123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294 |
- import 'dart:async';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/api/api.dart';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/api/types/addressIconData.dart';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/api/types/verifyResult.dart';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/service/keyring.dart';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/storage/keyring.dart';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/storage/types/keyPairData.dart';
- import 'package:polkawallet_sdk/webviewWithExtension/types/signExtrinsicParam.dart';
- enum KeyType { mnemonic, rawSeed, keystore }
- enum CryptoType { sr25519, ed25519 }
- /// Keyring API manages keyPairs for through `polkadot-js/keyring`
- class ApiKeyring {
- ApiKeyring(this.apiRoot, this.service);
- final PolkawalletApi apiRoot;
- final ServiceKeyring? service;
- /// Generate a set of new mnemonic.
- Future<AddressIconDataWithMnemonic> generateMnemonic(int ss58,
- {CryptoType cryptoType = CryptoType.sr25519,
- String derivePath = '',
- String key = ''}) async {
- final mnemonicData = await service!.generateMnemonic(ss58,
- cryptoType: cryptoType, derivePath: derivePath, key: key);
- return mnemonicData;
- }
- /// get address and avatar from mnemonic.
- Future<AddressIconData> addressFromMnemonic(int ss58,
- {CryptoType cryptoType = CryptoType.sr25519,
- String derivePath = '',
- required String mnemonic}) async {
- final addressInfo = await service!.addressFromMnemonic(ss58,
- cryptoType: cryptoType, derivePath: derivePath, mnemonic: mnemonic);
- return addressInfo;
- }
- /// get address and avatar from rawSeed.
- Future<AddressIconData> addressFromRawSeed(int ss58,
- {CryptoType cryptoType = CryptoType.sr25519,
- String derivePath = '',
- required String rawSeed}) async {
- final addressInfo = await service!.addressFromRawSeed(ss58,
- cryptoType: cryptoType, derivePath: derivePath, rawSeed: rawSeed);
- return addressInfo;
- }
- /// get address and avatar from KeyStore.
- Future<AddressIconData> addressFromKeyStore(int ss58,
- {required Map keyStore}) async {
- final addressInfo =
- await service!.addressFromKeyStore(ss58, keyStore: keyStore);
- return AddressIconData.fromJson({
- 'address': addressInfo[0][0],
- 'svg': addressInfo[0][1],
- });
- }
- /// check mnemonic valid.
- Future<bool> checkMnemonicValid(String mnemonic) async {
- return service!.checkMnemonicValid(mnemonic);
- }
- /// Import account from mnemonic/rawSeed/keystore and we get a JSON object.
- /// param [cryptoType] can be `sr25519`(default) or `ed25519`.
- /// throw error if import failed.
- /// return null if keystore password check failed.
- Future<Map?> importAccount(
- Keyring keyring, {
- required KeyType keyType,
- required String key,
- required String name,
- required String password,
- CryptoType cryptoType = CryptoType.sr25519,
- String derivePath = '',
- }) async {
- final acc = await service!.importAccount(
- keyType: keyType,
- key: key,
- name: name,
- password: password,
- cryptoType: cryptoType,
- derivePath: derivePath,
- );
- if (acc == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (acc['error'] != null) {
- throw Exception(acc['error']);
- }
- return acc;
- }
- /// Add account to local storage.
- Future<KeyPairData> addAccount(
- Keyring keyring, {
- required KeyType keyType,
- required Map acc,
- required String password,
- }) async {
- // save seed and remove it before add account
- if (keyType == KeyType.mnemonic || keyType == KeyType.rawSeed) {
- final String type = keyType.toString().split('.')[1];
- final String? seed = acc[type];
- if (seed != null && seed.isNotEmpty) {
- keyring.store
- .encryptSeedAndSave(acc['pubKey'], acc[type], type, password);
- acc.remove(type);
- }
- }
- // save keystore to storage
- await keyring.store.addAccount(acc);
- await updatePubKeyIconsMap(keyring, [acc['pubKey']]);
- await updatePubKeyAddressMap(keyring);
- updateIndicesMap(keyring, [acc['address']]);
- final Map<String, dynamic> resTyped =
- acc.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key.toString(), value));
- return KeyPairData.fromJson(resTyped);
- }
- /// Add a contact.
- Future<KeyPairData> addContact(Keyring keyring, Map acc) async {
- final pubKey = (await (service!.serviceRoot.account
- .decodeAddress([acc['address']]))) ??
- {};
- acc['pubKey'] = pubKey.keys.toList()[0];
- // save keystore to storage
- await keyring.store.addContact(acc);
- await updatePubKeyAddressMap(keyring);
- await updatePubKeyIconsMap(keyring, [acc['pubKey']]);
- updateIndicesMap(keyring, [acc['address']]);
- return keyring.contacts.firstWhere((e) => e.pubKey == acc['pubKey']);
- }
- /// Every time we change the keyPairs, we need to update the
- /// pubKey-address map.
- Future<void> updatePubKeyAddressMap(Keyring keyring) async {
- final ls = keyring.store.list.toList();
- ls.addAll(keyring.store.contacts);
- // get new addresses from webView.
- final res = await service!.getPubKeyAddressMap(ls, keyring.store.ss58List);
- // set new addresses to Keyring instance.
- if (res != null && res[keyring.ss58.toString()] != null) {
- keyring.store.updatePubKeyAddressMap(Map<String, Map>.from(res));
- }
- }
- /// This method query account icons and set icons to [Keyring.store]
- /// so we can get icon of an account from [Keyring] instance.
- Future<void> updatePubKeyIconsMap(Keyring keyring, [List? pubKeys]) async {
- final List<String?> ls = [];
- if (pubKeys != null) {
- ls.addAll(List<String>.from(pubKeys));
- } else {
- ls.addAll(keyring.keyPairs.map((e) => e.pubKey).toList());
- ls.addAll(keyring.contacts.map((e) => e.pubKey).toList());
- }
- if (ls.length == 0) return;
- // get icons from webView.
- final res = await service!.getPubKeyIconsMap(ls);
- // set new icons to Keyring instance.
- if (res != null) {
- final data = {};
- res.forEach((e) {
- data[e[0]] = e[1];
- });
- keyring.store.updateIconsMap(Map<String, String>.from(data));
- }
- }
- /// This method query account indices and set data to [Keyring.store]
- /// so we can get index info of an account from [Keyring] instance.
- Future<void> updateIndicesMap(Keyring keyring, [List? addresses]) async {
- final List<String?> ls = [];
- if (addresses != null) {
- ls.addAll(List<String>.from(addresses));
- } else {
- ls.addAll(keyring.allWithContacts.map((e) => e.address).toList());
- }
- if (ls.length == 0) return;
- // get account indices from webView.
- final res = await apiRoot.account.queryIndexInfo(ls);
- // set new indices to Keyring instance.
- if (res != null) {
- final data = {};
- res.forEach((e) {
- data[e['accountId']] = e;
- });
- keyring.store.updateIndicesMap(Map<String, Map>.from(data));
- keyring.allAccounts;
- }
- }
- /// Decrypt and get the backup of seed.
- Future<SeedBackupData?> getDecryptedSeed(Keyring keyring, password) async {
- final Map? data =
- await keyring.store.getDecryptedSeed(keyring.current.pubKey, password);
- if (data == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (data['seed'] == null) {
- data['error'] = 'wrong password';
- }
- return SeedBackupData.fromJson(data as Map<String, dynamic>);
- }
- /// delete account from storage
- Future<void> deleteAccount(Keyring keyring, KeyPairData account) async {
- await keyring.store.deleteAccount(account.pubKey);
- }
- /// check password of account
- Future<bool> checkPassword(KeyPairData account, String pass) async {
- final res = await service!.checkPassword(account.pubKey, pass);
- return res;
- }
- /// change password of account
- Future<KeyPairData?> changePassword(
- Keyring keyring, String passOld, passNew) async {
- final acc = keyring.current;
- // 1. change password of keyPair in webView
- final res = await service!.changePassword(acc.pubKey, passOld, passNew);
- if (res == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // 2. if success in webView, then update encrypted seed in local storage.
- keyring.store.updateEncryptedSeed(acc.pubKey, passOld, passNew);
- // update json meta data
- service!.updateKeyPairMetaData(res, acc.name);
- // update keyPair date in storage
- keyring.store.updateAccount(res);
- return KeyPairData.fromJson(res as Map<String, dynamic>);
- }
- /// change name of account
- Future<KeyPairData> changeName(Keyring keyring, String name) async {
- final json = keyring.current.toJson();
- // update json meta data
- service!.updateKeyPairMetaData(json, name);
- // update keyPair date in storage
- keyring.store.updateAccount(json);
- return KeyPairData.fromJson(json);
- }
- /// Check if derive path is valid, return [null] if valid,
- /// and return error message if invalid.
- Future<String?> checkDerivePath(
- String seed, path, CryptoType cryptoType) async {
- String? res = await service!.checkDerivePath(seed, path, cryptoType);
- return res;
- }
- /// Open a new webView for a DApp,
- /// sign extrinsic or msg for the DApp.
- Future<ExtensionSignResult?> signAsExtension(
- String password, SignAsExtensionParam param) async {
- final signature = await service!.signAsExtension(password, param.toJson());
- if (signature == null) {
- return null;
- }
- final ExtensionSignResult res = ExtensionSignResult();
- res.id = param.id;
- res.signature = signature['signature'];
- return res;
- }
- Future<VerifyResult?> signatureVerify(
- String message, signature, address) async {
- final res = await service!.signatureVerify(message, signature, address);
- if (res == null) {
- return null;
- }
- return VerifyResult.fromJson(
- Map<String, dynamic>.of(res as Map<String, dynamic>));
- }
- }