This page describes the intended way to navigate Moment to reach its full potential. It is intended for users who participate in hundrends of chat rooms and are active in many conversations at once.
If you receive a lot of messages that you would like to respond to, you may find it tedious to keep clicking on the room list. A quicker way is to press Ctrl+U to jump to the latest unread room.
When you are active in many rooms at once, it can be useful to switch between them quickly without needing to think which is which. For this purpose, Moment remembers recently visited rooms, and you can quickly navigate through the history using Ctrl+H and Ctrl+L. If you are struggling to keep up with many ongoing conversations, we recommend utilizing this history as much as possible.
You can use Ctrl+K to search for a room and switch to it. However, you may find that you keep searching for the same rooms again and again. There is a faster way which does not require typing out the name of a room: setting some custom keybindings for jumping to specific rooms.
For example, if you often talk in
, you may want to
set a custom binding Ctrl+G Ctrl+M for it. Right-click on it in the
room list and select "Copy room ID". Add the following entry to your
config file:
class Keys:
class Rooms:
class Direct:
"!" = ["Ctrl+G,Ctrl+M"]
Where !
is the id for
in this example.
Unlike using Ctrl+K, this approach is independent of room name changes. For example, when another user changes their display name, the DM room name would change, but not the ID, so the keybinding remains functional.
We suggest setting memorable keybindings. In the above example,
Ctrl+G Ctrl+M could mean "Go to Moment". Note that key chords in
Moment can be as long as you want - for example, you could have
Ctrl+G Ctrl+M Ctrl+O for
Ctrl+G Ctrl+M Ctrl+A for