1. Problems:
  2. 1. some symbols broken for editor:
  3. all usb symbols
  4. 2. material is not chosen for PCB which impedes impedance-matching layout.
  5. 3. some components are not footprinted (like antenna connector)[now has a WIP FP]
  6. 4. some symbols are missing:
  7. mounting holes
  8. fiducials
  9. 5. adaptation usb port fp needs opt upgrade (and has awkward pin naming)
  10. Timeline:
  11. 1. syncing sch-pcb (No extra footprints, no missing fps, pin match)[YES?]
  12. 2. Assessing metacollin's layout work and checking design guides per part.
  13. 3. Doing and documenting some decisions. Rechecking sch AGAIN!
  14. 4. Placing stuff.
  15. 5. Routing stuff.
  16. Documentation is IMPORTANT cause you never know what happens next.
  17. Makes stuff clear.