configure the external IP address of your watchtower. Setting this field does
  792. ; not have any behavioral changes to the tower or enable any sort of discovery,
  793. ; however it will make the full URI (pubkey@host:port) available via
  794. ; WatchtowerRPC.GetInfo and `lncli tower info`.
  795. ; Default:
  796. ; watchtower.externalip=
  797. ; Example:
  798. ; watchtower.externalip=
  799. ; Configure the default watchtower data directory. The default directory is
  800. ; data/watchtower relative to the chosen lnddir. This can be useful if one needs
  801. ; to move the database to a separate volume with more storage.
  802. ; Default:
  803. ; watchtower.towerdir=~/.lnd/data/watchtower
  804. ; Example:
  805. ; watchtower.towerdir=/path/to/towerdir
  806. ; In this example, the database will be stored at:
  807. ; /path/to/towerdir/bitcoin/<network>/watchtower.db
  808. ; Duration the watchtower server will wait for messages to be received before
  809. ; hanging up on client connections.
  810. ; watchtower.readtimeout=15s
  811. ; Duration the watchtower server will wait for messages to be written before
  812. ; hanging up on client connections
  813. ; watchtower.writetimeout=15s
  814. [wtclient]
  815. ; Activate Watchtower Client. To get more information or configure watchtowers
  816. ; run `lncli wtclient -h`.
  817. ;
  818. ; Specify the fee rate with which justice transactions will be signed. This fee
  819. ; rate should be chosen as a maximum fee rate one is willing to pay in order to
  820. ; sweep funds if a breach occurs while being offline. The fee rate should be
  821. ; specified in sat/vbyte.
  822. ; wtclient.sweep-fee-rate=10
  823. ; The range over which to choose a random number of blocks to wait after the
  824. ; last channel of a session is closed before sending the DeleteSession message
  825. ; to the tower server. Note that setting this to a lower value will result in
  826. ; faster session cleanup _but_ that this comes along with reduced privacy from
  827. ; the tower server.
  828. ; wtclient.session-close-range=288
  829. ; The maximum number of updates to include in a tower session.
  830. ; wtclient.max-updates=1024
  831. ; The maximum number of back-up tasks that should be queued in memory before
  832. ; overflowing to disk.
  833. ; wtclient.max-tasks-in-mem-queue=2000
  834. [healthcheck]
  835. ; The number of times we should attempt to query our chain backend before
  836. ; gracefully shutting down. Set this value to 0 to disable this health check.
  837. ; healthcheck.chainbackend.attempts=3
  838. ; The amount of time we allow a call to our chain backend to take before we fail
  839. ; the attempt. This value must be >= 1s.
  840. ; healthcheck.chainbackend.timeout=30s
  841. ; The amount of time we should backoff between failed attempts to query chain
  842. ; backend. This value must be >= 1s.
  843. ; healthcheck.chainbackend.backoff=2m
  844. ; The amount of time we should wait between chain backend health checks. This
  845. ; value must be >= 1m.
  846. ; healthcheck.chainbackend.interval=1m
  847. ; The minimum ratio of free disk space to total capacity that we require.
  848. ; healthcheck.diskspace.diskrequired=0.1
  849. ; The number of times we should attempt to query our available disk space before
  850. ; gracefully shutting down. Set this value to 0 to disable this health check.
  851. ; Default:
  852. ; healthcheck.diskspace.attempts=0
  853. ; Example:
  854. ; healthcheck.diskspace.attempts=2
  855. ; The amount of time we allow a query for our available disk space to take
  856. ; before we fail the attempt. This value must be >= 1s.
  857. ; healthcheck.diskspace.timeout=5s
  858. ; The amount of time we should backoff between failed attempts to query
  859. ; available disk space. This value must be >= 1s.
  860. ; healthcheck.diskspace.backoff=1m
  861. ; The amount of time we should wait between disk space health checks. This
  862. ; value must be >= 1m.
  863. ; healthcheck.diskspace.interval=12h
  864. ; The number of times we should attempt to check for certificate expiration before
  865. ; gracefully shutting down. Set this value to 0 to disable this health check.
  866. ; Default:
  867. ; healthcheck.tls.attempts=
  868. ; Example:
  869. ; healthcheck.tls.attempts=2
  870. ; The amount of time we allow a query for certificate expiration to take
  871. ; before we fail the attempt. This value must be >= 1s.
  872. ; healthcheck.tls.timeout=5s
  873. ; The amount of time we should backoff between failed attempts to query
  874. ; certificate expiration. This value must be >= 1s.
  875. ; healthcheck.tls.backoff=1m
  876. ; The amount of time we should wait between certificate expiration health checks.
  877. ; This value must be >= 1m.
  878. ; healthcheck.tls.interval=1m
  879. ; The number of times we should attempt to check our tor connection before
  880. ; gracefully shutting down. Set this value to 0 to disable this health check.
  881. ; Default:
  882. ; healthcheck.torconnection.attempts=
  883. ; Example:
  884. ; healthcheck.torconnection.attempts=3
  885. ; The amount of time we allow a call to our tor connection to take before we
  886. ; fail the attempt. This value must be >= 1s.
  887. ; Default:
  888. ; healthcheck.torconnection.timeout=5s
  889. ; The amount of time we should backoff between failed attempts to check tor
  890. ; connection. This value must be >= 1s.
  891. ; healthcheck.torconnection.backoff=1m
  892. ; The amount of time we should wait between tor connection health checks. This
  893. ; value must be >= 1m.
  894. ; healthcheck.torconnection.interval=1m
  895. ; The number of times we should attempt to check our remote signer RPC
  896. ; connection before gracefully shutting down. Set this value to 0 to disable
  897. ; this health check.
  898. ; healthcheck.remotesigner.attempts=1
  899. ; The amount of time we allow a call to our remote signer RPC connection to take
  900. ; before we fail the attempt. This value must be >= 1s.
  901. ; healthcheck.remotesigner.timeout=1s
  902. ; The amount of time we should backoff between failed attempts to check remote
  903. ; signer RPC connection. This value must be >= 1s.
  904. ; healthcheck.remotesigner.backoff=30s
  905. ; The amount of time we should wait between remote signer RPC connection health
  906. ; checks. This value must be >= 1m.
  907. ; healthcheck.remotesigner.interval=1m
  908. [signrpc]
  909. ; Path to the signer macaroon.
  910. ; Default:
  911. ; signrpc.signermacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/signer.macaroon
  912. ; Example:
  913. ; signrpc.signermacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/signer.macaroon
  914. [walletrpc]
  915. ; Path to the wallet kit macaroon.
  916. ; Default:
  917. ; walletrpc.walletkitmacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/walletkit.macaroon
  918. ; Example:
  919. ; walletrpc.walletkitmacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/walletkit.macaroon
  920. [chainrpc]
  921. ; Path to the chain notifier macaroon.
  922. ; Default:
  923. ; chainrpc.notifiermacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/chainnotifier.macaroon
  924. ; Example:
  925. ; chainrpc.notifiermacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/chainnotifier.macaroon
  926. [routerrpc]
  927. ; Probability estimator used for pathfinding. Two estimators are available:
  928. ; apriori and bimodal.
  929. ; Note that the bimodal estimator is experimental.
  930. ; Default:
  931. ; routerrpc.estimator=apriori
  932. ; Example:
  933. ; routerrpc.estimator=bimodal
  934. ; Minimum required route success probability to attempt the payment.
  935. ; routerrpc.minrtprob=0.01
  936. ; The maximum number of payment results that are held on disk by mission control.
  937. ; routerrpc.maxmchistory=1000
  938. ; The time interval with which the MC store state is flushed to the database.
  939. ; routerrpc.mcflushinterval=1s
  940. ; Path to the router macaroon.
  941. ; Default:
  942. ; routerrpc.routermacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/${network}/router.macaroon
  943. ; Example:
  944. ; routerrpc.routermacaroonpath=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/router.macaroon
  945. ; The (virtual) fixed cost in sats of a failed payment attempt .
  946. ; routerrpc.attemptcost=100
  947. ; The (virtual) proportional cost in ppm of the total amount of a failed payment
  948. ; attempt.
  949. ; routerrpc.attemptcostppm=1000
  950. ; Assumed success probability of a hop in a route when no other information is
  951. ; available.
  952. ; routerrpc.apriori.hopprob=0.6
  953. ; Weight of the a priori probability in success probability estimation. Valid
  954. ; values are in [0, 1].
  955. ; routerrpc.apriori.weight=0.5
  956. ; Defines the duration after which a penalized node or channel is back at 50%
  957. ; probability.
  958. ; routerrpc.apriori.penaltyhalflife=1h
  959. ; Defines the fraction of channels' capacities that is considered liquid in
  960. ; pathfinding, a value between [0.75-1.0]. A value of 1.0 disables this
  961. ; feature.
  962. ; routerrpc.apriori.capacityfraction=0.9999
  963. ; Describes the scale over which channels still have some liquidity left on
  964. ; both channel ends. A very low value (compared to typical channel capacities)
  965. ; means that we assume unbalanced channels, a very high value means randomly
  966. ; balanced channels. Value in msat.
  967. ; routerrpc.bimodal.scale=300000000
  968. ; Defines how strongly non-routed channels of forwarders should be taken into
  969. ; account for probability estimation. A weight of zero disables this feature.
  970. ; Valid values are in [0, 1].
  971. ; routerrpc.bimodal.nodeweight=0.2
  972. ; Defines the information decay of knowledge about previous successes and
  973. ; failures in channels.
  974. ; routerrpc.bimodal.decaytime=168h
  975. ; If set, the router will send `Payment_INITIATED` for new payments, otherwise
  976. ; `Payment_In_FLIGHT` will be sent for compatibility concerns.
  977. ; routerrpc.usestatusinitiated=false
  978. ; Defines the maximum duration that the probing fee estimation is allowed to
  979. ; take.
  980. ; routerrpc.fee-estimation-timeout=1m
  981. [workers]
  982. ; Maximum number of concurrent read pool workers. This number should be
  983. ; proportional to the number of peers.
  984. ;
  985. ; Maximum number of concurrent write pool workers. This number should be
  986. ; proportional to the number of CPUs on the host.
  987. ; workers.write=8
  988. ; Maximum number of concurrent sig pool workers. This number should be
  989. ; proportional to the number of CPUs on the host.
  990. ; workers.sig=8
  991. [caches]
  992. ; Maximum number of entries contained in the reject cache, which is used to speed
  993. ; up filtering of new channel announcements and channel updates from peers. Each
  994. ; entry requires 25 bytes.
  995. ; caches.reject-cache-size=50000
  996. ; Maximum number of entries contained in the channel cache, which is used to
  997. ; reduce memory allocations from gossip queries from peers. Each entry requires
  998. ; roughly 2Kb.
  999. ;
  1000. ; The duration that the response to DescribeGraph should be cached for. Setting
  1001. ; the value to zero disables the cache.
  1002. ; Default:
  1003. ; caches.rpc-graph-cache-duration=
  1004. ; Example:
  1005. ; caches.rpc-graph-cache-duration=10m
  1006. [protocol]
  1007. ; If set, then lnd will create and accept requests for channels larger than 0.16
  1008. ; BTC
  1009. ; protocol.wumbo-channels=false
  1010. ; Set to disable support for anchor commitments. If not set, lnd will use anchor
  1011. ; channels by default if the remote channel party supports them. Note that lnd
  1012. ; will require 1 UTXO to be reserved for this channel type if it is enabled.
  1013. ; (Deprecates the previous "protocol.anchors" setting.)
  1014. ;
  1015. ; Set to disable support for script enforced lease channel commitments. If not
  1016. ; set, lnd will accept these channels by default if the remote channel party
  1017. ; proposes them. Note that lnd will require 1 UTXO to be reserved for this
  1018. ; channel type if it is enabled.
  1019. ;
  1020. ; Set to enable support for option_scid_alias channels, which can be referred
  1021. ; to by an alias instead of the confirmed ShortChannelID. Additionally, is
  1022. ; needed to open zero-conf channels.
  1023. ; protocol.option-scid-alias=false
  1024. ; Set to enable support for zero-conf channels. This requires the
  1025. ; option-scid-alias flag to also be set.
  1026. ;
  1027. ; Set to disable support for using P2TR addresses (and beyond) for co-op
  1028. ; closing.
  1029. ;
  1030. ; Set to disable querying our peers for the timestamps of announcement
  1031. ; messages and to disable responding to such queries
  1032. ;
  1033. ; Set to enable support for the experimental taproot channel type.
  1034. ; protocol.simple-taproot-chans=false
  1035. ; Set to disable blinded route forwarding.
  1036. ;
  1037. ; Set to handle messages of a particular type that falls outside of the
  1038. ; custom message number range (i.e. 513 is onion messages). Note that you can
  1039. ; set this option as many times as you want to support more than one custom
  1040. ; message type.
  1041. ; Default:
  1042. ; protocol.custom-message=
  1043. ; Example:
  1044. ; protocol.custom-message=513
  1045. ; Specifies feature bits — numbers defined in BOLT 9 — to advertise in the
  1046. ; node's init message. Note that you can set this option as many times as you
  1047. ; want to support more than one feature bit.
  1048. ; Default:
  1049. ; protocol.custom-init=
  1050. ; Example:
  1051. ; protocol.custom-init=39
  1052. ; Specifies custom feature bits — numbers defined in BOLT 9 — to advertise in
  1053. ; the node's announcement message. Note that you can set this option as many
  1054. ; times as you want to support more than one feature bit.
  1055. ; Default:
  1056. ; protocol.custom-nodeann=
  1057. ; Example:
  1058. ; protocol.custom-nodeann=39
  1059. ; Specifies custom feature bits — numbers defined in BOLT 9 — to advertise in
  1060. ; the node's invoices. Note that you can set this option as many times as you
  1061. ; want to support more than one feature bit.
  1062. ; Default:
  1063. ; protocol.custom-invoice=
  1064. ; Example:
  1065. ; protocol.custom-invoice=39
  1066. [db]
  1067. ; The selected database backend. The current default backend is "bolt". lnd
  1068. ; also has experimental support for etcd, a replicated backend, postgres and
  1069. ; sqlite.
  1070. ; db.backend=bolt
  1071. ; The maximum interval the graph database will wait between attempting to flush
  1072. ; a batch of modifications to disk.
  1073. ; db.batch-commit-interval=500ms
  1074. ; Don't use the in-memory graph cache for path finding. Much slower but uses
  1075. ; less RAM. Can only be used with a bolt database backend.
  1076. ;
  1077. ; Specify whether the optional migration for pruning old revocation logs
  1078. ; should be applied. This migration will only save disk space if there are open
  1079. ; channels prior to lnd@v0.15.0.
  1080. ; db.prune-revocation=false
  1081. ; If set to true, then the to-local and to-remote output amount data of revoked
  1082. ; commitment transactions will not be stored in the revocation log. Note that
  1083. ; this flag can only be set if is not set. It is not
  1084. ; recommended to set this flag if you plan on ever setting in
  1085. ; the future.
  1086. ;
  1087. ; If set to true, native SQL will be used instead of KV emulation for tables
  1088. ; that support it already. Note: this is an experimental feature, use at your
  1089. ; own risk.
  1090. ; db.use-native-sql=false
  1091. [etcd]
  1092. ; Etcd database host.
  1093. ; Default:
  1094. ;
  1095. ; Example:
  1096. ;
  1097. ; Etcd database user.
  1098. ; Default:
  1099. ; db.etcd.user=
  1100. ; Example:
  1101. ; db.etcd.user=userscopedforlnd
  1102. ; Password for the database user.
  1103. ; Default:
  1104. ; db.etcd.pass=
  1105. ; Example:
  1106. ; db.etcd.pass=longandsekrit
  1107. ; Etcd namespace to use.
  1108. ; Default:
  1109. ; db.etcd.namespace=
  1110. ; Example:
  1111. ; db.etcd.namespace=lnd
  1112. ; Whether to disable the use of TLS for etcd.
  1113. ; db.etcd.disabletls=false
  1114. ; Path to the TLS certificate for etcd RPC.
  1115. ; Default:
  1116. ; db.etcd.cert_file=
  1117. ; Example:
  1118. ; db.etcd.cert_file=/key/path
  1119. ; Path to the TLS private key for etcd RPC.
  1120. ; Default:
  1121. ; db.etcd.key_file=
  1122. ; Example:
  1123. ; db.etcd.key_file=/a/path
  1124. ; Whether we intend to skip TLS verification
  1125. ; db.etcd.insecure_skip_verify=false
  1126. ; Whether to collect etcd commit stats.
  1127. ; db.etcd.collect_stats=false
  1128. ; If set LND will use an embedded etcd instance instead of the external one.
  1129. ; Useful for testing.
  1130. ; db.etcd.embedded=false
  1131. ; If non zero, LND will use this as client port for the embedded etcd instance.
  1132. ; Default:
  1133. ; db.etcd.embedded_client_port=
  1134. ; Example:
  1135. ; db.etcd.embedded_client_port=1234
  1136. ; If non zero, LND will use this as peer port for the embedded etcd instance.
  1137. ; Default:
  1138. ; db.etcd.embedded_peer_port=
  1139. ; Example:
  1140. ; db.etcd.embedded_peer_port=1235
  1141. ; If set the embedded etcd instance will log to the specified file. Useful when
  1142. ; testing with embedded etcd.
  1143. ; Default:
  1144. ; db.etcd.embedded_log_file=
  1145. ; Example:
  1146. ; db.etcd.embedded_log_file=/path/etcd.log
  1147. ; The maximum message size in bytes that we may send to etcd. Defaults to 32 MiB.
  1148. ; db.etcd.max_msg_size=33554432
  1149. [postgres]
  1150. ; Postgres connection string.
  1151. ; Default:
  1152. ; db.postgres.dsn=
  1153. ; Example:
  1154. ; db.postgres.dsn=postgres://lnd:lnd@localhost:45432/lnd?sslmode=disable
  1155. ; Postgres connection timeout. Valid time units are {s, m, h}. Set to zero to
  1156. ; disable.
  1157. ; db.postgres.timeout=
  1158. ; Postgres maximum number of connections. Set to zero for unlimited. It is
  1159. ; recommended to set a limit that is below the server connection limit.
  1160. ; Otherwise errors may occur in lnd under high-load conditions.
  1161. ; Default:
  1162. ; db.postgres.maxconnections=50
  1163. ; Example:
  1164. ; db.postgres.maxconnections=
  1165. ; Whether to skip executing schema migrations.
  1166. ; db.postgres.skipmigrations=false
  1167. [sqlite]
  1168. ; Sqlite connection timeout. Valid time units are {s, m, h}. Set to zero to
  1169. ; disable.
  1170. ; Default:
  1171. ; db.sqlite.timeout=
  1172. ; Example:
  1173. ; db.sqlite.timeout=0s
  1174. ; Maximum number of connections to the sqlite db. Set to zero for unlimited.
  1175. ; db.sqlite.maxconnections=2
  1176. ; The maximum amount of time to wait to execute a query if the db is locked.
  1177. ; db.sqlite.busytimeout=5s
  1178. ; Raw pragma option pairs to be used when opening the sqlite db. The flag
  1179. ; can be specified multiple times to set multiple options.
  1180. ; Default:
  1181. ; db.sqlite.pragmaoptions=
  1182. ; Example (option can be specified multiple times):
  1183. ; db.sqlite.pragmaoptions=auto_vacuum=incremental
  1184. ; db.sqlite.pragmaoptions=temp_store=MEMORY
  1185. ; Whether to skip executing schema migrations.
  1186. ; db.sqlite.skipmigrations=false
  1187. [bolt]
  1188. ; If true, prevents the database from syncing its freelist to disk.
  1189. ; db.bolt.nofreelistsync=false
  1190. ;
  1191. ; Whether the databases used within lnd should automatically be compacted on
  1192. ; every startup (and if the database has the configured minimum age). This is
  1193. ; disabled by default because it requires additional disk space to be available
  1194. ; during the compaction that is freed afterwards. In general compaction leads to
  1195. ; smaller database files.
  1196. ;
  1197. ; How long ago the last compaction of a database file must be for it to be
  1198. ; considered for auto compaction again. Can be set to 0 to compact on every
  1199. ; startup.
  1200. ; Default:
  1201. ;
  1202. ; Example:
  1203. ;
  1204. ; Specify the timeout to be used when opening the database.
  1205. ; db.bolt.dbtimeout=1m
  1206. [cluster]
  1207. ; Enables leader election if set.
  1208. ; cluster.enable-leader-election=false
  1209. ; Leader elector to use. Valid values: "etcd".
  1210. ; cluster.leader-elector=etcd
  1211. ; Election key prefix when using etcd leader elector.
  1212. ; cluster.etcd-election-prefix=/leader/
  1213. ; Identifier for this node inside the cluster (used in leader election).
  1214. ; Defaults to the hostname.
  1215. ;
  1216. ; The session TTL in seconds after which a new leader is elected if the old
  1217. ; leader is shut down, crashed or becomes unreachable.
  1218. ; cluster.leader-session-ttl=60
  1219. [rpcmiddleware]
  1220. ; Enable the RPC middleware interceptor functionality.
  1221. ; rpcmiddleware.enable=false
  1222. ; Time after which a RPC middleware intercept request will time out and return
  1223. ; an error if it hasn't yet received a response.
  1224. ; rpcmiddleware.intercepttimeout=2s
  1225. ; Add the named middleware to the list of mandatory middlewares. All RPC
  1226. ; requests are blocked/denied if any of the mandatory middlewares is not
  1227. ; registered. Can be specified multiple times.
  1228. ; Default:
  1229. ; rpcmiddleware.addmandatory=
  1230. ; Example:
  1231. ; rpcmiddleware.addmandatory=my-example-middleware
  1232. ; rpcmiddleware.addmandatory=other-mandatory-middleware
  1233. [remotesigner]
  1234. ; Use a remote signer for signing any on-chain related transactions or messages.
  1235. ; Only recommended if local wallet is initialized as watch-only. Remote signer
  1236. ; must use the same seed/root key as the local watch-only wallet but must have
  1237. ; private keys.
  1238. ; remotesigner.enable=false
  1239. ; The remote signer's RPC host:port.
  1240. ; Default:
  1241. ; remotesigner.rpchost=
  1242. ; Example:
  1243. ;
  1244. ; The macaroon to use for authenticating with the remote signer.
  1245. ; Default:
  1246. ; remotesigner.macaroonpath=
  1247. ; Example:
  1248. ; remotesigner.macaroonpath=/path/to/remote/signer/admin.macaroon
  1249. ; The TLS certificate to use for establishing the remote signer's identity.
  1250. ; Default:
  1251. ; remotesigner.tlscertpath=
  1252. ; Example:
  1253. ; remotesigner.tlscertpath=/path/to/remote/signer/tls.cert
  1254. ; The timeout for connecting to and signing requests with the remote signer.
  1255. ; Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  1256. ; remotesigner.timeout=5s
  1257. ; If a wallet with private key material already exists, migrate it into a
  1258. ; watch-only wallet on first startup.
  1259. ; WARNING: This cannot be undone! Make sure you have backed up your seed before
  1260. ; you use this flag! All private keys will be purged from the wallet after first
  1261. ; unlock with this flag!
  1262. ; remotesigner.migrate-wallet-to-watch-only=false
  1263. [gossip]
  1264. ; Specify a set of pinned gossip syncers, which will always be actively syncing
  1265. ; whenever the corresponding peer is online. A pinned syncer does not count
  1266. ; towards the configured `numgraphsyncpeers` since pinned syncers are not
  1267. ; rotated. Configuring a pinned syncer does not ensure a persistent connection
  1268. ; to the target peer, they will only be pinned if the connection remains active
  1269. ; via some other mechanism, e.g. having an open channel.
  1270. ;
  1271. ; This feature is useful when trying to ensure that a node keeps its
  1272. ; routing table tightly synchronized with a set of remote peers, e.g. multiple
  1273. ; lightning nodes operated by the same service.
  1274. ;
  1275. ; Each value should be a hex-encoded pubkey of the pinned peer. Multiple pinned
  1276. ; peers can be specified by setting multiple flags/fields in the config.
  1277. ; Default:
  1278. ; gossip.pinned-syncers=
  1279. ; Example:
  1280. ; gossip.pinned-syncers=pubkey1
  1281. ; gossip.pinned-syncers=pubkey2
  1282. ; The maximum number of updates for a specific channel and direction that lnd
  1283. ; will accept over the channel update interval.
  1284. ; gossip.max-channel-update-burst=10
  1285. ;
  1286. ; The duration to wait before sending the next announcement batch if there are
  1287. ; multiple. Use a small value if there are a lot announcements and they need to
  1288. ; be broadcast quickly.
  1289. ; gossip.sub-batch-delay=5s
  1290. [invoices]
  1291. ; If a hold invoice has accepted htlcs that reach their expiry height and are
  1292. ; not timed out, the channel holding the htlc is force closed to resolve the
  1293. ; invoice's htlcs. To prevent force closes, lnd automatically cancels these
  1294. ; invoices before they reach their expiry height.
  1295. ;
  1296. ; Hold expiry delta describes the number of blocks before expiry that these
  1297. ; invoices should be canceled. Setting this value to 0 will ensure that hold
  1298. ; invoices can be settled right up until their expiry height, but will result
  1299. ; in the channel they are on being force closed if they are not resolved before
  1300. ; expiry.
  1301. ;
  1302. ; Lnd goes to chain before the expiry for a htlc is reached so that there is
  1303. ; time to resolve it on chain. This value needs to be greater than the
  1304. ; DefaultIncomingBroadcastDelta set by lnd, otherwise the channel will be force
  1305. ; closed anyway. A warning will be logged on startup if this value is not large
  1306. ; enough to prevent force closes.
  1307. ; invoices.holdexpirydelta=12
  1308. [routing]
  1309. ; DEPRECATED: This is now turned on by default for Neutrino (use
  1310. ; neutrino.validatechannels=true to turn off) and shouldn't be used for any
  1311. ; other backend!
  1312. ; routing.assumechanvalid=false
  1313. ; If set to true, then we'll prune a channel if only a single edge is seen as
  1314. ; being stale. This results in a more compact channel graph, and also is helpful
  1315. ; for neutrino nodes as it means they'll only maintain edges where both nodes are
  1316. ; seen as being live from it's PoV.
  1317. ; routing.strictgraphpruning=false
  1318. [sweeper]
  1319. ; DEPRECATED: Duration of the sweep batch window. The sweep is held back during
  1320. ; the batch window to allow more inputs to be added and thereby lower the fee
  1321. ; per input.
  1322. ; sweeper.batchwindowduration=30s
  1323. ; The max fee rate in sat/vb which can be used when sweeping funds. Setting
  1324. ; this value too low can result in transactions not being confirmed in time,
  1325. ; causing HTLCs to expire hence potentially losing funds.
  1326. ; sweeper.maxfeerate=1000
  1327. ; The conf target to use when sweeping non-time-sensitive outputs. This is
  1328. ; useful for sweeping outputs that are not time-sensitive, and can be swept at
  1329. ; a lower fee rate.
  1330. ; sweeper.nodeadlineconftarget=1008
  1331. ; An optional config group that's used for the automatic sweep fee estimation.
  1332. ; The Budget config gives options to limits ones fee exposure when sweeping
  1333. ; unilateral close outputs and the fee rate calculated from budgets is capped
  1334. ; at sweeper.maxfeerate. Check the budget config options for more details.
  1335. ; sweeper.budget=
  1336. [sweeper.budget]
  1337. ; The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping
  1338. ; the to_local output. If set, the budget calculated using the ratio (if set)
  1339. ; will be capped at this value.
  1340. ; sweeper.budget.tolocal=
  1341. ; The ratio of the value in to_local output to allocate as the budget to pay
  1342. ; fees when sweeping it.
  1343. ; sweeper.budget.tolocalratio=0.5
  1344. ; The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when CPFPing a
  1345. ; force close tx using the anchor output. If set, the budget calculated using
  1346. ; the ratio (if set) will be capped at this value.
  1347. ; sweeper.budget.anchorcpfp=
  1348. ; The ratio of a special value to allocate as the budget to pay fees when
  1349. ; CPFPing a force close tx using the anchor output. The special value is the
  1350. ; sum of all time-sensitive HTLCs on this commitment subtracted by their
  1351. ; budgets.
  1352. ; sweeper.budget.anchorcpfpratio=0.5
  1353. ; The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping a
  1354. ; time-sensitive (first-level) HTLC. If set, the budget calculated using the
  1355. ; ratio (if set) will be capped at this value.
  1356. ; sweeper.budget.deadlinehtlc=
  1357. ; The ratio of the value in a time-sensitive (first-level) HTLC to allocate as
  1358. ; the budget to pay fees when sweeping it.
  1359. ; sweeper.budget.deadlinehtlcratio=0.5
  1360. ; The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping a
  1361. ; non-time-sensitive (second-level) HTLC. If set, the budget calculated using
  1362. ; the ratio (if set) will be capped at this value.
  1363. ; sweeper.budget.nodeadlinehtlc=
  1364. ; The ratio of the value in a non-time-sensitive (second-level) HTLC to
  1365. ; allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping it.
  1366. ; sweeper.budget.nodeadlinehtlcratio=0.5
  1367. [htlcswitch]
  1368. ; The timeout value when delivering HTLCs to a channel link. Setting this value
  1369. ; too small will result in local payment failures if large number of payments
  1370. ; are sent over a short period.
  1371. ; htlcswitch.mailboxdeliverytimeout=1m
  1372. [grpc]
  1373. ; How long the server waits on a gRPC stream with no activity before pinging the
  1374. ; client. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  1375. ; grpc.server-ping-time=1m
  1376. ; How long the server waits for the response from the client for the keepalive
  1377. ; ping response. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  1378. ; grpc.server-ping-timeout=20s
  1379. ; The minimum amount of time the client should wait before sending a keepalive
  1380. ; ping. Valid time units are {s, m, h}.
  1381. ; grpc.client-ping-min-wait=5s
  1382. ; If true, the server allows keepalive pings from the client even when there are
  1383. ; no active gRPC streams. This might be useful to keep the underlying HTTP/2
  1384. ; connection open for future requests.
  1385. ; grpc.client-allow-ping-without-stream=false