582 B

  1. # This is in the public domain
  2. # Use versions from parent configure
  3. AC_INIT([GNU Libmicrohttpd], [0.9.59], [])
  4. AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([Makevars])
  5. AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([../m4])
  6. AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([..])
  7. AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([silent-rules])
  8. AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external])
  9. # gettext expect that 'po' files will stay in subdirectory.
  10. # Form './' is accepted by gettext as subdirectory but caused some
  11. # troubles with in-place build (with relative path to source files). To workaround
  12. # this, some hack are used in Makefile.
  13. AC_OUTPUT([./])