gunicorn.service 1.1 KB

  1. # Usage:
  2. # ------
  3. #
  4. # 1. Place this file under /etc/systemd/system/
  5. # 2. Adjust the paths and other settings below if necessary
  6. # 3. Activate using: sudo systemctl enable gunicorn.service
  7. [Unit]
  8. Description=Gunicorn Service
  10. [Service]
  11. # Edit environment variables to match your installation
  12. # Environment=VAR1=...
  13. # Environment=VAR2=...
  14. # Edit to match your installation
  15. ExecStart=/usr/bin/gunicorn-3 --config /var/lib/trurl/mcfi/ --chdir /var/lib/trurl/mcfi mcfi:application
  16. # Run as user "trurl"
  17. User=trurl
  18. Group=gitosis
  19. Restart=on-abort
  20. # SuccessExitStatus=143
  21. ### By default, the service logs to journalctl only.
  22. ### If additional logging to a file is required, uncomment the following three lines
  23. # StandardOutput=syslog
  24. # StandardError=syslog
  25. # SyslogIdentifier=mcfi
  26. ### This logs to syslog. If, e.g., rsyslogd is used, you can provide a file
  27. ### /etc/rsyslog.d/mcfi.conf, consisting of the following two lines (uncommented)
  28. ### if $programname == 'mcfi' then /var/log/mcfi/stderrout.log
  29. ### if $programname == 'mcfi' then stop
  30. [Install]