Contributors MUST: Comply with the templates using conventional commit or explicitly reason why not
Contributors MUST:
cargo +nightly fmt
before creating a commitContributors MUST NOT:
Contributors SHOULD NOT:
cargo fmt
renders this a non-issueFeature addition to the code should be accompanied by unit and integration tests, in order to prevent issues from creating on refactoring in the future. Bug fixes should be combined with regression tests in order to prevent issues from re-occuring in the future.
If you see an area that deserves a test, feel free to add extra tests in your pull requests. When submitting new functionality, especially complex functionality, try to write as many tests as you can think of to cover all possible code paths that your function(s) might take. Integration tests are located in the tests directory, and are the most important place to create tests -- unit tests come second after the integration tests. Regression tests are both integration and unit tests, depending on the bug.
Integration tests are much more useful in general, as they cover real world use cases and stress larger portions of the code base at once. Yet unit tests still have their place, as they are able to test bits of functionality which may not necessarily be covered by existing integration tests.
In order to create unit tests for otherwise untestable code that depends on greater runtime specifics, you should likely write your functions to accept generic inputs, where unit tests can pass dummy types and environments into your functions for the purpose of testing the function, whereas in practice the function is hooked up to it's appropriate types.
Before submitting a merge request (MR) on GitLab, ensure that you've run your tests locally and that they pass. This can be done by running the following two commands:
cargo +nightly test --lib && bash tests/
In addition, format your code before submitting a MR. This will require that
you've installed the rustfmt
Cargo component.
cargo +nightly fmt
Now you're ready to submit your work for review!
Submitting your work on the Redox OS GitLab server can be done by creating a merge request (MR).
Important Make sure you enable commit edits from upstream members by clicking the "Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch" checkbox.
Send an email to to request invitation for joining the developer chatroom for Ion. Experience with Rust is not required for contributing to Ion. There are ways to contribute to Ion at all levels of experience, from writing scripts in Ion and reporting issues, to seeking mentorship on how to implement solutions for specific issues on the issue board.
In addition to the chatroom, there's a thread in the Redox forums that can be used for discussions relating to Ion and Ion shell development. These are mostly served by the GitHub issue board, but general discussions can take place there instead.