package.json 10 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "sequelize",
  3. "description": "Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM tool for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift and Snowflake’s Data Cloud. It features solid transaction support, relations, eager and lazy loading, read replication and more.",
  4. "version": "6.19.0",
  5. "funding": [
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  7. "type": "opencollective",
  8. "url": ""
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  144. "keywords": [
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  147. "sqlite",
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  158. "nodejs",
  159. "object relational mapper",
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  219. "test-integration": "yarn mocha \"test/integration/**/*.test.[tj]s\"",
  220. "teaser": "node test/teaser.js",
  221. "test": "npm run prepare && npm run test-typings && npm run teaser && npm run test-unit && npm run test-integration",
  222. "----------------------------------------- coverage ------------------------------------------------": "",
  223. "cover": "rimraf coverage && npm run teaser && npm run cover-integration && npm run cover-unit && npm run merge-coverage",
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  226. "merge-coverage": "lcov-result-merger \"coverage/*.info\" \"coverage/\"",
  227. "----------------------------------------- local test dbs ------------------------------------------": "",
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  229. "start-mysql": "bash dev/mysql/5.7/",
  230. "start-mysql-8": "bash dev/mysql/8.0/",
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  232. "start-mssql": "bash dev/mssql/2019/",
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  238. "stop-mssql": "bash dev/mssql/2019/",
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  243. "restart-mssql": "npm run start-mssql",
  244. "restart-db2": "npm run start-db2",
  245. "----------------------------------------- local tests ---------------------------------------------": "",
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  247. "test-unit-mysql": "cross-env DIALECT=mysql npm run test-unit",
  248. "test-unit-postgres": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres npm run test-unit",
  249. "test-unit-postgres-native": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres-native npm run test-unit",
  250. "test-unit-sqlite": "cross-env DIALECT=sqlite npm run test-unit",
  251. "test-unit-mssql": "cross-env DIALECT=mssql npm run test-unit",
  252. "test-unit-db2": "cross-env DIALECT=db2 npm run test-unit",
  253. "test-unit-snowflake": "cross-env DIALECT=snowflake npm run test-unit",
  254. "test-unit-all": "npm run test-unit-mariadb && npm run test-unit-mysql && npm run test-unit-postgres && npm run test-unit-postgres-native && npm run test-unit-mssql && npm run test-unit-sqlite && npm run test-unit-snowflake && npm run test-unit-db2",
  255. "test-integration-mariadb": "cross-env DIALECT=mariadb npm run test-integration",
  256. "test-integration-mysql": "cross-env DIALECT=mysql npm run test-integration",
  257. "test-integration-postgres": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres npm run test-integration",
  258. "test-integration-postgres-native": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres-native npm run test-integration",
  259. "test-integration-sqlite": "cross-env DIALECT=sqlite npm run test-integration",
  260. "test-integration-mssql": "cross-env DIALECT=mssql npm run test-integration",
  261. "test-integration-db2": "cross-env DIALECT=db2 npm run test-integration",
  262. "test-integration-snowflake": "cross-env DIALECT=snowflake npm run test-integration",
  263. "test-mariadb": "cross-env DIALECT=mariadb npm test",
  264. "test-mysql": "cross-env DIALECT=mysql npm test",
  265. "test-sqlite": "cross-env DIALECT=sqlite npm test",
  266. "test-postgres": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres npm test",
  267. "test-postgres-native": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres-native npm test",
  268. "test-mssql": "cross-env DIALECT=mssql npm test",
  269. "test-db2": "cross-env DIALECT=db2 npm test",
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  273. "sscce-mysql": "cross-env DIALECT=mysql node sscce.js",
  274. "sscce-postgres": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres node sscce.js",
  275. "sscce-postgres-native": "cross-env DIALECT=postgres-native node sscce.js",
  276. "sscce-sqlite": "cross-env DIALECT=sqlite node sscce.js",
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  279. "prepare": "npm run build && husky install",
  280. "build": "node ./build.js",
  281. "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------": ""
  282. },
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