Converted some Medium blog articles to PDF for offline reading or back-up. Name of author left to give credit.

Jorge Salinas a059ce42c6 Added more articles 5 년 전
A very useful technique to bypass the CSRF protection for fun and profit..pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Automatic security tests in Jenkins with OWASP ZAP.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
BUG BOUNTY HUNTING (METHODOLOGY , TOOLKIT , TIPS & TRICKS , Blogs).pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Back to Basics: Hardening Computers & Smartphones.pdf a059ce42c6 Added more articles 5 년 전
Basics of BASH for Beginners.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Basics of Cross Site Scripting(XSS) attack by Amit Cheke.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
Beginners Guide | How To Become an Ethical Hacker.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Bypass CSP by Abusing XSS Filter in Edge by Xiaoyin Liu.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
CTF are for Nerds : A Popular myth.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Cloak and Dagger — Mobile Malware Techniques Demystified.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Collection Of Bug Bounty Tip-Will Be updated daily.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Combining Google Dorks and Google Alerts to Create RSS Feeds for OSINT by Jake Creps.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
DevOops — An XML External Entity (XXE) HackTheBox Walkthrough.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Dynamic Scanning with OWASP ZAP for Identifying Security Threats.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Exploiting SSRF like a Boss — Escalation of an SSRF to Local File Read!.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
FOSS : A poor man’s security analysis architecture..pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
From XXE to RCE with PHP|expect — The Missing Link.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Getting started in Bug Bounty.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Google Dorks an Easy Way of Hacking by Shanzida Anika Mim.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
HOW TO GET STARTED IN BUG BOUNTY (9+pro tips).pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
How I hacked into my neighbour’s WiFi and harvested login credentials?.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
How I pranked my friend using DNS Spoofing?.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
How OSINT Strengthens Your Security Risk Management.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
How To Become A Bug Bounty Hunter?.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
How To Do Your Reconnaissance Properly Before Chasing A Bug Bounty.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
How i was able to bypass strong xss protection in well known website. ( by Armaan Pathan.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
How to Upgrade Your XSS Bugs from Medium to Critical by Luke Stephens.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
Introduction to CSRF.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Malware Analysis 101 - Basic Static Analysis.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Malware Analysis 101 - Sandboxing.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Malware Analysis 101.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Mobile Device Digital Forensics.pdf a059ce42c6 Added more articles 5 년 전
Monitor Network Connectivity using Bash Script.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
OSINT Resources for 2019.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
OSINT: How to find information on anyone.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Ops Scripting with BASH: Frequency.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Ops Scripting with Bash: Frequency 2.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Ops Scripting with Bash: Frequency 3.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Out-of-Band XML External Entity (OOB-XXE) exploitation over Fortify Software Security Center (SSC) 17.10, 17.20 & 18.10 (0day CVE-2018–12463).pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Piercing the Veil: Server Side Request Forgery to NIPRNet access.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Ping Power — ICMP Tunnel.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
PonyStealer Infrastructure and Malware Analysis (Part 1-2).pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전 79440941e2 Added 5 년 전
ROOTCON 2019's CTF Writeups for Web Category.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Recon Everything by Sachin Grover.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
Remote Code Execution - Explaination, Writeups and Tools.pdf a059ce42c6 Added more articles 5 년 전
SQL Dorks 2019 — New Google Dorks List Collection for SQL Injection by Abubakar Shehu.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
SQL injection to RCE.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
SSRF in the Wild.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
SSRF-Server Side Request Forgery.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Testing.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
Stories Of IDOR.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
Think Outside the Scope: Advanced CORS Exploitation Techniques by sandh0t.pdf 2a39d7b0a4 Added some e-books 5 년 전
Using Retire.js with ZAP to identify vulnerabilities in JavaScript libraries.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전
XML External Entity(XXE).pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
XXE that can Bypass WAF Protection: 4 Ways Hackers Slip Through a Firewall?.pdf 02375b29c8 Moar books 5 년 전
ZAP Penetration Testing Tutorial to Detect Vulnerabilities.pdf 64bf8f7068 Even moar books 5 년 전

#Medium Articles Converted to e-Books

I did this primarily to have offline back-ups to read of articles that I have read previously or plan on reading in the future. Having offline access to the articles just means I don't have to worry about not having access to them if I'm not at a location with internet access.


If you find your article in here and want it removed, just use the issue tracker.


I don't own any of these articles, and I made the effort to leave the author's information in the articles. All credit goes to the author of the articles, I'm just making them a little more accessible.