123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194 |
- // This is based on the sprite example from piston-examples, available at https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/piston-examples
- use ai_behavior::{Action, Sequence, Wait, WaitForever, While};
- use ion_shell::{
- builtins::{BuiltinFunction, Status},
- types, Shell,
- };
- use piston_window::*;
- use sprite::*;
- use std::{cell::RefCell, fs::File, path::Path, rc::Rc};
- fn main() {
- // This is specific to piston. It does not matter
- // Skip to the next *****
- let (width, height) = (300, 300);
- let opengl = OpenGL::V3_2;
- let mut window: PistonWindow = WindowSettings::new("piston: sprite", (width, height))
- .exit_on_esc(true)
- .graphics_api(opengl)
- .build()
- .unwrap();
- let id;
- let scene = RefCell::new(Scene::new());
- let mut texture_context = TextureContext {
- factory: window.factory.clone(),
- encoder: window.factory.create_command_buffer().into(),
- };
- let tex = Rc::new(
- Texture::from_path(
- &mut texture_context,
- Path::new("./examples/rust.png"),
- Flip::None,
- &TextureSettings::new(),
- )
- .expect("This example is meant to be run in the crate's root"),
- );
- let mut sprite = Sprite::from_texture(tex.clone());
- sprite.set_position(width as f64 / 2.0, height as f64 / 2.0);
- id = scene.borrow_mut().add_child(sprite);
- // Run a sequence of animations.
- let seq = RefCell::new(Sequence(vec![
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::CubicOut, Box::new(ScaleTo(2.0, 0.5, 0.5)))),
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::BounceOut, Box::new(MoveBy(1.0, 0.0, 100.0)))),
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::ElasticOut, Box::new(MoveBy(2.0, 0.0, -100.0)))),
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::BackInOut, Box::new(MoveBy(1.0, 0.0, -100.0)))),
- Wait(0.5),
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::ExponentialInOut, Box::new(MoveBy(1.0, 0.0, 100.0)))),
- Action(Blink(1.0, 5)),
- While(
- Box::new(WaitForever),
- vec![
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::QuadraticIn, Box::new(FadeOut(1.0)))),
- Action(Ease(EaseFunction::QuadraticOut, Box::new(FadeIn(1.0)))),
- ],
- ),
- ]));
- scene.borrow_mut().run(id, &seq.borrow());
- let rotate =
- RefCell::new(Action(Ease(EaseFunction::ExponentialInOut, Box::new(RotateTo(2.0, 360.0)))));
- scene.borrow_mut().run(id, &rotate.borrow());
- // *****
- // Because the shell and your application generally live side by side, you won't be able to
- // create builtins satisfying at compile-time the rust borrowing rules
- //
- // A `RefCell` is generally the solution
- let colors = RefCell::new([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]);
- // Create a custom builtin.
- // Builtins provide means by which the user configuration can notify your application of a
- // change. You must provide a help description along with each one of them
- let toggle_animation_builtin: BuiltinFunction = &|_args, _shell| {
- let mut scene = scene.borrow_mut();
- scene.toggle(id, &seq.borrow());
- scene.toggle(id, &rotate.borrow());
- // The `Status` struct is an helper to avoid dealing with return codes and error messages
- // directly.
- //
- // Rather than printing to stdout and then to return 2, you can now leave the job to
- // ion and call Status::bad_argument(<error message>). Where possible, builtins should use
- // the helper
- Status::SUCCESS
- };
- // Another builtin
- let set_background_builtin: BuiltinFunction = &|args, _shell| {
- let inner = |colors: &[types::Str]| -> Result<_, std::num::ParseFloatError> {
- let red = colors[0].parse::<f32>()?;
- let green = colors[1].parse::<f32>()?;
- let blue = colors[2].parse::<f32>()?;
- let alpha = match colors.get(3) {
- Some(alpha) => Some(alpha.parse::<f32>()?),
- None => None,
- };
- Ok((red, green, blue, alpha))
- };
- if args.len() > 5 || args.len() < 4 {
- return Status::bad_argument(
- "Wrong number of arguments provided: please provide 3 or 4",
- );
- }
- match inner(&args[1..]) {
- Err(why) => Status::error(format!("Could not parse the input color: {}", why)),
- Ok((red, green, blue, alpha)) => {
- let colors = &mut colors.borrow_mut();
- colors[0] = red.max(0.).min(1.);
- colors[1] = green.max(0.).min(1.);
- colors[2] = blue.max(0.).min(1.);
- if let Some(alpha) = alpha {
- colors[3] = alpha.max(0.).min(1.);
- }
- Status::SUCCESS
- }
- }
- };
- // Create a shell with default configuration as well as recommended builtins
- let mut shell = Shell::default();
- // Register the builtins, along with a short help text available with the `help` builtin
- shell.builtins_mut().add("toggle", toggle_animation_builtin, "toggle the animation");
- shell.builtins_mut().add("set_background", set_background_builtin, "set the background color");
- // Add global variables
- //
- // Variables should generally provided along with callbacks to allow to user to react to
- // changes. We'll leave it out in this example for the sake of simplicity
- let size = window.size();
- shell.variables_mut().set("WINDOW_WIDTH", size.width.to_string());
- shell.variables_mut().set("WINDOW_HEIGHT", size.height.to_string());
- // Load the config file. This is where a user can register callbacks, prepare itself, and setup
- // your application. All builtins and variables should be registered at this point
- //
- // Check for a global and a per-user config (here it lives in the same git repo, but in a real
- // application it should probably go to the ~/.config folder, or the recommended location on
- // your OS)
- if let Ok(file) =
- File::open("window-config.ion").or_else(|_| File::open("./examples/window-config.ion"))
- {
- if let Err(why) = shell.execute_command(file) {
- eprintln!("window: error in config file: {}", why);
- }
- }
- // Your application execution
- while let Some(e) = window.next() {
- scene.borrow_mut().event(&e);
- window.draw_2d(&e, |c, g, _| {
- clear(colors.clone().into_inner(), g);
- scene.borrow_mut().draw(c.transform, g);
- });
- if e.render_args().is_some() {
- // Get the on_render function
- if let Some(function) = shell.get_func("on_render") {
- // and then call it. N.B.: the first argument must always be ion
- if let Err(why) = shell.execute_function(&function, &["ion"]) {
- // check for errors
- eprintln!("window example: error in on_render callback: {}", why);
- }
- }
- }
- if let Some(Button::Keyboard(key)) = e.press_args() {
- if let Some(function) = shell.get_func("on_key") {
- if let Err(why) =
- // provide a parameter for the callback
- shell.execute_function(&function, &["ion", &key.code().to_string()])
- {
- eprintln!("window example: error in on_key callback: {}", why);
- }
- }
- }
- if let Some([x, y]) = e.mouse_cursor_args() {
- if let Some(function) = shell.get_func("on_mouse") {
- if let Err(why) =
- shell.execute_function(&function, &["ion", &x.to_string(), &y.to_string()])
- {
- eprintln!("window example: error in on_mouse callback: {}", why);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }