inflection.js 31 KB

  1. /*!
  2. * inflection
  3. * Copyright(c) 2011 Ben Lin <>
  4. * MIT Licensed
  5. *
  6. * @fileoverview
  7. * A port of inflection-js to node.js module.
  8. */
  9. ( function ( root, factory ){
  10. if( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ){
  11. define([], factory );
  12. }else if( typeof exports === 'object' ){
  13. module.exports = factory();
  14. }else{
  15. root.inflection = factory();
  16. }
  17. }( this, function (){
  18. /**
  19. * @description This is a list of nouns that use the same form for both singular and plural.
  20. * This list should remain entirely in lower case to correctly match Strings.
  21. * @private
  22. */
  23. var uncountable_words = [
  24. // 'access',
  25. 'accommodation',
  26. 'adulthood',
  27. 'advertising',
  28. 'advice',
  29. 'aggression',
  30. 'aid',
  31. 'air',
  32. 'aircraft',
  33. 'alcohol',
  34. 'anger',
  35. 'applause',
  36. 'arithmetic',
  37. // 'art',
  38. 'assistance',
  39. 'athletics',
  40. // 'attention',
  41. 'bacon',
  42. 'baggage',
  43. // 'ballet',
  44. // 'beauty',
  45. 'beef',
  46. // 'beer',
  47. // 'behavior',
  48. 'biology',
  49. // 'billiards',
  50. 'blood',
  51. 'botany',
  52. // 'bowels',
  53. 'bread',
  54. // 'business',
  55. 'butter',
  56. 'carbon',
  57. 'cardboard',
  58. 'cash',
  59. 'chalk',
  60. 'chaos',
  61. 'chess',
  62. 'crossroads',
  63. 'countryside',
  64. // 'damage',
  65. 'dancing',
  66. // 'danger',
  67. 'deer',
  68. // 'delight',
  69. // 'dessert',
  70. 'dignity',
  71. 'dirt',
  72. // 'distribution',
  73. 'dust',
  74. 'economics',
  75. 'education',
  76. 'electricity',
  77. // 'employment',
  78. // 'energy',
  79. 'engineering',
  80. 'enjoyment',
  81. // 'entertainment',
  82. 'envy',
  83. 'equipment',
  84. 'ethics',
  85. 'evidence',
  86. 'evolution',
  87. // 'failure',
  88. // 'faith',
  89. 'fame',
  90. 'fiction',
  91. // 'fish',
  92. 'flour',
  93. 'flu',
  94. 'food',
  95. // 'freedom',
  96. // 'fruit',
  97. 'fuel',
  98. 'fun',
  99. // 'funeral',
  100. 'furniture',
  101. 'gallows',
  102. 'garbage',
  103. 'garlic',
  104. // 'gas',
  105. 'genetics',
  106. // 'glass',
  107. 'gold',
  108. 'golf',
  109. 'gossip',
  110. // 'grass',
  111. 'gratitude',
  112. 'grief',
  113. // 'ground',
  114. 'guilt',
  115. 'gymnastics',
  116. // 'hair',
  117. 'happiness',
  118. 'hardware',
  119. 'harm',
  120. 'hate',
  121. 'hatred',
  122. 'health',
  123. 'heat',
  124. // 'height',
  125. 'help',
  126. 'homework',
  127. 'honesty',
  128. 'honey',
  129. 'hospitality',
  130. 'housework',
  131. 'humour',
  132. 'hunger',
  133. 'hydrogen',
  134. 'ice',
  135. 'importance',
  136. 'inflation',
  137. 'information',
  138. // 'injustice',
  139. 'innocence',
  140. // 'intelligence',
  141. 'iron',
  142. 'irony',
  143. 'jam',
  144. // 'jealousy',
  145. // 'jelly',
  146. 'jewelry',
  147. // 'joy',
  148. 'judo',
  149. // 'juice',
  150. // 'justice',
  151. 'karate',
  152. // 'kindness',
  153. 'knowledge',
  154. // 'labour',
  155. 'lack',
  156. // 'land',
  157. 'laughter',
  158. 'lava',
  159. 'leather',
  160. 'leisure',
  161. 'lightning',
  162. 'linguine',
  163. 'linguini',
  164. 'linguistics',
  165. 'literature',
  166. 'litter',
  167. 'livestock',
  168. 'logic',
  169. 'loneliness',
  170. // 'love',
  171. 'luck',
  172. 'luggage',
  173. 'macaroni',
  174. 'machinery',
  175. 'magic',
  176. // 'mail',
  177. 'management',
  178. 'mankind',
  179. 'marble',
  180. 'mathematics',
  181. 'mayonnaise',
  182. 'measles',
  183. // 'meat',
  184. // 'metal',
  185. 'methane',
  186. 'milk',
  187. 'minus',
  188. 'money',
  189. // 'moose',
  190. 'mud',
  191. 'music',
  192. 'mumps',
  193. 'nature',
  194. 'news',
  195. 'nitrogen',
  196. 'nonsense',
  197. 'nurture',
  198. 'nutrition',
  199. 'obedience',
  200. 'obesity',
  201. // 'oil',
  202. 'oxygen',
  203. // 'paper',
  204. // 'passion',
  205. 'pasta',
  206. 'patience',
  207. // 'permission',
  208. 'physics',
  209. 'poetry',
  210. 'pollution',
  211. 'poverty',
  212. // 'power',
  213. 'pride',
  214. // 'production',
  215. // 'progress',
  216. // 'pronunciation',
  217. 'psychology',
  218. 'publicity',
  219. 'punctuation',
  220. // 'quality',
  221. // 'quantity',
  222. 'quartz',
  223. 'racism',
  224. // 'rain',
  225. // 'recreation',
  226. 'relaxation',
  227. 'reliability',
  228. 'research',
  229. 'respect',
  230. 'revenge',
  231. 'rice',
  232. 'rubbish',
  233. 'rum',
  234. 'safety',
  235. // 'salad',
  236. // 'salt',
  237. // 'sand',
  238. // 'satire',
  239. 'scenery',
  240. 'seafood',
  241. 'seaside',
  242. 'series',
  243. 'shame',
  244. 'sheep',
  245. 'shopping',
  246. // 'silence',
  247. 'sleep',
  248. // 'slang'
  249. 'smoke',
  250. 'smoking',
  251. 'snow',
  252. 'soap',
  253. 'software',
  254. 'soil',
  255. // 'sorrow',
  256. // 'soup',
  257. 'spaghetti',
  258. // 'speed',
  259. 'species',
  260. // 'spelling',
  261. // 'sport',
  262. 'steam',
  263. // 'strength',
  264. 'stuff',
  265. 'stupidity',
  266. // 'success',
  267. // 'sugar',
  268. 'sunshine',
  269. 'symmetry',
  270. // 'tea',
  271. 'tennis',
  272. 'thirst',
  273. 'thunder',
  274. 'timber',
  275. // 'time',
  276. // 'toast',
  277. // 'tolerance',
  278. // 'trade',
  279. 'traffic',
  280. 'transportation',
  281. // 'travel',
  282. 'trust',
  283. // 'understanding',
  284. 'underwear',
  285. 'unemployment',
  286. 'unity',
  287. // 'usage',
  288. 'validity',
  289. 'veal',
  290. 'vegetation',
  291. 'vegetarianism',
  292. 'vengeance',
  293. 'violence',
  294. // 'vision',
  295. 'vitality',
  296. 'warmth',
  297. // 'water',
  298. 'wealth',
  299. 'weather',
  300. // 'weight',
  301. 'welfare',
  302. 'wheat',
  303. // 'whiskey',
  304. // 'width',
  305. 'wildlife',
  306. // 'wine',
  307. 'wisdom',
  308. // 'wood',
  309. // 'wool',
  310. // 'work',
  311. // 'yeast',
  312. 'yoga',
  313. 'zinc',
  314. 'zoology'
  315. ];
  316. /**
  317. * @description These rules translate from the singular form of a noun to its plural form.
  318. * @private
  319. */
  320. var regex = {
  321. plural : {
  322. men : new RegExp( '^(m|wom)en$' , 'gi' ),
  323. people : new RegExp( '(pe)ople$' , 'gi' ),
  324. children : new RegExp( '(child)ren$' , 'gi' ),
  325. tia : new RegExp( '([ti])a$' , 'gi' ),
  326. analyses : new RegExp( '((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$','gi' ),
  327. drives : new RegExp( '(drive)s$' , 'gi' ),
  328. hives : new RegExp( '(hi|ti)ves$' , 'gi' ),
  329. curves : new RegExp( '(curve)s$' , 'gi' ),
  330. lrves : new RegExp( '([lr])ves$' , 'gi' ),
  331. aves : new RegExp( '([a])ves$' , 'gi' ),
  332. foves : new RegExp( '([^fo])ves$' , 'gi' ),
  333. movies : new RegExp( '(m)ovies$' , 'gi' ),
  334. aeiouyies : new RegExp( '([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$' , 'gi' ),
  335. series : new RegExp( '(s)eries$' , 'gi' ),
  336. xes : new RegExp( '(x|ch|ss|sh)es$' , 'gi' ),
  337. mice : new RegExp( '([m|l])ice$' , 'gi' ),
  338. buses : new RegExp( '(bus)es$' , 'gi' ),
  339. oes : new RegExp( '(o)es$' , 'gi' ),
  340. shoes : new RegExp( '(shoe)s$' , 'gi' ),
  341. crises : new RegExp( '(cris|ax|test)es$' , 'gi' ),
  342. octopuses : new RegExp( '(octop|vir)uses$' , 'gi' ),
  343. aliases : new RegExp( '(alias|canvas|status|campus)es$', 'gi' ),
  344. summonses : new RegExp( '^(summons|bonus)es$' , 'gi' ),
  345. oxen : new RegExp( '^(ox)en' , 'gi' ),
  346. matrices : new RegExp( '(matr)ices$' , 'gi' ),
  347. vertices : new RegExp( '(vert|ind)ices$' , 'gi' ),
  348. feet : new RegExp( '^feet$' , 'gi' ),
  349. teeth : new RegExp( '^teeth$' , 'gi' ),
  350. geese : new RegExp( '^geese$' , 'gi' ),
  351. quizzes : new RegExp( '(quiz)zes$' , 'gi' ),
  352. whereases : new RegExp( '^(whereas)es$' , 'gi' ),
  353. criteria : new RegExp( '^(criteri)a$' , 'gi' ),
  354. genera : new RegExp( '^genera$' , 'gi' ),
  355. ss : new RegExp( 'ss$' , 'gi' ),
  356. s : new RegExp( 's$' , 'gi' )
  357. },
  358. singular : {
  359. man : new RegExp( '^(m|wom)an$' , 'gi' ),
  360. person : new RegExp( '(pe)rson$' , 'gi' ),
  361. child : new RegExp( '(child)$' , 'gi' ),
  362. drive : new RegExp( '(drive)$' , 'gi' ),
  363. ox : new RegExp( '^(ox)$' , 'gi' ),
  364. axis : new RegExp( '(ax|test)is$' , 'gi' ),
  365. octopus : new RegExp( '(octop|vir)us$' , 'gi' ),
  366. alias : new RegExp( '(alias|status|canvas|campus)$', 'gi' ),
  367. summons : new RegExp( '^(summons|bonus)$' , 'gi' ),
  368. bus : new RegExp( '(bu)s$' , 'gi' ),
  369. buffalo : new RegExp( '(buffal|tomat|potat)o$' , 'gi' ),
  370. tium : new RegExp( '([ti])um$' , 'gi' ),
  371. sis : new RegExp( 'sis$' , 'gi' ),
  372. ffe : new RegExp( '(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$' , 'gi' ),
  373. hive : new RegExp( '(hi|ti)ve$' , 'gi' ),
  374. aeiouyy : new RegExp( '([^aeiouy]|qu)y$' , 'gi' ),
  375. x : new RegExp( '(x|ch|ss|sh)$' , 'gi' ),
  376. matrix : new RegExp( '(matr)ix$' , 'gi' ),
  377. vertex : new RegExp( '(vert|ind)ex$' , 'gi' ),
  378. mouse : new RegExp( '([m|l])ouse$' , 'gi' ),
  379. foot : new RegExp( '^foot$' , 'gi' ),
  380. tooth : new RegExp( '^tooth$' , 'gi' ),
  381. goose : new RegExp( '^goose$' , 'gi' ),
  382. quiz : new RegExp( '(quiz)$' , 'gi' ),
  383. whereas : new RegExp( '^(whereas)$' , 'gi' ),
  384. criterion : new RegExp( '^(criteri)on$' , 'gi' ),
  385. genus : new RegExp( '^genus$' , 'gi' ),
  386. s : new RegExp( 's$' , 'gi' ),
  387. common : new RegExp( '$' , 'gi' )
  388. }
  389. };
  390. var plural_rules = [
  391. // do not replace if its already a plural word
  392. [ ],
  393. [ regex.plural.people ],
  394. [ regex.plural.children ],
  395. [ regex.plural.tia ],
  396. [ regex.plural.analyses ],
  397. [ regex.plural.drives ],
  398. [ regex.plural.hives ],
  399. [ regex.plural.curves ],
  400. [ regex.plural.lrves ],
  401. [ regex.plural.foves ],
  402. [ regex.plural.aeiouyies ],
  403. [ regex.plural.series ],
  404. [ regex.plural.movies ],
  405. [ regex.plural.xes ],
  406. [ regex.plural.mice ],
  407. [ regex.plural.buses ],
  408. [ regex.plural.oes ],
  409. [ ],
  410. [ regex.plural.crises ],
  411. [ regex.plural.octopuses ],
  412. [ regex.plural.aliases ],
  413. [ regex.plural.summonses ],
  414. [ regex.plural.oxen ],
  415. [ regex.plural.matrices ],
  416. [ regex.plural.feet ],
  417. [ regex.plural.teeth ],
  418. [ regex.plural.geese ],
  419. [ regex.plural.quizzes ],
  420. [ regex.plural.whereases ],
  421. [ regex.plural.criteria ],
  422. [ regex.plural.genera ],
  423. // original rule
  424. [ , '$1en' ],
  425. [ regex.singular.person , '$1ople' ],
  426. [ regex.singular.child , '$1ren' ],
  427. [ , '$1s' ],
  428. [ regex.singular.ox , '$1en' ],
  429. [ regex.singular.axis , '$1es' ],
  430. [ regex.singular.octopus , '$1uses' ],
  431. [ regex.singular.alias , '$1es' ],
  432. [ regex.singular.summons , '$1es' ],
  433. [ regex.singular.bus , '$1ses' ],
  434. [ regex.singular.buffalo , '$1oes' ],
  435. [ regex.singular.tium , '$1a' ],
  436. [ regex.singular.sis , 'ses' ],
  437. [ regex.singular.ffe , '$1$2ves' ],
  438. [ regex.singular.hive , '$1ves' ],
  439. [ regex.singular.aeiouyy , '$1ies' ],
  440. [ regex.singular.matrix , '$1ices' ],
  441. [ regex.singular.vertex , '$1ices' ],
  442. [ regex.singular.x , '$1es' ],
  443. [ regex.singular.mouse , '$1ice' ],
  444. [ regex.singular.foot , 'feet' ],
  445. [ regex.singular.tooth , 'teeth' ],
  446. [ regex.singular.goose , 'geese' ],
  447. [ regex.singular.quiz , '$1zes' ],
  448. [ regex.singular.whereas , '$1es' ],
  449. [ regex.singular.criterion, '$1a' ],
  450. [ regex.singular.genus , 'genera' ],
  451. [ regex.singular.s , 's' ],
  452. [ regex.singular.common, 's' ]
  453. ];
  454. /**
  455. * @description These rules translate from the plural form of a noun to its singular form.
  456. * @private
  457. */
  458. var singular_rules = [
  459. // do not replace if its already a singular word
  460. [ ],
  461. [ regex.singular.person ],
  462. [ regex.singular.child ],
  463. [ ],
  464. [ regex.singular.ox ],
  465. [ regex.singular.axis ],
  466. [ regex.singular.octopus ],
  467. [ regex.singular.alias ],
  468. [ regex.singular.summons ],
  469. [ regex.singular.bus ],
  470. [ regex.singular.buffalo ],
  471. [ regex.singular.tium ],
  472. [ regex.singular.sis ],
  473. [ regex.singular.ffe ],
  474. [ regex.singular.hive ],
  475. [ regex.singular.aeiouyy ],
  476. [ regex.singular.x ],
  477. [ regex.singular.matrix ],
  478. [ regex.singular.mouse ],
  479. [ regex.singular.foot ],
  480. [ regex.singular.tooth ],
  481. [ regex.singular.goose ],
  482. [ regex.singular.quiz ],
  483. [ regex.singular.whereas ],
  484. [ regex.singular.criterion ],
  485. [ regex.singular.genus ],
  486. // original rule
  487. [ , '$1an' ],
  488. [ regex.plural.people , '$1rson' ],
  489. [ regex.plural.children , '$1' ],
  490. [ regex.plural.drives , '$1'],
  491. [ regex.plural.genera , 'genus'],
  492. [ regex.plural.criteria , '$1on'],
  493. [ regex.plural.tia , '$1um' ],
  494. [ regex.plural.analyses , '$1$2sis' ],
  495. [ regex.plural.hives , '$1ve' ],
  496. [ regex.plural.curves , '$1' ],
  497. [ regex.plural.lrves , '$1f' ],
  498. [ regex.plural.aves , '$1ve' ],
  499. [ regex.plural.foves , '$1fe' ],
  500. [ regex.plural.movies , '$1ovie' ],
  501. [ regex.plural.aeiouyies, '$1y' ],
  502. [ regex.plural.series , '$1eries' ],
  503. [ regex.plural.xes , '$1' ],
  504. [ regex.plural.mice , '$1ouse' ],
  505. [ regex.plural.buses , '$1' ],
  506. [ regex.plural.oes , '$1' ],
  507. [ , '$1' ],
  508. [ regex.plural.crises , '$1is' ],
  509. [ regex.plural.octopuses, '$1us' ],
  510. [ regex.plural.aliases , '$1' ],
  511. [ regex.plural.summonses, '$1' ],
  512. [ regex.plural.oxen , '$1' ],
  513. [ regex.plural.matrices , '$1ix' ],
  514. [ regex.plural.vertices , '$1ex' ],
  515. [ regex.plural.feet , 'foot' ],
  516. [ regex.plural.teeth , 'tooth' ],
  517. [ regex.plural.geese , 'goose' ],
  518. [ regex.plural.quizzes , '$1' ],
  519. [ regex.plural.whereases, '$1' ],
  520. [, 'ss' ],
  521. [ regex.plural.s , '' ]
  522. ];
  523. /**
  524. * @description This is a list of words that should not be capitalized for title case.
  525. * @private
  526. */
  527. var non_titlecased_words = [
  528. 'and', 'or', 'nor', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'so', 'but', 'to', 'of', 'at','by',
  529. 'from', 'into', 'on', 'onto', 'off', 'out', 'in', 'over', 'with', 'for'
  530. ];
  531. /**
  532. * @description These are regular expressions used for converting between String formats.
  533. * @private
  534. */
  535. var id_suffix = new RegExp( '(_ids|_id)$', 'g' );
  536. var underbar = new RegExp( '_', 'g' );
  537. var space_or_underbar = new RegExp( '[\ _]', 'g' );
  538. var uppercase = new RegExp( '([A-Z])', 'g' );
  539. var underbar_prefix = new RegExp( '^_' );
  540. var inflector = {
  541. /**
  542. * A helper method that applies rules based replacement to a String.
  543. * @private
  544. * @function
  545. * @param {String} str String to modify and return based on the passed rules.
  546. * @param {Array: [RegExp, String]} rules Regexp to match paired with String to use for replacement
  547. * @param {Array: [String]} skip Strings to skip if they match
  548. * @param {String} override String to return as though this method succeeded (used to conform to APIs)
  549. * @returns {String} Return passed String modified by passed rules.
  550. * @example
  551. *
  552. * this._apply_rules( 'cows', singular_rules ); // === 'cow'
  553. */
  554. _apply_rules : function ( str, rules, skip, override ){
  555. if( override ){
  556. str = override;
  557. }else{
  558. var ignore = ( inflector.indexOf( skip, str.toLowerCase()) > -1 );
  559. if( !ignore ){
  560. var i = 0;
  561. var j = rules.length;
  562. for( ; i < j; i++ ){
  563. if( str.match( rules[ i ][ 0 ])){
  564. if( rules[ i ][ 1 ] !== undefined ){
  565. str = str.replace( rules[ i ][ 0 ], rules[ i ][ 1 ]);
  566. }
  567. break;
  568. }
  569. }
  570. }
  571. }
  572. return str;
  573. },
  574. /**
  575. * This lets us detect if an Array contains a given element.
  576. * @public
  577. * @function
  578. * @param {Array} arr The subject array.
  579. * @param {Object} item Object to locate in the Array.
  580. * @param {Number} from_index Starts checking from this position in the Array.(optional)
  581. * @param {Function} compare_func Function used to compare Array item vs passed item.(optional)
  582. * @returns {Number} Return index position in the Array of the passed item.
  583. * @example
  584. *
  585. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  586. *
  587. * inflection.indexOf([ 'hi','there' ], 'guys' ); // === -1
  588. * inflection.indexOf([ 'hi','there' ], 'hi' ); // === 0
  589. */
  590. indexOf : function ( arr, item, from_index, compare_func ){
  591. if( !from_index ){
  592. from_index = -1;
  593. }
  594. var index = -1;
  595. var i = from_index;
  596. var j = arr.length;
  597. for( ; i < j; i++ ){
  598. if( arr[ i ] === item || compare_func && compare_func( arr[ i ], item )){
  599. index = i;
  600. break;
  601. }
  602. }
  603. return index;
  604. },
  605. /**
  606. * This function adds pluralization support to every String object.
  607. * @public
  608. * @function
  609. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  610. * @param {String} plural Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
  611. * @returns {String} Singular English language nouns are returned in plural form.
  612. * @example
  613. *
  614. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  615. *
  616. * inflection.pluralize( 'person' ); // === 'people'
  617. * inflection.pluralize( 'octopus' ); // === 'octopuses'
  618. * inflection.pluralize( 'Hat' ); // === 'Hats'
  619. * inflection.pluralize( 'person', 'guys' ); // === 'guys'
  620. */
  621. pluralize : function ( str, plural ){
  622. return inflector._apply_rules( str, plural_rules, uncountable_words, plural );
  623. },
  624. /**
  625. * This function adds singularization support to every String object.
  626. * @public
  627. * @function
  628. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  629. * @param {String} singular Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
  630. * @returns {String} Plural English language nouns are returned in singular form.
  631. * @example
  632. *
  633. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  634. *
  635. * inflection.singularize( 'people' ); // === 'person'
  636. * inflection.singularize( 'octopuses' ); // === 'octopus'
  637. * inflection.singularize( 'Hats' ); // === 'Hat'
  638. * inflection.singularize( 'guys', 'person' ); // === 'person'
  639. */
  640. singularize : function ( str, singular ){
  641. return inflector._apply_rules( str, singular_rules, uncountable_words, singular );
  642. },
  643. /**
  644. * This function will pluralize or singularlize a String appropriately based on a number value
  645. * @public
  646. * @function
  647. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  648. * @param {Number} count The number to base pluralization off of.
  649. * @param {String} singular Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
  650. * @param {String} plural Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
  651. * @returns {String} English language nouns are returned in the plural or singular form based on the count.
  652. * @example
  653. *
  654. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  655. *
  656. * inflection.inflect( 'people' 1 ); // === 'person'
  657. * inflection.inflect( 'octopuses' 1 ); // === 'octopus'
  658. * inflection.inflect( 'Hats' 1 ); // === 'Hat'
  659. * inflection.inflect( 'guys', 1 , 'person' ); // === 'person'
  660. * inflection.inflect( 'inches', 1.5 ); // === 'inches'
  661. * inflection.inflect( 'person', 2 ); // === 'people'
  662. * inflection.inflect( 'octopus', 2 ); // === 'octopuses'
  663. * inflection.inflect( 'Hat', 2 ); // === 'Hats'
  664. * inflection.inflect( 'person', 2, null, 'guys' ); // === 'guys'
  665. */
  666. inflect : function ( str, count, singular, plural ){
  667. count = parseFloat( count, 10 );
  668. if( isNaN( count )) return str;
  669. if( count === 1 ){
  670. return inflector._apply_rules( str, singular_rules, uncountable_words, singular );
  671. }else{
  672. return inflector._apply_rules( str, plural_rules, uncountable_words, plural );
  673. }
  674. },
  675. /**
  676. * This function adds camelization support to every String object.
  677. * @public
  678. * @function
  679. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  680. * @param {Boolean} low_first_letter Default is to capitalize the first letter of the results.(optional)
  681. * Passing true will lowercase it.
  682. * @returns {String} Lower case underscored words will be returned in camel case.
  683. * additionally '/' is translated to '::'
  684. * @example
  685. *
  686. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  687. *
  688. * inflection.camelize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'MessageProperties'
  689. * inflection.camelize( 'message_properties', true ); // === 'messageProperties'
  690. */
  691. camelize : function ( str, low_first_letter ){
  692. var str_path = str.split( '/' );
  693. var i = 0;
  694. var j = str_path.length;
  695. var str_arr, init_x, k, l, first;
  696. for( ; i < j; i++ ){
  697. str_arr = str_path[ i ].split( '_' );
  698. k = 0;
  699. l = str_arr.length;
  700. for( ; k < l; k++ ){
  701. if( k !== 0 ){
  702. str_arr[ k ] = str_arr[ k ].toLowerCase();
  703. }
  704. first = str_arr[ k ].charAt( 0 );
  705. first = low_first_letter && i === 0 && k === 0
  706. ? first.toLowerCase() : first.toUpperCase();
  707. str_arr[ k ] = first + str_arr[ k ].substring( 1 );
  708. }
  709. str_path[ i ] = str_arr.join( '' );
  710. }
  711. return str_path.join( '::' );
  712. },
  713. /**
  714. * This function adds underscore support to every String object.
  715. * @public
  716. * @function
  717. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  718. * @param {Boolean} all_upper_case Default is to lowercase and add underscore prefix.(optional)
  719. * Passing true will return as entered.
  720. * @returns {String} Camel cased words are returned as lower cased and underscored.
  721. * additionally '::' is translated to '/'.
  722. * @example
  723. *
  724. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  725. *
  726. * inflection.underscore( 'MessageProperties' ); // === 'message_properties'
  727. * inflection.underscore( 'messageProperties' ); // === 'message_properties'
  728. * inflection.underscore( 'MP', true ); // === 'MP'
  729. */
  730. underscore : function ( str, all_upper_case ){
  731. if( all_upper_case && str === str.toUpperCase()) return str;
  732. var str_path = str.split( '::' );
  733. var i = 0;
  734. var j = str_path.length;
  735. for( ; i < j; i++ ){
  736. str_path[ i ] = str_path[ i ].replace( uppercase, '_$1' );
  737. str_path[ i ] = str_path[ i ].replace( underbar_prefix, '' );
  738. }
  739. return str_path.join( '/' ).toLowerCase();
  740. },
  741. /**
  742. * This function adds humanize support to every String object.
  743. * @public
  744. * @function
  745. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  746. * @param {Boolean} low_first_letter Default is to capitalize the first letter of the results.(optional)
  747. * Passing true will lowercase it.
  748. * @returns {String} Lower case underscored words will be returned in humanized form.
  749. * @example
  750. *
  751. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  752. *
  753. * inflection.humanize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'Message properties'
  754. * inflection.humanize( 'message_properties', true ); // === 'message properties'
  755. */
  756. humanize : function ( str, low_first_letter ){
  757. str = str.toLowerCase();
  758. str = str.replace( id_suffix, '' );
  759. str = str.replace( underbar, ' ' );
  760. if( !low_first_letter ){
  761. str = inflector.capitalize( str );
  762. }
  763. return str;
  764. },
  765. /**
  766. * This function adds capitalization support to every String object.
  767. * @public
  768. * @function
  769. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  770. * @returns {String} All characters will be lower case and the first will be upper.
  771. * @example
  772. *
  773. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  774. *
  775. * inflection.capitalize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'Message_properties'
  776. * inflection.capitalize( 'message properties', true ); // === 'Message properties'
  777. */
  778. capitalize : function ( str ){
  779. str = str.toLowerCase();
  780. return str.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + str.substring( 1 );
  781. },
  782. /**
  783. * This function replaces underscores with dashes in the string.
  784. * @public
  785. * @function
  786. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  787. * @returns {String} Replaces all spaces or underscores with dashes.
  788. * @example
  789. *
  790. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  791. *
  792. * inflection.dasherize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'message-properties'
  793. * inflection.dasherize( 'Message Properties' ); // === 'Message-Properties'
  794. */
  795. dasherize : function ( str ){
  796. return str.replace( space_or_underbar, '-' );
  797. },
  798. /**
  799. * This function adds titleize support to every String object.
  800. * @public
  801. * @function
  802. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  803. * @returns {String} Capitalizes words as you would for a book title.
  804. * @example
  805. *
  806. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  807. *
  808. * inflection.titleize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'Message Properties'
  809. * inflection.titleize( 'message properties to keep' ); // === 'Message Properties to Keep'
  810. */
  811. titleize : function ( str ){
  812. str = str.toLowerCase().replace( underbar, ' ' );
  813. var str_arr = str.split( ' ' );
  814. var i = 0;
  815. var j = str_arr.length;
  816. var d, k, l;
  817. for( ; i < j; i++ ){
  818. d = str_arr[ i ].split( '-' );
  819. k = 0;
  820. l = d.length;
  821. for( ; k < l; k++){
  822. if( inflector.indexOf( non_titlecased_words, d[ k ].toLowerCase()) < 0 ){
  823. d[ k ] = inflector.capitalize( d[ k ]);
  824. }
  825. }
  826. str_arr[ i ] = d.join( '-' );
  827. }
  828. str = str_arr.join( ' ' );
  829. str = str.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + str.substring( 1 );
  830. return str;
  831. },
  832. /**
  833. * This function adds demodulize support to every String object.
  834. * @public
  835. * @function
  836. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  837. * @returns {String} Removes module names leaving only class names.(Ruby style)
  838. * @example
  839. *
  840. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  841. *
  842. * inflection.demodulize( 'Message::Bus::Properties' ); // === 'Properties'
  843. */
  844. demodulize : function ( str ){
  845. var str_arr = str.split( '::' );
  846. return str_arr[ str_arr.length - 1 ];
  847. },
  848. /**
  849. * This function adds tableize support to every String object.
  850. * @public
  851. * @function
  852. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  853. * @returns {String} Return camel cased words into their underscored plural form.
  854. * @example
  855. *
  856. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  857. *
  858. * inflection.tableize( 'MessageBusProperty' ); // === 'message_bus_properties'
  859. */
  860. tableize : function ( str ){
  861. str = inflector.underscore( str );
  862. str = inflector.pluralize( str );
  863. return str;
  864. },
  865. /**
  866. * This function adds classification support to every String object.
  867. * @public
  868. * @function
  869. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  870. * @returns {String} Underscored plural nouns become the camel cased singular form.
  871. * @example
  872. *
  873. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  874. *
  875. * inflection.classify( 'message_bus_properties' ); // === 'MessageBusProperty'
  876. */
  877. classify : function ( str ){
  878. str = inflector.camelize( str );
  879. str = inflector.singularize( str );
  880. return str;
  881. },
  882. /**
  883. * This function adds foreign key support to every String object.
  884. * @public
  885. * @function
  886. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  887. * @param {Boolean} drop_id_ubar Default is to seperate id with an underbar at the end of the class name,
  888. you can pass true to skip it.(optional)
  889. * @returns {String} Underscored plural nouns become the camel cased singular form.
  890. * @example
  891. *
  892. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  893. *
  894. * inflection.foreign_key( 'MessageBusProperty' ); // === 'message_bus_property_id'
  895. * inflection.foreign_key( 'MessageBusProperty', true ); // === 'message_bus_propertyid'
  896. */
  897. foreign_key : function ( str, drop_id_ubar ){
  898. str = inflector.demodulize( str );
  899. str = inflector.underscore( str ) + (( drop_id_ubar ) ? ( '' ) : ( '_' )) + 'id';
  900. return str;
  901. },
  902. /**
  903. * This function adds ordinalize support to every String object.
  904. * @public
  905. * @function
  906. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  907. * @returns {String} Return all found numbers their sequence like '22nd'.
  908. * @example
  909. *
  910. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  911. *
  912. * inflection.ordinalize( 'the 1 pitch' ); // === 'the 1st pitch'
  913. */
  914. ordinalize : function ( str ){
  915. var str_arr = str.split( ' ' );
  916. var i = 0;
  917. var j = str_arr.length;
  918. for( ; i < j; i++ ){
  919. var k = parseInt( str_arr[ i ], 10 );
  920. if( !isNaN( k )){
  921. var ltd = str_arr[ i ].substring( str_arr[ i ].length - 2 );
  922. var ld = str_arr[ i ].substring( str_arr[ i ].length - 1 );
  923. var suf = 'th';
  924. if( ltd != '11' && ltd != '12' && ltd != '13' ){
  925. if( ld === '1' ){
  926. suf = 'st';
  927. }else if( ld === '2' ){
  928. suf = 'nd';
  929. }else if( ld === '3' ){
  930. suf = 'rd';
  931. }
  932. }
  933. str_arr[ i ] += suf;
  934. }
  935. }
  936. return str_arr.join( ' ' );
  937. },
  938. /**
  939. * This function performs multiple inflection methods on a string
  940. * @public
  941. * @function
  942. * @param {String} str The subject string.
  943. * @param {Array} arr An array of inflection methods.
  944. * @returns {String}
  945. * @example
  946. *
  947. * var inflection = require( 'inflection' );
  948. *
  949. * inflection.transform( 'all job', [ 'pluralize', 'capitalize', 'dasherize' ]); // === 'All-jobs'
  950. */
  951. transform : function ( str, arr ){
  952. var i = 0;
  953. var j = arr.length;
  954. for( ;i < j; i++ ){
  955. var method = arr[ i ];
  956. if( inflector.hasOwnProperty( method )){
  957. str = inflector[ method ]( str );
  958. }
  959. }
  960. return str;
  961. }
  962. };
  963. /**
  964. * @public
  965. */
  966. inflector.version = '1.13.1';
  967. return inflector;
  968. }));