بدون توضیح

Kurtzmusch 2e3315a36f show toolbar by default 4 سال پیش
dbs 4cc715477a added initial db and cache entryes 4 سال پیش
.gitignore 1e92ebe9a6 added .gitignore file 4 سال پیش
README.md a1e21df6af fixed readme.md 4 سال پیش
colors.json a76ac43855 henlo, frens 4 سال پیش
get-crypto-ohlc adb0ca2e5a fixed db insertion eating parts of previous entryes 4 سال پیش
get-crypto-txs 9a6acd908e get api key from file 4 سال پیش
plot-crypto 2e3315a36f show toolbar by default 4 سال پیش



whale-watcher is a collection of scripts that helps to keep track of large cryptocurrency transactions in and out of exchanges.
get-crypto-ohlc is used to collect the price of the currencyes. it uses cryptowatch api
get-crypto-txs is used to collect large transactions from and to exchanges. it uses whale-alert api
plot-crypto is used to visualize the data from the generated database

by default all transacions above 500k USD are collected, this is a lower limit imposed by the whale-alert api and can only be increased




get-crypto-ohlc should be run hourly
get-crypto-txs should be run often, since whale-alert imposes a limit of api calls you may loose data if too many transactions build up. whale-alert also doesnt allow to fetch data older than 1 hour, so a good rate is around 1 to 15 minutes. 1 minute is recommended if you intend to watch the cache files and setup alarms on your system.

since these scripts are meant to be run on a schedule, here's a crontab exemple(assumes scripts are located at ~/bin)

5    *     *     *     *     bin/get-crypto-ohlce 2>> log/get-crypto-ohlc.log
*/1  *     *     *     *     bin/get-crypto-txs 2>> log/get-crypto-txs.log

plot-crypto plots requested graphs from data in your local database. the command line options are:

--n plots the net inflow of the crypto, that is: how much crypto entered exchanges minus how much left exchanges  
--i plots the inflow of the crypto, that is: how much crypto entered exchanges  
--d(i,n) plots the difference between stablecoins that entered exchagnes and crypto that entered exchanges  
--s(i,n) plots the stablecois as they were one


plot-crypto --n --sn btc this will plot 3 graphs: a price graph for BTC, a net graph for BTC(how much BTC entered excahnges minus how much left), and a net graph for stablecoins(how much stablecoins entered exchanges minus how much left)

plot-crypto --dn eth this will plot 2 graphs: a price graph for ETH and a difference graph between the net inflow of ETH and the net inflow of stablecoins

all stablecoins are always treated as one


the scripts assume the database files exist on a ~/dbs/ directory, so one must create these.
the scripts assume the cache files exist on a ~/dbs/ directory
the scripts assume a file called whale-alert-api-key exists on the home directory, so its necessary to obtain one key
the scripts assume a file called colors.json exists on the home folder

these files are provided in this repo, so just place them in the home folder

for each ticker you wish to track you need to create 2 db files: crypto-ohlc-<ticker-name>.db.json, crypto-txs-<ticker-name>.db.json and they must be pre filled with data, you can use the dbs file provided as a template