#28 [Programming] layout diff viewer

6 anos atrás foi aberto por Houkime · 0 comentários

Eeshow allows to visualise the diff between sch. Now one needs to replicate it with pcb layout files. So the commit is easily inspectable.

It is harder to do, however one might as well use kicad builtin scripting possibilities to use native kicad rendering for this task.

Also as a variant one can go to kicad team and actually build the differ inside it.

Eeshow allows to visualise the diff between sch. Now one needs to replicate it with pcb layout files. So the commit is easily inspectable. It is harder to do, however one might as well use kicad builtin scripting possibilities to use native kicad rendering for this task. Also as a variant one can go to kicad team and actually build the differ inside it.
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