#19 Misspelling of 'devellist' parameter expansion

and_who atvēra 7 gadi atpakaļ · 1 komentāri

In files/ports/aliafy.sh, devellist is given as devllist--presumably by accident. See the link below for the line in question.


In `files/ports/aliafy.sh`, `devellist` is given as `devllist`--presumably by accident. See the link below for the line in question. https://notabug.org/LibertyBSD/libertybsd-scripts/commit/3542d86b266d6fe35fea34178017e9b9c1b5d9bd#diff-cf32c8b256af3c31142db2e196f16b159911b54R22
Jimmy komentēja 7 gadi atpakaļ

Thanks for pointing out that error Andrew, I'll fix it right away.

Much appreciated.

Thanks for pointing out that error Andrew, I'll fix it right away. Much appreciated.
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