end4.tscn 2.0 KB

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  22. custom_colors/font_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
  23. custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 2 )
  24. text = "\"Today was another round of senators posting
  25. space law ideas from space. Funding to sunquake
  26. research, national interstellar travel program,
  27. mandatory certification of space personnel and
  28. space toilets. As well as regulation of space
  29. traffic, outlawing unauthorized colonization...
  30. oh, sorry, that was deleted 5 min ago.\"
  31. \"I think that solar thing got dizzy far from the
  32. sun and missed\"
  33. \"Alice, you are interfering\"
  34. \"umh\"
  35. \"At the question from Libre Space Now whether
  36. spaceships will still be considered military tech,
  37. Senator Shoulders answered on their FedMammoth:'Of
  38. course they will!'\"
  39. ...
  40. \"however, senators would like to oversee their
  41. programs in person once they return from Venus.
  42. and for better or worse, they travel with not
  43. exactly speed of light\"
  44. "
  45. script = ExtResource( 1 )
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