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  9. <h1>Thoughts</h1>
  10. <p>This page will contain my thoughts or thoughts from other people I share. They will be on Spanish or English depending on the best way to share the final message. They might be long or short.</p>
  11. <ul>
  12. <li>Dame un efecto y te lo explico, dame el efecto contrario y tambi&eacute;n te lo explico. <i>Neil Fletcher</i>.</li>
  13. <li>Si todas las mujeres del mundo fueran como mi mam&aacute;, el sexo d&eacute;bil ser&iacute;an los hombres.</li>
  14. <li>Uno es realmente libre cuanto m&aacute;s cercano se est&eacute; de uno mismo (de qui&eacute;n uno realmente &eacute;s).</li>
  15. <li>You really know something if you can explain it well to others (some guy said this).</li>
  16. <li>Not because you see a circle on the distance it means it is an sphere. Be always critic about reality, even of what you see and think to believe.</li>
  17. <li>Digitalization is good if electricity is always there. Always have physical foundations/backups (books, archives, etc).</li>
  18. <li>Socialism and its derivatives are the worst cancers that people still practice to lie to others. It does not work, and also, the conditions for it to be "working" imply a huge control of very few people (bad sign) that will limit how freedom will be <i>equally distributed</i> for all persons. In addition, The statement that says that we are all the same that they tend to use is wrong as well, we are all individual and unique in our ways.</li>
  19. <li>Democracy only works if the majority of people is trustworthy and if the government instances are not corrupted. Basically, it does not work.</li>
  20. <li>"Artificial Intelligence" (AI) or the more accurate definition Expert System (ES) only does stuff based on the information given to it, it will never be original since that process is not one that can be <i>made up</i>. The problem with expert systems it is that if it is feed enough information (of the kind it is designed to manage) it can even <i>"behave"</i> as a human on certain areas (they can only pretend). The consequences of the last statement are very bad if ESs are massively used to replace jobs. One individual will have to overcome what current ESs can do to be able to be employed (people wont be able to be happy with what they do, a thing that is rapidly increasing in the present).</li>
  21. <li>Disorganization and inconsistency are the worst caracteristics a person can have. People that are like that are awful and they only contribute in those terms in society.</li>
  22. <li>Universities have become factories of people that are forced to think the same without being critic and original (a copy/paste basically). They are also now the only way to possibly get a good job (through a degree) in which you are paid well and (if you are very lucky) you with will be able to live a peaceful life. The True Universities I imagine are places in which the people that teach is passionate about what they know (also know how to teach well), the learning process forces you to question everything you learn or think (even what is extremely obvious) and those places don't rely on exams to force people into knowing new stuff. It is a place to cultivate knowledge because you want to.</li>
  23. <li>Consistency is literally the hardest thing to find in a person nowadays.</li>
  24. <li>Believing in a religion can be seen as a way to prison yourself (the limits of your mind and imagination) in a cage that others made.</li>
  25. <li>The natural and best way to learn is first to experience the theory and then, after managing it at some minimum level, reinforce it by seeing the effect in reality. Seeing the effect before the theory is more the job of an investigator.</li>
  26. <li>Humans can discover anything, you just need a guy that:
  27. <ul>
  28. <li>Is in the correct place</li>
  29. <li>Is in the correct moment in time</li>
  30. <li>Has the correct age</li>
  31. <li>Has the correct amount of knowledge</li>
  32. <li>With the correct attitude</li>
  33. <li>Has been given the chance to discover</li>
  34. </ul>
  35. </li>
  36. <li>The earth can be seen as a massive, biological and flat circuit board cooled by a dome (the blue sky) containing water in which one is a capacitor (gets fat with age for some reason) that is used to produce some kind of computed output that is wanted by the ones that put us here. They don't want us to leave/question the circuit and they also want us to be intelligent but not at the point of realizing said circuit exists.</li>
  37. <li>I would like an operating system that isn't updated at all (or at least that frequently), that works for all software I need, that does not need much manual configuration, and, over all, that is lightweight, efficient and has no crap installed.
  38. <ul>
  39. <li>Windows 7 has a ton of software support and isn't updated (in the present). But you have to do a lot of manual configuration to remove all the unnecesary things it activates by default (and you are unable to disable/remove it all without breaking the system). It is also (after some degree of manual configuration), lightweigth and efficient in a way as it was thought for computers from around 2007-2009. Automatic updates, antiviruses and warnnings are very annoying. Newer Windows are just out of question, they all suck.</li>
  40. <li>Lubuntu 18.04 does not come with crap (at least not ones as evident as Windows, I don't know its low level stuff that well) but lacks of easy software support (dependency hell, only available on Windows, is paid, etc.) and has too much frequent updates (at its moment). The other thing is that software support is worse since packages only work for the linux distro in which they are built (if I were to get a Lubuntu 12.04 package into Lubuntu 18.04 shit will break because the dependencies are always being updated). In Windows (and I actually like this) at least you could find programs that are compatible from Windows XP all the way up to Windows 11. Due to the frequent updates and the new DEs it isn't as lightweight as it was in the past, a 2007 computer suffers a lot with Lubuntu 18.04. Also, you need to know what you re doing in some moments since you can totally break the system if you are not carefull. It is very flexible though, but that flexibility is a double edged sword that is totally going to wound a normal user.</li>
  41. </ul>
  42. I know I can configure stuff and don't be that "spoon feed" to make these OSes fit myself more, but I don't really like spending so many days on something that I use to make my homework, develop my projects or for entertainment. This is the general complaint of a normal user.
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  44. <li>...</li>
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