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  9. <h1>Welcome to <i>me</i> Website!</h1>
  10. <p>This is the main page to host my stuff (<i>I am Humming Owl</i>).</p>
  11. <p>Just bookmark this page and you will have <b>good luck</b> <i>all your life!</i></p>
  12. <p>Hosted by <b>Epik</b> <a href="">Neocities</a>. <i>Many thanks for this service!</i></p>
  13. <img src="neocities.png">
  14. <p>Here are the links to the other sites hosted here:</p>
  15. <ul>
  16. <li><a href="smg-stuff/index.html">smg-stuff</a>: site containing <b>Super Mario Galaxy hacking</b> related content. <i>A ton of epic content</i>.</li>
  17. <li><a href="fs-2211-usb-page/index.html">fs-2211-usb-page</a>: a site containing important information about the university course <b>F&iacute;sica III</b> (Physics III) on the <b>Universidad Sim&oacute;n Bol&iacute;var</b> (Sim&oacute;n Bol&iacute;var University, USB).</li>
  18. <li><a href="fs-3411-usb-page/index.html">fs-3411-usb-page</a>: a site containing important information about the university course <b>F&iacute;sica Moderna I</b> (Modern Physics I) on the <b>Universidad Sim&oacute;n Bol&iacute;var</b> (Sim&oacute;n Bol&iacute;var University, USB).</li>
  19. <li><a href="fs-3412-usb-page/index.html">fs-3412-usb-page</a>: a site containing important information about the university course <b>F&iacute;sica Moderna II</b> (Modern Physics II) on the <b>Universidad Sim&oacute;n Bol&iacute;var</b> (Sim&oacute;n Bol&iacute;var University, USB).</li>
  20. <li><a href="misc/useful-software.html">Useful Software</a>: a list of software I use and that can totally recommend.</li>
  21. <li><a href="misc/squirrel.html">How to take care of a baby squirrel</a>: A guide with the experience my parents and I have in taking care of some baby squirrels. They are very special.</li>
  22. <li>...</li>
  23. </ul>
  24. <p><b>More pages comming soon!</b></p>
  25. <p>btw, to learn more HTML/CSS, check out these <a href="">tutorials</a>!</p>
  26. <p><b>Useful web related docs/tools:</b></p>
  27. <ul>
  28. <li><a href="">HTML 3.2 reference</a></li>
  29. <li><a href="">Learn HTML 3.2 with examples</a></li>
  30. <li><a href="">HTML 4.01 reference</a></li>
  31. <li><a href="">CSS Level 1 reference</a></li>
  32. <li><a href="">W3C HTML validator</a> - <a href="">W3C HTML validator Source</a> - <a href="">Nu HTML Checker</a></li>
  33. <li><a href="">W3C CSS validator</a> - <a href="">W3C CSS validator Repository</a></li>
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