.jwmrc 9.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <JWM>
  3. <!-- || JWM config || -->
  4. <!--
  5. ________
  6. __| __ _|_ --|| About ||--
  7. \ \ / / / __| Vestylon 20210502.01
  8. \ \/ / / /|
  9. \ / / / | by Jayvee Enaguas (HarvettFox96)
  10. |\/ / / | <harvettfox96@dismail.de>
  11. |__/ / |
  12. |___/ | The config file for Joe's Window Manager (JWM)
  13. |________| on *nix systems.
  14. -->
  15. <!-- --|| Appearance ||-- -->
  16. <!-- ----|| Icons ||---- -->
  17. <!-- Global: -->
  18. <IconPath>/usr/share/</IconPath>
  19. <!-- GNOME: -->
  20. <IconPath>/usr/share/icons/gnome/</IconPath>
  21. <!-- Default icon: -->
  22. <DefaultIcon>./32x32/mimetypes/exec.png</DefaultIcon>
  23. <!-- ----|| Desktop ||---- -->
  24. <Desktops width="2" height="1">
  25. <Background type="command">nitrogen --restore;</Background>
  26. </Desktops>
  27. <!-- ----|| Panel ||---- -->
  28. <TrayStyle>
  29. <!-- Colour: -->
  30. <!-- Compositor to handle opacity is required. -->
  31. <Opacity>1.00</Opacity>
  32. <Background>#1F1F1F</Background>
  33. <Foreground>white</Foreground>
  34. <Outline>#1F1F1F</Outline>
  35. <Active>
  36. <Background>#3FFF6F</Background>
  37. <Foreground>#1F1F1F</Foreground>
  38. </Active>
  39. <!-- Font: -->
  40. <Font>Oxanium-10</Font>
  41. </TrayStyle>
  42. <!-- ----|| Desktop pager ||---- -->
  43. <PagerStyle>
  44. <!-- Colour: -->
  45. <Background>#DF8F2F</Background>
  46. <Foreground>#EFEFEF</Foreground>
  47. <Outline>#1F1F1F</Outline>
  48. <Active>
  49. <Background>#FFCF3F</Background>
  50. <Foreground>white</Foreground>
  51. </Active>
  52. </PagerStyle>
  53. <!-- ----|| Window ||---- -->
  54. <WindowStyle>
  55. <!-- Geometry: -->
  56. <Width>4</Width>
  57. <Height>22</Height>
  58. <Corner>3</Corner>
  59. <!-- Colour: -->
  60. <!-- Compositor to handle opacity is required. -->
  61. <Opacity>1.00</Opacity>
  62. <Background>#EFEFEF</Background>
  63. <Foreground>#7F7F7F</Foreground>
  64. <Outline>#BFBFBF</Outline>
  65. <Active>
  66. <Opacity>1.00</Opacity>
  67. <Background>#3FFF6F</Background>
  68. <Foreground>#1F1F1F</Foreground>
  69. <Outline>#0F9F5F</Outline>
  70. </Active>
  71. <!-- Font: -->
  72. <Font>Oxanium-10</Font>
  73. </WindowStyle>
  74. <!-- ----|| Menu ||---- -->
  75. <MenuStyle>
  76. <!-- Colour: -->
  77. <!-- Compositor to handle opacity is required. -->
  78. <Opacity>1.00</Opacity>
  79. <Background>white</Background>
  80. <Foreground>#1F1F1F</Foreground>
  81. <Outline>#BFBFBF</Outline>
  82. <Active>
  83. <Background>#3FFF6F</Background>
  84. <Foreground>#1F1F1F</Foreground>
  85. </Active>
  86. <!-- Font: -->
  87. <Font>Barlow-10</Font>
  88. </MenuStyle>
  89. <!-- ----|| Tool-tip ||---- -->
  90. <PopupStyle delay="250">
  91. <!-- Colour: -->
  92. <Background>#1F1F1F</Background>
  93. <Foreground>white</Foreground>
  94. <Outline>#7F7F7F</Outline>
  95. <!-- Font: -->
  96. <Font>Barlow-10</Font>
  97. </PopupStyle>
  98. <!-- --|| Placement ||-- -->
  99. <!-- ----|| Panel ||---- -->
  100. <Tray valign="top" height="30">
  101. <TrayButton icon="./24x24/devices/computer.png" popup="Show or hide menu">root:1</TrayButton>
  102. <Clock width="48" format="%-H:%M">exec:gsimplecal;</Clock>
  103. <TrayButton icon="./24x24/places/desktop.png" popup="Show or hide all windows on the desktop">showdesktop</TrayButton>
  104. <Spacer width="4"/>
  105. <TaskList labeled="false"/>
  106. <Spacer width="4"/>
  107. <Dock/>
  108. <Spacer width="4"/>
  109. <Pager/>
  110. </Tray>
  111. <!-- ----|| Menu ||---- -->
  112. <RootMenu onroot="13" height="14">
  113. <Program icon="./16x16/actions/system-run.png" label="Run...">[ `command -v gmrun` ] && gmrun || dmenu_run -b -nb "#1F1F1F" -nf white -sb "#3FFF6F" -sf "#1F1F1F" -fn "Modern DOS 8x16-12";</Program>
  114. <Program icon="./16x16/apps/terminal.png" label="Terminal">xterm;</Program>
  115. <Separator/>
  116. <Include>exec:xdg_menu --root-menu "/etc/xdg/menus/hyperbola-applications.menu" --format jwm --fullmenu;</Include>
  117. <Separator/>
  118. <Restart icon="./16x16/actions/reload.png" label="Refresh JWM"/>
  119. <Exit icon="./16x16/actions/exit.png" label="Exit JWM"/>
  120. </RootMenu>
  121. <!-- --|| Window ||-- -->
  122. <!-- ----|| Behaviour ||---- -->
  123. <!-- Focus mode: -->
  124. <FocusModel>click</FocusModel>
  125. <!-- Move and resize indicators: -->
  126. <MoveMode coordinates="off"/>
  127. <ResizeMode coordinates="window"/>
  128. <!-- Snap mode and distance: -->
  129. <SnapMode distance="4"/>
  130. <!-- ----|| Class ||---- -->
  131. <!-- Global: -->
  132. <Group>
  133. <!-- Keep all centre in position. -->
  134. <Option>centered</Option>
  135. </Group>
  136. <!-- gmrun: -->
  137. <Group>
  138. <Name>gmrun</Name>
  139. <!-- Keep above in layer. -->
  140. <Option>layer:above</Option>
  141. <!-- Keep on every page of the desktop. -->
  142. <Option>sticky</Option>
  143. <!-- Hide task list in the panel. -->
  144. <Option>nolist</Option>
  145. <!-- Hide in the desktop pager. -->
  146. <Option>nopager</Option>
  147. <!-- Hide title bar. -->
  148. <Option>notitle</Option>
  149. <!-- Hide border. -->
  150. <Option>noborder</Option>
  151. <!-- Don't minimize. -->
  152. <Option>nomin</Option>
  153. <!-- Don't roll-up. -->
  154. <Option>noshade</Option>
  155. <!-- Don't drag while moving or resizing. -->
  156. <Option>nodrag</Option>
  157. <!-- Don't move. -->
  158. <Option>nomove</Option>
  159. <!-- Don't switch to full screen. -->
  160. <Option>nofullscreen</Option>
  161. </Group>
  162. <!-- gsimplecal: -->
  163. <Group>
  164. <Name>gsimplecal</Name>
  165. <!-- Hide in the desktop pager. -->
  166. <Option>nopager</Option>
  167. <!-- Don't minimize. -->
  168. <Option>nomin</Option>
  169. <!-- Don't roll-up. -->
  170. <Option>noshade</Option>
  171. <!-- Don't drag while moving or resizing. -->
  172. <Option>nodrag</Option>
  173. <!-- Don't move. -->
  174. <Option>nomove</Option>
  175. <!-- Don't switch to full screen. -->
  176. <Option>nofullscreen</Option>
  177. </Group>
  178. <!-- --|| Binding ||-- -->
  179. <!-- ----|| Navigation ||---- -->
  180. <!-- Directional keys: -->
  181. <Key key="Up">up</Key>
  182. <Key key="Down">down</Key>
  183. <Key key="Left">left</Key>
  184. <Key key="Right">right</Key>
  185. <!-- Confirm key: -->
  186. <Key key="Return">select</Key>
  187. <!-- Cancel key: -->
  188. <Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
  189. <!-- ----|| Window ||---- -->
  190. <!-- Menu: -->
  191. <Key mask="A" key="space">window</Key>
  192. <!-- Minimize: -->
  193. <Key mask="4" key="Down">minimize</Key>
  194. <!-- Close: -->
  195. <Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
  196. <!-- Next in stacking order: -->
  197. <Key mask="A" key="Tab">nextstacked</Key>
  198. <!-- Previous in stacking order: -->
  199. <Key mask="SA" key="Tab">prevstacked</Key>
  200. <!-- Show or hide all windows on the desktop: -->
  201. <Key mask="4" key="D">showdesktop</Key>
  202. <!-- ----|| Session ||---- -->
  203. <!-- Lock session via screen locker (slock): -->
  204. <Key mask="4" key="l">exec:slock;</Key>
  205. <!-- Refresh JWM: -->
  206. <Key mask="S4" key="R">restart</Key>
  207. <!-- Exit JWM: -->
  208. <Key mask="S4" key="Q">exit</Key>
  209. <!-- ----|| Screencap ||---- -->
  210. <!-- Screencap in the desktop: -->
  211. <Key key="Print">exec:scrot -z "$HOME/screencap-desktop-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S.png" -e "play -qn synth 0.05 sin F6 sin C7 delay 0 0.075 vol 0.75";</Key>
  212. <!-- Screencap in the current window: -->
  213. <Key mask="S" key="Print">exec:scrot -buz "$HOME/screencap-window-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S.png" -e "play -qn synth 0.05 sin F6 sin C7 delay 0 0.075 vol 0.75";</Key>
  214. <!-- ----|| Programme ||---- -->
  215. <!-- Run command (gmrun or dmenu_run (fallback)): -->
  216. <Key mask="4" key="R">exec:[ `command -v gmrun` ] && gmrun || dmenu_run -b -nb "#1F1F1F" -nf white -sb "#3FFF6F" -sf "#1F1F1F" -fn "Modern DOS 8x16-12";</Key>
  217. <!-- File manager (GNU Midnight Commander) via terminal: -->
  218. <Key mask="A4" key="E">exec:xterm -e "mc";</Key>
  219. <!-- System monitor (htop) via terminal: -->
  220. <Key mask="S4" key="Delete">exec:xterm -e "htop";</Key>
  221. <!-- Terminal (XTerm): -->
  222. <Key mask="4" key="T">exec:xterm;</Key>
  223. <!-- File manager (X File Explorer or FOX PathFinder (fallback)): -->
  224. <Key mask="4" key="E">exec:[ `command -v xfe` ] && xfe || PathFinder;</Key>
  225. <!-- BleachBit: -->
  226. <!-- If used, uncomment in Key tag below to enable. -->
  227. <!-- Key mask="4" key="Delete">exec:bleachbit;</Key -->
  228. <!-- ----|| Accessbility ||---- -->
  229. <!-- Magnifier (xmag): -->
  230. <Key mask="4" key="M">exec:xmag;</Key>
  231. <!-- ----|| Audio ||---- -->
  232. <!-- Increase master volume by 5%. -->
  233. <Key key="XF86AudioRaiseVolume">exec:amixer -q set "Master" 5%+;</Key>
  234. <!-- Decrease master volume by 5%. -->
  235. <Key key="XF86AudioRaiseVolume">exec:amixer -q set "Master" 5%+;</Key>
  236. <!-- Toggle to mute or unmute master volume -->
  237. <Key key="XF86AudioMute">exec:amixer -q set "Master" toggle;</Key>
  238. <!-- Audio mixer (PulseAudio): -->
  239. <!-- If used, uncomment in Key tag below to enable. -->
  240. <!-- Key mask="4" key="V">exec:pavucontrol;</Key -->
  241. <!-- Audio mixer (ALSA) via terminal: -->
  242. <Key mask="S4" key="V">exec:xterm -e "alsamixer";</Key>
  243. <!-- ----|| Display ||---- -->
  244. <!-- For portable devices only. -->
  245. <!-- Increase brightness: -->
  246. <Key mask="S4" key="plus">exec:xbacklight -inc 5 -time 125</Key>
  247. <!-- Decrease brightness: -->
  248. <Key mask="S4" key="underscore">exec:xbacklight -dec 5 -time 125</Key>
  249. <!-- --|| Session ||-- -->
  250. <!-- ----|| Start-up ||---- -->
  251. <!-- Launch compositor (compton) as daemon. -->
  252. <StartupCommand>compton -b;</StartupCommand>
  253. <!-- Launch system monitor widget (conky) as daemon. -->
  254. <!-- If used, uncomment in StartupCommand tag below to enable. -->
  255. <!-- StartupCommand>conky -d;</StartupCommand -->
  256. <!-- Launch audio mixer (volwheel) as the tray icon in the panel. -->
  257. <StartupCommand>volwheel;</StartupCommand>
  258. <!-- Launch clipboard manager (Parcellite) as the tray icon in the panel. -->
  259. <StartupCommand>parcellite;</StartupCommand>
  260. <!-- Launch battery indicator (Parcellite) as the tray icon in the panel. -->
  261. <StartupCommand>cbatticon -l 15 -r 5 -c "doas poweroff";</StartupCommand>
  262. <!-- Synchronize display off timer. -->
  263. <StartupCommand>xset s `cat "/sys/module/kernel/parameters/consoleblank"`;</StartupCommand>
  264. <!-- Inactive before locking session via screen locker, launching screen saver, or both. -->
  265. <StartupCommand>xautolock -locker slock -time 5;</StartupCommand>
  266. <!-- ----|| Refresh ||---- -->
  267. <!-- Relaunch compositor (compton) as daemon. -->
  268. <RestartCommand>pkill -9 compton; compton -b;</RestartCommand>
  269. </JWM>