script.rpy 4.1 KB

  1. # The script of the game goes in this file.
  2. # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
  3. # name of the character.
  4. define e = Character("Eileen")
  5. define you = Character("You")
  6. define ob = Character("One of the Boys")
  7. define too = Character("The Other One")
  8. define tso = Character("The Shorter One")
  9. # The game starts here.
  10. label start:
  11. # Show a background. This uses a placeholder by default, but you can
  12. # add a file (named either "bg room.png" or "bg room.jpg") to the
  13. # images directory to show it.
  14. #scene bg room
  15. # This shows a character sprite. A placeholder is used, but you can
  16. # replace it by adding a file named "eileen happy.png" to the images
  17. # directory.
  18. #show eileen happy
  19. scene bg street
  20. "You walk a street a cloudy day"
  21. "A battery lies in your way"
  22. menu:
  23. "A choice of no choice, to warm you up"
  24. "it feels you can only pick up":
  25. jump picked_up
  26. label picked_up:
  27. show bg battery
  28. "Some plumbum and acid, in brighter green pack"
  29. you "It looks like a snack!"
  30. "Caressing with fingers, it feels like 3 volts"
  31. "..."
  32. show bg street far white
  33. "But farther away, you notice some boys..."
  34. ob "Hey! I am a girl!"
  35. show bg street far pink
  36. "... Oops! It is hard to tell! Sorry!..."
  37. show bg street both
  38. "Approaching you, the duo slows down"
  39. "Your pupils go wide, while pants going brown"
  40. show bg street tso
  41. tso "I got to git push today!"
  42. tso "the milestone is closer away!"
  43. tso "By being productive and such"
  44. tso "I power conserve very much!"
  45. tso "without the further debate"
  46. menu:
  47. tso "Would you be so kind to donate?"
  48. "Oh wonderful person you are":
  49. jump wonderful_person
  50. "But i need the pack not to starve":
  51. jump dont_starve
  52. label wonderful_person:
  53. you "Oh wonderful person you are"
  54. you "Progressing so fast must be hard!"
  55. you "You can have the pack and a rack"
  56. you "And lithium cells from my back!"
  57. show bg street too
  58. too "I will record this gift on the Slab!"
  59. too "Power saving births wonderful love!"
  60. show bg black
  61. "..."
  62. show bg tree
  63. "You went to the high lonely tree"
  64. "The one that's dry and so free"
  65. "Your head pushed the bark the so dark"
  66. "Your eyes went to stars the so stark"
  67. "Your mind got at ease with the knees"
  68. "Your thoughts turned to sloshable seas"
  69. you "until TSO changes the world"
  70. you "I will go to Save Power mode"
  71. show bg black
  72. "Fingers crossed. END."
  73. return
  74. label dont_starve:
  75. you "But i need the pack not to starve"
  76. tso "Alright"
  77. show bg street too
  78. too "Power saving means love!"
  79. too "Your oil is dripping"
  80. too "Just work at bookkeeping!"
  81. too "OS gives you voltage for free!"
  82. too "oh, do you have modded knees?"
  83. you "..."
  84. too "These aren't *certified*, they waste a lot of heat!"
  85. too "And also they don't count the steps that we permit!"
  86. too "Don't worry, we will fix this"
  87. too "I called the fixer-mixers"
  88. show bg street mixers
  89. "... plated with armor..."
  90. "... persuasive with knifes..."
  91. menu:
  92. "Conserving the power?":
  93. jump conserve
  94. "Or saving your life?":
  95. jump run
  96. label conserve:
  97. show bg black
  98. you "My feelings got faded"
  99. you "My mind has evaded"
  100. show bg head
  101. you "But all of this was long before"
  102. you "Bookkeeping upgraded"
  103. you "My standing and credits"
  104. you "And i don't need legs anymore!"
  105. show bg black
  106. "... Turns out your head doesn't need a lot of power. END"
  107. return
  108. label run:
  109. show bg black
  110. "Them trying to mix you"
  111. "You running away"
  112. show bg final
  113. "Nobody has fixed you"
  114. "..."
  115. "But future still may"
  116. show bg black
  117. "END"
  118. return