14 KB

中文版 How does it work?

1. Keyword Explanation.

  • Navicat Activation Public Key

It is a RSA-2048 public key that Navicat used to encrypt or decrypt offline activation information.

It is stored in navicat.exe as a kind of resource called RCData. The resource name is "ACTIVATIONPUBKEY". You can see it by a kind of software Resource Hacker. The public key is

  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----  
  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----  

If you have the corresponding private key, you can tell me. I would be very appreciated for your generous.


Start from Navicat Premium 12.0.25, Navicat do not load this public key from resource in navicat.exe. Instead, the public key is stored in libcc.dll and has been encrypted. To avoid being replaced easily, the public key is split into 5 parts:

The following content is discovered from libcc.dll of Navicat Premium x64 12.0.25 Simplified Chinese version. The SHA256 value of libcc.dll is 607e0a84c75966b00f3d12fa833e91d159e4f51ac51b6ba66f98d0c3cbefdce0.

I DO NOT guarantee that offset values are absolutely correct in other versions. But char strings and immediate values are highly possible to be found.

  1. At file offset +0x01A12090 in libcc.dll, stored as char string:

  2. At file offset +0x0059D799 in libcc.dll, stored as immediate value in a instruction:

     0xFE 0xEA 0xBC 0x01

    In decimal: 29158142

  3. At file offset +0x01A11DA0 in libcc.dll, stored as char string:

  4. At file offset +0x0059D77F in libcc.dll, stored as immediate value in a instruction:

     0x59 0x08 0x01 0x00

    In decimal: 67673

  5. At file offset + 0x1A11D8C in libcc.dll, stored as char string:


Then output encrypted public key with format "%s%d%s%d%s". The order is the same as it lists:


This encrypted public key can be decrypted by my another repo: how-does-navicat-encrypt-password, while the key used is b'23970790'.


  E:\GitHub>git clone
  E:\GitHub>cd how-does-navicat-encrypt-password\python3
  Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct  3 2017, 18:11:49) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  >>> from NavicatCrypto import *
  >>> cipher = Navicat11Crypto(b'23970790')
  >>> print(cipher.DecryptString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
  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----


Start from Navicat Premium 12.1.11, Navicat do not load the public key through the method I talked before. Of course, the public key is still stored in libcc.dll. When Navicat starts, it encrypts the public key by an 8-bytes-long XOR key and stores the ciphertext in static area. When verifing Activation Code, Navicat will regenerate the 8-bytes-long XOR key and decrypts the ciphertext in static area to get the public key.

In libcc.dll, x64 version, you can find some instructions that looks like:

  xor eax, 'M'
  mov byte_xxxxxx, al
  xor eax, 'I'
  mov byte_xxxxxx, al
  xor eax, 'I'
  mov byte_xxxxxx, al
  xor eax, 'B'
  mov byte_xxxxxx, al
  xor eax, 'I'
  mov byte_xxxxxx, al
  xor eax, 'j'
  mov byte_xxxxxx, al
  • Request Code

It is a Base64 string that represents 256-bytes-long data, while the 256-bytes-long data is the cipher text of Offline Activation Request Information encrypted by Navicat Activation Public Key.

  • Offline Activation Request Information

It is just a JSON-style ASCII string which contains 3 items. They are "K", "DI" and "P" respectively, which represent snKey, DeviceIdentifier (related with your machine), Platform (OS Type).


  {"K": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "DI": "yyyyyyyyyyyyy", "P": "WIN8"}
  • Activation Code

It is a Base64 string that represents 256-bytes-long data, while the 256-bytes-long data is the cipher text of the Offline Activation Response Information encrypted by Navicat Activation Private Key. So far, we don't know the official activation private key and we have to replace it in navicat.exe and libcc.dll.

  • Offline Activation Response Information

Just like Offline Activation Request Information, it is also a JSON-style ASCII string. But it contains 5 items. They are "K", "N", "O", "T" and "DI" respectively.

"K" and "DI" has the same meaning that is mentioned in Offline Activation Request Information and must be the same with the corresponding items in Offline Activation Request Information.

"N", "O", "T" represent Name, Organization, Timestamp respectively. Name and Organization are UTF-8 strings and the type of Timestamp can be string or integer. (Thanks for discoveries from @Wizr, issue #10)

"T" can be omitted.

  • snKey

It is a 4-block-long string, while every block is 4-chars-long.

snKey is generated by 10-bytes-long data. In order to explain it easily, I use uint8_t data[10] to represent the 10-bytes-long data.

  1. data[0] and data[1] must be 0x68 and 0x2A respectively.

    These two bytes are Naivcat signature number.

  2. data[2], data[3] and data[4] can be any byte. Just set them whatever you want.

  3. data[5] and data[6] are product language signatures.

    | Language | data[5] | data[6] | Discoverer | |------------|:---------:|:---------:|-----------------| | English | 0xAC | 0x88 | | | 简体中文 | 0xCE | 0x32 | | | 繁體中文 | 0xAA | 0x99 | | | 日本語 | 0xAD | 0x82 | @dragonflylee | | Polski | 0xBB | 0x55 | @dragonflylee | | Español | 0xAE | 0x10 | @dragonflylee | | Français | 0xFA | 0x20 | @Deltafox79 | | Deutsch | 0xB1 | 0x60 | @dragonflylee | | 한국어 | 0xB5 | 0x60 | @dragonflylee | | Русский | 0xEE | 0x16 | @dragonflylee | | Português | 0xCD | 0x49 | @dragonflylee |

  4. data[7] is Navicat product ID. (Thanks @dragonflylee and @Deltafox79)

    |Product Name |Enterprise|Standard|Educational|Essentials| |---------------------|:--------:|:------:|:---------:|:--------:| |Navicat Report Viewer|0x0B | | | | |Navicat Data Modeler | |0x47 |0x4A | | |Navicat Premium |0x65 | |0x66 |0x67 | |Navicat MySQL |0x68 |0x69 |0x6A |0x6B | |Navicat PostgreSQL |0x6C |0x6D |0x6E |0x6F | |Navicat Oracle |0x70 |0x71 |0x72 |0x73 | |Navicat SQL Server |0x74 |0x75 |0x76 |0x77 | |Navicat SQLite |0x78 |0x79 |0x7A |0x7B | |Navicat MariaDB |0x7C |0x7D |0x7E |0x7F | |Navicat MongoDB |0x80 |0x81 |0x82 | |

  5. High 4 bits of data[8] represents major version number.

    Low 4 bits is unknown, but we can use it to delay activation deadline. Possible values are 0000 or 0001.


    For Navicat 12 x64: High 4 bits must be 1100, which is the binary of number 12.
    For Navicat 11 x64: High 4 bits must be 1011, which is the binary of number 11.

  6. data[9] is unknown, but you can set it by 0xFD, 0xFC or 0xFB if you want to use not-for-resale license.

    According to symbol information in Navicat 12 for Mac x64 version:

    • 0xFB is Not-For-Resale-30-days license.
    • 0xFC is Not-For-Resale-90-days license.
    • 0xFD is Not-For-Resale-365-days license.
    • 0xFE is Not-For-Resale license.
    • 0xFF is Site license.

After uint8_t data[10] is ready, Navicat uses DES with ECB mode to encrypt the last 8 bytes of uint8_t data[10] which are from data[2] to data[9].

The DES key is:

  unsigned char DESKey = { 0x64, 0xAD, 0xF3, 0x2F, 0xAE, 0xF2, 0x1A, 0x27 };

Then use Base32 to encode uint8_t data[10] whose encode table is

  char EncodeTable[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";

After encoding, you will get a 16-char-long string starting with "NAV".

Finally, divide the 16-char-long string to four 4-chars-long blocks and join them with "-" then you will get snKey.

2. Activation Process

  1. Check whether snKey that user inputs is valid.

  2. After user clicks Activate, Navicat will start online activation first. If fails, user can choose offline activation.

  3. Navicat will use the snKey that user inputs and some information collected from user's machine to generate Offline Activation Request Information. Then Navicat will encrypt it by Navicat Activation Public Key and return a Base64-encoded string as Request Code.

  4. In legal way, the Request Code should be sent to Navicat official activation server by a Internet-accessible computer. And Navicat official activation server will return a legal Activation Code.

But now, we use keygen to play the official activation server's role.

  1. According to the Request Code, get "DI" value and "K" value.

  2. Fill Offline Activation Response Information with "K" value, name, organization name, "DI" value and, if need, "T" value.

  3. Encrypt Offline Activation Response Information by Navicat Activation Private Key and you will get 256-byte-long data.

  4. Encode the 256-byte-long data by Base64. The result is Activation Code.

  5. After user input Activation Code, offline activation is done successfully.