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/r/Piracy Rules

    1. Submissions must be related to the discussion of digital piracy.
    1. Spam, trading, selling, and blatant self-promotion posts are forbidden.
    • 2a: No begging for invites to private sites, requesting for others to download content for you, requesting activation keys, etc.

    • 2b: No Requesting sites that deal in distributing "cracked" (read: stolen) accounts.

    • 2c: Any monetary services are not allowed.

  • 3. Do not request for specific pirated titles; do not link to pirated content. General queries are allowed. Further details below.

    • 3a: Do not mention specific media names (ie. movie, book, software, artists, etc.) asking for help on finding them.

    • 3b: Do not link to specific pirated media.

    1. Redundant questions that have been previously answered will be removed. Do an /r/piracy search via google, example: where to find cracked apps site:reddit.com/r/piracy
    1. Do not message moderators for help with your issues. Either message the mod team if relevant, or make a post on the sub as normal.


Rule 3 may sound counter-intuitive given that this is a piracy oriented subreddit, but we had to take these measures to prevent our subreddit from being banned by the reddit admins.

To clarify upon rule 3...


  • Ask where to find general content, eg., "Where can i download electronic music?", "what is a good streaming site?", "what is a good website for audiobooks?", "where can i find cracked android apps?".

  • Name/link a website as a response to someone's general request


  • Request for specific content (this is not a request subreddit), eg. a specific movie title, specific book, specific software, song by a specific artist, etc.

  • Name/link a website as a response to someone's specific title request, or even name a warez release name (eg. Title.Of.The.Movie.YEAR.Source.Codec-GROUP), or offer to PM them.